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Fandom Dxun - Lore


HK Fifty

Jedi Historian
Dxun - the Demon Moon

Dxun is the only life-sustaining Moon orbiting the planet Onderon , with which it shares it’s atmosphere and much of its Flora and Fauna. Like Onderon itself , Dxun has few major settlements and is mostly covered in a dense Jungle few of it’s citizens dare to travel into. Carved throughout the jungle by seemingly all the forces that may once have , or currently do , call Dxun a Base of operations are numerous trails , pathways , and a select few roads which are commonly used to transport supplies , personnel , and vehicles over. Outside of the sectors Imperial Stormtroopers patrol the pathways become sharply ill-maintained and dangerous to travel on , and most experienced soldiers would suggest it is no different traveling through the untamed jungle than it is traveling along those pathways outside direct Imperial control.

However , centuries of overhunting on the part of trophy hunters and various military occupational forces have reduced the once enormous population of dangerous beasts to a scattered collection of predatory species , most of which roam far away from the territory held by the Empire. On modern Dxun it is more likely for an Imperial Stormtrooper to be attacked by a small squad of B1 and B2 Battle Droids than it is to encounter even a single Cannok , much less any of the more terrifying beasts that once covered the rough-hewn pathways surrounding the Imperial Garrison. Invasive species have also led to the decline of Dxun’s ecology , as numerous predatory species has been introduced at one point in the moon’s history in an attempt to repopulate the Jungle for those few who owned Onderonian-issued hunting licenses.

Of the predatory species that call Dxun home , there are six which are encountered with any regularity by the forces of any military attempting to occupy her.

Many wild beasts travel the surface of Dxun and pose a threat to any Imperial Personnel traveling beyond the sensor-shielded barriers and sentry cannons at the edges of Imperial-held territory. While rarer due to overhunting and rightfully afraid of going too near to the Garrison , they are still a common threat faced by all sorts of Imperial Personnel , most especially Imperial Special Operations Command soldiers traveling out into the deep jungle or Rebel Camps that are typically hidden in the deepest parts of Dxun’s jungle.

Cannoks are small , compact scavengers that typical travel in packs of up to 10. They are fed on by all other predatory beasts , though they themselves have been known to consume the carcasses of the same beasts that consume them , and even their own corpses. They have been known to eat anything from a fully armored Imperial Stormtrooper , to spare blaster power packs , to one known example of such a beast consuming a live thermal detonator and the device disintegrating the beast from the inside. Of the six major beasts , they are the most common sight , and some still find their way into the territory patrolled by Stormtrooper Squads. 70002A8E-5D8D-4996-A6B6-EED86F83DD97.jpeg

Malraas are lanky , feline predators that tend to stalk their prey alone - though some have been observed to hunt in mating pairs , and these typically go after larger prey than a solitary Malraas. They use their speed and nimbleness to their advantage , typically staying high in the jungle foliage only to pounce on the prey they find below , or else run down their prey on Dxun’s surface. They most typically feed on Cannoks or similarly sized prey (including Boma young) , though they have an aversion to attacking animals or sentient beings traveling in any group larger than a duo , and seem to fear Droids. 903B6700-9B8D-4E8C-87B9-BFD092A7B3DD.jpeg

Bomas are large , reptilian predators that are highly solitary and abandon their young at birth. They are strong , powerful beasts that have been known to overpower multiple smaller predators at once , and feed on Cannok packs , Malraas , and Stormtrooper Fire teams.D9C65559-1A60-4085-911E-B4B47A094422.jpeg

Zakkeg are the largest ground predators on Dxun , dinosaur like in appearance. They are powerfully armored and feed on all other known beasts , except for the adult Drexl flying high out of their grasp , and the Hssis dragons which are easily their match if not their better. They are highly territorial and make dens in the Jungle , hauling their kills there to gradually feed on - including organic troops. They are exceedingly difficult to kill with conventional weapons , and it is advised to avoid such beasts if at all possible for all MOSs of the Imperial and Rebel militaries.562B36FA-4423-40DD-AC19-C506CB9FC902.jpeg

Drexls are flying beasts that appear a mix of reptile and arachnid. Their young are wingless and bright green , while the adults are terrifying beasts that scoop up their prey from the ground and ferry it to a nest in the mountains west of the garrison. Their most favored prey are Bomas , but they have been observed to even eat the powerful Zakkeg beasts and Hssis dragons if they themselves are large enough to lift such beasts. When these beasts were plentiful the exiled Beast Riders of Onderon were known to tame their young and use them as mounts to carry out wars against the Onderoniaj citizens of Iziz , but the union of beast rider kind Oron Kira and queen Galia of Onderon four millennia ago ended such a threat , and at some unknown point before the New Sith Wars these practices fell out of use. Drexls have been known to scoop up light vehicles such as MTV-7s or ISPs , only to consume the trooper driving them and drop them once they realize they are not adequate prey. Thankfully , Imperial air-Defence mounted weapons have reduced these beast’s threat to a very minimal one.A1CA5CA7-E073-4CCC-A2E4-A1AA0BCCC4C5.jpeg

Hssis Dragons are large , reptilian beasts born of Sith Alchemy. They stalk their prey using their natural invisibility only to close their jaws around an unsuspecting beast’s - or soldier’s - abdomen. They tend to roam through fields of corpses , drawn to the death and destruction lurking over the area. Such beasts are also attracted to the corpses of Dark Side users , even the weakest ones like the Sith Assassins that accompany Imperial Patrols. While there are ways to spot them before they become hostile , only an exceptionally perceptive sentient would be able to , making them the most dangerous predator to any occupation force on the Demon Moon. With their abilities they have been known to feed on every beast on Dxun , including the more powerful Zakkeg.


The 347th Imperial Garrison and Imperial-Held Territory

The 347th Garrison complex itself is of an older , less standardized design than the prefabricated Garrison Bases utilized by the Empire now. The complex existed before even the Republic occupied it at the outset of the Clone Wars , and it was only modernized as best as the somewhat apathetic engineers in the years since. It is thought to have been built by the Onderonian Government at one point , but no known records exist to support this theory , and indeed some evidence suggests it may have only been refurbished by the Onderonians if they had anything to do with it’s construction or even it’s use at all. It is of similar size to the IM-455 Prefabricated Garrison Base , but is more spread out than it ought to be and therefore larger in area and harder to defend. While it is not as easy to defend and control than a prefabricated Garrison , and is harder to maintain as well , it is considered more cost-effective to continue utilizing this base rather than abandon it or raze it to the ground and replace it. However , it has space to hold nearly four times what it currently does in all respects , which can make it feel somewhat empty to those not accustomed to the spreadout nature of the complex. Given this layout it is recommended personnel utilize transports of some sort of they need to travel between the various buildings quickly , or else grow accustomed to running very fast between locations.

The primary building consists of the barracks for all types of troopers ; the command rooms , from which the leaders - especially the Brigadier General placed in charge of the Garrison - control and plan any Imperial operations taking place on the Moon ; and the primary control centers , communications stations , droid repair and power bays , and most of the primary systems required to successfully run the operations of the Garrison. As such , it is the most important and most well-defended building on Dxun , and is placed in the very center of the overall complex. Like the IM-455 , it is roughly pyrimidal in shape and has four towers that have Turbolaser Artillery pieces housed within , which are connected by walkways with several secondary guard posts equipped with Medium or Heavy Repeating blasters or Stormtroopers with long-range Rifles. The first floor consists of the mechanic shop (which is utilized to repair or modify any weapons , droids , or personal equipment utilized by the Garrison) , the armory (which houses all weapons and armor not owned by one of the Garrison’s personnel when not in use by Imperial Personnel on duty , except those of the Imperial Special Operations Command which are considered to be always on duty) , the showers (further divided into female and male showers) , and the barracks. These barracks are divided into sections , and only personnel of the same MOS sleep in the same rooms. The second floor consists of control offices for non combat personnel to run the Garrisons operations and coordinate troopers or supplies , the sensors equipment and the required equipment to properly operate them , and the stations to control any remotely operated weapons stationed throughout Dxun. The third floor consists of the Command center itself , including the control room outfitted with tactical holomaps and the various tacticians to monitor and accurately display the situation on Dxun. In addition , the various remote holocams around the Garrison and throughout the jungle - including Probe Droids - are monitored from here. The Officer’s quarters are also housed in the third floor , including the Brigadier General’s quarters as well. A tall spire is atop this building for use as a tall watchtower overlooking the entirety of the Garrison Complex , and has Scout Troopers and Heavy Repeating Blasters stationed inside it to maintain watch.

The Ground Vehicle Bay is locates 1200 feet southeast of the central building and is designed to House all ground vehicles utilized by the Empire , along with a smaller barracks to house mechanics and vehicle drivers attached to the Imperial Vehicle Corps on Dxun. It is ceaselessly abuzz with activity modifying or repairing damaged vehicles , as most vehicle bays commonly are , though given the very high ratio between vehicles and personnel this throws such activity into sharper contrast. 1600 feet northwest of the main complex is the landing pad and hangar bay for all of Dxun’s Starships , along with a small barracks for the pilots and crew attached to the Ground Squadrons stationed on Dxun. The landing pad is also utilized to offload cargo coming from the Star Destroyer in orbit or the larger Garrison in Onderon’s capital city. Cargo is then put onto ground transports to be delivered to their ultimate destinations throughout the other buildings on Dxun , from the primary complex to the vehicle bay to the Imperial-held Jungle beyond. It is specially guarded by Imperial Navy Commandos , who guard all ground-based facilities utilized by space borne vehicles.

Another 800 feet directly south of the Garrison is the primary power station housed in a supremely well armored bunker , which generates all the power required to operate everything housed in the Garrison Complex. It has a very small set of barracks attached to it for the highly skilled technicians that maintain and control the power station , a difficult job requiring constant vigilance as the power cells themselves are thought to be nearly three decades and require intensive maintenance. Located a mere 200 feet from the primary building is a small base exchange that deal some in civilian goods , though it is woefully under stocked and rarely paid any attention to beyond the most basic needs not provided by the Imperial Military itself. This usually results in personnel resorting to a sort of black market to acquire any personal luxuries they may wish to acquire , such as fine foods or jewelry or even toys.

Surrounding the Garrison Complex is a long series of walls connected by guard towers of various sizes and roles , roughly measuring one and a half times the height of an AT-AT for the walls themsleves amd between two and three times an AT-AT’s height for the various towers. In these towers are housed anything from anti-air defense laser cannons to flexible-use turbolasers to heavy or Medium Repeating Rifles operated by Imperial Light Gunners. Atop the walls are walkways that are patrolled by squads of Stormtroopers , typically serving defined shifts and being replaced by fresh squads after 10-12 hours. All the various stationary weaponry and walkways are less heavily guarded during the nighttime hours. Two large gates grant acces to the interior of the Garrison , one facing north and one facing east , and both are the most heavily guarded and watched sectors of the outer Garrison complex , with Turbolasers and whole platoons of Stormtroopers devoted to guarding the north and east gates. A much smaller gate designed for personnel or medium-sized vehicle entry is on the west side of the walls , but it is not as heavily guarded as the rest and is only utilized by Imperial Special Operations Command personnel returning from missions in the deep jungle.

Beyond the walls lies a roughly 50 mile radius of Imperial held jungle patrolled by squads of Stormtroopers , Imperial Armored Vehicles , Imperial Military Police Stormtroopers , Scout Troopers , and KX Battle Droids. At the edges of this territory are specially built auto turrets and sensor arrays that drive away any beasts and pose a threat to any enemies of the Empire that wish to enter Imperial Territory. These auto turrets and sensor arrays are maintained on a weekly basis by Imperial Army Crew personnel , who take along the most especially vigilant patrols for the dangerous task of shutting down the systems controlling each sector’s autoturrets and sensor arrays to repair any damage to them and ensure they are operating in satisfactory condition. As Dewbacks frighten away the small animals liable to lurk at the edges of Imperial-held territory they were very quickly brought in to assist in these tasks. Some Storm Commandos have taken to using Dewbacks instead of 74-Zs despite the nearly 90% drop in speed utilizing a Dewback would cost. Only Imperial Special Operations Command personnel travel beyond the sensor arrays and auto turrets at the edges of this territory with any regularity , as most being forced to travel beyond the relative safety of Imperial held territory will utilize transport shuttles or ground vehicles for this purpose.

Beyond the borders of the Imperial-held jungle all manner of dangers from highly aggressive beasts to roving packs of Clone Wars-era battle droids to the remnants of the Rebellion lurk , and save for the elite forces of the Empire few dare to risk their lives entering the wild jungles of Dxun. While the Demon Moon is claimed in the name of the Empire , beyond the roughly 51.5 mile sector of territory patrolled by Imperial Personnel directly the jungle and it’s inhabitants - animal or otherwise - show little sign of submitting to Imperial Rule.
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The Imperial Military - overview and combat forces.

The Imperial Military is the hammer of Imperial might across the Galaxy. It’s Core was formed from the Grand Army of the Republic , and upon that frame was made a wide array of changes. Now , the Clones are exceedingly rare , most Imperial soldiers being conscripted to fight within the military instead of cloned for the purpose. The Galactic Civil War revolutionized the doctrine and tactics of all branches of the military , and introduced many new special types of soldiers and war machines to the Imperial Generals , Moffs , Grand Admirals and Sith Lords who controlled them. Below is a list of common types of war machines and soldiers , and their typical roles on Dxun.


Imperial Special Operations Command encompasses all special operations forces within the Empire across all branches , including the Imperial Army and the Imperial Navy. All organic soldiers within Imperial Special Operations Command , except for the Imperial Navy Commandos , are sterilized. Males have their testicles removed , while females have their ovaries removed. Overall this branch of the Imperial Military is led by the Assassination Droid HK-50 , although on Dxun it is led jointly by
Scarif Trooper Squad Leader ST-4501 and Imperial Commando Captain IC-03947. While the regular Imperial Army defends the garrison , the forces of the Imperial Special Operations Command carry out the bulk of any offensive actions against any hostile forces on Dxun - most especially the Rebellion , and the smugglers who support them. The concentration of such elite troops relative to the small force of regular Imperial Army troops and other personnel is extremely high , though due to the nature of the conflict on Dxun this is considered inevitable , as the forces of Imperial Special Operations Command are the primary agents in carrying out any offensive actions against the Rebellion’s remnants , the formerly Separatist Droid soldiers seemingly covering the moon , or any other threat to Imperial rule presently occupying the Demon Moon.

Scarif Troopers are the most elite Imperial Soldiers alongside Imperial Royal Guards , trained from toddlers by HK-50 to be the perfect all-purpose elite soldiers. They first appeared surrounding the Battle of Yavin and subsequent events , strongly proving to be effective at combating the Rebellion. They are extremely effective individual warriors , and when required only seem to enjoy working in pairs if required to work alongside other troopers at all. They carry a variety of weaponry , much greater than that available to any other Imperial military personnel. In addition , they are trained to carry and utilize swords and daggers , which they typically use to cause close-quarters bloodshed against their rebel opponents. Other troops think of the Scarifs as cold and aloof , yet very destructive and murderous , and this is not very far off. Some have been known to look down upon Troopers of lesser qualifications , though they seem to have a general lack of respect for what lesser soldiers or personnel think of them regardless. On Dxun there are six of these elite soldiers , a typical squad. Only one has been observed to work alongside any other type of Imperial soldier , an ST-8085 , thought to be of Onderon originally herself. It is thought their armor is designed to resemble a combination of the modern Stormtrooper armor and the millennia-old Sith Trooper armor of the Galactic Civil War. Few enemies survive to tell the tale of spotting a Scarif , especially on the Demon Moon. No Scarif Trooper has perished following the end of the Galactic Civil War , and even during the war their casualties were very low. Myth , legend , and fact combine to give them a reputation of nigh-invincibility even the weaker warrior among the Mandalorians have grown to believe. Squad Leaders are universally feared by all enemies of the Empire , and are among the most skilled Imperial personnel alive , in addition to some of the most seasoned - as , indeed , many Squad Leaders were formerly ARC Troopers , including Dxun’s Squad Leader ST-4501.

Imperial Storm Commandos are essentially elite scout troopers , trained to be advanced scouts for Imperial Forces. They are highly adept with their DLT-20a Designated Marksman rifles and typically also carry the standard holdout pistol used by Scout Troopers , as well as blaster pistols such as the SE-14r and combat knives. These soldiers are chosen for their highly perceptive natures and ability to remember specific details extremely well , though quite often they find themselves engaged with large groups of enemies by themselves and are expected to win. These Troops seem to either keep entirely to themselves , or vociferously brag about their achievements to any personnel of lower capabilities. Some have been known to fly TIE Hunter starfighters , usually to infiltrate planets unfriendly to the Empire. On Dxun , these typically locate Rebel encampments and smuggler’s drops and deliver this information to their superiors so Scarifs or Commando Squads can be sent to destroy them. However , several will carry this out themselves , especially for the smaller encampments commonly found closer to the edges of Imperial control. Most Dxun Storm Commandos repaint their armor in camouflage patterns designed to blend in with the jungle , replacing the typical black and grey of the standard armor. There are currently 64 Imperial Storm Commandos operating on Dxun , one for every Platoon of Imperial Commanods.

Imperial Commandos are the evolution of the Clone Commandos of the Clone Wars. They operate in tight-nit squads of four , of which all four members have various specialities ranging from Explosives expert , to Sniper , to medtech - although the latter is exceptionally rare in the modern Imperial Special Operations Command. These four-Commando squads are lead by a single Sergeant , typically one that balances all other skills present in the squad with the addition of possessing some leadership ability. There are two primary types of Imperial Commando ; those referred to in slang terms as ‘Death Troopers’ - that is , Clones (Fett clones and clones of other sources) cyberneticly augmented to have enhanced strength , dexterity , and constitution ; and those referred to as ‘Shadow Troopers’ , conscripts trained in enhanced squad tactics. Both variants use E-15 blaster rifles , E-13 Squad Automatic Weapons , and RT-97c long-range blaster rifles - though some squads utilize different weaponry , and some Fett Clones still utilize DC-17m interchangeable weapons systems. Both types of Imperial Commando Sergeants wear a black pauldron to distinguish themselves from those under their command , and many ‘Death Trooper’ sergeants don a web gear vest with extra blaster power packs , specialized fragmentation grenades , and other such equipment. On Dxun , these squads typically participate in and form the backbone of assaults on Rebel encampments and smuggling operations throughout the jungle , usually alongside or under the command of a Storm Commando. A female Imperial Commando is the joint leader of the Imperial Special Operations Command on Dxun , alongside ST-4501. There is currently one full Regiment of Imperial Commandos on the planet , or 1024 individual Imperial Commandos stationed on Dxun.

HKS - Hunter-Killer series combat Droid , type Soldier - units are the primary form of elite combat Droid and bodyguard throughout the Empire. Typically these seven foot high , ebony War Droids are assigned to garrison leaders , Imperial Moffs , admirals , or other such highly placed officials. They tend to take charge over any lesser droids underneath the command of those they are assigned to , which typically gains them the reputation of being Droid Commanders as well. They are primarily soldiers instead of assassins as all other droids to bear the HK designation , and possess a more calm , calculating - though no less murderous - disposition than their builder. On Dxun , one such Droid - HKS unit 094 - is considered to be in command of all Droid forces and Droid-led operations within the Empire , as well as having key roles with the Imperial Special Operations Command present in the Garrison.

Imperial Navy Commandos are the specialist troopers trained in naval tactics , specifically to defend Star Destroyers or other such large warships , and to board and secure enemy vessels crippled by Imperial Navy Warships. Outside of the environments they were trained to be specialized in , they are only slightly better than Stormtroopers , but aboard warships or in Imperial hangar bays they are highly skilled. On Dxun they have commonly been known to replace fallen Stormtroopers in Imperial Patrols , where they have been known to leave their armor quite dirty and refuse to clean it. A squad of Imperial Navy Commandos is composed of six individuals. There is currently one company of Imperial Navy Commandos on Dxun , or 96 individual troopers.

