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One x One Debates in Sakura High


fallen angel

- C S O P T I O N A L-



Appearance: *a short description along with a picture is okay*



Year Level:


Clubs or Hobbies:


Short Bio:




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Akiyama Haruhi





Haruhi is a small girl, with pale porcelain skin, long dark hair and dark blue eyes like the sea. Her features are kind and soft, and her clothing is typically feminine and what most people would consider "high end". She typically wears her mother's necklace around her neck.




March 22nd

Year Level:

3rd Year



Clubs or Hobbies:

Student President

Debate Club Judge


Haruhi is too nice for her own good, giving was always a large aspect of her life. She is a natural born leader, always coming in early for most occasions and bringing some sort of food to meetings. If anyone was in need, Haruhi would not hesitate to bend over backwards to accommodate said person. Also detail oriented, considerate, and curious, she always tries to get others to see her point of view and speaks up for the quieter kids. Haruhi hates sticking with traditional concepts, loving innovation and creativity. She has a pure heart and has never experienced much of reality, having an idealistic artist's soul only adds to her whole demeanor. True to her ENFJ nature, she is very popular and charismatic, but finds that she never seems to fit into any sort of clique, always finding the quieter or bigger personalities more interesting. Even with her intelligence, she is not very competitive or too showy about her exam scores, though the placements speak for themselves.

Haruhi cannot deal with conflict, or any harsh action. She has an extremely thin skin, if someone appears cold and blunt, Haruhi will do whatever she can to make that person approve of her. In addition, she is almost spineless, not knowing how to say no to most situations. Haruhi never knows when to speak up or ask for help. She can be a bit too idealistic for her own good, believing that anything can happen if you work hard enough. Haruhi much too passionate, getting offended over the oddest things. Though she isn't a total angel either, around people she isn't very fond of, she can be excessively shallow and manipulative, even if it is a rare case.

Short Bio:

Her name means "Spring Day", ironically her birthday, March 22nd, is the first official day of spring. She was raised with strict, but loving parents who taught her to always value life and be courteous to your neighbours. Her family owns a series of companies and that's where Haruhi learned learned to have high expectations of herself and of others, academically and in almost everything. Haruhi's parents were never there for much of her childhood, and she never had many siblings either. Regardless, Haruhi lived a fairly stable and humble lifestyle, cooking, dressing and taking care of herself. Due to the lack of having any siblings to have fun or play with, Haruhi preoccupied herself with drawing, music, cooking, anything to make her household not seem as lonely. As a child, Haruhi was given an allowance every single week, though she would always give her allowance away to charity or to people in desperate need. Her parents paid no mind to it, due to the fact that they couldn't. And so as a result, Haruhi ended up giving and giving her entire life.

Haruhi eventually settled for a humble high school called Sakura High, fitting in quite nicely. The girl had a bright future ahead of her with her communication skills and superb grades, landing herself in the top 2 of the school (we know who Mr. 1 is). Almost immediately, students began to become drawn towards Haruhi's warm and brightening presence. This led her to be elected the president of Sakura High, leading the seemingly "perfect" life. At least, that's what most people think. The pressure coming from Haruhi's parents is becoming more and more apparent. Haruhi's parents are quite adamant about her inheriting the business, though Haruhi feels it isn't quite for her as this mental dilemma begins to create conflicts, turning to art to express her feelings.


Classical Art or gothic drawings

Playing piano and singing

Being organized


Reading and writing

Feminine clothing such as dresses, skirts, or pretty tops

Intelligence, charming or philosophical banter

People that appreciate her kindness


People that are rude and inconsiderate

An unorganized space

People that are too traditional and rigid

People that are liars or try to conform with rules



Her parent's pressure


Born left handed

Loves tattoos

Is interested in studying space or psychology



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Satou Naoki





Naoki is of an average height, without much muscle. His dark brown eyes are overshadowed by strands of light brown hair that grow out to the nape of his neck. Other than his school uniform, he likes to wear clothing that is easy to slip on and take off (such as sweaters, jackets, and vests) because he finds button-up shirts to be troublesome. If anything, he prefers function over form.


5' 9.5''


April 5th

Year Level:

3rd Year



Clubs or Hobbies:

Debate Club Member


Naoki is brutally honest and judgmental; if prompted to, he will blatantly criticize the things he likes or dislikes. When he deems someone to be stupid or ignorant, it is difficult to change his impression into a favorable one. Added onto this is a lack of intelligence in the social communication department. He cannot read the situation or pick up on subtle cues; when it comes to emotional problems, he has no delicacy and targets the issue with cold analysis and practicality. This is largely due to his difficulties in connecting and relating to other people, leaving him with almost no friends to speak of. However, his solitude doesn't bother him much and he has shoved this aspect of his life aside for more immediate concerns.

