Ethereal - Settings/Locations


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Settings/Locations for Ethereal

The City: The Spirit Realm is a hugely diverse city, and it is composed of these main discricts

The Upper Districts: A beautiful, nice part of the city. Very little steam pipes exposed, beautiful upper class homes, patrolled regularly by Keisatsu to ensure the safety of its Noble/Upper Merchant residents. Servants are also a regular sight here. Small in ratio to the rest of the districts.

The Market District: A cramped, extremely busy district. This is where all come to shop for things varying from common goods to rare goods, this is where all Merchants make their wealth. Keisatsu patrol this area rampantly to keep crime in this section to a minimum. A Large district in ratio to other districts.

The Middle District: District filled with the common people, moderate housing, a moderate view. This is where the Commoners live, and it is a normal sized district. Keisatsu patrols are a tad bit lower than normal, as this is an orderly district and residents watch out for one another here.

The Docks: District that is the backbone of the city, supplying jobs to over 33% of the city. This is where fisherman keep their boats, and store their fish, and where the dock workers keep everything in line, etc. A normal working dock really. Keisatsu patrol this area very little, as the corporate owners have other means of keeping this area orderly and safe.

The Steam District: A very small industrial district, that supplies steam power to the entire city. Pipes run rampant through here, Keisatsu patrol this area much more than normal to keep this area safe and in line for the rest of the city. Many steam power stations are here, and much of the Ningen and lower commoners work here.

The Slum District: As the name suggests it is slums, this is where the poor and scum of the city live. Humans are forced to live here as most don’t have the financial means to live in the Middle District. Keisatsu have many patrols here as this area has an extreme amount of crime, and this is where the Scarlet Phantoms reside.

The Forbidden District: The only district that is now allowed free access, as it is where the ruling Hikage reside. There a large, complex structures here and the nicest commodities in the city, even nicer than the Upper Disctrict. This is a heavily guarded district, only those with special permission are allowed in it. Even messengers have to have special passes to access it.

Miscellaneous Information on the Spirit Realm:

The Spirit Realm is roughly five times the size of New York City!

Transportation around the city varies from boats riding around the island, to trollies and trains, to horseback or carriage. Or you can always just take the simple means of walking.

There is no official religion of the spirit realm, as there are various cultures mixed throughout the cities.

Upon arriving in the spirit realm, Humans are sent to an office where their job and residence will be decided.

There are various underground organizations spread throughout the city, such organizations are illegal and offer various different services to individuals that can contact them.

The Laws of the Spirit Realm are similar to any society
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