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Info Group Role play

Cold Ramen Noodles

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I'm starting to do three person group role plays and was wondering if the search threads and actual role plays should be done in the 1x1 section or the group section.
Most people set up roleplays like that, but there's a rare few who dont use Rpn to roleplay, and will instead use other stuff like Discord. The only benefit from Discord Roleplay is with roleplays with lots of locations.
Most people set up roleplays like that, but there's a rare few who dont use Rpn to roleplay, and will instead use other stuff like Discord. The only benefit from Discord Roleplay is with roleplays with lots of locations.

Thanks. :) But I more so meant does it belong in the 1x1 section since it's a small group or the group rp section.
To be honest, it could go in either. XD unhelpful but 1x1x1s have been known to appear in the 1x1 section. Anything above three I would say put it in groups, but three could go in either. :3
3-player roleplays can go into 1x1 if you'd like. ^33^ 4-player groups should go in groups.

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