Happy Things Always End (Zombie Apocalypse rp)

Appearance: (realistic only)




Short bio:

Job (optional):

Weapons: (realistic please!)


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Name: Akira Kyouka

Age: 24

Personality: Akira is a rather sarcastic person. He doesn't like attention, hates "there's always hope" people, and cant stand people being defined by race and appearance. He has his moments of being sweet, but they are rare. He wont "open up" to people, because he is an open book, speaking what he has on his mind even if it makes him seem like a jerk.

Short bio: Akira was born in LA, in a rich family. He was bullied constantly, being hated by poorer children even though he didn't flaunt his families wealth. He even went as far as to have his teacher use a different last name for him. He eventually left the public school system and was home-schooled, enabling him to become skilled in Kendo by the age of 19. He became a mechanic, learning to build vehicles, drive them, and modify them to his liking. Thanks to this, he can build vehicles from broken car parts, allowing him to be able to last far longer than most people would.

Job (optional): Mechanic

Weapons: The contents of his tool box(hammers, screwdrivers, etc.) a blowtorch he uses fro welding, and his family's katana.

Family: His parents are dead, and his sister went missing around the start of the apocalypse.

Other: He can speak fluent japanese
Rook said:

Name: Akira Kyouka

Age: 24

Personality: Akira is a rather sarcastic person. He doesn't like attention, hates "there's always hope" people, and cant stand people being defined by race and appearance. He has his moments of being sweet, but they are rare. He wont "open up" to people, because he is an open book, speaking what he has on his mind even if it makes him seem like a jerk.

Short bio: Akira was born in LA, in a rich family. He was bullied constantly, being hated by poorer children even though he didn't flaunt his families wealth. He even went as far as to have his teacher use a different last name for him. He eventually left the public school system and was home-schooled, enabling him to become skilled in Kendo by the age of 19. He became a mechanic, learning to build vehicles, drive them, and modify them to his liking. Thanks to this, he can build vehicles from broken car parts, allowing him to be able to last far longer than most people would.

Job (optional): Mechanic

Weapons: The contents of his tool box(hammers, screwdrivers, etc.) a blowtorch he uses fro welding, and his family's katana.

Family: His parents are dead, and his sister went missing around the start of the apocalypse.

Other: He can speak fluent japanese

" I don't like dealing with stuff, unya. I need to rest. "

name ;

"Just Rarity, unya."


Rarity Honra

age ;

"I'm eighteen."

personality ;


rarity is a hot headed, rebellious woman. she's often dry and not talkative at first, but if you hit a chord, she may just either warm up to you or just flat out hiss at you and get a temper. she hates being teased, and is bad at being positive. she can get naive and not think at some times, making her vulnerable to others. rarity can be the kindest, most happiest person if she wanted to be, but now she is haunted by this apocalypse and found just tiring to keep her head up.

short bio ;

"Now, why do you think that's any of your business, unya?"


Rarity was the baby of two other siblings who were both boys. Their names were Kenneth and Timothy. Her mother always used to work long hours and same with her dad, so usually they had to either learn to fend for themselves or rely on eachother. Their parents were just awfully hard working. Rarity was a A+ student, up there with her brother Kenneth, and took an interest into the Performing Arts. She was in choir all four years of highschool, and decided to study food and being chef instead of singing. It was grueling, but since she inherited the genes of her break back mother and father, she carried on.

For a small break she did do small little bookings at cafes or bars, and there was when she met Johnny. Johnny was a very loving guy, listened to her, and helped her grow as a person. She became more happier, more positive and way more outgoing in life when they dated. However, Johnny used to always get high and was abusing substances. He became very abusive, not only physically but mentally. Due to this, Rarity had to be pushed to learn self defense and the night he did hit her again, was when he finally got arrested.

Rarity still feels the devestating after affects of that relationship, she often feels hopeless or would turn to check behind her back as a habit to look for Johhny's approval or help as she had to rely on him. She decided to take a small internship with a self defense teacher for teens or little kids, telling them her story and how they can avoid such experiences, etc.

job ;

She shrugs one shoulder.

"I can beat up stuff, unya."



weapons ;

She shrugs the other shoulder.

"I take stuff, so, unya."


A double sided fire axe she took from a fire department.


Dual forearm machetes she stole.


Her legs?

family ;

".... Don't talk about my family."


They are in a quarantine.

others ;


She's pretty good at stealing.


She says 'unya' sometimes, just something her Mom used to say out of annoyance.



probably going to make her self defense teacher as well.
obie said:

" I don't like dealing with stuff, unya. I need to rest. "

name ;

"Just Rarity, unya."


