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Fantasy Ledrith Academy


The Ruler and Savior of Wonderland

I'm the headmaster and founder of Ledrith Academy and we've recently be told about your magic abilities. I would like to inform you that you've been one of the few selected to attend at my academy. We hope you'll enjoy your time at Ledrith Academy.

Sincerely, Headmaster Lichten






Entrance Hall:




Dining Hall:




Characters -

Kaylin Camryn Eaton


Atsuko Burns

Vocaloid Mayu  M Sacchan.jpg

Remilia Hagami


Gemma Price


Jellal Fernandes


Darren Price


Chester Sams


Aria Shinozaki



  1. All RpN rules apply
  2. No Mary-sue's/Gary-stew's
  3. No godmodding
  4. Your character can be a bully but you can't.
  5. Don't be a Debbie Downer or a Negative Nancy please.
  6. Have fun!

That's all thanks for reading the rules!
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Gemma: She grinned up at the castle as she approached it. Her cousin had sent her pictures, of course, but now it towered above her. Gemma loved things that were big, that gave her room to run and think. The sun was still in the process of rising. It was just above the horizon, and the view was fantastic, though, she thought as she scoped out the rocky landscape, it could use a bit of green. They had said their goodbyes to Darren's parents after they'd dropped them off. It had been a long drive (they'd stayed at a hotel overnight), and her aunt and uncle wanted to start early on the ride home. Speaking of Darren, she noticed her cousin looked awful. She got up next to him and snorted. "What's wrong, Darester, you didn't get your full twelve hours of beauty sleep?"

Darren: He groaned and shoved Gemma away. "'Snot funny." She continued to laugh at him. Morning people. Darren rolled his eyes.
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Kaylin walked into the kitchen with her little brother following not far behind.
“ Camryn?” Kaylin stopped in front of the fridge “ Yes Jayson?” he hopped up into a chair and rested her head on the table. “ Can you make pancakes?” she shifted her weight from one leg to the other “ I wish I could Jay but I don't have time today. I have to go to school,” she said opening the refrigerator door to grab a apple. “ Besides you're not even supposed to be up yet-” she was cut off by her older brother walking lazily into the room “No kiddin’ now go back to bed squirt.” Jayson jumped down from the chair and trudged out of the room. “ Why is he up so early?” Ian asked rubbing the back of his neck “ I don’t know he was just sitting outside my door. He might of had another nightmare…” she replied shugging. Ian looked at Kaylin “ Are you serious? The kids almost 7! You and I stopped having nightmares when we were like 5!” Kaylin rolled her eyes “ Okay whatever makes you happy Ian.” She took a bite out of her apple and closed the refrigerator door. “ He’s different from us Ian he came from a different woman remember?” Ian rolled his eyes “ How could I forget that our good for nothing father did that?” Kaylin punched Ian in the arm “ Shut it you lazy brit! I know what he did but Jayson doesn't so keep your mouth shut!” Kaylin through her half-eaten apple in the trash and walked to the bathroom. “ Lin don’t be so over dramatic! He’ll never find out he still thinks-” before Ian could finish his sentence the door was slammed in his face. Kaylin looked at herself in the mirror and frowned. She was a mess and she couldn't say otherwise. She brushed her hair out and put it into a high ponytail seeing that she didn't have time to do her hair the way she usually does. She rushed out of the bathroom and into her room and got into her clothes (no hat) that she had set out. She rushed out of her bedroom and grabbed her bag. Kaylin opened the door and stepped outside “ Where you goin’? I thought I was driving you?!” her brother said before she turned around and smiled “ I’m gonna take the train!” she said closing the door. She rushed over to the stairs but ran into someone before she could reach them. The girl glared at her with her big golden eyes “Watch where you're going will ya?! That was extremely rude!” Kaylin stood up and bowed her head “I-I’m sorry miss! It w-won’t happen again! she said before rushing down the stairs.


Atsuko had just finished putting on her clothes and hair before walking into the kitchen. “ Mom! I’m leaving now!” she said before walking out the door with her bag slung over her shoulder. Atsuko heard footsteps running towards her and was hit by a girl who was now sitting on the ground. She wasn’t knocked over by the girl nor was she hurt. Atsuko glared at the girl that was staring at her “Watch where you’re going will ya?! That was extremely rude!”she said putting her hands on her hips. The girl stood up and wasn't that tall “ I-I’m sorry miss! It w-won’t happen again!” she stuttered before running to the stairs. Atsuko stood there and thought about it for a moment….She had white hair….she thought before walking to the stairs.
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Remilia waited at the train station, she arrived far too early and had been waiting for her ride for a few hours now her clothes looking rather bedraggled from the humidity of the station. Looking up the the clock on the station wall she noticed her train would finally be here soon, standing up from her bench and moving to the front of the station.

