
The Master

The Master of Reality
The Mountain and The Man


1. No god-modding

2. No killing other characters unless the other party has agreed to it

3. "Intimacy" is allowed but fade to black before you post anything you can get reported for (lol)

4. If you stray from your character's personality too much I will alert you of it. Getting off track happens sometimes so I won't threaten to kick.

5. Swearing is allowed but not too much.

6. 4-5 Lines per post minimum.

7. Post at least twice a day.

8. Don't get side tracked by 1x1 with someone during the RP TOO much.

9. No one's personality in the RP will not be totally anti-social unless it can be explainable through their bio. Nurture vs. Nature people.

10. If you don't post for more than two days you will be alerted. If another two days goes by you will be kicked and your character killed.

11. Use the OCC when speaking OCC. I will allow the occasional OCC post in the RP section, but only OCCASIONALLY.

12. If something comes up then you can shoot a message in the OCC letting us all know you won't be posting for a certain amount of time.

If you break the rules I will alert you. If it doesn't change then I will warn you. If you still aren't listening after that then I will kick you.

If you have read this then put "snow" in your character sheet so that I know.

There is a point and plot to this RP. I gave little information because it will be given by the man your character would meet. This is meant to be adventurous.
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Powers -

  1. Fire Creation - You can create fire at will from your hands and body.
  2. Fire Manipulation - You can manipulate the fire you create as well as any fire around you.
  3. Body of Sin - Your physical attributes become more attractive on a massive scale. Which means your chest size will grow as well as your butt until you look like perfection incarnate. You are the epitome of beauty and few can avert their gaze from your body and face. But your body can also handle three fold the damage that a normal body could.

EXTRA - Because Lilith was the Sister of Kane (Not the one in the RP.), that means that she is also very mean and quick to anger. She also seduced Kane and had a son with him that she named Sewell, so she has a hint of motherly treatment towards all she meets.

EXTRA POWER - You have luck on your side! Where most would slip on the banana peel, your foot will step beside it without you even knowing. Traps are not easily set off by you, and even your klutziest moments can end up being rather useful.

Your weapon is a demon spike whip that only you can wield. You can imbue your fire into it and use it in a way that makes your fighting look like a lethal dance of beauty and destruction and cinder.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Sewell (For the guy psycho character)

Powers -

  1. Mist - You can use an icy mist to cover yourself or as a way to shroud yourself. Sewell used it instead of regular clothing.*
  2. Ice Creation - You can create ice at will from your hands or body.
  3. Ice Manipulation - You can manipulate the ice you make as well as any ice around you.

EXTRA - Sewell was the son of Lilith so he isn't too bad looking himself. His father was Kane so he is also naturally aggressive. Because of his incestuous roots he is mentally and emotionally unstable. He also has an unnatural incestuous attraction to his half sister Lily.

EXTRA POWER - You can call upon the Sword of Gelu. A sword made of ice that Sewell wielded in battle numerous times that holds a lot of power. No matter the time, your energy, or your location, you can call upon the Legendary ice blade.

Your weapon is a staff and wand. You can cast regular spells as well as enhance your own ice spells. You are an ice witch afterall. When calling upon the Sword of Gelu your wand will be encased in the blade so that you do not need to worry about not having enough hands during battle once summong the blade.

Lily (For the girl psycho character)

Powers -

  1. Fog creation - You can create fog at will from your hands or your body, or even out of thin air. This fog is special though and allows more range for your spells.
  2. Fog Manipulation - You can manipulate the fog you make as well as any fog around you.
  3. Lightning Magic - You can cast lightning spells with ease and efficiency. You are a witch after all.

EXTRA - Lily was the daughter of Lilith so she isn't too bad looking. She inherited her mother's Succubus tendencies and mental instability. She has an unnatural incestuous attraction to her half brother Sewell as a result.

EXTRA POWER - You can call upon the holder of Sewell's soul! Lily loved her brother so much that her soul connected itself with his. No matter the location, no matter the circumstances, you can summon a pentagram and summon Sewell. Sewell never did mind this power, in fact he got turned on by it in a weird way.

