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Fantasy House of Mutants


Two Thousand Club
Hello, if you happy to be reading this then good job you know how to work the Mutant database. My name is Kodi and I'm just a pretty average bird kid with super speed! I don't have a beek or anything... OMG not like anything wrong with that , but yeah I just have wings. Anywho as you know the stuff is hitting the fan. Mutants are picking sides. Joining the "university." as they call themselves. Those guys are never the same, they act like brainwashed super warriors after. I'm just providing a safe haven for my fellow people so we can have a place. It's pretty nice in upstate New York. It's in the woods and has a pool, it's a pretty sweet pad. It's not all fun though, we need to take a stand before it's to late.

See you soon


Forever open




What kind of Mutant are you?



Did you join the University?


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