Thinking to herself that she expect things to be a little more grand when she was invited to join the Ledrith Academy than sitting around waiting for a train of all things. She began playing with the small crystal on the end of her necklace, glowing slightly as she took it in hand.
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Kaylin rushed into the train station she could hardly contain her excitement “ I’m finally going to Ledrith Academy!” she said jumping up and down continuously “ What?! You’re going to Ledrith!” Kaylin turned around and saw the girl with the golden eyes. “ Y-Yes ma’am…” the girls facial expression softened “ Me too and please don’t call me “ma’am” my name is Atsuko,” she said stretching her hand out to Kaylin. Kaylin took her hand and smiled “ My name is Kaylin. Kaylin Carmyn Eaton, nice to meet you Atsuko.” Atsuko let go of her hand and walked over to a bench Kaylin not far behind. She sat next to Atsuko and couldn’t help but ask “ What kind of magic do you have?” Atsuko looked at Kaylin “I use necromancy. You?” Kaylin was taken back by her answer “ I use Ice Magic but I can also reap souls.” She said averting her eyes away from Atsuko “ N-No way! You’re a reaper?!” she said a bit loud causing Kaylin to jump “ Kind of I’m also an Elf.” Atsuko smiled “ I’m a pixie,” she said with her head held high. The sound of a train coming into the station interrupted their conversation. “ Looks like our train is here Atsuko,” Kaylin said before standing up and walking over to the train. The doors opened and passengers piled in along with Kaylin and Atsuko. They took a seat next to each other and didn’t say a word to each other.
Remilia stood at the platform, she had overheard a couple of girls mention Ledrith earlier, She had expected a few other students to be catching this train, it was the only one on the correct route after all, though she didn't expect people to be quite so open about things, she hadn't had much contact with other magic users yet and had assumed that discussing magic in topic would be some sort of a taboo. She decided not to approach the girls, she would have plenty of time to get to know the other students once she got to Ledrith. The train pulling up she stepped on, taking a seat across from the other two attending Ledrith.

(Rewrite, other one felt wrong)
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The moment Chester arrived onto Ledrith Academy grounds he headed straight to the library. Not only would he appreciate the quiet atmosphere compared to the noisy experience on the train, he wanted to see if they had any chess book, ones he hadn't read yet. The sheer size of the academy as a whole impressed him, as it was a lot bigger than his old school. And luckily enough, as he walked into the library, it shared the same monumental size as the academy. Chester sighed happily, feeling the calmness of the area; it seemed to be a great place to relax. He walked through the aisles, until he found the reference materials for chess. Skimming through the titles, he lit up when seeing a title he hadn't read before atop one of the taller shelves, and used his telekinesis to snatch it. With the book in hand, Chester sat down at the nearest desk and began setting up his chess set to see what sort of strategies the book offered.
Remilia stepped into the library, having changed into a new set of clothes the others being drenched from the humidity of the station and train ride. The rows upon rows of books was overwhelming, thinking to herself the amount of magical knowledge stored in here must immense. Picking a few books out on magical lore from the front rows, intending to check them out before anyone else had a chance and began looking for a place to sit, to her surprise she noticed she wasn't the only one here, a black haired boy with his face buried in a book near the back of the library. Figuring she should start getting to know some of the student body she made her way over to where he was sitting, pulling out a chair opposite him "Is this seat taken?" Asking him, her gray eyes flicking across the words in his book as she spoke.
Chester was half way through reading about the Queen's Gambit opening when an unfamiliar voice approached him. He looked up, seeing a black-haired girl in front of him. Her red eyes seemed very striking to him, not something he saw everyday. Perhaps it was related to whatever magic she was capable of? He glanced at the seat and didn't recall anyone grabbing it recently. "I don't think so," he replied, "Feel free to sit there," and went back to reading the strategy. Using his telekinesis, he moved each of the pieces on the chessboard on the desk to mimic the opening, so that he could think about what the advantages of it were.
Taking a seat Remilia placed her stack of books on the table, a slight thump echoing out and the dropped to its surface. Looking at the chess board as the pieces rearranged themselves "Is that... Telekinesis?" Asking him as the pieces finished moving, she hadn't had much contact with other magicians, so most of this was a first time for her, she had of course read about it but that could hardly compare to the real thing.
Chester was surprised she hadn't seen it before, when he was practically raised on the magic. "Yeah, telekinesis and creation magic are the two kinds I specialize in," he explained, "though my creation magic is limited to chess related things pretty much." He demonstrated by creating a King chess piece in his hand. He used his telekinesis to spin it around his hand a couple of times before making it disappear. "What about you?" He was curious on what kinda things other magicians did if his telekinesis wasn't as widespread as he assumed.
"Impressive" Commenting as the piece materialized in his hand. "Me? I specialize in Void Magic" Placing her gloved hand in the middle of the desk, in a position as if she were gripping something. After a short while a small orb of violently spinning red energy gathered at the tips of her fingers, dancing between her fingertips.