Naoki is tenacious in pursuing his goals and interests, working towards them tirelessly. He values efficiency, and is always trying to find ways to improve existing methods to aid him in his pursuit. He has high expectations for others, and will not bother to interact with anyone who he deems to be unworthy; in this way, he has an arrogant air about him. However, he holds himself to the same rigorous standards, perhaps even more so than he does for others. While his
judgmental nature may make him seem rigid and uncompromising, he is actually quite open-minded to new ideas and will not hesitate to discard his own opinions if the other's argument is convincing enough.

Short Bio:

Naoki is the son of an average middle class family. Both of his parents are college professors and thus he has always been more academically inclined. He has an older sister whom he is not very close to, who is currently attending university away from home. She is older than him by a few years and quite successful-- as a child, he was always overshadowed by her achievements. While his parents were forgiving and understanding, he would always be compared to his sister by teachers and peers who knew her. This treatment ultimately gave rise to his ambitious nature; he worked hard and finally gained recognition for his own talents during his junior high years. However, he suffered a severe blow to his self-esteem after his high school exams; he had aimed for another high school but was not accepted and had to settle for Sakura High. After this perceived failure, he spent even more of his time poring over his books than ever. Seeing this, his mother urged him to participate in club activities in order to get him to loosen up and experience more of high school life. He chose to join the Debate Club, aiming to improve his speaking and presentation skills, but found that he didn't care much for vocalizing his opinions in adherence to competition guidelines. Because of this, he is not a prominent member of the club, even though he is one of the older members.


Intelligent discussion

Capable people

Hard workers

People who are straightforward and honest with what they want to say

Quiet places where he can think

Strategy games




Gossip and small talk

Group work

Being put into the spotlight

Rules or people who tie him down


Picky eater

Lactose intolerant

Messy workspace for an INTJ

Interested in biology, specifically microbiology and pathology

Hideaki Mitsuoka





Hideaki is an attractive guy with average height, dark brown hair and amber coloured eyes. He normally wears a dark blue jacket with golden accents and gray pants. When he wears casual clothes, he is trendy and keeps up with fashion trends. He is lean without being very bulky because of having to keep up with his appearance more than average high school students.




March 25th

Year Level:

3rd Year



Clubs or Hobbies:

Due to being a popular media personality, he doesn't exactly have many clubs or hobbies other than acting, modelling and singing. He also does sports on the side to keep up his physique.


He speaks his mind, and is the token stereotype of someone that plays trombone. His grades are meh. Teachers and students alike either hate this guy or love this guy. Despite how outgoing he is, Hideaki has never found a girl that tolerated him. Hideaki is popular with girls, and loves to act nonchalantly about his fangirls. During class, he loves to rest his feet up. He's basically a Mary Sue at sports as well, you do not want to face this dude. Hideaki is a fuckboi, enough said. He is annoying, brash, arrogant and a bit of a smartass. Hideaki hates confrontation and conflicts where he ends up being on the short side. Hideaki believes that Haruhi will be his, because he's just that amazing. He occasionally likes to attempt to win her over with flowers, gifts, and extravagant acts of confession. Since Haruhi is too nice to even attempt to dent his ego, she is nothing but polite to him, kindly brushing off his advances.

He loves to play sports, and despite his unlikeable demeanor, he is actually quite skilled at what he does. He's famous for a reason, Hideaki knows how to sing and manipulate people, especially his fangirls. He is just as popular as Haruhi, except more naive, arrogant and insensitive. He is also competitive and hates to lose. Being raised with whatever he wanted, Hideaki takes rejection and insults to heart more often than the average person, though not to the extent that Haruhi does. Hideaki is also protective of the people that he likes, such as his family, certain fans and Haruhi.

Short Bio:

Yay for short bios! Hideaki was the oldest child of two. Yup, he's extremely protective of his little sister. Attempt to get with her and you are soooo done. Their parents were relatively middle class but were surprisingly kind and loving towards him. In fact, they might have spoiled him a bit too much, but Hideaki loved them back and gave them the same loving treatment in return. In short, he had a happy and ideal childhood. The only reason he was a jerk was just because nature > nurture. Since his parents were disappointed in his mediocre grades, they made him try out for activities like music and sports. Both, he seemed to excel at, to his parent's pleasure. The rest was history. Eventually talent scouts saw the potential he had, and in no time, he gained notoriety and fame not just around his school, but around his city, even around Japan. Still, his parents wanted him to stay with family and have a normal adolescence, treating his singing and acting careers as just things he liked to do on the side. He is not part of the debate club, though his parents have quite a bit of influence around the school.


