rooke's characters


W.A.F.F.L.E.O. Employee
"Nakoa means brave, but there's a thin line between bravery and stupidity. My dad always told me that."
Name: Kyto Nakoa Gender: Male Age: 19 Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance:

Kyto stands at a slightly above average 5'10" but is prone to stretching it to 5'11" when introducing himself. Due to his toned athletic build from sailing and fishing he weighs in at around 170 pounds. His hair is usually cut shorter though when it reaches a long enough length he ties it back, but he can't quite seem to get every strand of it around his face. Both of his arms and chest are covered in sleeve tatoos depicting the power and beauty of the ocean and various monsters of the deep. He also usually has slight stubble of a beard from his days spent at sea or pure laziness. His typical outfit consists of a simple white linen shirt, a blue heavy coat, black linen pants that cuff around his mid calf, a white and blue pareo tied around his waist, and black shoes. Around his neck he wears a heirloom necklace of the southern water tribe, passed down his mother's family for generations.
Personality: A seemingly distant loner initally, Kyto grows more friendly and humorous after you talk more than once. He tries to use good manners when on land and is always extra polite around women. He is rather impulsive though with anything besides fishing. Background: Born into a family of hunters and warriors of the Southern Water Tribe, Kyto was tutored in every possible aspect of the life. He was taught survival skills, combat, fishing, whaling, and hunting until he developed the ability to waterbend when he was ten. His father was overjoyed at the news and sent him to train with his maternal uncle who had migrated to the Northern Water Tribe to learn the art from the Northern masters a few years prior. Being shipped off to go train in another land was slightly terrifying to the young Kyto. Thankfully his father had given the boy a parting gift and companion, his hunting knife and a newborn polar dog. On the long journey to the north Kyto practiced his combat and fishing as well as learning bending techniques from scrolls. By the time the boat reached the sister tribe, the young boy had mastered the basics of the craft. Upon arrival, Kyto immediately seemed out his uncle and informed him why he was there. His uncle understood and took him in, having the boy attend lessons of the waterbending masters. He learned quickly and was capable of holding his own against most warriors after a few years. He would then travel back and forth between tribes, his waterbending making the trips much shorter. Type of Bender: Waterbender/Icebender Other Skills: Kyto is a skilled fisherman, whaler, and sailor, learning to climb and gain strong hands. He can take care himself with a knife or dagger, but isn't great with anything longer. Other: He enjoys playing with his pet polar dog (similar to a polar bear dog, only dog sized), Tyr and will occasionally stow him away onboard ships.

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