"I can't provide much of a demonstration here unfortunately" Speaking as she flexed her fingers, causing the energy to disperse back to whence it came, "Don't want to be messing anything up on the first day" Aware that the destructive nature of her magic could cause more than a few issues in an enclosed area. "Oh, I'm Remilia by the way, Remilia Hagami" Offering him a handshake as she spoke.
Chester chuckled, and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Remilia. Seems like your void magic can be considered the yin to my creation magic's yang," he replied. "I'll keep you in mind if I ever create something that I'd want to destroy. Your magic definitely seems to have a much more effective combative nature to it." There have been times in the past where he had dreamed up something bigger than he could handle, and had trouble willing it away as a result.

He realized he had not formally introduced himself yet. "I'm Chester Sams, though my friends call me Chess since I enjoy playing it a fair bit, if you couldn't tell." He glanced at his chessboard. It was as good a time as any to start looking for some chess mates, he figured. "Speaking of which, do you know how to play chess, Remilia? I'd be more than willing to teach you if you don't."
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"I would be glad to play demolitions, look me up if need be" Smiling as she spoke. Yin seemed to be a rather... Dark way to put things but she supposed it explained the concept well enough, thinking as he introduced himself, "Chester Sams, I'll be sure to remember". The corners of her lips twitched nervously as he asked if she could play chess, she had never been able to get the hang of that game, and she sure as hell had tried hard enough. "Oh, Right. Chess, Well I know the basics, but that's about as far as my knowledge goes" Slightly embarrassed as she spoke, she made an effort to continue smiling though this only made it more evident "I suppose learning a thing or two couldn't hurt.."
"Haha, no need to worry. I'll let you be white, so you can have the first move," Chester said, glad he found someone who at least already knew how to play chess. Using his telekinesis, he moved the pieces on the board back into the starting position, with the white pieces on Remilia's side.


After ten minutes and fourteen moves, the victory was Chester's. Remilia definitely had some rather... interesting tactics. He certainly never considered trying to get the Rooks out to play first out of all the potential pieces. It led to some interesting plays that Chester took note of, at least. Overall, he was thankful for the experience. "Good game, Remilia. Your opening was pretty unorthodox, to say the least. It was an interesting match."
"U-unorthodox.. That is one way to put it.." Standing up, finger twitching irritably she collected up her books. Most her moves had been guesses or impatient and poorly thought out, games like this were not her specialty, despite her intelligence her specialties lay far more in book smarts than tactics. "It was fun at least" Lying through her teeth, trying her best not to obliterate the chessboard on the spot "I have to go now and... Get ready for the entrance ceremony" Looking for an excuse to go find somewhere open to relax.
Chester could tell she wasn't taking the loss too well, and figured it be best to let her be on her way. Considering her abilities, it probably wasn't the greatest idea to make her to agitated on the first day. He felt he should explain why he bothers to be good at this game though. "Well, considering my magic I need to be good with strategies to be somewhat decent in a fight," he explained, "Alright, I'll see you around, Remilia." He waved goodbye, before looking back in his book and using his telekinesis to moves the pieces into another opening he saw in the book.
After hastily checking out her books, not bothering to say goodbye Remilia exited the library. Taking out a small map of the school she'd received with her acceptance letter, running her fingers across it she found a route to the courtyard that took her in the direction of the entrance and set off towards it still rather frustrated, not paying much attention to what was in front of her.

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