Rarity Honra

age ;

"I'm eighteen."

personality ;


rarity is a hot headed, rebellious woman. she's often dry and not talkative at first, but if you hit a chord, she may just either warm up to you or just flat out hiss at you and get a temper. she hates being teased, and is bad at being positive. she can get naive and not think at some times, making her vulnerable to others. rarity can be the kindest, most happiest person if she wanted to be, but now she is haunted by this apocalypse and found just tiring to keep her head up.

short bio ;

"Now, why do you think that's any of your business, unya?"


Rarity was the baby of two other siblings who were both boys. Their names were Kenneth and Timothy. Her mother always used to work long hours and same with her dad, so usually they had to either learn to fend for themselves or rely on eachother. Their parents were just awfully hard working. Rarity was a A+ student, up there with her brother Kenneth, and took an interest into the Performing Arts. She was in choir all four years of highschool, and decided to study food and being chef instead of singing. It was grueling, but since she inherited the genes of her break back mother and father, she carried on.

For a small break she did do small little bookings at cafes or bars, and there was when she met Johnny. Johnny was a very loving guy, listened to her, and helped her grow as a person. She became more happier, more positive and way more outgoing in life when they dated. However, Johnny used to always get high and was abusing substances. He became very abusive, not only physically but mentally. Due to this, Rarity had to be pushed to learn self defense and the night he did hit her again, was when he finally got arrested.

Rarity still feels the devestating after affects of that relationship, she often feels hopeless or would turn to check behind her back as a habit to look for Johhny's approval or help as she had to rely on him. She decided to take a small internship with a self defense teacher for teens or little kids, telling them her story and how they can avoid such experiences, etc.

job ;

She shrugs one shoulder.

"I can beat up stuff, unya."



weapons ;

She shrugs the other shoulder.

"I take stuff, so, unya."


A double sided fire axe she took from a fire department.


Dual forearm machetes she stole.


Her legs?

family ;

".... Don't talk about my family."


They are in a quarantine.

others ;


She's pretty good at stealing.


She says 'unya' sometimes, just something her Mom used to say out of annoyance.



probably going to make her self defense teacher as well.


Name: Jeffrey Carpenter

Age: 15

Personality: He seems normal enough, He tends to have random outbursts of depression or doubt in himself. He doesn't seem compliments constantly and would rather just talk about things other than the problem at hand. He doesn't tend to lose his temper rather than ignore the person chastising him for either a stupid goof up or something he refuses to take the blame for. Hates socializing with new people but can be willing in times of need or when he knows it is only going to help him. Moderately selfish.

Short bio: Raised as the baby of his family tended to be either treated with more care than his other siblings or treated as if he could never be trusted because of his age. He grew up in a fairly stable family with a moderate income, He didnt often get what he wanted but sometimes his dad sneaked him a few early "Christmas" gifts.

Job (optional): Student. Nearly flunked out.

Weapons: 9mm Pistol (Who knows how he found the key to THAT cabinet.)

Family: He has a brother who went missing a few weeks before the outbreak and a sister he would rather not talk about. They never got along anyways.

Others: Played a little guitar. Hope it helps.
Appearance: (realistic only)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.14b4305d85d9d7d19ad7b481258f50d1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.14b4305d85d9d7d19ad7b481258f50d1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Arayhia

Age: 18

Personality: Arayhia has always been quiet and thoughtful. Always thinking things over and contemplating life. Shes very caring and kind. People often make the mistake of thinking her weak, in reality she's very strong willed. She doesn't bow down to the demands of others, and always stands up for everyone, friend or not. Arayhia doesn't open up easily, and has a snarky sarcastic side, though it rarely comes to light.

Short bio: Arayhia was orphaned at a young age, and has hopped back and forth to foster homes. She got her CNA at 17 and went her own way. As she hit 18 and finished high school, she enrolled in a course to become an LPN, but the outbreak happened before she could finish. Because of being alone and with strangers from a young age she took it upon herself to learn Marshall Arts. She also learned how to use small knifes and daggers, and always has one on her.

Job (optional): Registered Nurse.

Weapons: (realistic please!) Herself mainly, as well as a small collection of daggers and knifes.

Family: None

Others: None.



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Arayhia said:
Appearance: (realistic only)
View attachment 103592

Name: Arayhia

Age: 18

Personality: Arayhia has always been quiet and thoughtful. Always thinking things over and contemplating life. Shes very caring and kind. People often make the mistake of thinking her weak, in reality she's very strong willed. She doesn't bow down to the demands of others, and always stands up for everyone, friend or not. Arayhia doesn't open up easily, and has a snarky sarcastic side, though it rarely comes to light.

