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Fandom Grey's Anatomy Roleplay

There was only so many times that someone could check their watch. But Rylee Moore found herself constantly glancing down at the black-strapped, gold-faced watch that once belonged to her mother.. letting out a sigh of discontent as she ran a hand through her dark locks. She currently sat in the 'on-call' room; basically a closet in size with four bunk beds, which allowed the hospital staff to sleep or relax after working numerous hours on the floor. Rylee, however, was using it for a hiding spot, from a certain Pediatric Surgeon, whom she'd just recently discovered not even a week ago: had a fiance. Flopping back down onto the bottom bunked mattress, the woman couldn't help but frown deeply as she stared at the metal bar holding up the other bunk bed, her light hues fluttering shut as she felt another migraine starting to form.

"Stupid men. Stupid McSweetie.. more like McDicky." Rylee muttered aloud to herself, considering she was the only one presently in the room. Her shift was just about done, that was, unless she was needed in a sudden surgery or the wicked witch of the east.. ahem, Dr. Murphy, needed her in the E.R. Rylee was ninety-nine percent convinced that since Amelia found out about her future husbands 'feelings' towards the younger female, that she was hell bent on making her life a living hell. Her focus should have been on pediatric stuff.. you know, since she wanted to be a pediatric surgeon?! Feeling herself getting worked up once again, the Moore female let out a disgruntled groan before rolling to face the off-white colored wall.. the sight almost depressing her more as her arms wrapped tightly around her slender form.

'Just a little bit longer, Moore. You can do this.' Rylee coached herself mentally as she allowed her eyes to once again close.. hoping to catch a quick nap, and that when she awoke: she'd be home free for a day. But her mind continued to race.. over the events with her and Elijah, Cassidy, and the hospital in general. Her father had one thing right: being a surgeon could be a pain in the ass at times.


"Another day. Another surgery in the books." Alex announced loudly as he closed up the chest cavity of his current patient in O.R. 1. It was nothing too extreme or far off the norm--a standard open-heart surgery. .. Well, to most, that was a bit extreme, but not for the attending. The Karev male started removing the blood soiled, blue scrubs, glancing towards the right where his right-hand man.. ahem, woman, stood almost proudly by his side. Charlotte had once again helped Alex complete a successful surgery, and it was quite apparent that she had a bright future in Cardiothoracic surgery; not only was she book smart, but the woman knew what the hell she was doing. And as an added bonus? She was smoking hot. Alex shook his heads at his thoughts, soon taking the paper mask off his face as the pair exited the operating room and into the wash room.. the male being the first to start washing his hands of the surgery he'd just performed.

"Good job out there, Dimples." His voice was teasing, but thoughtful as he offered Charlotte a blue-eyed wink before resuming what he'd previously been doing. After they had finished, Alex lead the way out into the hallway, slipping into the white lab coat hanging outside of the door before cracking his neck a few times.. glancing around at his other colleagues walking around--going about their business quietly. "So.. any special plans for your day off?" He asked casually with a raised eyebrow, wanting to make small talk before having to venture out into his private office to complete some follow-up paper from the procedure. Glancing at his own watch, the Karev male rubbed the back of his neck.. which had gotten a bit stiff after six hours of surgery. A long sigh escaped his lips, before a yawn slipped out as well.

"If you want.. we could like.. ya'know, catch dinner or something? Not like a date or nothing. ... Unless you wanted it to be a date? But really.. it can just be like.. dinner-dinner. Ya'know?" Alex cleared his throat and tugged at the neckline of his scrub uniform a bit, offering Charlotte a soft smile as he awaited her reply.

Charlotte laughed, as Alex seemed to be a little embarrassed. She handed her patient's chart to the nurse at the station, giving her a warm smile and leaning on the counter, turning back to Alex. "Sure." Her reply was relaxed, natural, almost as if nothing out of the blue had happened. She smiled at him, and trained her gray eyes on him. His face broke out into a smile as she looked at him. "I'll see you then, Karev. I have a few post-ops to check on. Text me later." she said, waving a quick goodbye and setting off down the hall, her caramel braids bouncing behind her. She greeted one of her many patients, took an exam, and headed back out, her mind racing with possibilities as to what could happen on that day off.