The Imperial Army is the backbone of all Imperial Military strikes , consisting of the iconic Stormtroopers , Scout Troopers , Patrol Troopers , and various other , lesser known soldiers and the support staff that assist them. Galactically , it is led by Grand Moff Tarkin and Grand General Veers. On Dxun , the Imperial Army mainly consists of ground patrols ceaselessly monitoring the pathways leading into and out of the Imperial-held territory and support staff manning the garrison , without which the mission of the Imperial Special Operations Command could not properly function. The Brigadier General in charge of the Imperial Garrison is considered to also be in full control of the Imperial Army’s Forces upon the moon.
Imperial Stormtroopers are the primarily soldiers of the Empire. They are the iconic image of the might and power of the Empire , their very Armor and tactics embodying every ideal of the Empire they serve. Imperial propaganda States that Stormtroopers are fanatically loyal , crack troops all willing to sacrifice anything to serve the Emperor. In reality , Stormtroopers are the most basic soldiers of the Empire , with all the variances in skill , beliefs , and loyalty implied therein. Quite many have families of their own , along with their own hopes and dreams , and a great many were forcibly conscripted into the Empire like any number of the Special Operations Command’s force’s - though , of course , at actual adult ages rather than the very young ages Scarifs , Storm Commandos , and Commandos began their training from. On Dxun they are most typically organized into squads of ten , made up of two 3-Trooper DLT-19 SAW Fireteams (consisting of 2 soldiers with E-11s and one with a DLT-19) and a four-Trooper T-21 Light Repeating Blaster Fireteam (consisting of three troopers with E-11s and one with a T-21 and the backpack generator and extendable tripod needed to properly utilize such a weapon) , of which one of the former typically contains the squad’s sergeant. Other squads consist of a 6-Trooper Medium or Heavy repeating blaster Fireteam (consisting of 4 troopers utilizing E-11s , one with a DLT-19 SAW , and one with either a MH-09 Medium Repeating Blaster or an E-WEB Heavy repeating blaster and the heavy equipment , specialized generators , and training to utilize such weapons) and a four-Trooper T-21 Fireteam , the latter of which usually contains the squad’s Sergeant. Typically the former type of squad is assigned to patrol the jungles alongside other types of troops and occasionally vehicles , while the latter is assigned to guard one of the checkpoints in the area immediately around the garrison , or inside the garrison itself. Platoons are made up of four squads , of which one replaces iy’s sergeant for a Lieutenant. Typically Dxun platoons are assigned to sectors of patrol , or platoons with two Medium or Heavy Repeating Squads and two normal Squads are assigned to guard the main entrance to the Garrison itself. Sergeants wear white-colored pauldrons , Leiutenants wear orange-colored pauldrons , and Captains wear red pauldrons. Stormtrooper Commanders decorate their armor in a variety of ways , and on Dxun the Commander of Imperial Combat Forces decorates his armor by painting it entirely bright red. All told , there is one full regiment of Imperial Stormtroopers on Dxun , or 2560 individual Stormtroopers.

Imperial Scout Troopers are the advance soldiers of the Empire , often heralding the arrival of Stormtroopers or armored vehicles. Typically they ride Aratech 74-Z speeder bikes as transport and utilize small holdout blasters carried in holsters on their boots. Many use DLT-20a rifles as their standard rifle if they should carry one , taking up the role of Squad Marksman when alongside a squad of Stormtroopers. On Dxun these troopers serve as spotters and advance troops for the Stormtrooper patrols , traveling ahead of the rest to ensure the path forward isn’t threatened. There are 256 individual Scout Troopers on Dxun , one for every squad of Stormtroopers.

Imperial Military Police Stormtroopers Are specialized stormtroopers trained to perform the duties of military police. As a counterpoint to most Imperial Military forces , many Military Police Stormtroopers prefer to de-escalate situations where violence is not entirely required and bring back enemy combatants alive to interrogate them. On most worlds they are the urban equivalent of the Scout Troopers as well , but as very little urban environment exists on Dxun they accompany Stormtrooper patrols , typically the all-purpose soldier of the bunch. They carry E-11 blaster rifles , SE-14r Pistols , and batons. Commonly they are seen driving light vehicles such as MTV-7s or AT-RTs , usually providing support for their squad. Currently there are 512 individual Imperial Military Police Stormtroopers on Dxun , of which approximately a third operate vehicles such as MTV-7s , AT-RTs , ISP-2s , and C-PH speeders.

KX-Series Battle Droids are the standard War Droid of the Imperial Army and Navy , crafted to perform whatever task they are assigned to by their owners. They typically answer to Imperial Soldiers ranked Sergeant or above , along with Scarif Troopers of all ranks and members of the Imperial Security Bureau. On Dxun these droids most typically provide support for Stormtrooper patrols , serving as a much tougher , much stronger , hardier companions. They typically use E-11B Blaster Rifles affixed with tactical lights , or DLT-19 SAWs.
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The Imperial Military - Pilots , Drivers , and Support Personnel

The Pilots , Drivers , and Support personnel of the Imperial Military are the soldiers that make all the functions of the ground and space forces of the Imperial Military possible. In addition , Imperial TIE Pilots and Imperial Combat Drivers operate the most iconic and feared weapons in Imperial hands - the endless swarms of TIE Fighters , and the marching hordes of Imperial Walkers. As such the drivers and pilots of the Imperial Military are afforded great respect by other forces of the military , both in the Navy and Army , and even the Imperial Special Operations Command. Overall , the Drivers , Pilots , and Support Personnel fall under the leaders of their respective branches - Grand Moff Tarkin and Grand General Veers for the Army , Grand Admiral Thrawn for the Navy , and HK-50 for any that fall under Imperial Special Operations Command. On Dxun they all ultimately fall under the command of the brigadier general in command of all Imperial Forces on Dxun , and those in charge of their specific branches secondarily.


The Crew of the Imperial army typically oversees the day-to-day operations of the Imperial Military , taking up any and all tasks not relegated to combat troops. Standard Imperial Army Crew are trained to utilize DH-17 blasters to defend themselves , however , and in dire situations such personnel have been sent to the front alongside the Stormtroopers or Imperial Military Police. The Combat Drivers of the Imperial Army operate all ground vehicles currently in use , including - but not limited to - AT-ATs , AT-STs , TX-225 Tanks , HAVwA5 Juggernauts , and Imperial Troop Transports. Thusly they are afforded greater respect than most soldiers than such responsibilities would otherwise have , as the walkers of the Imperial Army are greatly feared and respected throughout the Galaxy as the weapons instrumental in the Imperial victory of the Galactic Civil War. High General Veers , the architect of the Imperial Walker design , personally oversees the vehicular operations of the Imperial Army. On Dxun , the Imperial Army Crew are known to repair many of the systems in and outside of the garrison , and assist the Stormtrooper Patrols in removing or destroying the large amounts of debris commonly found all across the moon , or take after-action reports from Imperial Scarif Troopers , Storm Commandos , and Imperial Commando Squads recently having destroyed a Rebel Encampment and handling what equipment and supplies remain. The operations of any Imperial Vehicles are led by a lieutenant colonel known to utilize a specially modified HAVw A5 Juggernaut as their personal command vehicle.

Imperial Army Crew Are the all-purpose non-combat troops of the Empire , performing nearly any duty not specially filled already. While highly numerous in their own right they are not as iconic as the white-Armored Stormtroopers they support , commonly achieving low regard and low recognition by the Imperial populace. While they do have ranks , they are not issued rank badges like Imperial Officers or Imperial Security Bureau Agents , nor the dress uniforms of any Imperial Combat Troops. Currently there are approximately 1500 Imperial Army Crew Personnel on Dxun.

Imperial Heavy Gunners fire powerful blaster cannons - typically artillery cannons of various yields , both stationary and transportable , and of various roles and construction. They also operate externally controlled cannons on Imperials Combat Vehicles and starships such as the mass driver cannons on the AT-TE and AT-AP , the artillery cannons on the AT-DT and SPHA walkers , and the turblolasers or various weaponry aboard Imperial Warships such as the Imperial Star Destroyers. They are common among both the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy. They carry SE-14r pistols and E-11 blaster rifles to use in case they require a personal sidearm. On Dxun they exclusively operate heavy cannons emplaced on or immediately around the garrison , and the externally operated cannons on various Imperial Combat Vehicles. Currently there are 60 Imperial Heavy Gunners stationed on Dxun , along with another 11 attached to the turreted laser cannons on various Imperial Shuttles.

Imperial Medium Gunners Are almost exclusively found in vehicles , operating heavy repeating blasters or the mounted beam cannons found on some vehicles such as the TX-130T , HAVw A5 Juggernauts , and certain modifications of the AT-OT. Their helmets mimic that of the Imperial Heavy Gunners , though it does not protect as well and is more designed to fit into cramped cabins and through small batches. However , some have been found on understaffed and underequipped garrisons - such as the one on Dxun - to be operating beam cannons or heavy repeating blasters mounted in guard towers or in specially designed turrets. Currently there are 49 Imperial Medium Gunners stationed on Dxun , along with 8 attached to the door guns on TIE Reapers and Sentinel Shuttles.

Imperial Light Gunners are vehicle crewers trained specifically to operate Medium or Light repeating blasters mounted onto various types of vehicles , where such weapons are not remotely operated. They use SE-14r pistols exclusively as their sidearms. These personnel are commonly confused for Imperial Army Crewers , as they wear the same basic uniform and same helmet , albeit with a chest plate very much like that of the Imperial Medium Gunner. Currently there are 60 Imperial Light Gunners on Dxun , all crewing the various medium repeating blasters mounted to TX-225 TUSK Tanks and AT-OTs , and a very small amount operating medium repeating blasters mounted inside of guard towers - once again , a symptom of the critical understaffing prevalent on Dxun.

Imperial Tank Commanders are the crew chiefs of Imperial tanks , typically directing the vehicle’s movement and attacks. In addition , they are known to command AT-TEs , A5 Juggernauts , and certain specialized AT-STs. They aren’t true commanders , and often possess the true ranks of either Sergeant or Lieutenant , depending on what vehicle they are chosen to command. They have been known to use a variety of imperial weapons , mostly officer’s pistols. There are 50 Imperial Tank Commanders stationed on Dxun.

Imperial Heavy Vehicle Drivers operate the heaviest and most powerful vehicles in the Imperial Arsenal. These include the iconic AT-AT , SPHAs , HAVw A5 Juggernauts , and AT-TEs , among others. Due to their central role in operating the most iconic vehicles of the Empire , they are afforded great respect among the military circles of the Empire. Of all the non-combat personnel of the Empire , they are the most highly visible and the most celebrated among the Imperial populace. They use SE-14r Pistols or E-11 rifles for personal defense. There are currently 32 Imperial Heavy Vehicle Drivers stationed on Dxun , and of that 20 operate in pairs. The remaining 12 are the primary drivers of a dozen AT-TEs , which are operated by large crews of other vehicle crewers.

Imperial Combat Drivers operate nearly every Imperial ground vehicle not classified as ‘heavy’ , asides from the AT-ST , AT-AP , and Imperial Troop Transport. They also fill in lesser or assistant positions on heavier vehicles , such as the gunners aboard A5 Juggernauts or one of the 6 secondary drivers and weapon operators aboard the AT-TEs. They utilize SE-14r Pistols or E-11 rifles. There are currently 178 Imperial Combat Drivers stationed on Dxun.

Imperial Scout Walker Drivers operate AT-STs and AT-APs exclusively , making them much more specialized than the standard combat drivers. They utilize E-11 rifles for their personal weapons , and eschew the personal body armor all other types of Imperial Driver wear. There are currently 58 Imperial Scout Walker Drivers stationed on Dxun.

Imperial Troop Transport Drivers Are specially trained to operate the Imperial Troop Transport Vehicles that find common use in the Empire , though they can operate other vehicles as well. They utilize E-11 blaster rifles stored inside their troop transports. 40 Imperial Troop Transport Drivers currently on Dxun.

The Pilots of the Imperial Navy and Ground Support Squadrons are most famous for flying the seemingly endless swarm of TIE Fighters , in addition to very many types of shuttles and transports required to move cargo and personnel throughout the vast territory held by the Empire. On Dxun , this mainly means those pilots that fly TIE Fighters , Sentinel Shuttles , and Gozanti cargo transports in support of the ground operations. They are commonly aloof when compared to the personnel stationed entirely on the ground , and rarely - if ever - set foot outside the garrison unless they are in the ship they are assigned to fly , or the Star Destroyer in orbit.

Imperial TIE Pilots fly the numerous variants of TIE Starfighter , including the standard TIE Fighters , TIE Interceptors , TIE Strikers , TIE Reapers , TIE Bombers , among many other variants , and several secret ones besides. Pilots trained to fly the new and highly specialized TIE/SFs , TIE Defenders , and TIE Phantoms are often provided better training and are more capable Pilots , having silver stripes painted down their helmets to distinguish them from their more mundane fellows. As the TIE Fighters themselves are a major component of Imperial imagery TIE Pilots are iconic themselves. As with any fighter pilots they tend to be rather cocky and arrogant overall , a fact which commonly leads to them clashing with other troopers and the TIE Pilots staying excessively insular in their own ranks. TIE Fighter Pilot squadrons are typically 12 individuals , of which are formed into three flights of four ships. Squadron Leaders are allowed to minimally decorate their Fighters and have a silver stripe painted on the crest of their helmet to distinguish them. All TIE Pilots use SE-14r pistols as sidearms , though squadron leaders sometimes choose Officer’s pistols as their personal weapons instead. On Dxun , they fly missions over the jungle to attempt to defoliate the jungle and bombard suspected Rebel locales , and have grown complacent that there isn’t any Rebel fighter presence , and Rebel Anti-aircraft capabilities are woefully inadequate. Currently there are approximately 14 regular TIE Pilots and 8 TIE/SF Pilots stationed on Dxun.

Imperial Shuttle Pilots are the Pilots trainer to fly all other ships asides from TIE Fighters , primarily shuttles , though very rarely select other vessels in Imperial use. They do not wear the armor or the helmets of TIE Fighter pilots and instead don simply flight suits with duty caps , of which rarely is any rank distinction made note of on the pilot’s uniform itself. Notably , Imperial Navy Crew don nearly the same uniform , but for the coloration being light grey instead of black. Like the TIE Pilots , they utilize SE-14r pistols as sidearms. On Dxun they fly shuttles to and from the jungle to drop off troops , and to and from the Star destroyer in orbit or the much lager base on Onderon to receive supplies and replacement personnel. There are currently 20 Imperial Shuttle Pilots stationed on Dxun.

Imperial Navy Crew performs much the same duty as the Imperial Army Crew Personnel , save for their purpose being within the Navy. They repair , refuel , and maintain Imperial Naval Vessels of all types and sizes , operate the various systems aboard , and occasionally may find themselves forced to use their SE-14r pistols to defend their vessel or ground installation. On Dxun there is a contingent of these personnel to maintain the TIE Squadron and shuttles attached to the main garrison , along with the Imperial Navy Commandos there to guard it. There are currently 130 Imperial Navy Crew stationed on Dxun , approximately 30 of which are crews for the larger shuttles or freighters that are housed in the Garrison’s hangar bay.

Imperial Officers are the overseers of all operations of other Imperial Personnel. They may be or various ranks and branches , but Imperial Officers are practically a universal sight among any Imperial Installation larger than squad-level. They carry more aesthetically pleasing pistols designed to show off their status compared to the more rugged weaponry utilized by their more mundane fellows , typically regarded as vanity by the Imperial Combat soldiers or the Imperial crew they supervise. They typically hail from notable or well-off families , or else demonstrate great enough cunning , political savvy , and supervisory capability to be made an officer. They typically relate any information those they supervise gather to their superiors. Some achieve a high enough rank to become governors or other such positions with full leadership over planets, garrisons , or entire sectors. On Dxun they commonly find themselves more regularly engaged in combat than they’d like due to the many supposedly rogue droids roaming throughout the moon , and are the first to complain about the loathesome conditions. ISB Officers are essentially the internal police force of the Empire , monitoring and keeping a careful watch on Imperial Citizens and Imperial Military Personnel to ensue continued loyalty and service to the Empire. The Imperial Security Bureau they serve is led by Ysanne Isard , who is also in charge of the secretive and very classified Imperial Intelligence branch. They are distinguished by wearing white uniforms with black trousers and caps , whereas standard Imperial Officers don all-grey uniforms. Colored rank tiles distinguish lower-ranking Officers from higher ranking ones , both in the standard Imperial Officer ranks and the ISB. There are 150 Imperial Officers - of which 80 are the lowest Officer rank , Lieutenant - and 20 ISB Officers currently stationed on Dxun.
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The Imperial Military - Ground Vehicles

The Ground Vehicles of the Imperial Military are the various transports and war machines that power the Imperial Army , many of which are iconic throughout the Empire for their major role in the victory at Hoth. Imperial Citizens are made to believe the largest Imperial Walkers are invincible , and the sight of one means all hope is lost. While they are very hardy war machines , they are able to be destroyed by continuous fire from high powered artillery cannons , and have a host of other weaknesses the Rebellion and other forces hostile to the Empire commonly exploits. Most of the Clone Wars-era Vehicles still remaining in the Empire arsenal are in very active use on Dxun , as the low-priority garrison is typically given many surplus vehicles to support it’s various personnel , which are then modified to be of higher quality by Dxun’s team of engineers and mechanics. There is an unusually high concentration of vehicles when compared to Dxun’s low amount of personnel , although most of these vehicles are outadted or considered of poor design and construction. The Imperial Ground Vehicle Forces on Dxun are led by a Lieutenant Colonel hailing from the Imperial Tank Commander’s ranks. There are two main types of Imperial Ground Vehicles , those that hover using repulsorlifts and those that move on legs. However , there are rare vehicles like the A5 Juggernaut and Century tank that do not fit into either category.


Imperial Walkers are by far the most iconic vehicles of the Imperial Army , among the most potent symbols of the Imperial Victory at Hoth. Nearly all fall into the All-Terrain series , and a great many have specialized roles among the Imperial Army. On Dxun they serve as transports and Armored Calvary for the Imperial Forces , also serving as overwatch for Patrols and mobile supply stations when needed.

The All Terrain Armored Transport is arguably the most iconic and feared Imperial Vehicle of all , looming over battlefields and shrugging off damage that would cripple lesser vehicles. They have heavy fire-linked dual Turbolasers fitted underneath their chin and medium blaster cannons on each side of the control cabin that can pivot upwards and downwards. They can carry 40 troops into battle and require a drive crew of 2 Imperial Heavy Drivers and an Imperial Vehicle Officer typically ranking Captain or above. They stand at 73 feet 10 inches high from the crest of their troop bay to their feet , and 65 feet 7 inches long from their very rear to the tip of their laser cannons. They can travel at speeds up to 37 miles per hour and can be deployed from Gozanti Assault Cruisers , Y-85 Titan Dropships , and theta-class AT-AT barges , in quantities of up to 2 , 4 , and 1 respectively. Their heavy armor is made of thick durasteel is legendarily impervious to most conventional attacks and causes most Rebels to either flee the battlefield or surrender , typically the former as Rebel prisoners are executed by their Imperial captors shortly after any potential information has been gleaned from them. However , these vehicles are weak at the neck joint and from the direct underside. Their most famous weakness is known to , and exploited by , the Rebellion - they have been able to be tripped by high-tensile cables , completely immobilizing the walkers and rendering their powerful cannons useless. Their durasteel footpads also have been known to be susceptible to anti-vehicle mines , damaging one of the legs and weakening their ability to walk or even stand depending on the strength of the explosive. Therefore these walkers are deployed in staggered formations so as to protect one another from potential threats , and have many nimbler and smaller vehicles deployed alongside them such as AT-STs and TX-series tanks spotting for threats that are below the massive vehicle’s notice. Prototypes of these vehicles appeared during the Clone Wars , only to be shelved during peacetime and subsequently revived roughly between 10 and 5 years prior to the Battle of Yavin by General Veers , and therefore made a massive impact on the war. On Dxun there are only 2 such vehicles stationed within the garrison , both of which are considered too valuable to risk sending out into the jungle and relegated to close-in Defence duty around the base.

