Dominique Aykan [Mermaid Heel]

Lady Warlock

Anime RN
Dominique Aykan

Identifying Information:

Name: Dominique Aykan: The Silent Knight of Sin
Age: 27
Height: 6'2"
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Dark Brown:
Eye Color: Brown
Race: Human

I hereby pledge my allegiance to you, my friend. Forever and always I will follow...
Dominique Aykan

Guild Information:

Guild: Mermaid Heel
Rank: Guildmaster
Significance: Former Ace, now guildmaster
Mark: Over a brand on her right forearm
Tenure: 8 years
Opinion of Guild: Dominique feels she owes a life debt to the guild as a whole and she will repay it in full.

  • Character Strengths:

    Able to Ignore Emotions At first glance, this may seem like a flaw. However, for someone in Dominique's position, it is actually a valuable asset to have because it allows her to look at a situation objectively rather than be influenced totally by her own emotions.
    Dedicated to Her Guild Dominique is literally at a point where she would do anything to ensure the well-being of her guild and her guildmates. She is constantly willing to bring new people in, especially if it pulls them out of a difficult life situation. Dominque would quite literally take a bullet for any Mermaid Heel mage.
    Strategic Given that she was raised in a highly militaristic country, Dominique was raised on combat and raised on strategy. She knows how to think through a situation before barging in and she is always one to insist that a strategy is in place.

    Character Flaws:

    Seemingly Unemotional Dominique has a lot of trouble actually showing her emotions and how much she actually cares to people. She was raised to suppress her emotions so coming out and showing them contradicts her conditioning. She does try, but she rarely succeeds.
    Blunt Dominique isn't one to scale down the situation or tell little white lies for the well being of other people. She says things as they are with nothing left out and for some people, this is hard to take.
    Not Open to Others In her mind, Mermaid Heel is an isolated place where she can be free. Dominique is not very open to people outside of her guild; in fact, she has rarely ever actually spoken to a mage outside of Mermaid Heel.



    Her Mermaid Heel guild mates


    Her guild's reputation

    Snow and winter​


    Interacting with people outside her guild

    Oppression of any kind

    Killing people

    People who try to tell her her debt is fulfilled

    Sitting on grass


    Dominique is very open to socialization and fun activities within the confines of her guild when she is surrounded by her guild mates. There is no place she would rather be than home and home is nowhere other than the guild hall. The minute someone joins the guild, they instantly earn Dominique's trust because Dominique trusts Sara Iskaris's judgement. Therefore, while inside the guild hall, Dominique comes off as a very friendly and trusting individual although even her guild mates have to admit that every once in a while she is just a tad bit too serious.

    Outside of the guild hall, Dominique becomes an entirely different person. She doesn't trust anyone beyond those who bear the mermaid insignia, although that doesn't mean she is hostile. She just isn't overly friendly. Dominique answers questions in the simplest way possible while providing minimal information about herself or her guild because those two things are precious to her and therefore also sacred. It is not her place to share the secrets of her guild and her own secrets are forever destined to remain her own secrets.

    Despite her lack of trust in other people, Dominique often finds that she is the one to step up into a leadership role in team situations because of her extensive knowledge base in strategy as well as her ability to see in two places at once. It certainly comes in handy. When she steps into a leadership role, Dominique often forgets for a while that she doesn't trust people. This isn't by choice but out of necessity. One cannot assign duties to people the do not trust.

    Dominique does not take no for an answer and she is not one to easily accept failure. However, she also knows the difference between surrender and a tactical retreat and the former is something she finds is often her best option. Although this is often interpreted as giving up, Dominique always returns and hits hard on the rebound.

    Despite some of her obvious flaws, Dominique is always trying to do whatever she can to better serve Mermaid Heel and to better meet the obligations that come with belonging. Although she doesn't trust outsiders, she does her best to try to make a team work or to try to get a mission done. Dominique is highly protective of her guild and she is highly assertive on this fact. Everything she does is always "For Mermaid Heel..."

    There is one final aspect to Dominique's personality and that is Ajax. Ajax is a husky that is Dominique's constant companion and Ajax comes off as friendly to anyone and everyone. He is always open to being pet and loved and tickled and played with. He's always full of energy and he's always very robust. His near constant presence around Dominique really helps to tone down her more serious persona.

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