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Hunter of the Night Beasts (1x1 with Broken and Vamp)

Lilith walked home from the training grounds that she always at, training to better hone her hunting skills. The warm summer night breeze, played at the loose strands of hair that hung from her ponytail. All was quiet this night as she was walking to her horse, her guard down a little due to her exhaustion. Lilith was a hunter and not a hunter of animals. Well in a sense they were animals. They were beasts that haunted the night, preying on the weak and helpless. They were vampires. Vampires that could not stray from delving into thier more primale state. The ones that acted just like an animal would. These were the beasts that she hunted down. The ones that she snuffed the unlife out of them.

It was a dangerous life, but someone had to do it. And she had been training to kill these creatures since she was old enough to carry a sword. Her entire family line had been vampire hunters, so this wasn't anything out of the norm for her. Keeping her head down, and zoning out, Lilith continued her trek to her horse.

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