AT-STs are designed to perform in the role of Armored Calvary for the Imperial Army , quick and agile to rapidly respond to changing battlefield situations. They 28 feet 2 inches tall and can travel at speed of up to 56 miles per hour , exceptionally speedy for an armored vehicle of any type. They are typically armed with fire-linked dual medium blaster cannons mounted beneath their chin , a concussion grenade launcher mounted on the left side of the cabin , and a dual light blaster cannon mounted on the right. They are highly numerous throughout the Imperial Army and have achieved a rather iconic status themselves - though perhaps in a much more vulnerable light than their cousin , the AT-AT , with whom they began to appear at close to the same time. Their legs are weaker and easier to damage than heavier walkers , their odd gait and two-legged contstruction make them easier to trip , and worst of all it is quite easy for an experienced rebel soldier to fire a missile behind the open view ports the vehicles crew requires to see outside and explode the crew cabin from the inside out , or toss a thermal detonator inside and vaporize the controls and crew. However , for their cost and intended role they are hardy and dependable vehicles , and are widely utilized. They can be transported by Gozanti cruisers , Y-85 Titan Dropships , and numerous other , smaller transports. Currently there are 14 AT-STs on Dxun , of which 2 are modified with Medium Repeating Blasters for vehicle commanders to utilize and used a command vehicles to coordinate larger amounts of other armored vehicles.

AT-DPs are bipedal walkers that are more heavily armored and armed than other similarly sized vehicles in the Imperial Army , and are tailored primarily for defense. They were originally designed to hold occupied Imperial worlds were there was a high concentration of potential unrest or conflict , and thusly were a very common sight on many mid and outer rim worlds at the beginning of Imperial Rule. However , they were more expensive and complex to produce than the AT-ST , and as the smaller Walker had more offensive capability they rapidly became far more common than their taller , hardier cousins in the AT-DPs. AT-DPs are 38 feet 2 inches tall , weigh 24692 pounds , and travel at speeds of up to 50 miles per hour. They are armed with a single highly flexible heavy blaster cannon mounted beneath the walker’s body , though slits and hatches exist for the vehicle’s two Imperial Combat Drivers to stick their rifles out of to engage infantry or hostile civilians should they be surrounded. While their body and armor plating is stronger than that of most similarly sized walkers the AT-DP was designed to tower over buildings on most underdeveloped worlds , and thusly have longer and thinner legs than most of their cousins , more susceptible to being tripped or rendered immobile compared to many other walkers. On Dxun their hardier construction and defensive design make them more highly prized than other bipedal walkers , especially to the various Imperial patrols throughout the Imperial-held territory. There are currently 4 AT-DP Walkers stationed on Dxun.

AT-DTs are Imperial Artillery cannons mounted to the legs and motor of the AT-ST , and thusly have the same speed and maneuverability as the standard AT-ST Walker , except for the long cannon mounted on top. Despite its name the cannon is only mounted forwards , and can pivot upwards and downwards to a limited degree. They are classified as Self Propelled Artillery and have open compartments , making the deployment of these vehicles on the frontline hazardous to the vehicle’s crew , consisting of an Imperial Combat Driver and an Imperial Heavy Gunner. As such they are typically kept back from the front lines of combat and mainly utilize their legs to transport their artillery cannons from one position to the next , and the vehicle can not fire it’s cannon while walking. Currently 2 AT-DTs are stationed on Dxun , both of which are positioned beside Medium Repeater Platoons at the two main entrances to the Garrison complex.

The All Terrain Tactical Enforcer is a six-legged Main Combat Walker produced during the Clone Wars for the Grand Army of the Republic. They can transport 40 troopers and require a crew of 8 to operate - one Imperial Heavy Driver , 6 Imperial Combat Drivers to operate secondary systems such as the weaponry , and an Imperial Heavy Gunner to operate the mass-driver cannon atop the vehicle. They are 43 feet 3 inches long , 16 feet 5 inches tall , and travel at speeds of up to 37 miles per hour. Armament consists of 6 ball-mounted anti-personnel and light-vehicle Light blaster cannons mounted 4 forwards and 2 backwards , and an enormous turret-mounted high-powered mass driver cannon mounted atop it that requires a Gunner to be stationed externally from the vehicle (later modifications added a coaxial medium repeating blaster to the primary Mass Driver cannon for better anti-Infantry capability). AT-TEs are not as heavily armored as later vehicles of it’s size and role , and could be destroyed anti-vehicle rockets should they reach the proper place , but as they are much shorter and squatter than most walkers and feature multiple legs they are exceedingly difficult to trip , and some have observed to continue walking with one of the smaller legs crippled when operated by a skillful driver. While they are squatter than most other walkers they are still vulnerable to attacks from underneath the vehicle , especially with anti-vehicle rockets , as this has been observed to be the primary weakness of the AT-TEs. While they were supposed to be phased out following the Clone Wars many thousands of these walkers still see service on outer-rim worlds and strategically or politically unimportant garrisons , especially those where AT-ATs are considered too valuable for use. There are 12 AT-TEs on Dxun , and they serve as the primary Heavy combat walker and multi-legged transport for the Empire , essentially serving the same role they did during the Clone Wars.

AT-OTs are eight-legged open-topped Transports designed to ferry large amounts of troops throughout occupied Imperial territory and quickly deploy them by a ramp stowed away at the rear. They were introduced late into the Clone Wars and met with little success , and were quickly shipped through a lend-lease program to Imperial allies and strategically and politically very unimportant garrisons following the war’s end. Their chief weakness is their open design , making them highly vulnerable to mortars and enemies equipped with jet packs and light repeating blasters. AT-OTs are 46 feet 11 inches long , 19 feet tall , and travel at speeds of up to 34 miles per hour , making them longer and slower than the AT-TEs they were designed I supplement. Their armament consists of two pivot-mounted forward medium blaster cannons and two rear ball-mounted anti-personnel/anti-vehicle Light blaster cannons of the same type present on AT-TEs. A common Imperial refit adds six DLT-16 medium repeating blasters mounted three on each side of the vehicle and one DS-04 Beam Cannon mounted on the roof of the drive cabin for protection against airborne enemies and ground infantry attempting to take advantage of the vehicle’s open Troop bay. The Imperial refits require a crew of one Combat Driver 4-6 Light Gunners , and 1-3 Medium Gunners. AT-OTs can transport 40 sitting troops and an additional 30 standing troops , and can be configured to fit more of either by a skilled mechanic. There are currently 12 AT-OTs on Dxun , all of which are on long , circuitous patrol routes going from the Garrison itself to the very edges of Imperial held territory , commonly utilized by Imperial personnel of all MOSs to travel to where they need to be without having to specifically request another type of transport , or travel on foot through dangerous territory.

AT-APs are three-legged walkers classified as assault guns , typically used in a mobile anti-vehicle role. They came into service late into the Clone Wars along with the AT-OT and proved much more successful than it’s more specialized cousin , continuing to be a main combat vehicle for the Empire into the beginnings of Imperial rule until walkers like the AT-DP replaced it. AT-APs are 36 feet 1 inch tall and travel at speeds of up to 37 miles per hour. They are armed with a heavy mass driver cannon inset into the vehicle’s body , a heavy blaster cannon in a turret atop it , and a medium repeating blaster (typically an MH-09) flexibly mounted underneath for defense against infantry attacks. AT-APs require a crew of one Imperial Calvary Driver to operate the vehicle and 2 Imperial Heavy Gunners to operate the main mass driver cannon and the heavy blaster cannon mounted atop it , one of which is exposed to enemy fire. These vehicles were designed to be mobile gun platforms and not offensive armored fighting vehicles , despite the addition of a heavy blaster cannon atop it , and have weaker armor to account for the incredible weight already created by the Mass Driver Cannon and it’s systems. Just like the AT-TE they were based on , they are very vulnerable to attacks from the underside , and their increased height worsens this specific weakness. Currently there are 6 AT-APs stationed on Dxun.

AT-RTs are small Calvary walkers designed to be operated by a single driver , speedy reconnaissance and battlefield support vehicles. They were wildly successful during the Clone Wars and produced by the millions , partially due to their exceptional battlefield versatility and impact for a rather low cost. They are 10 feet 6 inches tall and travel at speeds up to 60 miles per hour. Armament includes a medium repeating blaster mounted under it’s chin and some variants possessing a light mortal launcher as well. However speedy and nimble - of the latter , much more so than the AT-ST - these walkers are the driver is fully exposed to enemy fire and runs great risk of being killed by enemy infantry’s small arms fire , which is vastly the most typical way of disabling an AT-RT on the battlefield. They are commonly used as patrol vehicles on many rim worlds , and are greatly favored by the Imperial Military Police Stormtroopers. On Dxun they are operated exclusively by Imperial Military Police Stormtroopers an used on Jungle patrols. Currently there are 16 AT-RTs stationed on Dxun.

AT-MPs are small bipedal walkers with large high-explosive missile launcher systems mounted to both sides of the walker’s control cabin. The walker made it’s first appearance late into the Galactic Civil War , close to the Battle of Yavin , as an attempt to make a fast-moving vehicle with high explosive output to destroy the light vehicles the Rebellion uses and pulverize groups of infantry. The AT-MP is 13 feet tall and travels at speeds up to 60 miles per hour. They require only one Imperial Combat Driver to operate , as it would have to be larger to accommodate more than a single crew member. They are armed with 8 missile launchers mounted on either side of the control cabine and a rotary chain gun mounted beneath the Walker’s chin. Currently there are none of these walkers on Dxun , as they are very new models and are quite costly to produce , making them too valuable to send to Dxun at this juncture.

AT-MCs are AT-AT like vehicles still in the late prototype phase. Approximately 2 appeared at Hoth in a very crude , early format , where they proved successful at destroying the Rebel’s ability to launch any ships of their own and demolished most of the Rebel’s Echo Base with their massive mortars. At that time they were merely AT-AT Chassis with a large mortar in place of a troop compartment , but by this stage they are an entirely new vehicle only based on the AT-AT’s design with new features worked in to accommodate for some of the AT-AT’s known flaws. However they are not suited to carrying infantry like the AT-AT , as the enormous mortar mounted within takes up nearly all the space in the walker. However , the AT-MC can still fit a dozen combat troops in addition to it’s crew of 2 heavy combat drivers , an Imperial Vehicle Officer , a team of weapons engineers approximately a dozen strong , and one Imperial Heavy Gunner to fire the mortar itself. Currently no AT-MC walkers are on Dxun , as they have not reached the production stage at all , much less to the point where the garrison on Dxun would be equipped with any of them. However , it is likely these vehicles will play a role in any future large-scale conflicts.
7469FA8A-9C3B-4337-8AD3-B7EF4F92A6B1.png(With a larger cannon extending roughly to the mid point of the head and a very thick barrel)

AT-ST Mark Vs are , like the AT-MCs , still in the prototype phase. They are designed to be better armed and armored , faster , and more maneuverable than the original AT-ST. Unlike the AT-MC none of these vehicles have been battle tested yet , only tested in controlled environments in Kuat Drive Yards’ research and development laboratories and the various facilities of the Imperial Department of Military Research. When complete , it is intended that they equal the armor of an AT-DP and the speed and nimbleness of an AT-RT , along with heavy blaster cannons , rocket launchers , and multiple chain guns to replace the existing armament. Thus far none of the prototypes have made it to production , and thusly no AT-ST Mark Vs are stationed on Dxun. They are , however , very likely to have an impact on potential large-conflicts to come.

Repulsorlift Vehicles are more steady and harder to disable than walkers like the AT-AT or AT-ST , and typically less complicated to produce. Many of these vehicles fill purposes similar to that of walkers , though in very different ways. Most are classified as tanks , speeders , or transports , depending on the armor and role they have within the Imperial Army. On Dxun , these are considered easier to use for the Imperial patrols , and less prone to any Guerilla attacks as standard pressure-plate explosives or IEDs rarely disable these vehicles as easily as most types of walkers.

TX-225 tanks are a mainstay of the Imperial Army for a variety of purposes. They appeared roughly at the same time as AT-ATs and AT-STs , though they do not have the same recognition and reputation as the more imposing , iconic walkers do. They are 23 feet 11 inches long and travel at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour , though they handle poorly compared to most other Repulsorlift Vehicles. Their three sets of fire-linked Dual medium blaster cannons - two sets mounted in pivoting a sponsons on either side of the vehicle , the third fixed forward in the vehicles’ center - provide a powerful punch , and an MK19 Tank Heavy Repeating Blaster mounted in a flexible mount atop the vehicle’s cabin and controlled remotely from inside provide quite capable anti-infantry defense. The flat bed behind the vehicle is modular and can be swapped out for a variety of different specialities including an anti-aircraft cannon , a cargo bed , and an enclosed compartment with two medium repeating blasters flexibly mounted in either side of the vehicle and two light repeating blasters mounted forward with only limited ability to pivot up and down known as the TX-225 TUSK (Tank Urban Survival Kit). However , the cargo bed comes standard , though it is commonly left empty. These vehicles are crewed by 2 Imperial Combat Drivers and an Imperial Vehicle Commander , and for the TX-225 TUSK 4 Imperial Light Gunners are added to operate the light and medium repeating blasters mounted to the vehicle. While they are well armored they can still be destroyed by artillery or anti-tank weapons of sufficient power , can be outmanuervered by faster and fare more nimble vehicles , and can be grounded by Repulsorlift traps. On Dxun these are very often paired with Imperial Patrols , and the cargo beds serve as a place for the Stormtroopers to rest , and to carry supplies for the Troopers accompanying the tanks. Occasionally those with empty Cargo Beds are used to transport captured Rebel equipment or small vehicles like the MBC-3 to be examined , or debris in the jungle to be melted down or destroyed in the garrison itself. There are 14 TX-225 Hovertanks on Dxun , of which 12 are the standard version with a cargo bed and 2 are the upgraded TUSK Versions , especially effective against the small Guerilla attacks commonly mounted against Imperial Patrols.

TX-130Ts are lighter predecessors to the TX-225 , and as they are much nimbler and serve different roles they are still produced and widely utilized by the Imperial Army. They evolved from the lighter , more lightly armed TX-130S of the Clone Wars , which was agile enough to be dubbed the Jedi Starfighter of the ground. Therefore the Imperial version could possibly be dubbed the TIE Advanced of the ground , although none so far have done this. TX-130Ts are 20 feet long , 7 feet 6 inches tall , and travel at speeds of up to 120 miles per hour. They are armed with a DS-04 beam cannon turret atop the main crew cabin , two medium blaster cannons mounted in sponsons on the side , and two missile tubes armed with concussion missiles and thermal detonators. TX-130Ts require a crew of three - one Imperial Combat Driver , one Imperial Tank Commander , and one Imperial Medium Gunner to operate the beam cannon turret on top of the vehicle. These vehicles are incredibly fast by all standards of the Imperial Army and used to rapidly respond to any active situations with extreme speed and strike at their foes quickly , typically using their speed and heavy armament to their advantage to strike quickly and viscously. They are much more lightly armored than the TX-225 , more easily destroyable than nearly every hovertank of it’s Era , but uses speed and agility to it’s advantage to easily outmaneuver opposing vehicles before they can strike at it. On Dxun they are housed in or near the Garrison and are deployed to provide a speedy , immediate response to any strikes on Imperial Patrols , driving off or obliterating Droids or Rebel Forces. There are currently 7 TX-130T hovertanks stationed on Dxun.

AAT-1s are heavy armored tanks that once formed the majority of the armored forces of the Separatist Army. While exceedingly more common among the Rebel Forces , many thousands were captured by the Empire at the end of the Clone Wars and distributed to allied puppet governments and very low-tier garrisons. These vehicles were mostly destroyed or melted down for scrap during the Galactic Civil War , and commonly when these vehicles were disabled or damaged on the battlefield they were simply left on the battlefield as scrap. AAT-1s are 32 feet in length and travel at speeds of up to 34 miles per hour. They are operated by a crew of four - 2 Imperial Combat Drivers , an Imperial Heavy Gunner to operate the main cannon , and an Imperial Tank Commander. The AAT-1 is heavily armed , more so than many equivalent Imperial vehicles. The armament consists of a powerful turret-mounted heavy laser cannon , two sponson mounted rapid-fire medium blaster cannons , six various-payload middle launchers in the hull , two HB-2A1 Heavy Repeating Blasters mounted in the hull and a third mounted coaxially with the main cannon , and a medium repeating blaster (for the Empire , a DLT-16) mounted on top of the main gun housing. They are heavy vehicles that maneuver slowly and are thusly easily overtaken and out maneuvered , and as they are weak to attack from the rear this is commonly exploited by faster , nimbler vehicles like AT-RTs and TX-130 models. The AAT-1s main armament being housed in a fully enclosed rotating turret with the ability to traverse 360 degrees gives them a large advantage over other vehicles , however this advantage is rarely utilized by most AAT-1 Commanders or Crews. On Dxun they are a favored patrol support vehicle for their strong armor and taller stature , while being easy to maintain due to the high prevalence of unwanted AAT-1 parts in Imperial inventories. Currently there are 10 AAT-1s stationed on Dxun.

The ITTs are the all-purpose troop transports of the Empire , transporting soldiers of all purpose rapidly across Imperial Held worlds. They are 28 feet 9 inches long , 11 feet 6 inches tall , and travel at speeds of up to 93 miles per hour. ITTs require a crew of 2 Imperial Troop Transport Drivers and have armament consisting of two forward medium repeating blasters and a dorsal turret armed with a fire-linked dual Light Blaster Cannon. They are lightly armed and armored and not suitable for full scale combat , but instead to transport troops and supplies in combat areas where enemy infantry armed with small arms is expected to be the most dangerous threat. On Dxun they can accompany larger patrols and carry extra supplies for them , but more often they serve as on-call personnel transports that will take various Imperial Personnel to Most anywhere they require to be , within reason. There are currently 20 ITTs on Dxun.

ISP-1s were developed towards the end of the Clone Wars as highly mobile mounts for medium repeating blasters operated by two drivers , though regular troopers could and usually did operate them. ISP-2s are smaller and more agile , and able to be produced more easily and quickly than their predecessor. They were produced close to the same time to rectify the slowness of the ISP-1 that proved deadly for many of it’s crews with improved mobility and speed , reducing the size and adding superior armor plating to the front and rear. Thusly ISP-2s have survived into the post-Galactic Civil War Imperial Army despite their deficient design when it comes to crew safety due to their high anti-infantry firepower and their ability to be easily transported. ISP-2s are 13 feet long and travel at speeds up to 70 miles per hour. Armament consists of two Medium Repeating Blasters , more commonly MH-09s than DLT-16s as the latter is notoriously impossible to wire for remote firing as the ISP-2 requires. Currently there are 8 ISP-2s on Dxun , all operated by two Imperial Military Police Stormtroopers.

C-PH Speeder Bikes are heavier and better armored combat speeders grratly favored by the Imperial Military Police Stormtroopers. They are more sluggish and of slower speeds than the 74-Zs favored by Scout Troopers , but trade this to have heavier armor and weaponry. The C-PH speeder bike is 13 feet 6 inches long , 4 feet 6 inches tall , and can travel at speeds of up to 248 miles per hour. These speeders have been known to support patrols on Dxun , operated by one of - if not both of - the Imperial Military Police Stormtroopers attached to it. There are currently 50 C-PH Speeders stationed on Dxun.

74-Z Speeder Bikes , or Aratechs , are among the most common vehicles in all the Imperial Army , the favored transportation for Scout Troopers and Storm Commandos. They are also among the oldest , beginning production before the Clone Wars and only receiving minor upgrades with each new release. 74-Zs are 14 feet 5 inches long and can travel at speeds of up to 310 miles per hour , armed lightly with a single Light Repeating Blaster underneath the forward body of one. They are very fragile and dangerously difficult to handle , but those who do consider their very high speeds and maneuverability an asset compared to slower , more sturdy speeders. Aratechs are among the cheapest vehicles of their type and can be found on nearly every world in every military , along with numerous civilian variants. On Dxun these are used when Scout Troopers and Storm Commandos - or select other personnel - when they wish to travel somewhere very speedily and by themselves. There are currently 320 74-Z speeder bikes on Dxun , one for each Scout Trooper and Storm Commando and an additional 10 extra for use by other personnel. This makes them by far the most common Imperial Vehicle , perhaps Vehicle in general , on all of Dxun.

Imperial Army Vehicles with wheels or tracks are rare within the Imperial Army , though they are highly useful in certain situations. In environments where low-flying Repulsorlift vehicles would be crippled or unusable and Walkers would be too unwieldy or get stuck , these vehicles prove to be the primary forms of transportation. These vehicles are harder to maintain than Repulsorlift vehicles , and the parts to repair them with are harder to obtain and less interchangeable than those for Imperial Walkers , and as such skilled mechanics are required to maintain any vehicles of this classification.

