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General Question/Suggestion


That One Fear In My Enemy's Eyes
As a major music lover (and Music major in college), I was wondering if there's a way to try starting or adding some kind of music feature on the site.

I know it's probably not going to happen, but I think it'd be really neat if RP's had their own "Theme Song" feature so that when you open up the "Main" thread you hear the music without having to see a video or activate/search for media in the posts themselves.

Something simple like an audio player feature/option of some kind at the top of the page above the posting section in the "Main" thread which plays the RP's theme. The theme could be uploaded as an audio file (.wav, .aiff, .mp3, etc) by the GM.

It's just something I thought would be cool.

To me music makes everything more interesting and more fun. Imagine going to the RP you're in and going to the Main thread and hearing the RP's theme play as you read and post? I think it'd be epic (so long as the GM's choice of music is epic :P ).

Thoughts anyone?
I think that would be cool. But, for the most part, I think it'd be near impossible to pull. Not even sure if XenoForo has any programming to do that. And, music automatically playing can cause a lot of disturbances, especially when taking a peek at a thread. For me, I just use coding to pull of "theme music" for the thread such as turning an image into a link or using accordions to show off media that people can click and what not.
Although a good idea, I wouldn't count on it happening. I have thought about this before but immediately shake off the idea. I have also thought about profile music. Seems like Xenforo just won't support it.

This hypothetical feature would need to have a setting to be turned off though.
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I'm not sure we'd ever endorse something that could be so intrusive, but having an option to turn it off in user settings does make for a compelling compromise.

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