Story Hey Guys!! Does anyone want to help me with this story?


Gruntiest of the Grunts!
So I’ve been dying to make this story, but I’ve always been worried that it’s too boring to read, and I think the plot... is very weak.

The concept surrounds a friendship and later romance of a young woman and a doctor in a future world, along with the relationships with their neighbors and the craziness that ensues.


Characters (Main):

A young woman who struggles to maintain her anger and tries to get as much help as she can get through therapy and councilling. She doesn’t like to be overly expressive and instead falls back on remaining in silent thought. She has difficulty forming friendships as her social graces are about as excellent as a snapping turtle’s, and she often comes across as cold, distant and rather awkward. She doesn’t have an education higher than maybe three grades in high school and is often balancing between two jobs to make ends meet.

A psychotherapist who remains callous and distant because he would rather be to himself due to a tragic past he would rather not disclose or have anyone else remember. He prefers staying alone at home to his own devices. He is good at social etiquette and will be polite unless he is given a reason not to be, in which he will turn sarcastic and sharp-tongued. He believes Gabby is a strange case and ends up being drawn in by her innocent attempts to form a friendship with him. He finds her latching onto him oddly endearing and takes her under his wing when some bad luck befalls her.

So I actually have a LOT planned out for this story, but I feel like it doesn’t really have a plot.

I was thinking about having Gabby have these dreams that’s almost formatted like a video game with objectives and missions that Jiro joins shortly after they start getting closer. These dreams would reference/parody real games and would either continue where she left off when she last fell asleep/woke up, or they would start a new “game” if they had already completed the prior objectives.

All the while they’d have to deal with these dreams and try and figure out why it’s happening while also dealing with their regular every day lives when they wake up.

Of course there would be a reason for this, but I don’t want to reveal it since it could impact what happens much later.

I also don’t know if this would do better as a story I write, or as a comic I draw.

I know it’s a LOT but I’m really struggling to piece this story together.
it can be difficult to develop a solid plot when you start with the characters first (but, I mean, I do the same thing all the time). The dreams idea you have could be connected with the plot, or something entirely on the side, like some pages in-between chapters for extra flavor.

What do your characters want? This is something important for both character development and plot. Determine what Gabby desires, what drives her, or what goals she may have. Do the same for Jiro. This might help you form an idea to connect them in a story seamlessly.

What kind of world is this? Not only the setting (which I assume is modern), but start some deeper world building, if you havent yet. Think about the cultures, religions, history. If it is more or less the same as irl concepts, that's obviously going to make it easier. This might sound irrelevant to plot, but honestly it helps me a lot with plot ideas when I have the world fleshed out.

Introduce your character/s and world as they are before something inevitably changes it. Determine what events should bring them together, what conflicts might happen during, and what they might overcome to strengthen their bond and drive. I usually like to plan for a point in the story where things go even worse and characters meet a stage of desperation, or even utter defeat, before directing them towards the story's eventual conclusion.

I also recommend reading or watching stories similar to your own for inspiration. <3

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