The HAVw A5 is an immense 10-Wheeled armored vehicles that are heavily armed and armored , considered to be very similar to the AT-AT. Like the AT-AT , they can carry large amounts of Troopers , though the A5 can carry 50 personnel instead of the 40 the AT-AT can carry. They first came into service shortly before the Clone Wars and found use in all theaters of the war , and later used as a mainstay of the early Galactic Civil War. A5 Juggernauts are 71 feet 6 inches long , 32 feet 10 inches tall to the top of the body and 49 feet 2 inches tall to the top of the sentry tower , and can travel up to 100 miles per hour. These massive vehicles handle sluggishly , however , and have a wide and slow turning arc that reduces it’s speed to only 15 miles per hour , thusly meaning there is a primary driver and controls to operate the vehicle in both the forward and rear compartments in case the vehicle needs to drive backwards or turn back in emergencies. They are heavily armed , with a heavy blaster cannon in a rotating turret on top of the forward drive cabin , two more Heavy Blaster Cannons mounted in rotating turrets mounted on the rear sides of the vehicle which can rotate to fire forwards and backwards , four concussion missile launchers in retracting compartments on the foreard sides of the vehicle fixed forwards , a DS-04 Beam cannon like that of the TX-130t mounted directly in the middle of the body , and many Imperial refits add two MH-09 medium repeating blasters mounted in flexible mounts on top of the rear portion of the vehicle’s body. All these weapons are wired in such a way that can be remotely controlled from inside the vehicle , which was at the time revolutionary for such heavy armaments. The vehicles’s crew consists of 2 Imperial Heavy Combat Drivers , 5 Imperial Combat Drivers , one Imperial Medium Gunner , one Imperial Tank Commander , and a spotter for the sentry tower - most typically a Scout Trooper or an Imperial Military Police Stormtrooper. The axles that drive the legs have a habit of snapping and the drive train controlling them malfunctioning or breaking , thusly leaving the A5 immobilized in the field. The spotter in the sentry tower required to survey the environment around the massive vehicle and assist the drivers in operating it typically draws enemy fire , and should carry a long-range blaster rifle to protect themselves. These vehicles are commonly utilized at the platoon-level , but on Dxun they are of course utilized at a patrol level. There are currently 6 HAVw A5 Juggernauts stationed on Dxun , one of which is the personal command vehicle of the Lieutenant Colonel that leads the Imperial Armor Corps on Dxun.

MTV-7s are two- wheeled motorcycle-like scout vehicles utilized by Imperial Military Police Stormtroopers. The two primary track-like wheels can elevate and lower to overcome difficult terrain and have strong suspension to absorb the impact of navigating treacherous terrain. They are more stable and sure-footed than AT-RTs or other walkers of similar roles to it , and better equipped to handle terrain. They are 12 feet in length and typically 6 feet 6 inches tall , and can travel at speeds up to 65 miles per hour. MTV-7s require one driver and are armed with a single MH-09 Medium Repeating Blaster. As they leave their driver partially exposed a common anti-MTV-7 tactic is to kill the driver and leave the vehicle itself alone. On Dxun , they very commonly accompany Imperial Patrols. There are currently 24 MTV-7s on Dxun.
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Imperial Starfighters and Shuttles

The Starfighters of the Imperial Military are nimble craft based on the same primary design , the original Twin Ion Engine (T.I.E.) Starfighter of the late Clone Wars , which itself evolved from the V-Wing. Every TIE Fighter shares several core design elements , such as a spherical or cylindrical cockpit , solar panel wings , and screaming Twin Ion Engines. There are a mass variety of TIE Fighters available to Imperial use , filling roles from standard fighter to interceptor to bomber to long-range personal ship. The shuttles of the Empire are used to ferry cargo and personnel between planets or to and from Star Destroyers , and like the TIE Fighters there are a variety of Shuttles to fill various roles. On Dxun the TIE series ships are used as air support for various Combat personnel , dropping defoliant on the jungle overgrowth in territory held by the Empire and dropping seismic charges into areas suspected of having high Rebel or Droid presences. The Shuttles on Dxun are used to ferry personnel and supplies to various locations throughout Dxun , and from the primary Garrison on Onderon and the Star Destroyer in orbit.

Imperial TIE-series starfighters are iconic throughout the Empire , the earliest designs of which appeared at the very birth of the Empire. The most mass produced variants are designed to be deployed in full squadrons to overwhelm opponents , making TIE Swarms one of the iconic weapons of the Empire. As the Galactic Civil War wore on it was seen that better fighters were required to be on even ground with Rebel ships such as the X-Wings or A-Wings , and many more specialized variants were created and given to pilots who’d proved great skill with the standard ships , and specially trained to operate their new fighters. Imperial Starfighters are typically organized into squadrons of 12 , further subdivided into 3 flights of 4 individual craft.

TIE/LN , or TIE/Line Fighters , are the standard Imperial Starfighter of both the Imperial Navy and the Imperial Army. They have been one of the most iconic symbols of Imperial Might since shortly after the formation of the Empire , replacing the V-Wings and prototype T.I.E. Starfighters that were then in use. Over the course of the Galactic Civil War the standard TIE Fighter has been somewhat replaced by superior TIE Interceptors for use in space and TIE Strikers for use in atmosphere. However , the standard TIE Fighter remains the most common Starfighter in the Imperial Navy , and many ground support squadrons still are composed mostly of standard TIE Fighters. TIE Fighters are 24 feet 7 inches tall , 20 feet 8 inches long , and 21 feet wide overall. Their maximum acceleration is 4100 G or 20 MGLT per second , and their maximum atmospheric speed is 746 miles per hour. They have a maneuverability rating of 96-100 DPF , making the TIE Fighters very agile , maneuverable ships. However they are very lightly armored and unshielded , and can be destroyed very easily by other starfighters. TIE Fighters still compose the entirety of Darth Vader’s own Black Squadron , along with a small group of TIE Strikers used as scouts. Currently Black Squadron is stationed on Vader’s personally Base on Mustafar , and able to join him when needed. TIE Fighters require one TIE Pilot to fly it and can carry no passengers , with two L-s1 medium laser cannons as their only armament. There are no internal atmosphere or inertail dampners in these fighters and pilots are required to wear flight suits with breathing tubes and a heavy regulator pack , in addition to tightly strapping into the ship’s seat. There are currently 6 TIE Fighters on Dxun , part of the ground support squadron’s Olive Squadron.

TIE Strikers are atmospheric variants of the standard TIE Fighter that came into service roughly 15 years into Imperial Rule , along with the AT-AT , AT-ST , and numerous other Imperial vehicles that would later go on to become instrumental to the Imperial Victory. They are designed to serve as ground support ships for the Imperial Army , and are thusly designed with primarily atmospheric use in mind. They are in the process of entirely replacing the standard TIE Fighter for planetary use , a process which is already complete on all core worlds and many inner rim or strategically important worlds outside the Galactic Core. TIE Strikers are 54 feet 4 inches long , 9 feet 8 inches tall , and have a maximum atmospheric speed of 932 miles per hour. Their streamlined wings and body render them incredibly maneuverable in atmospheric environments , able to pull off maneuvers a regular TIE Fighter or TIE Interceptor would be ripped apart attempting. Their longer bodies house advanced avionics equipment to make them the most able fighter for atmospheric combat ever produced. In space they perform similarly to a standard TIE Fighter , only slightly more sluggish given the engines are designed primarily for use in planetary atmospheres. While they lack shields some have been modified to have a hyperdrive and shields on par with that of an A-Wing , taking advantage of their long body construction to add this equipment. This modification is evident in the TIE Strikers of the elite Shark Wing , currently stationed near the Imperial Special Operations Command headquarters on Lehon and considered to be among the most adept and feared TIE Squadrons in the Imperial Military. TIE Strikers are armed with heavier weaponry than other TIE ships , with two Heavy Laser Cannons mounted underneath the cockpit and two standard Medium Laser Cannons mounted in the wings , and have heavier armor plating than TIE Fighters or TIE Interceptors. There are currently 3 TIE Strikers stationed on Dxun , attached to Olive Squadron and given to the pilots in command of each of the three flights , including Olive Leader.

TIE/sa Bombers - or TIE/Surface Assault Bombers - are heavy TIE Fighters with a twin cylindrical cockpit and weapons pod composing main body , the right of which carries the bomber’s payload and the left of which carries the Pilot. TIE Bombers are designed to be very precise and targeted with their bombs , and do not require a second sensors ship like the earlier TIE/gt. They are slower and handle much more sluggishly than other TIE Fighters , but are among the most heavily armored Starfighters in Imperial use. Like most TIEs they do not have shields or a hyperdrive , and therefore are not considered long range Bombers as they cannot travel further than one individual star system even fully fueled. TIE Bombers are 25 feet 7 inches long , 16 feet 5 inches tall , and 28 feet 2 inches wide. They have a maximum acceleration of 2,380 G or 13 MGLT , a maximum atmopsheric speed of 528 Miles Per Hour , and a maneuverability rating of 86 DPF. However , as they are used in precise surface bombing they rarely , if ever , travel at these speeds and have a reputation for being slow and sluggish despite being exceptionally fast and maneuverable for their size and role. Gamma Squadron’s TIE Bombers are painted with white stripes along the length of their wings , and are considered among the best Squadrons in all the Imperial Military. Currently Gamma Squadron is stationed on Coruscant , along with many of the other elite TIE Squadrons spawned during the Galactic Civil War. TIE Bombers are armed with two medium laser cannons beneath the cockpit and can carry 15 metric tons of various ordnance in their second ‘bomb pod’. Commonly one bomber is attached to each flight of ground support squadrons in the place of a TIE Fighter or TIE Striker. Currently there are 3 TIE Bombers stationed on Dxun , attached to Olive Squadron and commonly used to drop chemical defoliant on the Imperial-held jungle.

TIE Interceptors are fast , nimble , and well-armed Starfighters designed primary to serve in space. They first began to appear at roughly the same time as the TIE Striker and quickly were stationed on Star Destroyers throughout the Galaxy , outperforming the X-Wings and A-Wings of the Rebellion in speed and handling , though as any other mass-produced TIE they lack shields or a hyperdrive. TIE Interceptors are 31 feet 6 inches long , 16 feet 5 inches tall , and 21 feet wide. They have a maximum acceleration of 4,240 G or 21 MGLT , a maximum atomospheric speed of 777 miles per hour , and a maneuverability rating of 104 DPF. While they are rarely used in atmosphere their smaller , more compact wings make them handle better than the standard TIE in planetary atmospheres , though not nearly as well as the TIE Strikers. TIE Interceptors can be modified to have shields , but this modification is only present in the all-red Royal Guard TIEs used to protect Emperor Palpatine’s personal Lambda Shuttle. Some Interceptors have red stripes along the length of their wings , those of the elite 181st TIE Wing’s Saber Squadron , led by Imperial Flight Baron Soontir Fel and considered to be one of the best TIE Squadrons in the Empire. The 181st and Saber Squadron are currently stationed on Coruscant in the absence of any Starfighter-using enemy to fight , though they were instrumental in victory over the Rebellion. TIE Interceptors are armed with four medium laser cannons in each wingtip and two underneath the cockpit , and require a single pilot to operate. While none are stationed on Dxun itself , one TIE Interceptor leads each flight of the TIE Squadrons aboard the Star Destroyer orbiting the Demon Moon , and May be deployed if any air or spaceborne threat comes over Dxun that Olive Squadron is unable to deal with themselves.

TIE/sf Fighters - or TIE/Special Forces Fighters - are specially armed and outfitted Fighters following the basic TIE/ln’s design , first appearing roughly two years before the Battle of Yavin and rapidly becoming more prevalent in their limited role. They were designed to provide long-range escort for important Military or governmental officials traveling in Lambda Shuttles. They always operate in pairs , though some officials rate more than simply two of these ships , such as Grand Mod Tarkin , Grand Admiral Thrawn , or Grand General Veers. TIE/sf fighters have larger cockpits than the regular TIE Fighters to accommodate two pilots and the systems to add the shields and hyperdrive system to make these fighters have the range and durability to perform their duties , a dual Heavy laser cannon mounted beneath the cockpit , and thicker wing stalks with specialized communications antenna mounted close to the cockpit. Otherwise , the have the same dimensions as tthe standard TIE Fighters they are based on. TIE/sf fighters have a maximum acceleration of 4,240 G or 21 MGLT per second , a maximum atmospheric speed of 775 miles per hour , and a class two hyperdrive. TIE/sf fighters require two specially trained pilots , both of which can fly the fighter if required , and are armed with two medium laser cannons fixed forwards , a heavy laser turret , and concussion missile launchers mounted into the wing stalks. On Dxun they are used to escort the Brigadier General in command of the Garrison’s personal Lambda Shuttle. TIE/sf fighters do not organize until their own squadrons. There are 2 TIE/sf fighter stationed on Dxun.

TIE Reapers are Troop Transports based on the TIE Striker atmospheric fighters. They are designed to carry 8-10 troops into battle , most typically troopers under the banner of the Imperial Special Operations Command such as Imperial Commandos , Storm Commandos , or Scarif Troopers. They were introduced alongside the TIE Striker , TIE Interceptor , Scarif Troopers , Storm Commandos , and numerous other things 5 years prior to the Battle of Yavin. TIE Reapers are 111 feet 2 inches long , 65 feet wide , and 14 feet tall. TIE Reapers require a single TIE Pilot and have armament consisting of two heavy laser cannons set into the wings , and a typical modification adds an MH-09 Medium Repeating Blaster as a door gun near the forward exit ramp. They are not equipped with a Hyperdrive , but can and typically are modified to have shields. There are currently 2 TIE Reapers stationed on Dxun.

TIE Hunters are special craft designed specifically to outperform the Rebel X-Wings in every way the Incom Starfighters were designed to excel. The TIE Defender was completed roughly the same time and proved to be far superior in space combat , but the TIE Hunter proved to be very satisfactory was an all-purpose Starfighter and was adopted as the standard starfighter of the Imperial Storm Commandos. TIE Hunters are 28 feet long , 8 feet tall (with S-foils closed - this figure doubles with S-foils open) , and 18 feet long. They have the same speeds and maneuverability as the standard TIE Fighter , but have the shielding , armor , and armament comparable to an X-Wing Starfighter. Most importantly they have class 2 hyperdrives and S-foils , making them able to travel just as far as an X-Wing while still having the in-Combat agility and speed of a TIE. TIE Hunters require one pilot and have armament consisting of two ion cannons , two medium laser cannons , and a proton torpedo launcher with a magazine typically consisting of 12 missiles. They are incredibly well-wearing and have been left in hostile environments with little damage to the fighter itself. There are currently 8 TIE Hunters stationed on Dxun , for use by eight of the Storm Commandos present there who have shown great aptitude with Starfighter Combat. They are , however , rarely utilized and typically stored towards the rear of the garrison’s TIE Hangar.

TIE Defenders are heavily armed , heavily armored and sheidled , highly speedy and maneuverable Starfighters designed to claim total space superiority against any enemies that could threaten the Empire. The TIE Defender is the ultimate single-pilot space combat Starfighter , however they can not land in anything but a specialized hangar bay and are only suited to space combat. They first appeared around the Battle of Yavin and played a central role in outperforming and destroying any Rebel Starfighters or smaller cruisers brought to bear against the Empire. TIE Defenders are 30 feet 2 inches long , 29 feet tall , and 28 feet 6 inches wide. They have a maximum acceleration of 4,220 G or 21 MGLT/s , a maximum atmospheric speed of 1044 miles per hour , a maneuverability rating of 110 DPF , and are equipped with a Class 2 hyperdrive. Thusly these ships handle extremely well and fly dangerously fast , and only the most experienced and skilled pilots in all the Empire are allowed to operate one. Glaive Squadron operates TIE Defenders exclusively , and are considered to be among the most skilled and feared pilots in all the Empire. Like most every elite fighter squadron following the successful defeat of the Rebellion , Glaive Squadron is stationed in the Coruscant system until another conflict requires them. TIE Defenders are heavily armed , with four heavy laser cannons in the lower wings , two ion cannons in the upper a wing , a concussion missile launcher , and a tractor beam projector designed to ensnare enemy fighters to make them easier to kill. They require only a single pilot to operate , and carry no passengers. Most of these ships are given to Wing Commanders or pilots of exceptional skill , and as such none are present in the Onderon and Dxun System even stationed aboard the Star Destroyer orbiting the moon.

TIE Phantoms are special TIEs designed to use a cloaking device. Of all the produced TIE Variants , they bear the smallest resemblance to the original TIE Fighter , and indeed the TIE Phantom prototypes were based of the V38 Assault Fighter considered to replace the ARC-170 towards the beginning of Imperial Rule. Due to the rarity of the Stygium Crystals that power their cloaking devices these fighters are themselves exceptionally rare , with only one known squadron of them and only a handful utilized in other parts of the Imperial Military. The first uses of the TIE Phantom in true combat was the year of the Battle of Yavin. TIE Phantoms are 35 feet long , 20 feet wide , and 15 feet tall. They have a maximum acceleration of 4200 G and 20 MGLT/s , a maximum atmospheric speed of 926 miles per hour , a maneuverability rating of 104 DPF , and an equipped class one hyperdrive. The only known TIE Phantom Squadron is classified to all but the highest ranking Imperial Officials , though they are thought to be stationed on Lehon or Coruscant. Their elongated cockpit can fit one pilot and one passenger , of which the pilot is required to have special training to properly utilize the Phantom’s advanced cloaking device. TIE Phantoms are heavily armed with 3 heavy laser cannons in each wing and two heavy laser cannons underneath the cockpit , and have strong shields and armor plating along with their cloaking device. There are currently no TIE Phantoms stationed on Dxun and none aboard the Star Destroyer in the moons orbit , though one is known to be the personal Starfighter Transport of Imperial Special Operations Command Leader HK-50 , though he does not fly the fighter himself.

TIE Advanced Starfighters were among the earliest experimental TIEs and the first to incorporate a hyperdrive and shielding. The advancements in shape and systems later led to the TIE Interceptors and TIE Defenders , respectively. TIE Advanced Starfighters first appeared nearly a decade before the Battle of Yavin , in very limited numbers. They are 30 feet 2 inches long , 16 feet 5 inches tall , and 21 feet wide. TIE Advanceds have a maximum acceleration of 4150 G or 20 MGLT , a maximum atomospheric speed of 746 miles per hour , a Maneuverability rating of 96-100 DPF , and a class 4 Hyperdrive. The TIE Advanced requires a single pilot and has an armament of 2 Medium Laser Cannons , 2 concussion missile launchers , and is equipped with shields roughly equal to an X-Wing’s. They are still utilized in some elite squadrons and by specific individuals , including Darth Vader himself , who helped to design the fighter alongside Raithe Seinar. Currently there are no TIE Advanced Starfighters stationed on Dxun.

The TIE Silencer is a highly advanced Space Superiority Starfighter specially designed by Lady Vaylin and Raithe Seinar to suit her specific needs. The ship and it’s design is highly classified , and is known only to the very highest individuals of the Empire. It was first utilized in battle the year of the Battle of Hoth , and is the newest variant of TIE Fighter to see real combat service. The TIE Silencer is 57 feet long , 25 feet wide , and 12 feet tall. It has a very strong Hull and highly durable shields , along with a Stygium cloaking device like that on the TIE Phantom. It is as fast and maneuverable as the TIE Defender , and is equipped with a Class Two Hyperdrive. Unlike all other TIE-series ships , it does not have the characetistic engine whine when in atmosphere. It is very heavily armed with 4 heavy laser cannons in each wingtip , 2 Medium Laser Cannons underneath the cockpit , a concussion or magpulse missile launcher , and a proton torpedo launcher. There is only currently one individual TIE/vn Silencer in the entire Galaxy being utilized as Lady Vaylin’s personal Starfighter. It is highly unlikely a second such fighter will ever be produced.

The various shuttles and freighters used by the Empire are , like the TIE Fighters , specially produced for a variety of roles , from cargo transport to troop carrier to luxury personal transport. Unlike the TIEs , most of the shuttles have been in us since roughly five years after the formation of the Empire , and have only been upgraded with newer technology as it is developed. Imperial Cargo Haulers Are typically militarized variants of civilian craft , and therefore typically not as well-designed as the various shuttles are.

