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Realistic or Modern Ex-Island IC


I disdain all glittering gold

I n t r o d u c t i o n
You've been relationship after relationship. None of them seemed to have worked. Thinking one moment it was love, the next it was heartbreak. But could Ex-Island be your gateway to your fantasy companion, or will it be the door to disaster? You have applied to be apart of Ex-Island. Where ex's and newcomers join all together for a show full of shouting, kisses and a possibly happy ever after.

This will be a group of around 10. Located on a deserted island where the only way to come across is by the tv stations boats that are used. Ex's will all start on either part A of the island or part B. Two by two, the couples will be released into the main house, where the drama will unfold. Challenges will be set for blossoming new romances and the exes may also be challenged. Prepare for the worst and the best.


S t a r t e r
“Good evening ladies and gentleman. This is the first series of Ex-Island and we welcome you to enjoy the drama that will unfold and the secrets that may be discovered. Here we have five different sets of ex-couples that will all be joining each other one by one join together We’ll be starting out with the group of Leavers on part A of the island and the group of problems on part B of the island. Two by two the couples will all come into the grand villa at the center of the island. Will there be a disaster as they soon realize they will be coming close to their terrifying exes, or will it be love at first sight to the unknown strangers.”

You start out on either side of the island. With everyone joining each other boat by boat, you slowly begin to realize there are a lot of fresh singles on the island. There's an envelope sat on a sandcastle at each point (A & B), will you be the one to dare to open it?

C h a r a c t e r s
Micheal Jones // Ridge Ridge

The Cheater.
Ex - The never trusting - @Zenosyne

Likes: Dogs // Pancake // Good beer
Dislikes: Snakes // Comitment // Milk

sera ribeiro // @Zenosyne

The Never-Trusting

Ex - The Cheater - Micheal Jones - Ridge Ridge

Likes: chocolate // white wine // puppies
Dislikes: bitter food // her trust being broken // beer

Iliana Nikoléta Býros (Anna) // @Rocket

The Cold Shoulder
Ex - The Overly Attached - Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha

Likes: Running // Movies // Partying
Dislikes: Laziness // Stuck up people // Dessing up

Quinn Selvaggio // Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha

The Overly Attached
Ex - The Cold Shoulder - @Rocket

Likes: Animals // Hugs // Competion
Dislikes: Losing // Bad Treatment // Isolation

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