Short bio: Arayhia was orphaned at a young age, and has hopped back and forth to foster homes. She got her nursing degree at 17 and went her own way. Because of being alone and with strangers from a young age she took it upon herself to learn Marshall Arts. She also learned how to use small knifes and daggers, and always has one on her.

Job (optional): Registered Nurse.

Weapons: (realistic please!) Herself mainly, as well as a small collection of daggers and knifes.

Family: None

Others: None.
Sorry but no one cant get a nursing degree at 17
I actually got my CNA at 16. During school they had a class. That's what I was talking about. And then at 18 she moved up. Do you want me to redo it anyway?
Arayhia said:
I actually got my CNA at 16. During school they had a class. That's what I was talking about. And then at 18 she moved up. Do you want me to redo it anyway?
Yes or at least put that it is not a college degree


Name: Leonardo Bistev (Goes by Leo)

Age: 21

Personality: Leo has a diverse but stable personality, usually a cold guy keeping to himself until given reason to act. Very hostile in tight situations and rarely hesitates about shooting people. Though a tough outer layer Leo sees that people are a necessity to him living as well as them, he is mentally tough as a nail.

Short bio: Leonardo was born into a Russian Crime Syndicated, at the age of 13 he was a know affiliate of one of the Russian mobs. When he turned 17 he became a made man of the Russian gang. At the age of 21 Leo was sent to the United States as a emissary to other mob families, where he would find himself in the apocalypse.

Job (optional): (This will be long) Russian Made Man, this incorporates him to have medium+ small arms training, a high fighting experience, extortion, persuasive. Other than that he's a handy man, he's can do a lot of random tasks like soder wires, or fix a broken gun, clean up a gun shot wound, steal, create weapons from scrap, survivalist stuff pretty much, but only BASIC things he's not very very good at almost anything, except shooting a fighting probably.



Always a has this ^ on him.


Others: Has a car.

jole875 said:

Name: Leonardo Bistev (Goes by Leo)

Age: 21

Personality: Leo has a diverse but stable personality, usually a cold guy keeping to himself until given reason to act. Very hostile in tight situations and rarely hesitates about shooting people. Though a tough outer layer Leo sees that people are a necessity to him living as well as them, he is mentally tough as a nail.

Short bio: Leonardo was born into a Russian Crime Syndicated, at the age of 13 he was a know affiliate of one of the Russian mobs. When he turned 17 he became a made man of the Russian gang. At the age of 21 Leo was sent to the United States as a emissary to other mob families, where he would find himself in the apocalypse.

Job (optional): (This will be long) Russian Made Man, this incorporates him to have medium+ small arms training, a high fighting experience, extortion, persuasive. Other than that he's a handy man, he's can do a lot of random tasks like soder wires, or fix a broken gun, clean up a gun shot wound, steal, create weapons from scrap, survivalist stuff pretty much, but only BASIC things he's not very very good at almost anything, except shooting a fighting probably.



Always a has this ^ on him.


In the trunk of his car ^


Others: Has a car.

An assault rifle is a very advanced weapon for the beginning of the apocalypse. Even though your character has a reason to have that gun he cant have it at the beginning of the rp. Other than that, he is accepted but please change that.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1bd0fe40_maternityweddingdress.jpg.6b2b60f3d4c6d6b5389ac4a0cda7c536.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1bd0fe40_maternityweddingdress.jpg.6b2b60f3d4c6d6b5389ac4a0cda7c536.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Claire Angela Branford

Age: 24

Personality: Claire isn't the most outgoing person in the world, but isn't exactly anti-social either. Ever since High School, she is known to be very shy, especially around guys. Although she was a bit more outgoing in College, Claire was still shy around guys, so she had the tendency to stay out of relationships. As a result of being shy, Claire is also a bit socially awkward, but it has improved after she graduated from College. Around her friends, she is practically the therapist and has an open door policy for her friends if they ever need someone to vent to or talk about their problems. But sometimes, even the therapist needs someone to vent to. Although headstrong, Claire is not without a soft side, as she is family oriented and has shown to be a nice and caring person, both as a friend and family member. However, she is weak emotionally, as it takes only one rude comment to make her cry, which she does not like, but is not ashamed to admit that even she can be quite the crybaby.

Short bio: Claire was born into a small family as an Only Child. Her parents died in a Car Crash around the same time she started grade school. Afterwards, she moved in with her Grandparents. Her Grandparents weren't very strict, so she didn't grow up and became secretive and sneaky. Instead, she focused on her grades and never really dated until after college. Even then, she still married young at the age of twenty-two. Having wanted to focus on her career a bit, she waited for two years until she was ready to start a Family. Four Months into her pregnancy, her own husband perishes in a house fire while she was at work. Following this, she moves into an Apartment and does her best to make ends meet. During the first month, she suffered a few break ins, she bought a gun and a knife so she can protect herself and her baby. Two months later, she is now in an apocalyptic world. Guess she made a good call buying that gun...