Lambda Shuttles are the luxury personal transports for high-ranking military and governmental officials across the Empire. They first appeared five years after the Declaration of a New Order , and were very quickly given to every garrison commander , Star destroyer captain , or planetary Governor , and any higher ranking Officials. The dorsal wing remains fixed , while the two wings at the side fold upwards when the ship is landed and downwards when the ship is in flight , a common trait among all Imperial-designed shuttles. Standard Lambda Shuttles are 65 feet 7 inches in length and require two pilots , a navigator , a Gunner , a communications officer , and an engineer - though this can be cut down to merely a single pilot. Lambda Shuttles are armed with two sets of dual fire-linked flexible medium laser cannons attached to the wings , two more heavy laser cannons set into the body , and a retractable medium blaster cannon housed in the rear of the vehicle , as well as a light personnel tractor beam which can allow this vehicle to be used as a rescue craft. It has a very sturdy , heavily-armored hull and advanced shields to protect it from attach. The Lambda can carry 20 individuals depending on configuration , and a typical refit is to add luxury state rooms reducing it’s passenger capacity to only eight. Without any passengers this vehicle can carry 80 metric tons of cargo. Lambda Shuttles have a maximum acceleration of 1400 G , a maximum atmosopheric speed of 528 Miles per hour , and is equipped with a Class 1 Hyperdrive with a backup Class 10. Lambda shuttles have detachable heads which can be used as escape craft , though some refits add escape pods within the body at the cost of passenger or cargo space. It is rumored that Emperor Palpatine used one of these shuttles at the very formation of the Empire , with highly advanced technology such as a Stygium cloaking device , mag-pulse missile launcher , and several Sith artifacts contained within to power it. However , the exact specifications of Emperor Palpatine’s personal shuttle is unknown to all except Palpatine himself , and perhaps the shuttle’s pilots. Currently there is one Lambda-class T4-a Shuttle stationed on Dxun , utilized by the garrison’s Brigadier General to visit the larger Garrison on Onderon or the Star Destroyer orbiting the moon.

Sentinel Landing Craft are the all-purpose interplanetary Troop Transport of the Empire , first appearing immediately following the Declaration of a New Order and entirely replacing the LAAT/i gunships and the Nu-class attack shuttle utilized by the Grand Army of the Republic. Sentinels are 124 feet 8 inches long and require a crew of 2 pilots , 4 gunners , and a communications officer - though , just as the Lambda , this can be cut down to a single pilot. They have a maximum acceleration of 2400 G , a maximum atmospheric speed of 621 miles per hour , and are equipped with a Class 1 Hyperdrive and a Backup Class 10. Sentinels can transport up to 80 personnel and associated weapons , such as Heavy or Medium repeating blasters ; 36 small vehicles such as 74-Zs , C-PH speeders , or AT-RTs ; 8-12 medium sized Vehicles such as TX-130Ts , TX-225s , AAT-1s , or ITTs ; 6-10 medium sized walkers such as AT-STs , AT-MPs , or AT-DTs provided their legs are lowered fully and they are transported in and out of the vehicle on Repulsorlift sleds ; and 180 metric tons of cargo - though of course not all at the same time. A typical loadout for a Sentinel is 40 Stormtroopers , 2 TX-130Ts or TX-225s , an AT-ST , and 4 74-Zs or AT-RTs , forming a common combined arms platoon deployment. They are very heavily armed with 8 retractable medium laser cannons , 2 concussion missile launchers armed with 8 missiles each , 1 retractable ion cannon turret , and 2 retractable door gun turrets armed with either dual-mounted MH-09 Medium repeating blasters or an E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster. They are heavily armored and shielded , and with retractable weaponry all around the vehicle’s body they are highly dangerous to confront in vehicular combat and greatly feared by Rebels for the large amounts of Troopers or Vehicles they can disgorge. On Dxun these vehicles deploy mass amounts of troops and vehicles into Imperial-controlled territory or into the wild jungle beyond. There are currently 2 Sentinel-class Landing Craft stationed on Dxun.

Zeta Cargo Shuttles are primarily designed to carry non-living cargo between Imperial-held worlds or throughout the imperial Fleet. They appeared shortly after the Sentinel Landing Craft to perform as a low-cost Cargo-only Shuttle as opposed to the expensive and heavily armed Seninels. Zetas are 116 feet 5 inches long , 94 feet 3 inches tall , and require a crew of 2 pilots. They have a maximum acceleration of 1200 G , a maximum atmospheric speed of 450 miles per hour , and are equipped with a Class 3 Hyperdrive with a backup Class 12. Zetas are not equipped to transport personnel , but can be modified or pressed into caring up to 95 Imperial Personnel , and can carry up to 220 metric tons of cargo. They are armed with two heavy laser cannons on the wings and 3 light laser cannons in the hull. On Dxun they are used to ferry supplies to the Garrison from the garrison on Onderon or the Star Destroyer on orbit , and take captured Rebel vehicles or equipment back to the main garrison for study. There are currently 4 Zeta-Class Cargo Shuttles stationed on Dxun.

VT-49 Decimators are smaller sized assault ships designed to be fast and heavily armed , while still being very heavily armored and shielded. However , their small size commonly means they are a patrol support ship or a personal transport for other Imperial officials serving in the area , typically those ranking lower than Garrison Commander , Governor , or Captain of a Star Destroyer or larger ship. VT-49s are 124 feet 8 inches long and require a crew of 2 pilots and 2 gunners to operate , as well as being able to carry 6 passengers or 50 metric tons of cargo. They have a maximum acceleration of 1400 G , a maximum atmospheric speed of 606 miles per hour , and are equipped with a Class 1 Hyperdrive with a backup Class 12. Decimators are armed with two quad laser turrets mounted towards the rear of the vehicles and two concussion missile launchers mounted forwards of the vehicles , as well as the ability to drop seismic charges or various other types of explosive devices. On Dxun VT-49s are utilized to accompany fighter patrols and transport important officials of the Garrison to the front , as it is more rugged and suited to the jungles than the Lambda Shuttle. Currently there are 2 VT-49s stationed on Dxun.

Gozanti freighters are very large craft designed to ferry mass amounts of cargo , a flight TIE Fighters , or 2-4 Imperial Ground Vehicles. They are a design that predates the Clone Wars , but many hundreds of thousands were refitted for Imperial Army use. Gozanti freighters are 209 feet 4 inches long , 105 feet wide , and 48 feet 3 inches tall. They require 2 primary pilots and 12 crew , and are commander by an Imperial Officer ranked First Lieutenant or above , the smallest ship to require an officer to command her. They are however extremely slow due to their size and role , only having a maximum acceleration of 750 G , a maximum atmospheric speed of 248 miles per hour , and equipped with a Class 3 Hyperdrive with a backup Class 12. Armament consists of a dorsal heavy laser cannon turret and a ventral medium laser cannon turret , though many have been fitted with forward heavy laser cannons mounted in the vehicle’s wings. Along with Imperial TIE fighters or various Imperial Walkers in external mountings , Gozanti Heavy Freighters can carry 350 metric tons of cargo between Imperial-held worlds or the Star destroyers of the Imperial Fleet , as well as flights of TIE fighters through hyperspace in place of a much larger craft. On Dxun Gozanti Cruisers are used to haul cargo from the Onderonian Garrison and the Star Destroyer in orbit to the Garrison , or carry Imperial Vehicles into specific locations. Currently there is a single Gozanti-class Heavy Cruiser stationed on Dxun.
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Imperial Small Arms Weaponry

The various small arms used by the Imperial Military are the primary non-vehicular tools utilized by Imperial Personnel to carry out the Empire’s will throughout the Galaxy. Some are able to be transported in a holster on an Imperial Personnel’s hip while others weigh more than a hundred pounds and have to be mounted onto a reinforced tripod with an external power source being specially crewed nearby.

Imperial Pistols are the smallest weapons in use by the Empire and are typically found in holsters at the hips of various personnel and officers throughout the Empire. Many of these weapons are common sights out of Imperial Service , especially in the Rebellion or in the Black Market , as they are produced by the billions and therefore very easy to steal from Imperial Arsenals , from shipments of Imperial Supplies , or fallen Imperial Personnel.

SE-3c Holdout Pistols are small holdout pistols with a shockingly powerful punch utilized by Scout Troopers , Storm Commandos , and Imperial Military Police Stormtroopers , and very rarely others. They were adopted 5 years after the Declaration of a New Order. SE-3c Pistols are 5 inches long , weigh 1 pound 2 ounces , and cost 1100 Imperial Credits. They have the capacity to fire 115 shots and have range up to 250 feet.

SE-14r Pistols are the standard sidearm of all Imperial Military personnel , except the Imperial Army Crew that utilize the DH-17. As such they are among the most common weapons to be found in Imperial Service , other than perhaps the E-11. They were first brought into service in the earliest days of the Empire and became as common as the E-11. SE-14r Pistols weigh 2 pounds 3 ounces with the scope attached , are 10 inches long , and cost 1000 Imperial Credits. SE-14r Pistols have capacity for 300 shots and have range up to 350 feet. A common Imperial Special Operations Command modification to these pistols is to add a 6 inch long silencer to the barrel , which is commonly utilized by Imperial Commandos ranked Captain or higher.

DT-29 Pistols are blaster pistols utilized by high ranking Officers in the Imperial Military , considered among the heaviest ‘refined’ pistols available. They first came into service shortly after the beginning of Imperial Rule and became a favored Officer’s pistol for those of higher ranks. DT-29s are 15 inches long , weigh 2 pounds 7 ounces , and cost 2200 Imperial Credits. They have capacity for 175 shots and have range up to 330 feet.

DH-17 Pistols are the standard issue weapons of the Imperial Army Crew and very common in the Imperial Navy , as they have range and power higher than most pistols while not being as large and cumbersome as actual blaster rifles. These same traits make these pistols highly desirable to the Rebellion , making them one of the most common and iconic weapons of the Rebellion. They first came into service during the latter stages of the Clone Wars and spread in popularity following the formation of the Empire. DH-17s are 18 inches in length , weigh 2 pounds 10 ounces , and cost 1200 Imperial credits. They have capacity for 500 shots and have range up to 393 feet.

Imperial Blaster Rifles are the standard single-soldier armament of the Imperial Army , and can be assembled and loaded very quickly by trained or experienced troops. They are typically worn with a sling when not carried in the trooper’s hands , and have selective fire levers for various rates of fire. Many of these are produced by the billions and are found very commonly in Rebel or Black Market usage , as they are easily stolen from the corpses of the many Imperial Personnel that utilize them or stolen from Imperial transports or convoys.

The E-11 is the standard Blaster Rifle of the Imperial Military equipped to nearly every type of Imperial Personnel , and is one of the most common weapons across the Galaxy. They are most commonly seen as the standard rifle of the Imperial Stormtroopers , where they have attained an iconic - if disreputable - status. They were adopted almost immediately following the Declaration of a New Order and very shortly replaced the DC-15A in Imperial Military service. E-11s are 2 feet long , weigh 6 pounds , and cost 1500 Imperial Credits. The E-11s have enough power for 500 shots and have range up to 984 feet. E-11s can be fired fully automatically , and have a rate of fire of 150 rounds per minute , but are notoriously innacurate in this mode. Any experienced Stormtroopers or other personnel utilizing these weapons only fire single shots or three-round bursts from their rifles instead , and tend to rebuke those who attempt to fire the rifle in automatic mode. This behavior has became a mark for more experienced , battle hardened soldiers recruited during the Galactic Civil War and soldiers who were recruited in the relative peace thereafter.

E-15s are the rifle of choice for the Imperial Commandos , and are based off of the E-11. E-15s are able to be fired fully automatically and are far more accurate than the E-11 , but are more difficult to utilize and more expensive , and therefore rarely see use outside of the Imperial Special Operations Command , or Troopers housed in only the most strategically and politically important garrisons across the Galaxy. They first came into service a decade into Imperial Rule and were very quickly adopted by the Imperial Commando squads as their standard issue blaster rifle , replacing the rapidly aging weapons based on the DC-15s Carbine or DC-17m Weapons system. E-15 Rifles are 3 feet in length , weigh 8 pounds , and cost 2100 Imperial Credits. E-15s have power for 600 shots and have range up to 1200 feet. The E-15s are built to be more accurate in automatic fire than most other blaster rifles , and have a rate of fire of around 190 rounds per minute.

ON-7 Blaster Rifles Are hardier , more accurate blaster rifles of Onderonian origin that have rapidly became the weapon of choice for Imperial Stormtrooper or Navy Commando sergeants , Leiutenants , and Captains. In Imperial service they are called E-13s and painted entirely black , whereas the original ON-7 have green furnishings and a shoulder strap to carry it. The ON-7 first came into Onderonian service 10 years into Imperial Rule , while the E-13 first appeared 5 years after when the Empire was testing possible replacements for the E-11. ON-7s produced on Onderon for their vastly smaller military are of superior quality to the Imperial E-13s , but are exceedingly rare outside of Onderon or Dxun itself and only utilized by Scarifs , or other such highly skilled soldiers permitted access to such a rare weapon. E-13s are 2 feet 5 inches long , weigh 7 pounds , and cost 1700 Imperial Credits. ON-7s are 2 feet 5 inches long , weigh 8 pounds , and cost 2200 Imperial Credits. Both weapons have power for 650 shots and range up to 1100 feet. However , the Imperial E-13 has poorer fully automatic capability and malfunctions much easier than the ON-7 , a fact noted by many users of either rifle to either their chagrin or glee depending on which rifle they are specifically using. The fully automatic rate of fire for the E-13 is 150 rounds per minute , while the ON-7 has a fully automatic rate of fire of 200 rounds per minute.

RT-97c Rifles are the Rifles commonly favored the most by Imperial Commando Sergeants , not having the long assembly and loading times of a Squad Automatic Weapon while still having a very high range and rate of fire. They came into service roughly a decade into Imperial Rule along with the E-15 and ELT-17 and were quickly adopted by the Imperial Commandos alongside the former two weapons. RT-97c Rifles are nearly as accurate as a DLT-20S when utilized by a skilled soldier. RT-97c Rifles are 3 feet 6 inches long , weigh 10 pounds , and cost 2000 Imperial Credits. These rifles have power for 750 shots and ranges up to 4500 feet. RT-97c Rifles have a fully automatic rate of fire of 300 rounds per minute , and have very little accuracy deficiency when fired even in this mode.

The DLT-20S is technically a hybrid of a high-power sniper’s rifle and a standard Blaster Rifle , and are the favorite weapon of Storm Commandos , Scout Troopers , some Scarif Troopers , some Imperial Commando Sergeants , and some Stormtrooper or Imperial Navy Commando Commanders. They came into service a decade into Imperial Rule and were first adopted by Scout Troopers , before the Storm Commandos adopted them as their primary rifle five years later. DLT-20S Rifles are 3 feet 2 inches long , weigh 12 pounds , and cost 2400 Imperial Credits. DLT-20S Rifles have power for 150 shots and have range exceeding 7500 feet , nearly as long a range as most sniper rifles. They do not have a fully automatic mode and are instead designed to be fired one shot at a time or in three round bursts , trading automatic fire for almost infallible accuracy and stopping power equal to that of Heavy Repeating Blasters. This gives the DLT-20S stopping powr can penetrate everything up to light vehicle armor , a fact very cherished by it’s users.

Squad Automatic Weapons are weapons with very high rates of fire that take longer to assemble and load than regular Blaster Rifles. They are typically only fired fully automatically or in three- to five-round bursts , and while they can be used individually they are primarily utilized as part of three-soldier fireteams , with one other trooper carrying extra power packs for the rapidly firing weapons.

DLT-19s are the standard Squad Automatic Weapons of the Imperial Army , utilized in groups of three troopers , although they can be fully utilized and fired by only a single Stormtrooper or Imperial Navy Commando. They came into service at the beginning of Imperial Rule and have served the Empire ever since. DLT-19s are 4 feet long , weigh 15 pounds , and cost 2500 Imperial Credits. They have capacity for 800 shots and have range up to 4000 feet. DLT-19s have the same power as the E-11 , but have far faster rates of fire and are designed to be fired purely automatically at a rate of 500 rounds per minute. The upper part of the crescent trigger can be pressed to fire a three-round burst instead , while the larger lower portion is pressed to fire fully automatically.

DLT-21s are more advanced variants of the standard DLT-19 that are in the process of replacing DLT-19s for certain garrisons and posts. The Stormtroopers based on Coruscant and Lehon have seen their DLT-19s replaced by DLT-21s , and select crack platoons or companies on other highly important worlds have seen their SAW Gunners receive DLT-21s in place of their DLT-19s. They first came into service during the Battle of Hoth at the end of the Galactic Civil War and began a slow replacement of the DLT-19 ever since. DLT-21s are 4 feet long , weigh 14 pounds , and cost 2650 Imperial Credits. The DLT-21s have power for 1000 shots and have range up to 4400 feet. These rifles have fully automatic and five-round burst settings , and set at fully automatic the DLT-21 can fire up to 600 rounds per minute.

ELT-17s are the standard Squad Automatic Weapon of the Imperial Commando Squads , much smaller and somewhat lighter than the DLT-19 or DLT-21 while still possessing a very high rate of fire. They came into service roughly the same time as the E-15 Blaster Rifle and was adopted just as quickly by the Imperial Commandos and other Imperial Special Operations Command forces. ELT-17s are 3 feet 4 inches long , weigh 12 pounds , and cost 2350 Imperial Credits. The ELT-17 has power for 750 shots and has range up to 3800 feet. These SAWs are designed to be fired with three-round bursts or fully automatically , and set to fully automatic they can fire 450 rounds per minute.

Light Repeating Blasters are large rifles designed to be carried by a single trooper wearing a backpack generator , and while able to be mounted onto a tripod this is not a requirement. They are more powerful than Blaster Rifles or SAWs on average , but often do not have as high rates of fire as SAWs do , and are much more intensive to operate properly. They typically take 30 second to 2 minutes to set up depending on the model of Light Repeater and the quality of it’s user or crews. Medium Repeating Blasters mount to Tripods exclusively and require the Trooper using it to carry a very large backpack generator to power them , and typically has set up times from 2 to 5 minutes depending on the model of blaster and the quality of it’s user and crews. They typically have rates of fire exceeding that of SAWs while still retaining power equal to or greater than Light Repeating Blasters , and are not as heavy or intensive to operate as the Heavy Repeating Blasters.

T-21 Light Repeaters are the standard Light Repeating Blasters of the Imperial Army , and are utilized one per squad in nearly every Stormtrooper formation. They came into service at the end of the Clone Wars and have served the Imperial Military ever since. T-21s require a light power pack to be carried on the wielder’s back to be used fully , though they have a 30-shot power pack when not connected to a backpack generator. T-21s are 4 feet 3 inches long , weigh 24 pounds , and cost 2500 Imperial Credits including the Light extendable tripod and backpack generator they are equipped with. T-21s have a 10-pound backpack generator that gives them unlimited shots or a 30-shot powerpack and have range up to 3600 feet. These weapons are sometimes mounted onto vehicles such as the TX-225 TUSK and need to be crewed by Imperial Light Gunners , as they can not be hardwired to fire remotely. When set to fully automatic fire T-21s have a relatively slow rate of fire of only 250 rounds per minute , and that is when in used by a very skilled gunner. Used by an average-skilled Gunner they typically achieve 125-200 rounds per minute , and with the power pack equipped this drops to only 60 rounds per minute instead.

T-22 Light Repeaters are upgraded variants of the T-21 Light Repeaters , designed to rectify the aging T-21’s many flaws. They began to slowly replace the T-21 beginning with the Battle of Hoth at the end of the Galactic Civil War and have entirely replaced the T-21s on Coruscant and Lehon , and have replaced many T-21s on other strategically important core worlds similar to the DLT-21’s slow replacement of the DLT-19. T-22s are 3 feet 9 inches long , weigh 18 pounds , and cost 3400 Imperial Credits including the backpack generators and light extendable tripods that come as standard accessories with the weapons. T-22s have backpack generators that give them unlimited shots or 65-shot power packs and have range up to 4100 feet. Fired fully automatically T-22s have a rate of fire of 375 rounds per minute connected to a generator , and 100 rounds per minute when fired from the 65-shot power packs.

