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Fantasy Halloween Town


☯ Lil' Sarcastic Muffin ☯



The New Girl (@Geek with Me) ~ The New Girl just an average girl that came from London, her parents are just your average hard working people. Her grandmother suddenly died so they moved into her extremely large mansion as it was in her will. The New Girl found a group of friends and they planned doing Halloween together. She found a book in the attic and now they are in this mess

Queen Bee (@BlackPlauged) ~ He is the school's most athletic guy in the school, he's captain of the baseball and football team. He picks on the weaker ones as he's not very bright in an academic way which makes him in secure. He's funny when he's hanging out with his friends in the group. He finds it awkward hanging out with the Artist as they use to date each other

The Nerd (@Becauseroleplay) ~ The Nerd is the one stop place to know your comic information. He's the smartest kid in school and has been offered two major scholarships at major universities. He's very geeky but he's also very kind. He has a large heart and his parents are getting a divorce

The Class Clown (@HollyLeafFlower) ~ The Class Clown is the guy that always cheers you up. He's funny and sarcastic and a bit of a bad ass. He's famous for his sarcasm to the teachers and his hilarious jokes. He knows that the New Girl is crushing on him so he likes to tease her. He's kind and very outgoing

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