Kim Hartly


Lurking Pun Ninja
Kim Hartly

Introduction A punk girl with a ravenous hunger for humans and control.

Games the Character has been involved with Unfortunately, none at the moment, but some day!



Name: Kim Hartly

Age: 16

Ethnicity/Nationality: American

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Occupation: Villain/Gang Leader

  • Appearance

    Height: 5'4"

    Weight: 90 lbs

    Hair: Black with multiple highlights of various green like colors. Similar to a pixie cut, but it is longer than it would be if it were one, and overall has a more flowing style to it than regular pixie cuts. Is sometimes kept in a bun.

    Eyes: Aqua blue. Lacks a obvious pupil, but it is there.

    Body: Skinny, with a tone of muscle.

    Attire: Very confident, Kim's attire usually consists of clothes that shows of her midriff and overall rebellious garbs, as well as entertaining things such as her headphones which is a fashion statement as well as helpful when annoyed. Her black leather coat is also something that is common to see, and is never far away from her.

    Is overall cutsy in a roughed up, fallen angel kind of way, but exudes violent amiableness with her clothes.

Salutations, Glasses-kun (as I recall you used to ask to be called :'))! Seeing as you've been doing a fine job with the old critiquing rounds, I figured I'd get your back and give you some feedback in return for your efforts! I do like the way you seperate your reviews into little sections, though partially for the sake of avoiding plagiat and partially for my own tastes, I'm just going to do everything as a big, juicy overview. Remember, everything is objective and another reviewee may see things in a completely different light to me. Here goes:

So, in general, you present a tight and concise form with relevant detail and no excess waffle. One of my biggest personal annoyances in character threads like these is when people go totally ham on unimportant data and factoids, but your character has none of that padding and is focussed and relevant, so congrats for that! In addition, you present tidily organised and friendly form that is grammatically perfect and very clearly written. I get a good idea of what your character would be like, and it's certainly an ambitious and fun idea to have somebody with a charming front but twisted insides like her. The detail you provided would be absolutely fine for RP application.

However, to me, your character feels like they could do with a little more fleshing out in most sections. Obviously, you haven't RPed with her yet and so a lot of this further detail will come then. Don't get me wrong; the character is good, and having RPed with you on multiple occasions I can see you playing her very well indeed, but I just feel there's a certain potential for elaboration. Has she really just been turned into a heartless, cruel monster, or is there a weaker side to her that sometimes comes up due to the abuse she faced? Her personality is fine and you do a very good job of saying a lot with concise precision, but it feels a little inbalanced to me, and if she is this total monster, then I personally as a reader want to be fully convinced of that.

Another thing is, parts of your background and skills sections indicate towards a world that she has already been built towards, which is strangely unelaborated across the form. Even if it were just a signle paragraph, some context for this world might be a good thing to add, just to further enlighten our appreciation of the character and the world they live in, as environment is obviously an important factor for shaping character. Obviously though you have said she isn't attached to an RP at the moment, which is probably why these bits aren't really explained, but if they are there, I think they should be there properly, even if there's a little note somewhere saying 'this could all change depending on the RP she ends up in'.

So, in summary, an interesting premise with plenty of room for development and elaboration, which is probably a wise place to be if you're saving her for future RPs. I hope this helped!
Thanks SkyGinge, this means alot! I haven't actually ever played with this character, like you said, and was actually one of my first Character Sheets I ever made for this site. Nonetheless, thank you, and I really enjoyed this. :D

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