DLT-16s are tripod or vehicle mounted Medium Repeating Blasters with mechanisms similar to the DLT-19 and DLT-21 Squad Automatic Weapons. They first appeared in the latter stages of the Clone Wars and following the Declaration of a New Order were adopted as the standard Medium Repeating Blaster of the new Imperial Military. DLT-16s are 3 feet 10 inches long , weigh 60 pounds , and cost 4200 Imperial Credits. They require a heavy 30-pound backpack generator and a tripod to be utilized , as they are too heavy and have too much recoil to be properly utilized. DLT-16s have an unlimited amount of shots when attached to the standard backpack generator and have range up to 4500 feet. They are not able to be hardwired into a vehicle to fire remotely and served alongside the older RWMB-9s that did have the capability , until the aging RWMB-9s were entirely replaced by the MH-09 , which also has largely replaced the DLT-16. However , this did not preclude them from being mounted onto vehicles where they serve as special anti-Infantry defense weapons crewed by Imperial Light Gunners , such as on the AT-OT. They are only fired fully automatically and have a rate of fire of 500 rounds per minute like it’s lighter cousin , the DLT-19.

MH-09s are tripod or vehicle mounted Medium Repeating Blasters of a newer and more refined type than the DLT-16. They first came into service 10 years into Imperial Rule , and with their capability to be hardwired into vehicles they entirely replaced the aging RWMB-9s that had previously filled that niche. MH-09s are 4 feet long , weigh 48 pounds , and cost 5000 Imperial Credits. They are hardwired as anti-Infantry Weapons on many Imperial Vehicles , and the MTV-7 is entirely built around one such weapon. However , they can also be crewed by Imperial Light Gunners for more accurate fire. DLT-16s are required to be attached to the same 30-pound backpack generators as the DLT-16s and have range up to 5500 feet. They have unlimited ammunition capacity and only fire fully automatically , at which they can fire at rates of 650 rounds per minute. Despite their higher cost they are now vastly more common than the DLT-16 , in part due to their very sturdy and well-machined construction and high performance capability in their role.

Heavy Repeating Blasters and Beam Cannons are immensely heavy , powerful weapons that require entire crews to properly operate. Many of these are dangerously volatile when used improperly and are only used by specially trained crews , as improper use can result in the destruction of the weapon or severe injury to the user. Even the Storm Commandos or Scarifs would find it very difficult to use one of these weapons without at least one other soldier to modulate the power sources.

E-WEB Heavy Repeaters are the standard Heavy Repeating Blaster of the Imperial Military. Early prototypes of these weapons known as EWHB-10s first appeared during the Clone Wars and were utilized by the Republic’s Grand Army , and following the Declaration of a New Order the current version was swiftly standardized by the various sections of the Imperial Military. E-WEBs are immense weapons that require a 50-pound generator operated by a specially trained technician to properly fire , though newer power generators have been introduced that have selective pre-set during solutions at the cost of severely limiting the weapon’s effectiveness. If the generator is not properly operated this weapon is liable to catastrophically malfunction and cause severe injury to it’s crew. E-Webs weigh 80 pounds , have to be mounted on a reinforced tripod that weighs another 30 pounds , measure 5 feet 5 inches in length , and cost 8000 Imperial Credits. These weapons are typically transported by an entire crew , as all the parts to operate a single E-Web weigh together over 160 pounds , nearly as heavy as most Imperial Military Personnel are themselves. Some Imperial Commando Squads will Transport these weapons with them , typically divided between the primary Gunner having the main body , the technician having the power generator , and a the Squad Leader having the tripod , while the Fourth Trooper uses a Squad Automatic Weapon to defend their comrades while they assemble the Heavy Repeater. In Stormtrooper Squads , two troopers carry the weapon itself over each of their shoulders making 4 carry the components of the weapon itself while another is armed with a DLT-19 or DLT-21 SAW , and a corporal or Sergeant serves as a spotter and target finder for both of the automatic weapons , making an E-Web fireteam consist of 6 soldiers. Many Imperial Artillery Divisions utilize E-Webs while heavier artillery pieces are set up , or self-propelled artillery moves into place. E-Webs take from 5-10 minutes to assemble and prime , as the generator takes a very long time to generate the required power for more than a handful of shots. ‘Pre-heating’ the generator is discouraged , as this typically cripples the Weapon’s performance or leads to a severe malfunction. E-Webs only fire fully automatically and have an unlimited supply of shots provided the generator is expertly operated , and if it is operating at peak efficiency an E-Web has a rate of fire exceeding 800 rounds per minute. Average efficiencty yields a lower rate of 650-700 rounds per minute.

DS-04 Beam Cannons are Heavy Repeater-sized weapons that fire powerful beams of steady Blaster energy. They first came into service in the bitter stalemate that came about in the late middle of the Clone Wars , but did not see mass adoption until their volatile generators were modified with quick-recharging 5-second duration batteries similar to the ones used in the more powerful OG-9 Spider Droid’s homing beam cannon shortly after the Declaration of a New Order. After this modification they were mounted in vehicles like the A5 Juggernaut and the then-new TX-130T , as well as mounted in several Imperial Garrison’s guard towers. DS-04s are 5 feet 4 inches in length , weigh 75 pounds , and cost 7500 Imperial Credits. While they are most often mounted on Vehicles , where they require a large amount of space to be hardwired for remote firing , they can be mounted to the heavy cushioned tripods used by E-Webs and utilized in the same role as a Heavy Repeater. In this configuration they are equipped with a 50 pound generator operated by a technician , and with skilled technicians have been observed to have their beam fired continuously for over 3 minutes. However , in their most common vehicle- or tower-mounted configuration they have 5-second fast-recharging batteries that have 2 second gap between trigger pulls.

MK19 Tank Heavy Repeating Blasters are Heavy Repeating Blasters designed to be hardwired to fire remotely into armored vehicles of various kinds. Typically they are mounted in highly flexible manners , such as on the TX-225 they were produced to be mounted to. They first appeared with the introduction of the TX-225 and were originally designed for the tanks , but have appeared as remotely fired secondary armament as a modification for a variety of other vehicles since. MK19s weigh 77 pounds , measure 3 feet 5 inches long , and cost 6800 Imperial Credits. They are slightly weaker and have lower rates of fire than the E-Web Heavy Repeaters , but are able to be hardwired into special mounts on some vehicles and used as rapid-firing anti-infantry weapons. MK19s have robust generators built into the vehicles they are mounted to that require minimal attention to keep the weapon firing , but have a fully automatic rate of fire of only 450 rounds per minute.

MH-14 Heavy Repeating Blasters are more reliable , faster firing Heavy Repeaters based on the MH-09 Medium Repeater that is in the process of replacing the aging E-Webs. On Coruscant and Lehon they have already entirely replaced the E-Webs , and on many core worlds or worlds of high strategic importance MH-14s are as or more common as the E-Webs. They first appeared at the Battle of Hoth , where they were used to great effect in cutting down Rebel Troopers or destroying the engines of several different types of Starfighters or larger craft , effectively crippling them. MH-14s are 4 feet 7 inches long , weigh 55 pounds , and cost 11000 Imperial Credits. They do have 35 pound generators and require 22 pound cushioned tripods , but the generators do not require as intensive operation and can quite easily be used to high efficiency by a single Gunner , and the actual shots have more destructive power than E-Webs. MH-14s have an unlimited capacity for shots and can fire over 1200 rounds per minute at peak efficiency , or 850-900 at average efficiency or when utilized by a single Gunner instead of a Gunner and a technician.
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Social and political climate in the Empire

The political climate in the Empire following the crushing defeat of the Rebels at the Battle of Hoth is one of stagnation and complacency. The vast majority of the populace has been made to feel swelled with nationalistic pride , hopelessness , or fear after the brutal near-total destruction of the Rebel Alliance. The opinion of the vast majority of the populace is that war against the Empire is impossible , and only ends in the brutal and merciless destruction of those who dare to rebel. As a result of this Imperial officials throughout the Galaxy believe a second rebellion or further unrest is a near-impossibility , and in turn this has bred a complacency nearly equal to that of the Old Republic’s after their own victory in the New Sith Wars. While highly advanced new weapons and vehicles were introduced in the final years of the Galactic Civil War the most expensive and advanced weapons have been slow to be adopted by the Imperial Military despite the vast advantages they have over the current equivalents in mass use. What remains of the Rebellion and the droid forces secretly under the command of High General TJ-253 on Dxun are disregarded as scattered remnants of a defeated enemy and typically ignored by most Imperials.

Despite the actual war ending there has been no reduction in military strength by the Empire , and most personnel serve until they are released - typically when they are over 50 years old for combat MOSs and 60 for other MOSs - or are considered too injured to fight , which is rare as cybernetic limbs of various qualities are commonly utilized on Imperial personnel who lose or severely damage limbs. However , Veterans with disfiguring injuries or cybernetic parts are often reviled by the Imperial Citizenry and shunned socially , rarely acknowledged. Even in the active military personnel with visible injuries are often treated more poorly than their comrades , with the exception of the Scarif Troopers who typically always have some form of cybernetics as a result of their training. Personnel with injuries hidden by their usual uniforms have a tendency to remain on duty in their uniform much longer than their non-injured comrades. Disfiguring facial injuries are regarded particularly poorly and often result in the severe derision or exclusion of those who have them. Pay in the Imperial Military is low for the duties they are expected to perform , except for officers or those of very high rank or with familial connections to those in power. Even Storm Commandos are paid less then 35000 Imperial Credits a year for performing some of the most dangerous work in all the Imperial Military , and those personnel with family typically find it difficult to properly care for their loved ones and see their spouses or grown children often take up supplemental jobs.

As a direct result of nonhuman species having a considerable role in the Rebellion , anti-‘alien’ sentiment has never been higher in the Empire. Aliens are treated as second-class citizens at best or slaves at worst , subjected to vilification and reviled by the majority of human Imperial citizens. Among those that receive the worst treatment by the Imperial citizenry are Mon Calamari , Quarren , Twi’leks , and Sullustans. Hybrids - those born of a human and a compatible near-human species - fare worse still , as many consider them the unnatural and revolting spawn of a perverse mixing of pure human species and the reviled ‘alien’ species. Both Hybrids and non-human species are subjected to abuse and harassment of various kinds by the most hard-line racists among the Imperial Citizenry , and in the worst cases are the victims of violent crimes that are typically ignored by the Imperial Justice system. Among the nigh-completely human Imperial Military non-human or hybrid personnel are typically physically and verbally abused , and are typically considered less intelligent and of far less worth than a pure-human personnel of even lesser mettle. For a non-human or hybrid personnel to survive in the Imperial Military without being killed or captured - by the enemy or other personnel - is a rare feat , which unfortunately still does not change the revulsion and hatred other soldiers would have for a nonhuman or hybrid personnel.

The overwhelming stance of Imperial Leadership against non-heterosexual relationships or individuals has bred an intense hatred of homosexual or bisexual individuals within the Empire. While they were allowed to exercise their lifestyles - if not exactly celebrated or well-represented , though they were beginning to be and many planets such as Naboo already had began to celebrate their own non-heterosexual populations - during the reign of the Old Republic , the highly conservative policies of the Empire have removed their rights to self-expression and engendered an intense hatred of homosexual or bisexual idividuals among the majority of the pro-Imperial populace. Slurs and insults that had fallen out of use centuries ago have been resurrected in common use by a large sector of the population and commonly utilized to abuse those of different sexualities. Individuals who are not themselves heterosexual are made to feel deep self-hatred until they force themselves to act or behave in ‘acceptable’ manners , or continue to endure the horrific abuse of their heterosexual peers.

Women in the Empire are said to receive equality with male counterparts , and while this is true in some cases - there is roughly half of the Imperial Military Personnel are women , including combat personnel - one does not have to look very deeply to see their male counterparts are favored for the highest leadership positions. All of the primary leaders of the Empire are male - Emperor Palpatine , Darth Vader , Grand Mode Tarkin , Grand Admiral Thrawn , Grand General Veers , and HK-50 - and over 3/4ths of the Imperial Generals or Governors across the Galaxy are male. Women in the Empire do not receive the harsh treatment Non-Humans or droids do , though many male Imperial Officers will typically look down upon female subordinates and will pass them over for promotions. As such , many female members of the Imperial Military are lower ranking than their skills would merit them , and those that are ranked highly enter a male-dominated sector of the highest ranking officials. The bias against women is more unseen and untalked about than that against non-humans or droids , and is therefore more insidious and subconscious , and harder to change or fight against.

While droids were instrumental in the victory against the Rebellion and HK-50 is considered a peer to Grand Moff Tarkin or Darth Vader himself , non-Military droids are still regarded very poorly by the Imperial populace and treated as property or machines as anything else. Droid’s rights movements are commonly brutally shut down by Imperial Stormtroopers armed with ion weapons , and those organic beings caught supporting them are typically subjected to long jail sentences. Even in the Imperial Military there exists a high feeling of anti-Droid sentiment left over from the Clone Wars , and KX or HKS units are commonly mistrusted or mocked by their peers for various reasons , and typically accused of ineptitude due to the perceived weakness of the B1 and B2 Battle Droids of the Clone Wars. Astromech droids or other service-providing droids are treated like simple tools and typically discarded or have their memories wiped if their owners see any slip in their work quality , or any personality quirks arise that are not to their owner’s liking. Typically droids and non-human races have been known to work better together in any anti-Imperial fronts , peaceful or otherwise , as they both have similar circumstances under Imperial Rule.
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The Rebellion

The original Rebellion was formed from a group of Senators opposed to then-Chancellor Palpatine’s rapidly growing absolute power. After the Declaration of a New Order they and their worlds began to slowly organize an armed Rebellion then-dubbed the Alliance to Restore the Republic , and quickly amassed support among the citizens of many other worlds and a large portion of the non-human citizens of the Empire. By 15 BBY a full-scale guerilla war had broken out , with the Empire at first struggling to put down the disorganized and scattered forces of insurgents. As time wore on the Empire adapted to better thwart the Rebellion they began to herd the various cells into an all-out confrontation on Hoth , where they thoroughly decimated the Rebellion and very publicly broadcast the fates ‘traitors’ gain.

A handful of Rebels escaped the Interdictor screen around the planet and speedily made their way to the remote moon of Dxun , where they sought to find reliable allies in the Mandalorians. The Mandalorians began to secretly fund the Rebel’s remaining military and another military composed entirely of Droids. The remaining Rebel forces are nearly 1200 strong and spread out throughout the deep jungle in camps consisting of anywhere from 3 individuals soldiers to over 50 , warded from beast attacks by vigilant patrols. Various large equipment such as Starfighters and heavy ground vehicles are in hidden bunkers throughout the moon , waiting to be utilized if ever a mass offensive is to be carried out. They receive supplies and weaponry from secretive smuggling drops , which are the most dangerous of the various operations the remnants of the Rebellion undertake on Dxun.

Rebel camps are spread miles apart from one another and remain in contact through a system of communications using the droid patrols of their sister-Force to carry any information other camps may require knowledge of , and only use holocomms or other traceable communications in only the most dire times of need. While their sister forces in the all-Droid First Droid Corps typically are the soldiers that most often carry out the offensive actions against Stormtrooper patrols Rebels often ambush more dangerous Imperial Personnel traveling deeper into the jungle , and regular Rebellion personnel can quite easily come into conflict with the Imperial Special Operations Command personnel tirelessly hunting Rebel Camps throughout the deep jungle.

The Empire knows very little about the current Rebellion power structure , nor that they are being secretly funded by the Mandalorian Clans. Among the Imperial Officials on Dxun it is thought that there are fewer than 250-400 Rebels remaining in the deep jungles of Dxun , poorly equipped and outfitted. This is seen as evidence that the Rebellion is a remnant force that will soon be utterly destroyed by the Empire’s might , simply the mop-up operation from a firmly won Galactic Civil War. What has been found does indeed indicate this , but the smartest and most clever Imperial Personnel suspect that the rarely sighted smugglers that are on the moon are shipping equipment and supplies to the Rebel’s scattered forces. However , often these personnel are ignored or openly mocked by leadership and what intelligence they can provide is often considered to be worthless.


The Arms and Equipment utilized by the Rebellion consists a great deal of weaponry or equipment stolen from the Empire. Among items utilized by the Rebellion from Imperial hands are DH-17 Pistols , E-11 and DLT-20S Rifles , T-21 Light Repeating Blasters , AAT-1 and TX-130S tanks , AT-RT Walkers , and 74-Z speeders. However , there are weapons and equipment specially produced for the Rebellion , or modified to suit their needs. They do not have defined uniforms like the Imperial Military , and instead tend to wear whatever clothing they’d like.

Rebel Ground Vehicles are utilized to transport Rebel personnel between the most spread out camps , and combat the far more numerous and often better armed and armored Imperial vehicles. Along with a baker’s dozen AAT-1s they were given from the excess stock from their droid sister forces , the 15 AT-RTs Walkers , 12 ISP-2s , and 35 74-Zs they stole from the Empire , and the 8 surplus TX-130S tanks of the Clone Wars , they have other ground vehicles iconic to the Rebellion that are still in use on Dxun.

MBC-3s are light vehicles designed to carry 2 Heavy Repeating blasters and driven by a single pilot. They are moved by treads instead of repulsorlifts or legs like many similar vehicles , and are therefore considered to be tracked. MBC-3s are 14 feet long , 7 feet 3 inches high , and can travel up to 60 miles per hour. They require a single driver and Heavy or Medium Repeating blasters that can be hardwired to fire remotely , as they can not accommodate a second crew member. MBC-3s are armed with two Heavy or Medium Repeating blasters , typically the older Separatist HB-2A1 Heavy Repeaters or Rebel VK-16 Medium Repeaters. They are used as a highly mobile anti-infantry battery , but are very light armored and susceptible to anything equal to even sustained E-Web or DS-04 fire , and certain weak points on the vehicle can be penetrated by a single bolt from
A DLT-20S Blaster Rifle. Of all the currently in use Rebel Ground Vehicles , these are the only ones yet found by the Empire in active use , and the most common at more than 50 individual units. Many of these are in active use near Rebel camps consisting of 10 or more individuals.

T-2B Repulsorlifts Tanks are powerful repulsorlifts Tanks more light armed than the competing TX-225 , and armor similar to the TX-130T. They saw their first use in the Rebel army after they were stolen from a mass transport of failed prototype armored vehicles , and produced as a standardized Rebel tank throughout the Clone Wars. T-2Bs are 29 feet 6 inches long , 10 feet tall , and travel at speeds of up to 50 miles per hour. They require a crew of 3 - one driver , one Gunner , and a Commander. T-2B Tanks are armed with a single rapid-fire quad light blaster cannon turret that is commonly used against infantry or low flying spacecraft. On Dxun they were planned to be used in an anti-aircraft role , but as this may attract too much attention they are held in reserved for a planned offensive in hidden bunkers alongside Starfighters. There are currently 3 T-2B repulsorlift tanks in the Rebellion’s arsenal , as of yet unknown to the Empire. One of these is in use near the primary Rebel camp in the event of an Imperial Attack.

S3-A Repulsortanks are speedy , light armored , heavily armed Repulsortanks designed to serve as fast-acting anti-vehicle tanks. They saw their first use close to the same time as the T-2B and saw more use than the heavier , yet less armed T-2B despite being rejected sooner by the Imperial Military. S3-As are 18 feet 8 inches long , 7 feet 6 inches high , and travel at speeds of up to 75 miles per hour. They require a crew of two , one driver and one Gunner , housed in a crew compartment with an all-round transparisteel windscreen making it the preferred target on the tank itself. S3-As are armed with two light blaster cannons and one heavy blaster cannon mounted in a turret on the front , giving them a more powerful punch than a vehicle of it’s size normally has. They remain in storage on Dxun , and none have yet been found or seen by the Empire. In storage there are 5 of these vehicles , 2 in active use near the primary Rebel Camp.

Rebel Starships once formed the most iconic and well-respected Vehicles of the Rebellion. However , as the Empire now claims total air and space superiority following their victory at Hoth. To utilize one of these ships on Dxun is essentially suicide , as even if a pilot is skilled enough to evade Olive Squadron the Star Destroyer orbiting the moon will launch it’s own Squadrons against any ships that the ground Squadrons can not capture or destroy.

