How to Delete Threads

Wolf Rawrrr

How to Delete Threads (not really but closer than ever before)

The lack of a proper delete option here has bothered me since time immemorial. And I too was disappointed when I realized that this delete-wannabe button, while hiding threads from the players' perspective, actually made everything even worse for me - because the threads which I wanted to delete primarily so i wouldn't have to look at them, were not only still there but actually marked out in a way that made them ever so painfully more obvious! Absolutely horrible.

And even though the new update hasn't fixed this, since the Staff doesn't consider it a problem, it has at least created a workaround solution (plus the button is now called "Hide", dropping all pretenses to deleting anything).

Simply create an additional subforum positioned below all your other stuff to serve as a trash bin, into which you'll move all the hidden threads you never want to see, and make it invisible (if you don't see the option to create a new subforum, that means you've reached the default limit and need to either repurpose an old one or ask the Staff to raise the bar for you).

1) Create a new subforum and make sure it is of the Discussions type (call it "deleted stuff" or whatever)

2) In the subforum's permissions check the See Forum and Post New Topics for members (otherwise you won't be able to move any topics into it later)

3) Delete/Hide the threads you want to get rid of, and move them to the new subforum (or just move them, since the subforum will be hidden anyway)

4) In the subforum's permissions uncheck the See Forum for members (this will hide the entire forum from sight, and yes even for yourself)

Note: If you ever want to add new hidden threads, you will need to unhide the subforum in the permissions first! For as long as it's hidden, it won't even show up as an option in the Move menu! Once you are done moving the threads you can re-hide it again.

You are welcome *rawrrr*

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