+ Sports +

+ His million fangirls +

+ Jazz, Rock, Metal, you name it +

+ Mirrors +

+ Being famous +


- School -

- Reading -

- People that can't take a joke -

- Unrequited love -

- People that are better than him -


He lives in the same "rich" neighbourhood as Haruhi

If I could classify Hideaki as any MBTI type, he would be an ESTP​

Tadanobu Ryo





Ryo is quite tall and skinny, he has medium length blond hair, gold/yellow eyes and wears glasses. He is quite often seen wearing a large pair of headphones around his neck. He is a bit skinnier than most of the boys at Sakura High. Ryo isn't considered the most attractive person out there, but he's alright in most people's standards. He is almost always seen with his nose in a book.




Jan. 30th

Year Level:

3rd Year



Clubs or Hobbies:

He is a part of the student council. Ryo is in charge of taking care of event planning.


Ryo is a hyperactive ball of energy. He seems to be the type of person to have 10 cups of coffee a day. Ryo is optimistic, kind, caring and easily excitable. He really cares about the people that he considers to be his friends and always seems to assume what is the best for them, even going as far as to senselessly defend them. Ryo is also a bit of a poet, as he loves to write about little experiences in his life. In fact, he keeps a diary where most of his thoughts are about his devotion to Haruhi and consistently writes her little notes where her locker and desk are for her to find them. He is also a bit of a nerd, Ryo is the type to learn about something, not because he has to, but because he wants to. Ryo loves to read and his grades are not that bad either. He also isn't the most popular guy in school, but he's okay with that. Ryo isn't very athletic either, and is the target of bullying for many people more popular than him like Hideaki.

Short Bio:

Ryo doesn't have a very special history. He was born in a simple middle class household with no other siblings. Nothing significantly bad happened to him, he just lived a rather peaceful childhood with parents that loved him. Ryo was the type of kid that spent a few good hours in the library or in his room writing or learning new things. As soon as he was old enough to work, he chose to work at his parent's bookstore. Due to him not wanting too much stress on himself, Ryo decided that he would go to Sakura High. To him, it was a peaceful school full of cherry blossoms and beautiful weather. Ryo ended up getting elected for the student council due to his likeable and enthusiastic personality. He wasn't that far off from the truth either, meeting Haruhi at the student council, and the blonde has has feelings for her ever since.


+ Manga +

+ Video Games +

+ Ramen +

+ Books +

+ Student Council +


- Sports -

- Not having his cup of coffee -

- Fanservice -

- Meaningless characters -

- Bullies -


Yup, this dude is an ESFJ

He is allergic to walnuts​

Mizushima Kasumi


Age: 16

Appearance: Kasumi is slightly taller than average, with reddish brown hair, dark brown eyes, and wide frame glasses. She always has multiple pins in her hair, though it's more for aesthetic reasons than any real practical purpose. Occasionally she gets some flak from the stricter teachers about her ear piercings, but despite these warnings, she has not removed them. Not only that, she does not wear her uniform according to the school regulations, often omitting the ribbon entirely and opting for a longer skirt that reaches the ankles. Outside of school, her casual clothing consists of hoodies, jeans, and T-shirts. On a rare day, one might even catch her dressed in some outrageous outfit for one of her performances.

Height: 5'7''

Birthday: October 21st

Year Level: 3rd

Class: 3B

Clubs or Hobbies: She is a part of the Light Music Club, though she rarely ever shows up. Outside of school, however, she plays the bass for a relatively unknown band named "Tokyo Revival", with a small but loyal following

Personality: Kasumi has a reputation in the school as a delinquent, and there are rumors abound about her shoplifting tendencies and her aggressive encounters on campus. However, no one has ever actually seen her commit these supposed acts. These misunderstandings are a result of her chosen attire; Kasumi does not, in fact, fight or engage in any illicit activities. She has a laid-back demeanor and usually ignores her schoolmates, especially with their silly rumors. She gets surprisingly high grades for someone rumored to be a delinquent. Although she has never made it to the top three places, she always falls within the first fifteen spots -- the strange thing is that nobody has ever actually seen her study outside of class before. She is relatively intelligent, but quite unmotivated. Her interest in things is fleeting and temporary; before the day is over, her attention has probably moved onto something else.