She pushed open to door to one of the many on-call rooms, momentarily grateful it was empty. This hospital didn't have the greatest track record for empty, quiet, and peaceful on-call rooms. She took a seat on the chair in the corner, and began charting, pulling her pager out of her pocket in case Alex needed her. They were known as the tag team, better together than apart. She smiled, glad that she had a mentor like him, one that let her speak her mind, try new things, and show off every once in a while. It felt good to know she was excellent at something. Her eyes slowly began to close, the stress of the six-hour surgery that she had just finished finally catching up with her.
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Elijah sighed as he ran his hands through his hair, clean as he had just finished a surgery. He had handed the chart to a nurse and stalked out of the OR. Elijah had just closed up a young girl who had suffered from a blockage in her stomach. He'd done fine. Shaking his head, he found his way to the Attending's Lounge, pushing open the door and praying it was empty, or at least void of his fiancee. He grimaced as he said the words, then set his mouth in a hard line. He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, saying a quick hello to another attending as he stalked back out into the corridors of the hospital.

He set out for the lobby, taking sharp turns through the white, sterile hallways. He heard shouts, cries, and screams as he passed through the halls, and frowned. He enjoyed his job sometimes, but he hated knowing people were pained in these halls. He checked his watch, and realized that Rylee's shift would be ending now, and she'd be heading towards the exit now. He sped up, desperately wanting to talk to her before she left for the night. He had screwed up, badly.

He pushed through the large set of doors, bursting out into the lobby. He scanned around for a glimpse of the familiar face, but he didn't see her until too late. She was walking in the opposite direction, and he knew if he sprinted after her, he'd be stared at and pointed to. He sighed in defeat and turned back, his pager beeping. He let her go, he could do the surgery on his own.

The words had almost been like music to his ears as he let out a small, airy laugh.. before nodding and pointing his two index fingers at Charlotte. "Right, text. Got it! See ya 'round, Blanche." And with his own smile and nod, the Karev male turned and started heading back in the direction of his office. Along the way, Alex's mind couldn't help but wander on the possibility of him and Charlotte actually being able to spend a decent evening together outside of the hospital--though in all actuality he loved operating beside her, after all: they were the best tag team in the entire hospital. ..Or so he liked to think. Turning the corner, the taller male almost bumped into another figure, feminine in shape, Alex reaching out to steady the other with wide eyes.

"Woah. Sorry 'bout that Dr. Murphy. Minds all over the place, not paying attention." Alex spoke towards the almost equally tall (thanks to her heels), red-headed woman.. who let out a laugh of her own before flipping her hair over her shoulder with a smirk. "Quite alright Dr. Karev. I'm in the same boat--my mind, I mean." Then Amelia was on her way towards the E.R. again, Alex raising an eyebrow before deciding to let it go and not even begin to think about what was going on in that love triangle. Been there. Done that, none of his concern. Eventually reaching his office, the male was able to flop comfortably into his chair and let out a sigh of relief.. even after years of standing on his feet, knowing how it'd feel towards the end of the day, Alex could wholeheartedly say that there was no greater relief than being able to finally sit down after a 48-hour shift. His eyes stared at the rather large amount of paperwork piling up on his desk.. but instead of getting started on such, Alex pulled his cellphone out and started playing around on it instead. What was five more minutes, right?

Freedom. Rylee was finally free, taking in a deep inhale of the crisp, Seattle air.. allowing her head to fall backwards and her hair blow in the slight breeze. A storm would be coming soon, it was quite apparent from the shift in weather from earlier in the day. A slow, long exhale escaped her lips as she titled her head back forward and started making her way towards the parking lot.. when suddenly a familiar voice made her halt in her steps. "Dr. Moore?" Turning around, Rylee saw none other than McSteamy--oops, Chief Sloan.. standing in the entry way of Seattle Grace, a smirk on his face as she tried with all her willpower not to roll her eyes. But alas, failed as she turned to face him completely. "Chief... hey. Can I help you?" "Yes, actually. Come to my office. Now." The way he'd spoke was far from casual, in fact, quite business like as the brunette pouted slightly and dragged her feet back towards the hospital. So much for freedom afterall.

