In a Shadowhunters World

Jelly x Filled x Donut

Two Thousand Club

NOTE: This Rp is based on the world of the book series by Cassandra Claire called “The Mortal Instruments.” If you’ve read them before you know most if not all of the information below.

One thousand years ago, the precise date unknown, the Earth was invaded by hordes of demons. A man, Jonathan Shadowhunter, had a warlock summon the angel Raziel. He begged Raziel to help save humanity so the angel mixed his blood with that of Jonathan Shadowhunter, in the Mortal Cup, and gave it to men to drink. These men became known as the Shadowhunters, as did their children, and their children’s children. Eventually they were given the Book of Gray that holds every rune (used for healing and other enchantments) to ever exist.

Later on in 1868, the Shadowhunters sign the first of The Accords. This is the first step in the peace negotiations with the Downworlders populace.


Downworlders are hybrid creatures. It is the widely used term to refer to beings that are said to be part human and part demon, even said to be the demonic counterpart of Nephilim, who are part human and part Angel.

Downworlders include the Children of the Moon (Werewolves), the Children of the Night (Vampires), the Children of Lilith (Warlocks) and the Fair Folk (Faeries). Also mentioned are peris, ifrits, nixies, and mermaids.

Downworlders cannot be Marked, but can share Shadowhunter abilities, thanks to the Alliance Rune, created by Clary Fray, which is the only rune they can be Marked with.

Every fifteen years, the Accords are signed between the Downworlders and the Clave, the Nephilim. According to the Accords, as long as the rules stated here are not broken, they can live in peace without bother and may even provide each other help when the need ever rises. Also, each of the four races has been accorded a seat on the Nephilim council as of the third installment in the Mortal Instruments series, City of Glass.

The Accords:

The Accords are peace negotiations signed between the Downworlders and the Clave. According to the Accords, as long as the rules stated here are not broken, they can live in peace without bother and may even provide each other help when the need ever rises.

The Accords are signed again every fifteen years to keep the magic potent. Although the Accords keep the two parties in good enough terms to avoid slaughter between them, hostility is quite unavoidable. They are signed in the Accords Hall in Idris.

The Accords are peace negotiations signed between the Downworlders and the Clave. According to the Accords, as long as the rules stated here are not broken, they can live in peace without bother and may even provide each other help when the need ever rises.

The Accords are signed again every fifteen years to keep the magic potent. Although the Accords keep the two parties in good enough terms to avoid slaughter between them, hostility is quite unavoidable. They are signed in the Accords Hall in Idris.


Idris is the Shadowhunter home country located between Germany and France. Its capital is Alicante, also called the Glass City. Wardings have been put up over all its borders so that if mundanes (Humans) try to cross into it, they are instantly transported from one border to the next and therefore few mundanes know about it. The country is said to be surrounded by mountains with passes which can only be traversed through during high summer. A counterpart to mundane globes can be found in the Institute's library, which includes other lands only known to the beings of the Shadow Realms.

Most Shadowhunters come from Idris, and some even grow up and are trained there. Hodge Starkweather, was cursed to never leave the Institute during his exile as punishment, he was particularly banned from Idris, seeing it as a heavy punishment as most Shadowhunters who grew up here long to be in their home country.

All Shadowhunters who don’t live in Idris live in an Institute:

An Institute is a place for Shadowhunters to find safety in the event of danger. It is a stronghold for the Shadowhunters that live there. The hallowed ground prevents vampires from entering. The bricks have been blessed with deceased Shadowhunter blood, that in and of itself being a powerful protection. Every metal rod is made out of iron and every nail is silver, protecting against faeries and werewolves respectively. In addition, the doors cannot be opened without Shadowhunter blood, thereby stopping anyone but a Shadowhunter from entering. Also, it is glamored (hidden with magic). Any mundane that looks upon an Institute would see nothing but, for example, a rundown church.

For this Role play we live in New York City.

Every Shadowhunter has a Stele: Steles are the tools used by Shadowhunters to draw runes onto their skin, weapons, and other materials. They are made of adamas, a heavenly material, and crafted by the Iron Sisters. Steles have a sort of aura to them, a ghostly imprint of their owner's personality.

They are described as looking like long, slender twigs. The length and style of a stele depends on the owner's preferences. There are many different models of steles, the appearance evolving depending on the times.

Steles have the power to print runes, which can do anything from giving a Shadowhunter increased vision, strength, or balance, to healing wounds, to creating Portals.

You’re free to be a Shadowhunter, a Downworlder, or a human who is a Shadowhunter but doesn’t know (May add something else if cleared with me first).


*If rules are not read, you are not accepted.

1. Follow the site rules of course.

2. No god modding or flaming of any kind. No auto hits and if you are to kill off someone’s character, please discuss with that person.

3. This is a literate role play meaning; Write in third person, (())[[]]{{}} For Ooc, "" For speech, absolutely no ** for actions! At least 3 lines per post, writers block is understandable, but not every post.

4. Keep up with other people, always reading what others have written, to understand what is going on.

5. Don't leave people out.

6. Please don't stumble upon other characters straight away, take time to introduce your character and imagine the world.

7. This is a long term role play, meaning post when you can, if you're going to leave, let me know, and if you won't be on for a while, also let me know, so we're not waiting on your reply. You do not need to reply straight away, everyone here has lives and we understand.

8. Please don't be offended if I reject your profile. This will be a literate and long role play. They should be thought out, descriptive and in depth.

9.Romance and violence are both strongly encouraged, just keep it PG-13, people.

10. Please enjoy yourselves and have fun with this, post a rule from the list when you submit a skelly.

11. Please post something about green lollipops before your skelly so I know you read the rules.

Skelly (OC’s ONLYYYY)

Name: Maggy Herondale

Age: 17

“Race”: Shadowhunter

Weapon of choice:




Personality: Maggy is rather strong willed, and can be hot headed at times. She handles battles well, for the most part, though she is still young and inexperienced. She loves music and is constantly found in the music room of the New York Institute playing the piano.



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I would definitely be interested in joining the rp, but I've only finished reading up to the third book. Is that a problem? Oh, and I've read all three books from "The Infernal Devices" series. I started that trilogy first.
Name: Aria Lockwood

Age: 19

"Race": Shadowhunter

Weapon of Choice:

Tiger Claws. The four small, attached blades she has for each hand easily concealable, and made of blessed iron coated in a special paint mixture of silver powder and holy water.


Of course if she needs to fight from a further distance, she's handy with a seraph blade or crossbow. A girl's gotta have options after all.



Personality: Aria can be, well, quite distant towards people. She's normally polite, but at times can be quite cold. That is just because, when Aria does happen to form some kind of relationship with someone, whether it be a friendship or something more, well, it lasts, for life, at least to her it does.

When she cares, she cares too much, so she'd rather not care at all. Caring gets you hurt. She's learned that from experience. Over the years, she's developed the habit of using wit and sarcasm to distance herself. The people able to get close to her, she values far above herself, being one of the most loyal and righteous people they will likely ever meet. Of course, her definition of right and wrong may vary from other peoples.

Some things she quite enjoys is reading and art. Usually she can be found in the library or in her chambers when she is not training, reading or sketching something out. A few things she definitely values, are intelligence and honesty, oh, and she definitely enjoys being a shadowhunter. There's nothing like the feeling of adrenaline rushing through your veins during a good fight to her.


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I normally post a rule about posting something so that I know the rules were read, and I thought I did that. Turns out that I forgot it. So you're all good. (:

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