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One Thousand Club
November 23rd, 2055

The United States general stood in front of his troops as they lined the streets of New York. A crowd had gathered awaiting the send of off the army. While others went to pay respect for the lives lost.

All his soldiers were combat ready with their assault rifles standing at attention.

"Men. Two weeks ago, an unknown army from an unknown world attacked the United States. They made no distinctions killing anyone in their sights. Their attack ensued chaos and fear. Using barbaric methods of conquest and tactics."

"That was until they were met with the most sophisticated military on earth. Their invasion was successfully repelled in two days with maximum casualties on their side. Today, marks two weeks since the incident. And today, under the request of Washington and the oval office, we are to venture through into this unknown world to gather information and to bring justice on those who were responsible for the attack. And to make sure that they can never open another gate to the United States or any nation."

"I salute you all. And I look forward to working and fighting alongside you in the coming days. All personnel ready to their designated military units." The General poke as the soldiers all saluted before splitting and going inside the back of the APCs and IFVs parked behind.

Once the last company of soldiers had gotten inside of their vehicles, the two lead M1A3 Abrams tanks started their engines as the automatic gates opened up revealing the gate portal to the other world. Soldiers emerged from behind the walls that concealed the gate as they directed the vehicles into the gate.

The general gave a salute to the tanks as they drove through and into the gate as he walked towards his command APC at the very rear.

Through the gate it was pitch black as the vehicles turned on their headlights and IR and heat sights. After about a minute of driving, a blinding white light shone in the distance growing. Soon, the lights dimmed and the first of the Abrams tanks exited the gate as they stopped over a hill overlooking the entire valley.

"We made it." One of the tank commander said. "Wait." Another replied as he opened his hatch looking down at the valley with binoculars. "We got hostiles."

The valley lit up bright red as the enemy forces awaited. "Sir what do we do?" One of the tank commanders asked.

"Battle positions. All exiting vehicles are to form a defensive perimeter around the gate."

"First of the APCs are coming out."

"We got movement. The enemy is charging."

"All tank commanders respond." The lead tank commander spoke as each tank commander confirmed once they had clear sights of the enemy. "Give them hell." The Abrams began to shoot volleys of shells.

The fighting raged on until the sun finally began to rise. There were littered bodies everywhere as far as the US army was able to see.

"General, reports from scouts. The entire enemy force has been decimated. only a handful managed to flee." An officer said standing firm in front of the general who was sitting on his makeshift table.

"All scouts are to return. Begin construction of a permanent base on this hill. Send out four apaches for reconnaissance."

"Yes sir." The Officer said saluting before exiting the tent. "Not even 24 hours." The general said to himself. "Washington's not going to like this." "Indeed." The other General said.
"Sir." First Lieutenant Vincent Heinsenberg said saluting. "At ease Lieutenant." The General said. Vincent obeyed as he put his hands behind his back.

"As you know Lieutenant Heinsenberg, orders from Washington says that we must begin long reconnaissance missions. The other officers and I have agreed that we will be sending six, 14 man squads in three vehicles to scout the area. We've already sent out drones and aircraft to map out the terrain for about 20 km all around."

"With all due respect General. What does this have to do with me?" Vincent asked.

"This concerns you greatly. Because you are in charge of Scout unit 1." The General replied. "You will also be working with a Sergeant Major Bradley who will be second in command of your squad. I'm sure that with your leadership, you will be able to lead your scouting team and held the United States understand this new world."

"What exactly are we suppose to do sir?" Vincent asked.

"Everything you need to know is in the file." The General said as a Colonel handed Vincent a file.

"There's no enemy movement. And from our estimates, we have inflicted 60,000 casualties back in New York. And around 40,000 to 50,000 casualties on the enemy when we first entered this world. From our surveillance, the enemy has retreated far enough that villages and towns mapped are within range of our artillery and air defenses. As well as Helicopters."

"Right now, that war is at a stalemate, so we have to learn more about this new world and as much as possible. We have sent long range spy nano-drones to the more larger cities. Or in this case castles. We don't know what countries are in this land. But we can only assume that they are the enemy's." The General said.

"With all due respect sir. Don't you think that using high end weapon systems against an enemy who still uses spears, swords, arrows and not so well trained army is a bit too much?" Vincent asked.

"We understand that killing them with guns and missiles when they haven't even mastered building siege towers or having a proper navy is in a way inhumane. But how else are we suppose to repel them?" The General said. "We don't want to use nuclear weapons or N2 Mines against them. Let alone using Kinetic bombardment against a civilization that is as advanced as the roman empire by our experts back on earth."

"If worst comes to worse, we'll have to nuke this civilization into submission. Not that I am in favour of such inhuman tactics."

"But they killed children, and women. Now, in a civilized world, that is barbaric and must be met with the hammer of justice. Which is what we are here to do. The scout teams leave at 1200 hours tomorrow sharp. Don't be late." The General said. "Dismissed."

Vincent saluted before exiting.


"Alright. Move the Abrams over there by the hangars." The soldiers said directing a new squad of M1A3 Abrams to the newly built hangars.

"Why are we getting old guns and tanks but our apcs are modern?" One of the soldiers asked as 20 Stryker II APCs exited the gate.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3bb293e3_USarmyStrykerII.jpg.d0434ded33e17b5f7a72ca7ea20c8d01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66255" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3bb293e3_USarmyStrykerII.jpg.d0434ded33e17b5f7a72ca7ea20c8d01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
"Probably because they're of no use anymore. Well the tanks and guns. And also, if something were to happen, we need to leave quickly and destroy whatever we leave behind." Another soldier said. "Now help me out, we need to get the aircraft out and ready." The soldier said.

There was a total of 40 AH-64 Apache G attack helicopters

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3bda8103_USairforceapacheG.jpg.992f1cf5b8ff625f78b258ef17460963.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66361" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3bda8103_USairforceapacheG.jpg.992f1cf5b8ff625f78b258ef17460963.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
as well as 80 UH-100 Night Hawks sitting in the open runway.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3bdaa939_UsairforceUH-100Ghosthawk.jpg.a655efbc60878a44c3bf11d9dd843c87.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66362" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3bdaa939_UsairforceUH-100Ghosthawk.jpg.a655efbc60878a44c3bf11d9dd843c87.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
From the gate, there was a steady stream of trucks coming in and out carrying fighter aircraft and parts for c-130 Hercules transport aircraft.



  • US army Stryker II.jpg
    US army Stryker II.jpg
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  • US air force apacheG.jpg
    US air force apacheG.jpg
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  • Us air force UH-100 Ghost hawk.jpg
    Us air force UH-100 Ghost hawk.jpg
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