Samirah Bellswick


And they said it changes when the sun goes down
Name: Samirah Bellswick

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: bisexual

Species: sorcerer 

Personality: She smiles a lot, even when there is no need to, or if the mood doesn't count for it, she smiles. Secretly she's a masochist, and she has an intense passion for flames. While she isn't exactly dumb, she tends to be... nonsensical? She doesn't understand the impression she gives, and finds it unusually hard to control and express her true expressions. Usually it is easy to figure out though, if she's trying to seriously kill you she's probably really frustrated and mad. Her jokes tend to be off putting, as well. Samirah is, however, only violent when she has an excuse to, and rarely would ever harm an innocent person. She can even sometimes turn out to be a real friendly and optimistic person. She's sociable and extraverted, and while she is hardly easy-going and intense, she doesn't hurt people without reason. 

Appearance: She stands at an average 5'7". 

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the thing on her left thigh is a tattoo. 

her hair color is a light sky blue, a darker red in the edges, her eyes are the same shade of blue as her hair. her tattoo is stark black, basically a circle with a dot inside, with two smaller plusses under it. she got it because she thought it was cool, there's not much significance to it, but if she was asked about it she'd make a complicated and completely  different story for why it was there. her skin is a slight tan, a typical human brown color. her clothes are all white though, aside from the rings, which are a gold color. her thigh-highs are sheer white, and her shoes, which are short boots, are white too. 

Weapons: What she's wielding right now, a long thin knife. More of a skewer than anything else, but it works well. She actually has a whole bunch of knives at her possession right now. 

Powers: she's a sorcerer, so, uh... ability to straight up summon fire from her hands? 

Strengths: She's fast and quick on her feet. Pro at knives. Some real quality aim. Her grin costs about a million dollars. Flexible. Has a little more stamina and endurance than the average person.

Weaknesses: Samirah isn't exactly socially competent, which makes it hard for her to make close friends. She sucks at controlling her magic. Doesn't care much for her own safety, and doesn't take much time to think before she does things.

Backstory: nah

Extra: Knives .She'd own a large knife collection in her home, if she had one. 

Other:   She's just a typical adventurer, explorer, treasure hunter and former gladiator. 
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