Your weapon is a demon scythe. Your "mother" Lilith crafted a scythe for you to use that is unbreakable and deadly sharp. You can imbue your powers into it to make it even deadlier.

@Mashiro Shiina


Powers -

  1. Shadow Manipulation - You can use the shadows to your advantage as a weapon, a mode of transportation, or even an impenetrable shield. You can even turn yourself into a shadow...
  2. Toxin Immunity - Toxins have no effect on you. You are immune to any Toxin in any reality and universe.
  3. Poison Immunity - It is impossible for you to ever be poisoned. No poison can harm or effect you no matter what.

EXTRA - Shadow married and had a child. His wife cheated on him MANY times and allowed her friends to do sexual and sick things to each other and to her, around their child Xana while still married to Nightmare. Nightmare has been heartbroken more than anyone. He left his wife and stole his child away. Nightmare has been fueled by hatred and anger up to death.

EXTRA POWER - You have a drive no one can match! Your physical feats are supernatural and your body can be damaged in ways that would normally kill someone, leaving you totally fine. Sword through your heart? No problem! Your heart is dead anyways! But remember you are not immortal.

Your weapon is a doom blade. You wield not to wound but to kill. You do not fool around with fancy tricks or swings. You have no time for it. With each cut, your victim loses their will. This effect stacks until you kill them or their body loses the will to even live.

@DJ Elfin


Powers -

  1. Glyph Summoning - You can summon glyphs to hover around you or in the air within your field of vision, symbols of pure magic.
  2. Glyph Creation - You can create glyphs on yourself or on objects.
  3. Glyph Manipulation - You can manipulate glyphs you have summoned, created, or any glyph around you.

EXTRA - Elijah was a Wizard of such great knowledge and skill that he had obtained something no one else has ever done. The power to create, summon, and manipulate glyphs. Glyphs are symbols used when magic was first found. They are unbreakable and cannot be destroyed by anyone. Their energy can be used up, but this is difficult as they are the purest any form of magic can get. They do not abide by similar magical rules like light and darkkness does. They are on an entirely different plane of magic. Elijah was able to achieve omniscience due to his reached point of superiority.

EXTRA POWER - You see all, you know all, you might as well be all right? WRONG! You are not all, but you do very well see and know all... To an extent. You cannot be caught off guard due to your awareness of reality. Traps, ambushes, and tricks don't work with you. You can't be outsmarted or outwitted by anyone as there are no more glyph users alive. Logic, fact, reason, and numbers make up everything around you. Feelings? Well that is something you haven't studied up on yet.

Your weapon is the Glyph. They act as everything. A tool, a weapon, and a form of understanding. You can use the right glyph to spew fire, while the other shoots out ice. Of course they will run out of energy and disappear, you can always make more. Glyphs are symbols that represent everything. You can attach a glyph to a wall to make a part of it vanish so you can go into the next room silently, or make the wall explode with a different glyph just for the fun of it. You cannot go on forever though, as magic takes up energy.

@Queen of Fantasy


Powers -

  1. Light Magic - Positive and heroic light magic of all kind is at your use. You can even create Light wings and fly around similarly to an angel.
  2. Lightning Magic - Lightning bolts, orbs, and anything else lightning related with magic is at your use as well.
  3. Skittles - You can make skittles appear in your hands out of nothing.

EXTRA - Skittles

EXTRA POWERS - You can make toys for ages 0-6 appear. Also, Skittles



Powers -

  1. Fire Omnipotence - Fire is your element, your domain, and it is under YOUR control if you so wish.
  2. Portal Generation - You can create portals and send anyone or anything into them. There is only a ten yard radius of portal generation though.
  3. Immunity - You are immune to poison, curses, toxins, burns, cold, acid, lava, drowning, being crushed, being suffocated, and anything else that could happen to your body. You can be shot, stabbed, or battered to death. Magic can also hurt you. You can survive like normal in ANY conditions. Even in space.