Job: Cosmetologist


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/charles_daly_5.jpg.09bc1ad8ffe8f49f6bb94a710f5a4d0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/charles_daly_5.jpg.09bc1ad8ffe8f49f6bb94a710f5a4d0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Initially bought for home defense. Now they keep her from becoming dinner.


-Grandpa (Died of a Heart Attack a year after she got married)

-Grandma (Died of Broken Heart Syndrome)


-Has a Degree in Cosmetology

-Currently Eight Months Pregnant

-Expecting a Baby Girl



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Elliot is 5'2" weighing around 90-97 lbs.



Elliot Smith (O'Connor)




Elliot is a rambunctious girl who isn't afraid of a lot of things, which can sometimes be very bad. She's blood thirsty whenever sickos (zombies) are around. She's an action type of person- almost never strategies. Elliot doesn't talk much and when she does it's most likely going to be rude or telling someone what to do. Elliot is actually kind if you break through her shell. She may not seem like it but she trusts to easily and doesn't take a lot of things seriously.

Short Bio:

Elliot and her brother, Zero, were orphans. Right as Elliot was three, their mother gave them to the orphanage because her father abandoned them and their mother wanted them to be raised correctly and to have a better future than with what her children could have with her. After a year of being at the orphanage and successfully not being separated, they were adopted by a mother and father who couldn't have a child of their own. After a few more years in Ireland, they decided to move to America. They lived happily until Elliot was eleven. Their parents started to drift apart. Their mother got dragged into her work and their father started not coming home. Elliot soon found out that their adoptive father has been having an affair with another women. Elliot ran away with her brother soon after she found out. She always told herself that it was her fault some how that whatever family they go with would end up in flames because she thought of herself as a bad luck charm that made husbands leave their wives.






Mother: (Unknown)

Father: (Unknown)

Adoptive Mother: (Unknown)

Adoptive Father: (Unknown)

Brother: (Alive)


Elliot wears a black cloak that conceals her skin and face and hides her pretty well in shadows.



Zero is 5'7" weighing around 137-148 lbs.



Zero Smith (O'Connor)




Zero is a lively guy who has plenty of common sense and keeps her sister in line. He knows when to fight or flight, which he needs to know for the sake of his sisters life and his own. He talks quite a lot and doesn't enjoy feeling the sickos blood on his self but with fight if need be. Zero is an approachable guy who's actually quite good looking. He's more careful than Elliot definitely and takes everything a bit to seriously.

Short bio:

(Just Refer Back To Elliot's Bio)


Convenient Store Clerk




Mother: (Unknown)

Father: (Unknown)

Adoptive Mother: (Unknown)

Adoptive Father: (Unknown)

Sister: (Alive)


Zero, of three years, was a theif and a robber to get food and other items for him and his sister so he's good at picking locks and scavenging.​
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Name: Wyatt Nielsen

Age: 23

Personality: Wyatt is pretty much the opposite of soft-spoken, he is not afraid to speak his mind or stand up for others. Going hand in hand with this he is highly opinionated, but is also understanding of the thoughts of others. He is very loyal, and values every human life as if it were his own.

Short bio: Wyatt is in his fifth year of medical school studying to become a surgeon. He doesn't have any family in the area, he is on a scholarship far away from home. He has an apartment, and enjoys hunting when season is in. He is currently top 10 in his class making him highly intelligent and invaluable for his medical skills.

Job (optional): Medical Student

Remington .22 caliber hunting rifle. The gun he uses for hunting.

Family: None in the area but mother father, and little sister back home.



Name: Maria Iceland (commonly called 'Ice')

Age: 28

Personality: Ice's personality is stone-cold and snarky. She doesn't speak much, and when she does, it may be to make a sarcastic comment on something she overheard. She hates people that think they're over-the-top, and doesn't like socializing too much.

Short bio: Ice was raised by her (deceased now) older sister, Allison. She excelled in grammar school and high school; however, when Allison was chosen to join a military organization, Ice was left on her own. She didn't have enough money for college, so at 20 she became a mercenary, quickly earning both fear and envy from her co-workers. When news of Allison's death got to her, she became even more sullen and hostile, and refused to get outside of the house for anything other than 'work'.

Job: Mercenary

Weapons: Combat knife, sniper rifle, her fists


Family: Besides Allison, a brother-in-law, whose location was unknown after the apocalypse.

Others: Carries around Allison's old military helmet

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