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Epic Pi Day

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Suffers from Selective Memory
Now this isn't exactly tied to the site though buut

Today isn't a REGULAR Pi day

It's epic Pi day because

First ten digits of pi


3/14/15 9:26:53AM/PM

I feel like maybe we should recognize that or something since its actually a once in a century thing. Something unique that won't happen for another 100 years. Pretty cool :P
Atom said:
3/14/15 9:26:53AM/PM
Unless you are in a country with a different date-month-year arrangement. Then we might get to hit it again.

Thanks for pointing that out though. Pretty cool.
It's also Albert Einstein's birthday. :3
Atom said:
Is it really? Wow that's one hell of a coincidence lol
Yeah. 3-14-1879 is Albert's bday :3

The first Pi Day was started in 1988, so.... Einstein first >P
Ha! No, indeed, I haven't such skills. I found it on PBS; their photo credits Kay Sweet.
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