T-65 X-Wing Starfighters are the standard , general purpose Starfighters of the Rebellion. They were developed by the now-destroyed Incom corporation specifically for use by the Rebel Army 12 years into Imperial Rule , and quickly proved to be an advantage to the Rebels and their most iconic weapon. X-Wings are 41 feet long , 35 feet wide , and 12 feet tall. They have a maximum acceleration of 3700 G or 16 MGLT/s , a maximum atmospheric speed of 652 miles per hour , and a maneuverability rating of 75 DPF. S-foils maneuver the wings to be in flight mode , which gives increased speed and allows the ship to enter hyperspace , and attack mode , which increases stack effectiveness. T-65s require a single pilot and an astromech Droid , and are unable to carry any passengers. X-Wings are armed with 4 medium laser cannons in the wings and a proton torpedo launcher with six missiles , and have shields to protect it. While it has a Class One Hyperdrive , an Astromech Droid is required to utilize it , which makes the droids highly valuable for pilots. X-Wings formed the backbone of the Rebel Fleet during the war , but are now in well-hidden bunkers spread far away from each other. There are 4 X-Wings currently in the hidden Rebel Arsenals on Dxun , currently undiscovered by the Empire.

A-Wings are the fastest , smallest Starfighters in the Rebellion’s Fleet. They were developed by the Rebellion itself before the X-Wing Starfighters for their specialized needs and were very common in the early Rebellion , where their agility and speeds helped them to remain a Starfighter of choice among pilots right until their defeat at the hands of the Empire. A-Wings are 31 feet 6 inches long , 21 feet 7 inches wide , and 10 feet 2 inches tall. RZ-1s require a single pilot and can not carry any passengers , and can not carry an astromech either. A-Wings have a maximum acceleration of 5100 G or 21 MGLT/s , a maximum atmospheric speed of 808 miles per hour , a maneuverability rating of 96 DPF , and are equipped with a Class One Hyperdrive. A-Wings are less shielded than X-Wings and are armed with only 2 Medium Laser Cannons and a Concussion Missile Launcher. As they are smaller , more nimble , and easier to transport more A-Wings survived Hoth than any other Spacecraft , as well as more easy to acquire. There are currently 12 A-Wings on Dxun , of which another 2 were discovered in a bunker by a Storm Commando a handful of months before alongside various other ground vehicles and spacecraft.

Y-Wings are the primary bombers of the Rebellion , though much older and slower than the Imperial TIE Bombers. The first Y-Wings were introduced early in the Clone Wars and replaced by the early TIE/gt bombers and later the TIE/sa Bombers by the Galactic Empire. Y-Wings are 76 feet 9 inches long , 52 feet 10 inches long , and 10 feet tall. BTL-A4s require one pilot , a co-pilot/Gunner , and an Astromech Droid. Y-Wings are armed with two heavy laser cannons mounted in the nose , an ion cannon turret mounted atop the cockpit operated by a Gunner , a proton torpedo launcher , and carry 9 metric tons of various types of ordnance held in the bomb bay. BTL-A4s have a maximum acceleration of 2700 G or 11 MGLT/s , a maximum atmospheric speed of 621 miles per hour , a maneuverability rating of 59 DPF , and a Class 1 Hyperdrive. As such they have a very poor reputation for their slow speeds and incredibly sluggish manueverability , only saved by their durability and reliability. Very few Y-Wings escaped Hoth , and currently there are only 2 Y-Wings on Dxun , one of which is severely damaged and in need of repairs.

U-Wings are the primary personnel carriers and gunships of the Rebellion , and can be used as Starfighters as well. They first came into use roughly 12 years into Imperial Rule alongside the X-Wings and were greatly utilized to swiftly deploy squads of Rebel Soldiers and provide fire support with two door guns and an array of other weaponry. U-Wings are 82 feet in length , 24 feet wide , and 11 feet tall. They require a pilot and a co-pilot and 2 gunners , and can carry 8 passengers - though they can be flown by a single pilot if required. U-Wings have a maximum acceleration of 2800 G or 15 MGLT/s , a maximum atmospheric speed of 590 miles per hour , a maneuverability rating of 65 DPF , and a Class 1 Hyperdrive. They are armed with 2 forward-mounted heavy laser cannons and 2 flexibly mounted door guns , typically HB-2A1 Heavy Repeaters or VK-16 Medium Repeaters. On Dxun these would be highly utilized for their high advantages deploying and moving small amounts of troops , providing fire support , and harassing Imperial vehicles or infantry , but due to the total control the Empire maintains over the skies of Dxun they are held in storage. Currently there are 3 U-Wings on Dxun , of which the Empire is unaware.

YT-2400s are the primary freighters left to the Rebellion following the disastrous defeat at Hoth. They are of the same Corellian manufacture as the Millennium Falcon used by the now-hated Han Solo , but are smaller and more suited for the operations they are required for on Dxun. While the Mandalorians hire trusted smugglers for much of the larger items being smuggled in , the Rebellion’s own smugglers will haul smaller items such as blasters , personal equipment , or very small vehicles like 74-Zs or AT-RTs. They were first manufactured following the end of the Clone Wars and became common use among the Rebellion for their high availability at cheaper prices than equivalent craft. YT-2400s are 68 feet 11 inches in length , 140 feet wide , and 25 feet tall. These freighters require a crew of 3 - a pilot , a co-pilot , and a Gunner - and can carry six , but can be operated by a single pilot if required. They can haul up to 200 metric tons of cargo even with 6 passengers. YT-2400s have a maximum acceleration of 2100 G or 17 MGLT/s , a maximum atmospheric speed of 550 miles per hour , a manueverabilty rating of 70 DPF , and have a Class 2 Hyperdrive with a backup Class 12. They are armed with 2 dual fire-linked medium laser cannons above and below the freighter mounted in turrets and a third forward-fixed laser cannon on the other side of the fuselage from the cockpit , and are well armored and shielded. When not in use these freighters are stored in well-hidden hangar bays on Dxun, though flying or crewing them is potentially the most dangerous task any member of the Rebellion can undertake on Dxun and gains such members a great deal of respect and adoration throughout the Rebellion’s scattered forces and their all-Droid sister forces. There are currently 6 YT-2400s on Dxun , which are unknown to have belonged to the Rebellion by the Empire but have been seen before.

GR-75 Medium Cruisers are Heavy Transports that we’re heavily utilized by the Rebellion to move large vehicles or mass amounts of personnel first introduced decades before the Clone Wars. It was in one of these vessels that most of the remaining Rebels escaped Hoth in. It was secreted away in one of the earliest hidden caches or bunkers found on Dxun and remains there still , as the Mandalorians hire different smugglers in different vessels to haul large vehicles to Dxun. GR-75s are 300 feet long , have a maximum acceleration of 800 G or 8 MGLT/s , a maximum atmospheric speed of 404 miles per hour , a maneuverability rating of 40 DPF , and have a Class 4 Hyperdrive. They require a flight crew of 6 and an additional 2 gunners with a common Rebel refit added on. However , GR-75s are extremely well armored and shielded to make up for their very poor speeds and maneuverability. A common Rebellion refit adds 2 sets of dual fire-linked heavy laser cannons to each side of the GR-75 , each operated by a Gunner. There is currently only one GR-75 on Dxun , which is thought to have been long since destroyed by the Empire.

The Rebellion’s Small Arms consist of many weapons stolen from the Empire , such as the DH-17 Pistols among the most common weapons in the Rebellion , the E-11 rifles , DLT-20S hybrid sniper/blaster rifles , T-21 Light Repeating Blasters , and occasionally other Imperial weaponry in much more limited capacities. However , many weapons were produced specifically for the Rebels or else utilized primarily by Rebel Personnel. All of these are still the most common weaponry utilized by Rebel Personnel on Dxun , and even some Imperials who are permitted to utilize captured weaponry.

A180 Pistols are light blaster pistols found in use by Rebel personnel that prefer to carry a lighter weapon over the heavy DL-44s or DH-17s. They are very accurate weapons that can overcome their inability to penetrate Stormtrooper armor with mlre accurate fire than any other non-scoped weaponry of shorter range. These pistols first came into Rebel service at the very dawn of the Rebellion , and along with the DH-17 and DL-44 are vastly the most common pistols in the Rebel arsenal. A180s weigh 1 pound 9 ounces , are 9 inches long , and cost 750 Imperial Credits. They have capacity for 200 shots and have range up to 250 feet.

DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistols are the Heavy blasters of choice for both Rebel soldiers and pilots. They fore a very powerful blaster bolt and can penetrate trooper armor at short ranges. DL-44s weigh 4 pounds , are 14 inches long , and cost 1000 Imperial Credits. They are not made as well as the A180s , DH-17s , or SE-14r pistols , and are more prone to misfiring , inaccuracy , or breaking. DL-44s have capacity for only 100 shots and comparatively short ranges of only 150 feet.

A280 blaster rifles are the most common Blaster Rifle of the Rebellion due to their reliability and range advantages. A variant , the A280-CFE , is used by elite Rebel Troops for it’s modular design. The standard A280 weighs 15 pounds , measures 3 feet 2 inches long , and costs 1800 Imperial Credits. They have slightly less power than the E-11 but considerably more accurate and sustained fire , while also having longer range and more durability. They can fire single shots , 3-round bursts , and fully automatically. The A280 has capacity for 500 shots and range up to 1200 feet , and when fired fully automatically have rates of fire exceeding 200 rounds per minute.

A-280X blaster rifles are an extremely common variant of the standard A-280 that sacrifice accuracy for shot capacity , power , and higher rates of fire , making them more similar to E-15 rifles. A-280X rifles weigh 13 pounds , are 2 feet 10 inches long , and cost 1700 Imperial Credits. They can fire single shots , 5-round bursts , or fully automatically. A-280X rifles have capacity for 600 shots and range up to 1200 feet , and when fired fully automatically have rates of fire up to 250 rounds per minute.

VK-16s are the most common Medium Repeating blaster in the Rebellion , and are based on the Imperial DLT-16. They are mounted on Rebel AAT-1s , the Commander’s Cupolas of TX-130S tanks , and as door guns on U-Wings. VK-16s weigh 50 pounds , are 3 feet 8 inches in length , and cost 4400 Imperial Credits. They require backpack generators that weigh 25 pounds and a tripod to be utilized. VK-16s have unlimited ammunition capacity due to their backpack generators and have range up to 4700 feet , and a rate of fire up to 550 rounds per minute.
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The First Droid Battalion

The First Droid Battalion is an army made up entirely of Separatist war droids that survived the Clone Wars. As they have developed personalities a large portion of them have taken female identities , and as such 65-70% of B1s and one in every three B2s developed female identities. It is very possible this is due to their own leader being a feminine Tactical Droid , or most of their other leaderly role models in the Rebellion being women themselves. To the Empire they portray themselves as malfunctioning droids left over from the Separatist occupation forces on Dxun during the Clone Wars , and have much of the Empire believing that there are more than one hundred thousand Droids spread throughout the jungle. However , in reality this is due to the droids consistently locating their fallen comrades and repairing them , and spreading their groups across territory commonly traveled to by Imperial Personnel.

What would become the beginnings of the First Droid Battalion was a company composed of roughly 200 B1 and B2 Battle droids that slowly joined the Rebellion in the years leading up to the Battle of Hoth. This Company was under the command of then-Captain TJ-253 , and proved to be a vastly more adept combat force than any could’ve anticipated , serving to save much of the remaining Rebel Forces at Hoth at the cost of many of their own number. Then-Captain TJ-253 was almost lost herself and was thought to be destroyed until she was discovered by Rebels fleeing in a U-Wing and subsequently picked up shortly before they managed to slip through the Interdictor-reinforced Imperial blockade of the ice planet. Once they arrived on Dxun the Mandalorians and the remnants of the Rebel Alliance quickly set about locating other still-operational droids , swelling the forces under TeeJay’s command to over 3500 individual units of various types and several dozen vehicles of different types.

Those droids that survived the Clone Wars are clever , somewhat adaptable , and surprisingly friendly to their allies , and TeeJay herself is no exception. These forces carry out most offensive action against Imperial personnel , traveling into Imperial-held territory and performing attacks against patrols. These patrols do not ensure that have fully destroyed the droids and simply leave their corpses on the battlefield , causing other patrols - typically having astromech droids - to later come along and repair their comrades. This leaves weld patterns specific to each droid which tend to serve as another mark of their individualities and adeptness at combat , though some see these weld patterns in a more negative light as signs of each droid’s weaknesses or failures to carry out their missions. At this phase they are not permitted to use any advanced tactics unless they have more than 85% certainty that they can destroy the forces they are attacking , as much of their operations hinge on the Empire believing their are malfunctioning units left over by the tens of thousands when the Separatists abandoned the moon. No Imperials have yet spotted TeeJay herself , ever-mobile inside her own personal ‘Royal’ AAT , one of 5 prototype successor models for the ubqituous AAT-1s , produced late into the Clone Wars but heavily modified and improved by Droid and Rebel engineers. Every individual droid in the First Droid Battalion has been destroyed at least once before , including High General TJ-253 herself - though she prefers not to mention it and does not have the weld lines most of her troops do.


The weapons , equipment , and vehicles of the First Droid Battalion are mostly of Clone Wars vintage , but are highly upgraded and used to very great effect beyond Imperial notice by their Droid operators. Their soldiers are entirely composed of Clone Wars-era battle droids , though they would accept organics if any would like to join them.

The personnel of the First Droid Battalion are considered to be any autonomous droids , including even very large vehicle-sized droids like A-DSD Spiders or Hyena-Class Droid Bombers. Some of these are not permitted to leave secured bunkers , as they would be a prime target for Imperial Starfighter flights or would be too easily spotted. Instead , they are held in reserve for the time when an all-out offensive would be launched , and smaller , more nimble units are used for the tasks the First Droid Battalion’s Forces are commonly given.

B1 Battle Droids Are the basic all-purpose personnel and foot soldiers of the First Droid Battalion. These combat droids were first introduced in the years prior to the Battle of Naboo and originally designed to work on a Central Control Computer , but were made to operate independently of a CCC after their disastrous defeat on Naboo. They commonly display the most welding marks out of any other units , and are indeed the most common to suffer repeated destruction. B1s are 5 feet 10 inches tall and typically weigh 150 pounds , while having a variety of different plating colors and accent colors. Ones with yellow markings are commanders , and serve directly under High General TJ-253 herself ; those with dark red markings are security droids , and have special skill with protecting individuals and overseeing defensive arrays ; pilots have dark blue markings and are able to drive or pilot any vehicle or ship , including capital ships , in the First Droid Battalion’s arsenal. Another variant is the maroon red B1s produced for the first year and a half of the Clone Wars , which are still very common among the First Droid Battalion’s Forces. They use nearly every small arms or transportable weapon utilized by the First Droid Battalion , form the crews of every vehicle that is not fully autonomous , and perform various other duties. There are currently 2300 B1 Battle Droids on Dxun , of various sub types and variants.

B2 ‘Super’ Battle Droids are the front-line combat units of the First Droid Battalion , and the Separatist Army they were built for. They were first introduced at the very outbreak of the Clone Wars. B2s stand at 6 feet 4 inches tall and weigh 225 pounds , while B2-HA units are 6 feet 6 inches tall and weigh 275 pounds. Standard B2s are armed with rapid-fire blasters mounted in their forearms considered to be equal to Squad Automatic Weapon’s , while B2-HAs are armed with anti-vehicle rockets and weapons comparable to Light Repeating Blasers. B2s are more heavily armored than their lighter B1 cousins , and B2-HAs are better Armored still as they are slower than B1 or B2 units. There are currently 900 B2 and B2-HA Units on Dxun , all of which are active.

BX Commando Droids are the elite forces of the First Droid Battalion , much more agile and skilled at combat than the B1 or B2s. These elite units were introduced during the Clone Wars to better combat the more intelligent , skilled Clone Troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. They are not as heavily armored as a B2 but are more resistant to attack than a B1 , however much of their strategy revolves around avoiding being struck with weapons altogether. BX Commandos are 6 feet tall and weigh 186 pounds. Like the B1s , they have notable variants such as the Separatist Senate Security variants that were among the most skilled indivual Droids in the Separatist Army , Captain variants that are more intelligent and skilled than their suborindates , and a special version that guarded Separatist prisons equipped with riot shields and stun batons. BX Commandos use swords and knives like their foes in the Imperial Special Operations , and will typically duel any blade-wielding opponents should they become too close to them to utilize their blasters. They are the most intelligent types of battle droids with the exception of the T-Series and Super Tactical Droids , and certain highly specialized assassin droids. Roughly half of these units have developed feminine personalities. BX Droids typically find themselves in conflict with the Empire’s elite , where they perform well - if not as well as Storm Commandos or Scarifs. There are currently 150 BX Commandos on Dxun of different variants.

Chameleon Droids are stealthy minelayers that serve as specialized ambush Droids , with more intelligence than most other droids similar to them may have so they can properly utilize their stealth capabilities. While they are more intelligent they peak in chirps and beeps in the same language most other non-bipedal Droids or Separatist make speak in , which can easily be understood by anyone who can understand Binary. Chameleon droids are 6 feet 7 inches tall and weigh 400 pounds , and are armed with 3 Squad Automatic Weapon-like blasters and a 24 remote-activated landmines deployed by a hatch underneath their cylindrical bodies. These minelayers were based off of existing arakyd minelayers and introduced as combat units by the Separatist Army during the Clone Wars. Their cloaking devices are operated by analyzing their surroundings and projecting what viewers may see immediately behind them over their body , but if the viewer changes position too quickly the hologram falls apart. Unfortunately , the droids also cannot attack while their stealth fields are active , though they can lay mines. These droids are highly prized on Dxun for their highly capable ambush skills , and are commonly encountered by Stormtrooper patrols or the personnel of Imperial Special Operations Command. There are currently 75 Chameleon Droids on Dxun.

Droidekas are highly dangerous , highly mobile , shielded Combat droids that stand on three legs and fold into very speedy ball-mode to travel longer distances. Destroyer droids , as they are often dubbed , were designed by the colicoids in the years before the Battle of Naboo and utilized by the Trade Federation and later the Separatists as heavy infantry units. While they are shielded and very difficult to destroy fully deployed with active shields , they are weakly armored and east to destroy while rolling or if their shields are deactivated. In addition , slow-moving objects can pass through their shields , making slowly rolling a thermal detonator or stepping behind them with a high-powered blaster pistol the easiest ways of destroying Droidekas. A Droideka’s extremely rapid-fire , high-powered Heavy Repeating Blasters make both of these extremely hazardous and likely fatal to attempt for all but the most experienced troops. Droidekas are 6 feet tall and weigh 165 pounds.

DSD-1 Dwarf Spider Droids Are nimble , moderately intelligent four-legged droids roughly equivalent to Imperial vehicles like the AT-RT and MTV-7 , or Rebel Vehicles like the MBC-3. The Commerce Guild produced these droids for use in cramped mining tunnels during the decade between the Battle of Naboo and the outbreak of the Clone Wars , and served the Separatists until the end of that war. DSD-1s are 6 feet 6 inches tall without their antennae and weigh 743 pounds , and are armed with a rapid fire light blaster cannon. They are well-armored for their size and can resist most small arms fire but are vulnerable underneath their armor where their legs sprout from , a fact exploited by both the Republic’s Clone Troopers and Imperial Stormtroopers. DSD-1s have the intelligence of a very bright domesticated animal , or perhaps a small child , and speak in chirps and beeps similar to Astromech droids. There are currently 50 DSD-1s on Dxun , most of which travel alongside their bipedal cousins.

B3 Ultra Battle Droids are immense war droids based off of the B2’s frame , first introduced by the Separatists in the second year of the Clone Wars but rarely utilized until the end of the conflict. They are roughly as intelligent as the B2s themselves are , and can utilize their numerous weaponry and size advantages very well. B3s are 13 feet 2 inches tall and weigh 1200 pounds , with armament consisting of a tight-spray flamethrower , rapid fire light blaster cannons , 2 retractable Squad Automatic Weapons , and a shoulder-mounted Smart missile magazine. They ar equipped with a density projector than can flatten smaller vehicles underneath their feet , and while this caused issues on the earliest version with immobilzing the Droids themselves this was rectified and is not a weakness or flaw in the current versions of them. On Dxun they are well-hidden from the Empire’s notice , and rarely seen by even the Rebellion. There are currently 6 B3 units on Dxun.