Kasumi has an odd friendship with Naoki, if it can even be called that. They were classmates for the past two years in high school, and occasionally toss each other a greeting or two when they cross each other in the halls. Naoki was unfazed by the rumors, given his personality, and he values her for her good insight regarding baffling situations (usually about emotions and all that stuff). He particularly appreciates the fact that she doesn't impose any of her expectations on him, as Kasumi adapts a nonchalant and detached attitude towards him (and towards anybody, really). However, he does disapprove of her mercurial nature.

Short Bio: Kasumi's parents are very lax with her. They let her reign free over her own life: let her make her own mistakes and go through her own experiences. More protective parents would think that this parenting style would have produced disastrous results, but Kasumi turned out to be fine, aside from her, uh, unique uniform choices. She has been coasting by for most of her school years and her future career remains undecided. However, she is sure of her parents' support for whatever she does choose to do next in life; even though her parents are permissive, they still care for her very much. To ensure her safety, they have always enforced a ten o'clock curfew. Her parents are also acquainted with her outside friends and her bandmates and thus knowledgeable about the people who she hangs out with.


+ Indie music

+ Soda, and all things soda flavored

+ Playing the bass

+ Lazy afternoons

+ Visiting the roof


- Natto and other foods with sticky or slimy textures

- Idiots who pick fights with her for no reason

- Inconvenient things

- Uptight teachers

- Low battery on her music player

Others: She'd probably categorize as an ISTP

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Tsukuda Mamoru


Age: 15

Appearance: Mamoru is taller than average for his age. He sports a pair of wide frame glasses and an ever-present smirk on his face. His school attire is nothing special; he wears it the way that his supposed to, albeit he is a bit more lax with the appearance. His tie is usually loose and his blazer wrinkled (he doesn't care to iron it). Outside of school, he has a muted but tasteful fashion sense, preferring simple accessories and cool colors.

Height: 5'9''

Birthday: August 13

Year Level: 2nd

Class: 2A

Clubs or Hobbies: Mamoru is the youngest member of the Student Council cabinet. He serves as the secretary, though he doesn't do a particularly good job at taking the minutes like he is supposed to. He often dozes off during council meetings, but has come up with the ingenious idea of utilizing a tape recorder and then transcribing the points of interest (not really that ingenious). When it comes to paper work he is often late in organizing them. Nobody knows why he hasn't been impeached yet. Mamoru also joined the Debate Club during his first year, but only started to show up in his second year.

Personality: Mamoru acts mature for his age, and this has ingratiated him with the teachers of Sakura High. He is quite charismatic but also very honest. However, he never offends because he phrases his commentary in such a way that the recipient does not feel as if they are being brutally criticized. Mamoru is also is pretty irresponsible (see above section), due to a lack of interest in the more mundane and logistical processes of his life, and not because of any actual laziness on his part. When it comes to subjects that he is passionate about, he will give one hundred percent in the endeavor. The biggest problem with him is his lack of work consistency. He is great at brainstorming, but when it comes to implementing the idea, he loses motivation.

Most of all, Mamoru is very argumentative, if a bit contradictory in his ideas. This, combined with his occasional sarcastic or cheeky quips, leaves him with as many enemies as it does friends. He loves playing the devil's advocate and seeing the different positions on every given topic. Moreover, playing the underdog and turning the tide of the game gives him an indescribable rush. In any competition or argument, he is quick to betray if he finds himself winning too easily, which has been problematic in the past. Throughout this, he maintains an emotional distance from the topic of interest, treating it as one big mental exercise.

Mamoru's reputation precedes him; he seems to have garnered an increasing number of female admirers from the upper classes.

Short Bio: Mamoru had a pretty normal childhood, even though his family isn't as tight knit or loving as it could be. His parents provide for his and his sister's needs, but they are mostly self-absorbed and distant. Their marriage is a strained one that is only held together by the children. His mother is a housewife, but she frequently goes with her friends. His father is a common salaryman who works regular hours, but doesn't say much when he's home. His relationship with his younger sister is close, but they fight like cats and dogs. All in good fun. He was closest to his grandmother, and often stayed at her house over the weekends. Unfortunately, she passed away during his first year at Sakura High; that year was almost unbearable. Mamoru acted normally, but he lacked any real enthusiasm for any of his usual pastimes or classes. He is currently still trying to recover, but he has regained some of his former interests.


+ Challenges

+ Spicy foods

+ Browsing the bookstore

+ History class

+ Conflict


- Bitter foods

- Responsibility

- Menial tasks

- Rigid people

- People who hold him back

Others: ENTP, all the way

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