EXTRA - Kane was The Father before Veril. He had a wife and a son that lived with him in Gehenna until his son grew up and his wife and he separated. Kane had a child with his half sister before that though. He is the most unknown man in all of history. Gideon is his brother and Veril is his brother, but Gideon is Veril's uncle. Elijah is also his brother. Lily is his daughter, but he only had one child with Lilith and that was Sewell. But Lilith IS Lily's mother. Kane and Nightmare are also brothers. Nightmare, Veril, Elijah, Lilith, and Kane are all siblings. But Gideon is ONLY Kane's brother. Kane is also Skittle's uncle. Kane has shifted his way through time most of his life and created The Void. He is the most unknown and confusing entity to have ever existed. No one but Gideon knows how any of the people are related and why they are.

EXTRA POWERS - You can use Lightning magic. It is nothing special, mostly because you are already over powered.

Your weapon is known as Wrath of Kane. It is a sword that is thicker than a Gladius and a foot longer than a long sword. You can imbue your fire into it and unlock it's true potential. You can also use it with ease, as it weighs nothing to any of the Kanes. It cannot be lifted, swung, or carried by anyone other than one of the Kanes. It is bound by a magic that the first Kane put into it, which IS a force unmatched by any.

@X3 Infernal Infinity


Powers -

  1. Crimson Sorcery - You can cast spells that serve no other purpose besides maiming and killing. They are all a dark blood color.
  2. Silver Scales - Your skin can turn into Silver dragon scales that are impenetrable by anything sharp and protect you greatly against blunt force trauma.
  3. Kane's Bane - Your spells have a much greater effect on members of The Family. They hurt more, suffer more, and bleed more.

EXTRA - Ashuraka was said to be the long lost brother of Kane, but not even Kane himself has said anything on the matter. Ashuraka despises The Family greatly and all it stands for, despite being a member at one point in his life. His powers came from slaying a silver dragon with his crimson magic. A unique kind of magic meant for the single purpose of hurting any Kane it can.

EXTRA POWER - You can heal fast. And by fast, I mean, Dead Pool wishes he could regenerate as fast you kind of fast. You can replace entire limbs faster than a person can blink. Be careful though, it does take up a lot of energy. You are as close to immortal as anyone can get in Gehenna. Just don't exert yourself or your regeneration will slow down greatly until you just stop regenerating all together until you get back up your energy.

Your weapon is your hand. You have an unmatched hand to hand fighting style. Kicks and punches are your thing, and you are DAMN good at your thing.
Dexterity (DEX) - Your ability to dodge

Strength (STR) - The power of your physical hits

Defense (DEF) - How well you are at blocking/taking hits

Magic (MAG) - The power/strength of your spells/abilities and how effective they are. Both offensive and defensive spells/abilities. (Does not include passive abilities)

Max 6 dice - Min 1 die


DEX - 4 dice

STR - 2 dice

DEF - 2 dice for blocking/4 dice for taking a hit

MAG - 2 dice


DEX - 2 dice

STR - 3 dice

DEF - 2 dice

MAG - 5 dice


DEX - 3 dice

STR - 3 dice

DEF - 3 dice

MAG - 3 dice


DEX - 2 dice

STR - 4 dice

DEF - 5 dice

MAG - 1 dice


DEX - 1 dice

STR - 2 dice

DEF - 1 dice

MAG - 6 dice + Roll 3 more


DEX - Skittles

STR - Skittles

DEF - Skittles

MAG - Skittles


DEX - 4 dice

STR - 5 dice

DEF - 5 dice

MAG - 3 dice


DEX - 3 dice

STR - 4 dice

DEF - 3 dice

MAG - 2 dice

DEX - 15 dice

STR - 15 dice

DEF - 15 dice

MAG - 15 dice


  • Almighty Force - A powerful Force can be shot through the palm or burst from the entire body.
  • Almighty Strength - Physical and Mental Strength of an unmatched level.
  • Almighty Strike - A Strike strong enough to turn mountains into dust.
  • Almighty Fire - A Golden Fire that burns, destroys, and spreads absolutely.
  • Almighty Push - A gust of power and wind as strong as midnight at the heart of Gehenna capable of destroying areas the size of Texas. Can be focused onto a smaller area range.
  • Force of The Father - The ability to control and manipulate all forms of matter absolutely.
  • Absolute Judgement - Gehenna's sentience takes on a physical form to pass judgement onto the guilty. Can only called upon by The Father of The Family. Can be used in any realm of reality or lack-there-of.

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