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Realistic or Modern myths & legends



myths & legends
One minute, you were dying. Struggling for air, bleeding out. Dying. Your eyes slipped close as a final sigh leaves your lips and you gave up the fight, world going black. The next, you were waking up in the exact place you died with absolutely no clue who you are or where you currently are located. But, you know you died in the very place you sit up from. You think. Think, think, think, think, think. You try to figure out what's going on, try to remember anything. But, it seems that your brain is clean of anything that resembles a memory.

You push up off the ground and look around. Where you are seems to be in a state of ruin, buildings abandoned and dark, plants growing up through the cracks of the broken pavement. There's some sort of shrieking off in the distance and it chills you to the core, so you stay where you are. You're not there for long before a bright light overhead draws your attention.

Okay, so, basically this plot is a weird mash-up of superpowers and zombies. They're not exactly zombies --- which will be expanded on in the thread --- but the plot is basically this: Individuals who died at the same exact time, but in various ways, wake up in a place with no memories. They're taken to some sort of base by an odd sort of jet, before they're all gathered into a room and everything is explained. The world has gone to shit due to the advancement of certain individuals and then the corruption of them, that lead to them being undead-esque. The once-dead people are told that they're a part of some prophecy and they've all acquired powers (that are somehow related to their death) in order to help stop whatever is going on.

There'll be more specifics and info and whatnot but that's the gist. It'll be pretty laid back, seen as how I'm running two high maintenance RPs right now, so I'm not gonna be overly strict. Number of OCs is capped off at 4.
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