Story L0ck0ns Imagination


Your Friendly Neighborhood Weeb

My mind is always coming up with new ideas for stories , so I want to create a place to post my short writings.

I'm not the best writer out there, so if you have anything you would like to add in terms of helping me grow (constructive criticism) then by all means comment. The floor is open to anything other than a**holes. For those specifically coming in with a negative tone the back button exists for a reason, so I recommend you use that to leave my thread.

I'm going to be editing this main post with new stories down below, so keep a look out for new stuff.

If you would like to role play with me then send a PM my way. If you have any ideas that you would like to see incorporated into my stories then I may consider them, but can't guarantee they'll be used. If you just want to chat then lets chat!

With that being said, welcome to my world!

You’re probably wondering why I’m suspended over a raging river with a group of angry villagers ready to sacrifice me to the gods. It’s interesting really, but for the sake of keeping things short I’m simply going to say “I’m an idiot”.

-Earlier that same day-

“You,” Reeve pointed to a man passing by. “Would ya’ like ta’ own a King’s chicken?”

The man looked gullible enough to pitch to, and Reeve seriously needed someone to by these damn chickens. “They by the finest breeder in this village! The King himself picks these chickens ta’ feast on. Ya’ ain’t go wrong with this one-” Reeve enthusiastically exclaimed as he reached for a chicken. The chicken was not going to have any of it today, so the chicken bit Reeves hand. “Ow-!”

The man instantly lost interest after that, and continued to walk away as Reeve cried out in pain. “He was gullible, but with a very short attention span…” Reeve murmured to himself as he massaged his finger. Getting anyone to buy four starving chickens was almost impossible, but somehow he had managed to sell one a few days ago. Money doesn’t last long in a village with high prices, so he was desperate once again to sell them before they died of starvation, or worse, him dying of starvation.

Sitting back down on his wooden crate Reeve placed his elbow on his leg, and rested his chin on the palm of his hand.
“There’s no use for a man who doesn’t have any money.” He started to vent once again to the chickens. “I can read, write, but tell me what use that is when I can’t even clean myself up to look presentable.” Reeve rolled his eyes. “To them, I just look like some beggar who doesn’t know any better. If I show them I can read or write they get angry, and tell me I will never be anything more than a beggar.” Looking up at the sky Reeve gave out a long sigh.

“What is the standing price for the King’s chickens?”

Reeve snapped back to reality, and turned to see a noblewoman smiling at him. “Excuse me?”

She continued to smile as she asked the question again. “What is the standing price for these three chickens?”

Reeve stared at her for what seemed like forever. He wasn’t sure if she was joking or if she was sincere. She seemed to be in her younger twenties if not mid, and stood as straight as can be when speaking to him. It was second nature for noblewoman to know how to carry themselves when in public, and if he was completely honest the woman in front of him would make the perfect example of that.

“Uhm, Miss, I think you have the wrong person-”

“Nonsense. I’ve been watching you from afar, and you’ve been working hard at trying to give these chickens a good home.”

Reeve chuckled. “No, not a home-” He suddenly realized how he was talking, and adjusted himself. “Ya’ said ya’ want all of ‘em Miss?”

The woman nodded. “Yes, but I was wondering if I could strike a deal with you before we settled on a price?”

Reeve slightly narrowed his eyes at the woman before showing enthusiasm at her idea. “What kinda deal?”

“I personally do not like beating around the bush, so I will get straight to the point.” the woman walked to one of the crates Reeve had, and wiped whatever dirt it had on the surface before sitting down. Looking around them - not that there was much to look in terms of open space as he had a wall behind him and a wall to the left of him - she then gestured for Reeve to get closer. “I’ve been watching you from right over there-” She pointed at a high end clothing shop that women can go to if they want to make the poor more envious. “You’re persistent, and determined. I need someone like you to do something for me that will require those qualities to accomplish.”

Reeve thought about the deal that she was proposing. It sounded less like a deal, and more like she was attempting to flatter him. “Go on...”

The woman chuckled. “The deal being I will pay you for the three chickens, and if you agree I will give you lodging, meals, clothes, and any equipment you will need. However, I will not tell you what it is I need from you until you agree, and you will not be set free until you have completed what I request of you.”

Reeve laughed as he could not keep his facade up any longer. “So what you're saying Miss-”

“Bennett. Stella Bennett."

“...Ms. Bennett, is that I become your servant.”

“If we’re being completely blunt, yes."

Reeve looked back at his chickens as he thought about the deal. It was a deal that he would benefit from, but overall would lose since it meant giving up his freedom. Not that his freedom was bringing much benefit in the first place, but he did find comfort in traveling freely. There was something that was bothering him about this woman, and how she approached. “What if I say no?”

“Then no deal.” Stella did not hesitate to answer. “The offer will not exist once I leave, and you will never see me again. This village is not my home therefore I will have no reason to return.”

“I see.” Reeve simply said. To other people it was the deal of a lifetime, but to him there were many red flags about the ordeal. If he asked questions he was surely not to get an answer until he accepted, and even then it may not be true. Looking back to the woman Reeve gave a smirk. “Congratulations, you have found yourself a new servant.”

There’s only one way to find out.

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