Now sitting in one of the few leather seating arrangements in the office overlooking the main floor of the hospital, Rylee started chewing her fingernails--a nasty habit she did when she was nervous, as Mark sat at his own desk.. staring at her intensely. She knew why she was in here. It had be because she spent most of the day hiding, ignoring her pager. Refusing to scrub in on surgeries with Elijah. The only sound in the office was the ticking of the clock, which was also revving up the Moore girls nerves as she shifted uncomfortably and cleared her throat. "C-chief.. why am I here.. exactly?" "Because I want to stare at you." The statement caught Rylee off guard, as her light hues widened slightly, opening her mouth to counteract, when the male rolled his eyes and shot her a glare. "I'm joking, Moore. Just wanted to get your side of the story. Since I can't seem to find Dr. Blau or Dr. Murphy." Another long pause, before Rylee laughed in a confused matter.. knowing damn well what her superior was talking about.. but played dumb as she glanced down at her lap. Chewing more intensely at her nails. "I don't know what you're talking about." This. Sucked.

Charlotte found herself grinning happily as she exited the hospital that night, excited for her day off tomorrow. She decided to call Rylee and tell her what her plans were, and maybe even head on a small shopping trip with her. Charlotte and Rylee got along very well, and were very close with one another. The phone rang on, the number going straight to voicemail. It was unusual, but she hadn't seen her leave the hospital, and figured she was still somewhere inside its walls. She'd call later, she supposed. Hopping into her car, she drove to her apartment, which wasn't too far from the hospital. She could smell coming rain, and was glad.

She had walked up to her apartment and searched through her closet, pulling out skirts and dresses that she hadn't worn in what felt like years. She'd enjoy playing dress up for the next couple hours.

Elijah was walking across the lobby when he spotted Rylee again, but this time with Chief Sloan. He was slightly worried, wondering what she was doing in there. She looked nervous, and he felt for her. The chief could be funny, cheerful, and kind often, but he knew that Sloan could act otherwise. He found himself staring in her wake, peering through the office windows to once again try and see what was happening. Her eyes were widened and she was chewing on her nails. He made his way to her when his pager beeped, a resident calling for a 9-1-1 in the peds wing.

He sprinted through the hallways, praying the resident he was assigned was competent enough to keep the patient safe no matter what the issue was. Running into the room, he placed his hands on the bed rails, the child vomiting up blood fast. He shouted for someone to push an IV, call the OR, and much more as he pulled the bed towards the elevator. He was taken over once again by the adrenaline rush, Rylee and his fiancee far out of his mind as the elevator ascended.

After stalling for what felt like ever, the Karev male finally found himself walking out of Seattle Grace Hospital--luckily no one had paged in in the couple hours he'd remained in his office.. so he was home free. That was, unless something dire popped up on the pager. Right now, as he drove all, all Alex's mind was focused on was sitting down to a nice dinner with Charlotte.. something that was far and few between. But, that was the life of a surgeon. Arriving to the penthouse he'd owned for the past few years, the tall blonde exited his vehicle and quickly went inside to shower and freshen up. It was every day you went out with a smokin' hot intern. Reminded him of his own intern days.. watching Meredith date Derek, and Cristina marrying Preston.. though, that didn't turn out quite well in the end.

After another hour passed, Alex was just finishing up the last button of his shirt when he pulled his cellphone off the nightstand and sent the Blanche female a quick, "Hey, can I pick you up soon?" Text, before setting the phone down and letting out a sigh.. hoping the female was still up for it, and that she wouldn't bail on him. Alex Karev was a heartthrob for sure, but the idea of a woman turning him down (especially Lottie) internally spiked his nerves.

It seemed like an eternity passed with Sloan's questions; what was going on between him and Elijah? Why was she always giving Amelia 'the look'? It was enough to rack Rylee's nerves as she left and right dodged or ignored the questions.. when suddenly her pager went off, a 9-1-1 on the pediatric floor, requesting help from whoever. Mark stared at the girl who was staring down at the black device, letting out a sigh before shaking his head and raising an eyebrow in her direction, "Look: you're here to be a surgeon, Moore... not fall in love. I dunno what's going on now between you and Dr. Blau, but you need to get in that O.R. and help save a child's life. If not for yourself: for them." The words made Rylee paused momentarily, almost shocked at Sloan's motivational speech.. before she sighed and stood up quickly, realizing she'd have to hurry and get re-dressed then scrub in.

Without another word, the brunette rushed out of her boss's office and to the locker rooms to change--used to changing in a quick manner, before running to the elevator and waiting nervously as it went to the appropriate floor. Rylee made her way to O.R. 2 and stood in the scrub room, quickly cleaning her arms and hands as she looked into the room.. heart rate accelerating.

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