A-DSDs are more heavily armed and armored variants of the DSD-1 , able to resist much more powerful weapons but woefully slow and plodding in their movements. These droids were first used by the Commerce Guild in the decade between the Battle of Naboo and the beginning of the Clone Wars. They are as intelligent as the DSD-1s and typically have more sour dispositions , usually more resistant to taking on long-range missions. A-DSDs are 12 feet 2 inches tall and weigh 1 and a half metric tons , and are armed with a single medium laser cannon and a multiple rocket launcher. Shots to their single photoreceptor housed in the front of their bodies or the sensor they utilize to scan the area around them can severely damage or disable them , but nevertheless they can still take very large amounts of fire before finally being destroyed. They are much more often used to stay within short ranges of valuable positions by the First Droid Battalion due to their slow and sluggish natures , and they are fewer in number than the DSD-1 at only 25 individual units currently on Dxun.

NR-N99s are droids that primarily fill a light tank role within the First Droid Battalion’s Forces , and were first introduced as tools of the Separatist Army in the final year of the Clone Wars. They share the same level of intelligence with the two types of Dwarf Spiders and move on one large track in the center of their bodies , and due to their shape receive the moniker of ‘Snail Tanks’ by their enemies. NR-N99s are 36 feet long , 20 feet 4 inches tall , weigh 31476 pounds , and can travel at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. Droid Tanks are armed with 2 medium blaster cannons , 2 HB-2A1 Heavy Repeating Blasters , and two missile launchers armed with 48 thermal detonators , 12 concussion missiles , or 4 homing missiles. They are rarely seen outside of vehicle bunkers on Dxun , but a few have been able to destroy comparable Imperial Vehicles. There are currently 15 NR-N99 Droid Tanks on Dxun.

Vulture droids are the primary Starfighters of the First Droid Battalion , and first appeared in the years prior to the Battle of Naboo. Vultures are 20 feet long , 12 feet wide , and can take a standing position when they land to be 20 feet tall as well - though they also store in immense racks aboard many of the ships they were designed to be stationed aboard. They are unshieled and without hyperdrives , but can change shape to walk on the ground and become a lightly armored but powerful ground vehicle. Vultures have a maximum acceleration of 4000 G or 20 MGLT/s , a maximum atmospheric speed of 733 miles per hour , and a maneuverability rating of 100 DPF. They are small , highly agile fighters with clever inbuilt Droid brains that make them dangerous threats to organic pilots. Vultures are armed with 4 medium laser cannons in each wing and two missile launchers set into the body that launch concussion missiles at their foes. The few Vultures on Dxun are held in reserve , as their primary use as Starfighters would all too easily attract the Empire’s attention. There are currently 4 Vulture Droids on Dxun.

Droid Tri Fighters are slightly slower but more highly armed Droid Starfighters developed by the Separatists in the final year of the Clone Wars. Tri-Fighters are 17 feet 8 inches long , 11 feet 4 inches wide , and 11 feet 5 inches tall. They are fully autonomous , but lack hyperdrives or shields. They have a maximum acceleration of 3600 G or 18 MGLT/s , a maximum atmospheric speed of 652 miles per hour , and a manueverability rating of 90 DPF. Tri-fighters are armed with a heavy laser cannon , three medium laser cannons , and two missile launchers equipped with either concussion missiles or buzz Droid discord missiles - of which the latter is now unavailable and no longer in use. Like all other non-Imperial Starfighters , the Tri-Fighters are being held in reserve for when the conflict shifts to total war. There are currently 2 Tri-Fighters on Dxun.

Hyena Bombers are the primary bombers of the First Droid Battalion , and the Separatist Army before that. They were first introduced very shortly after the outbreak of the Clone Wars and remained in heavy use throughout the conflict. Hyena Bombers are 41 feet long , 35 feet wide , and 10 feet 2 inches tall. They are fully autonomous , unshielded , and without a Hyperdrive. They are armed with four light laser cannons in the wings , two missile launchers set into the body with over a dozen Proton Torpedoes or Concussion Missiles each , and 5 metric tons of proton bombs. This technically classifies a Hyena as a Light Bomber , and combined with their agility they perform very well in this role. Hyenas have a maximum acceleration of 3800 G or 18 MGLT/s , a maximum atmospheric speed of 714 miles per hour , and a maneuverability rating of 85 DPF. These bombers are awaiting the ability to be utilized in secret bunkers across Dxun , and have been as of yet undiscovered by the Empire. There are currently 2 Hyena Bombers on Dxun.

HMP Droid Gunships are very heavily armed , shielded autonomous craft produced towards the middle of the Clone Wars for Separatist use. HMPs are 40 feet 4 inches in length , 36 feet 2 inches wide , and 10 feet 2 inches tall. They were expensive to produce but were highly effective , and at least as intelligent as a vulture Droid if not more intelligent still. HMPs are however rather slow , with a maximum acceleration of only 100 G , a maximum atmospheric speed of 373 miles per hour , and a maneuverability rating of 55 DPF. The Droid Gunships are very heavily armored and armed to the teeth , with 2 heavy laser cannons housed pointing forwards in the body and a third mounted beneath the chin , two turreted dual fire-linked medium laser cannons in their ‘cheeks’ , and 2 variable-payload missile racks beneath it’s body armed with 7 missiles each. They are surprisingly common on Dxun , as they were utilized in large numbers on Onderon and Dxun during the Clone Wars and many were found on the moon in nearly operable condition , making them easy for Droid or Rebel Engineers to repair and reactivate. Currently there are 3 HMP Droid Gunships on Dxun , in secret bunkers along with most every other starship.

The Ground Vehicles of the First Droid Battalion are used as transports or armored support , the latter of which is typically are utilized to combat Imperial vehicles. The most common vehicles of the First Droid Company are AAT-1s painted dark blue and light grey , with 36 such vehicles on Dxun. Another common variant called the Airbase Defense AAT , which is modified to have a faster-firing main cannon and a highly flexible HB-2A1 Heavy Repeater mounted atop the main cannon and painted sand blue and dark grey , is utilized by the First Droid Battalion and totals 12 examples on Dxun.

The R/AAT-3 is an immense Vehicle that is more powerfully Armored , armed , and powered with deflector shield equal to that of the HMP Gunship. It was first prototyped by the Separatist Army at the very end of the Clone Wars , and it is thought all five prototypes were destroyed by the Empire. The R/AAT-3 is over twice the size of the standard AAT-1s , measuring 65 feet in length and traveling at speed of up to 55 miles per hour due to an advanced engine. The Royal AAT is armed with a powerful Turbolaser main cannon with a coaxial HB-2A1 and mortar launcher , a second HB-2A1 mounted atop the turret and fired remotely , an DPM-9 Medium Repeating blasters flexibly mounted on the commander’s cupola , 2 sets of dual fire-linked medium blaster cannons mounted in sponsons on each side of the vehicle , and 4 more HB-2A1 Heavy Repeaters mounted forwards in the hull. It is theorized , though not proven , that the Royal AAT could destroy an AT-AT with its powerful armament and heavy armor and shielding. The Royal AAT requires 2 Drivers , 3 gunners , and a commander to operate properly. There is exactly one R/AAT-3 on Dxun , used by High General TJ-253 As her personal Transport , and is entirely unknown to any personnel of the Empire.

Platoon Attack Craft are speedy open transports introduced by the Trade Federation in the years prior to the Battle of Naboo. PACs can Transport up to 112 folded Battle Droids or half that number in active droids , and can have their deployment racks removed to have an open flat-bed useful to transporting all sorts of personnel or material , the latter of which being the form these vehicles are commonly found now. PACs are 85 feet 4 inches in length , can travel at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour , and require a crew of 2 pilot droids. They can haul up to 4 metric tons of personnel or equipment. Platoon Attack Craft are light armed with two light laser cannons and a HB-2A1 Heavy Repeater flexibly mounted for passengers to utilize. On Dxun these vehicles ferry fast-moving repair teams to their fallen comrades and haul away any of their fellows that require more intensive repairs. There are currently 15 Platoon Attack Craft on Dxun.

The small arms weaponry utilized by the First Droid Battalion mainly consists of older Separatist weapons , though several droids have stolen Imperial weapons or have gained Rebel weapons instead. However , these weapons are still vastly the most prevalent small arms weapons within the First Droid Battalion , as it aids them in maintaining the appearance of their forces being malfunctioning Separatist droids.

E-5 Blaster Rifles are the primary blaster rifles of the First Droid Battalion and the Separatist Army before that , and were first introduced in the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. E-5s weigh 5 pounds , are 1 foot 10 inches long , and originally cost 900 Imperial Credits but now cost only 600 due to their mass availability on the Black Market following the Clone Wars. They are considered to be a predecessor to the E-11 alongside the DC-15S carbine , and have some of the same issues the newer rifle has regarding innaccuracy and occasional fragility. E-5s have capacity for 500 shots and range up to 900 feet. They do not have a fully automatic fire option and instead are designed to be fired in single shots or 3 to 5 round bursts.

DR-38 Squad Automatic Weapons are the standard Squad Automatic Weapons of the First Droid Battalion , and are much more rare than the E-5 given the prevalence of Super Battle Droids that have wristblasters that fill the same roles. They are powered by discs of tibanna gas and blaster energy that spin when the weapon is fired , and also make the rifle easier to reload than other Squad Automatic Weapons like the DLT-19 or DLT-21. DR-38s are 4 feet 2 inches long , weigh 18 pounds , and cost 2400 Imperial Credits. They have capacity for 700 shots and range up to 3800 feet. DR-38s only fire fully automatically and have a rate of fire of up to 450 rounds per minute.

DPM-9 Medium Repeating Blasters are the standard tripod or vehicle mounted Medium Repeating Blaster of the First Droid Battalion , and came into service at the outbreak of the Clone Wars. They are more compact than later weapons of their type , but still very heavy and requiring a 40-pound backpack generator and 25-pound Tripod to operate. DPM-9s are 3 feet 2 inches long , weigh 65 pounds , and cost 3900 Imperial Credits. They have unlimited shot capacity with their backpack generators and have range up to 4300 feet , but can not be fully hardwired to fire remotely and need to be operated by a Gunner. DPM-9s have a fully automatic rate of fire of up to 450 rounds per minute , and take 6 minutes to fully assemble and load.

HB-2A1 Heavy Repeating Blasters are large , cumbersome weapons that are the standard Heavy Repeaters of the First Droid Battalion. They require heavy 60-pound generators but can be hardwired to fire remotely in vehicles , and two mounted in the hull was - and is - standard for all variants of the AAT-1 Assault Tank. HB-2A1s are 5 feet 5 inches in length , weigh 80 pounds (along with it’s 60-pound generator and a 40-pound coushined tripod) , and cost 7000 Imperial Credits. When not mounted to a vehicle HB-2A1s have to be transported by teams of droids as all the equipment required to utilize the weapon , typically one Droid for each component , one Super Battle Droid or a B1 armed with a DR-38 , and an officer to direct it’s fire. HB-2A1s only fire fully automatically and have rates of fire in excess of 700 rounds per minute with a skilled gunner and technician , and 550 rounds per minute when mounted into a vehicle.
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Major Galactic History

The History of the Galaxy is one of violence and destruction , of wars waged between the Republic and their enemies , of duels between the now-extinct Jedi Knights and their enemies , the Sith. The story of the Sith’s rise to ultimate power begins millennia ago , before the beginning of even the New Sith Wars , however for the most relevant events to the current Galactic situation it shall start at the end of the Clone Wars.

The Clone Wars were engineered by now-Emperor Palpatine as a method to seize power , building a larger and larger power base as the destructive conflict wore on. By the third year of the conflict the Separatists has drawn the Republic’s Grand Army into viscious Sieges in worlds acrosss the Outer Rim , ravaging most of the alien species’ quality of life and rendering them less and less powerful in the Galactic community. As the war became more and more desctructive Palpatine used his sway over the Republic’s Senate to gain increasingly more ‘emergency power’ to speed along the Republic’s ability to wage war against the anti-war opposition , led by Padmé Amidala and a coalition of senators such as Mon Mothma of Chandrila and Bail Organa of Alderaan. By the closing months of the way he came ever-bolder in exercising his nigh-absolute power , a fact that eventually led a young Jedi Knight named Anakin Skywalker to suspect him of being the Sith Lord the Separatist Leader Count Dooku had cryptically warned of at the very outbreak of the war , and reported his findings to the Jedi Council.

However , Palpatine had anticipated and even planned for this , and used his sway over Anakin - who the then-Chancellor had been grooming to become his next and most powerful apprentice since the boy had became a Jedi 13 years ago - to forestall his own death. In the aftermath of a bold attack by a team of Jedi Masters led by Mace Windu - which he himself stopped , while also managing to complete Anakin’s transformation into Darth Vader - he seized his opportunity to carry out the plan he’d formed decades ago. After sending out the order for the Clone Army to execute all Jedi , he appeared before the Senate hidden by a hood and spoke of his near-death at the Jedi’s hands , the need to end the Clone Wars , and how the safety of the Galaxy could be ensured if only he were declared Emperor for life , with absolute authoritarian power. In response , the vast majority of the Senate , successfully driven to desperation by one of the most destructive conflicts in Galactic history , loudly roared their approval and swiftly voted in favor of the motion. The Empire was formed in that very hour , with now-Emperor Palpatine having tyrannical Control of the entire Galaxy.

However , there were many loose ends left to be dealt with. After sending the newly crowned Darth Vader and his 501st razed the Jedi Temple to the ground and killed every single Jedi inside , Palpatine dispatched Lord Vader to Mustafar to dispatch with the remainder of the Separatist Leadership and deactivate their droid armies. Unbeknownst to him , Padmé Amidala - secretly his wife , and carrying his child - had followed him there , and his Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi had stowed aboard the ship intending to stop his apprentice’s fall to the Dark Side by any means possible. As Padmé was begging her husband to return to the light and cease his dark path , Obi-Wan stepped out of the ship to challenge his apprentice , an action that caused Darth Vader to fly into a rage and nearly kill Padmé. While he and his master were dueling a T-Series Tactical Droid who had somehow survived the mass shutdown order issued to all Separatist Droids and had been overlooked by the Sith Lord in his bloody annhiliation of Separatist Leaders at the Base and shuffled out , quickly electing to scoop up the dying Padmé and use her ship to fly far away from Mustafar. Unable to pilot , the T-Series Droid only managed to travel two systems away and set off a distress beacon that summoned Bail Organa and Yoda aboard the Tantive IV. They took her to a secret medical facility on Polis Massa in an attempt to save her life or help her birth her two children , and while she perished she gave birth to twins she named Luke and Leia. The rest of the small group of senators she had amassed used her memory and the memory of the Jedi Knights to aid feelings of rebellion in their populations and the populations of other worlds throughout the Galaxy. On the same day the Empire was born , the seeds of Rebellion took root.

The first 5 years of the Empire were spent establishing absolute control over the Galaxy , restoring their own authoritarian brand of order to those parts of the Galaxy affected most by the Clone Wars , and exterminating the remnants of the Jed Order wherever they could be found. The latter task was accomplished worth zeal by specially trained Inquisitors , Darth Vader , and an ancient assassination droid designated HK-50 , who had himself been created to kill Jedi nearly four millennia prior using unknown highly advanced technology. Simultaneously , the newly formed Rebel Alliance and their leaders used channels - legal and otherwise - to acquire large amounts of equipment , weaponry , and vehicles for those members of their population that wished to fight against the tyrannical Empire. They had designers specially design new ships such as the A-Wing , U-Wing , and X-Wing , and new weapons such as the A280 or VK-16 to outfit their troops with , as well as acquiring large amounts of older equipment and vehicles that had been marked as surplus and scheduled for destruction or lend-lease sale by the Empire. The Rebels trained their young idealists in the same highly successful Guerilla warfare that had taken back many Separatist worlds during the Clone Wars , warfare that Darth Vader and HK-50 had themselves developed.

When the first signs of open , armed Rebellion began to show , Imperial Leaders began to scramble for ways to deal with the problem. Director Orson Krennic of the Imperial Department for Military Research proposed a massive battle station he dubbed the ‘Death Star’ , with a planet-destroying superlaser powered by Kyber Crystals. While supported by Grand Mod Tarkin , the project was quickly deemed a waste of resources and canceled , and Krennic himself was secretly killed by HK-50 and made to appear as if Rebels had murdered him. ‘Death Star’ became slang for a massive undertaking that would have little effect and consume far too many resources among various personnel of both the Empire and Rebellion thereafter. Instead the enormous amounts of funds , material , and research projected to be required for the Death Star Project was spread out among a large amount of other , smaller projects. The idea of a superlaser was subsequently incorporated into the Super Star Destroyers , of which over two dozen now exist , and some specially designed Star Destroyers. A smaller-scale superlaser can be found in approximately one in every ten Star Destroyers and equipped to every Super Star Destroyer. Interdictor Cruisers - ships with gravity well projectors designed to keep ships of any size from traveling to Hyperspace - were mass-produced and found great use in keeping the Rebels from fleeing to Hyperspace.

Many other projects that were set into place instead of the Death Star Project were designed to produce better troops and personal equipment. Among the most notable of these projects were HK-50’s Scarif Troopers and HKS-series war droids , highly adept soldiers with little parallel in the Galaxy. Vaylin , a Sith clone of Darth Vader himself , was grown at this time , and was the only clone of Darth Vader to survive , despite being female instead of male like all the rest were. She was hidden from all notice except that of her surrogate mother and the highest Imperial Officials , and was not revealed to any others until she was ready to be the weapon she was born to be. Most of these projects took a decade or more to yield results , and appeared towards the end of the war to contribute to the Empire’s massive success. In the intervening time Imperial Leaders struggled to adapt to the Rebel’s tactics , giving the Rebels small victories on planets across the Galaxy and allowing them to build a surprisingly large network of cells across the Galaxy.

However , the smartest Imperial generals and admirals has formulated very successful anti-Rebel tactics , and 7 years before the Battle of Hoth Imperial Leaders throughout the Galaxy were using powerful new weapons and highly skilled new personnel to drive every individual Rebel Cell into an all-out confrontation where the Rebellion and it’s leaders could be totally annihilated. It was during these last years of the Rebellion that Princess Leia became the overall leader and figurehead of the Rebel Alliance , following the deaths of Bail Organa and Mon Mothma during wildly successful Imperial raids on Alderaan and Chandrila. A force-sensitive young Tatooinian named Luke joined the Rebellion 2 years before the Battle of Hoth , and participated in a successful evacuation of the primary Rebel Cell’s Base on Yavin. However , as they were becoming closer and closer together the Rebel Cells were increasingly vulnerable to being wiped out by the Empire.

21 years after the Declaration of a New Order , Rebel Cells from all across the Galaxy congregated to make a final stand at Hoth. Their plan was to evacuate and scatter to deep space utilizing an Ion Cannon to disable Interdictors and Star Destroyers , but teams of Scarif Troopers , Storm Commandos , and Imperial Commandos flew in under the cover of one of Hoth’s ice storms and destroyed the Ion Cannon and sabotaged the Rebellion’s efforts to flee the system while the largest Imperial Fleet ever assembled in a single place amassed around the icy world , using Super Star Destroyers or Star Destroyers equipped with Superlasers to destroy what Rebel Fleet had amassed around the planet. Interdictor Cruisers were positioned in an immense orbital screen around the planet , preventing any ships from escaping into hyperspace , with Star Destroyers , Super Star Destroyers , and smaller corvette-sized Imperial Raiders that were themselves designed to destroy Rebel Starfighters. Enormous transport ships deployed mass amounts of AT-ATs , AT-STs , AT-MPs , and hovertanks of all sorts , creating a massive armored assault on the Rebel’s echo base.

When the Rebels deployed their own fighters to defend their base , the Empire sent entire wings of TIEs to duel them , shooting down their foes in both space and air. Numberless hordes of infantry sprang from these vehicles and slaughtered their Rebel enemies in a very precise fashion , eventually linking up with the elite troops that had arrived a day earlier already breaching bunkers and trenches close beside Echo Base. Together the Imperial Forces stormed Echo Base and slaughtered all in their path , including Lady Vaylin herself executing Princess Leia and later showing off her now-headless body very publicly to show how brutally the Empire had destroyed the Rebels. In the aftermath Vader and his Apprentice tracked Luke Skywalker to Dagobah where the two of them successfully killed the former Jedi Master and the fledgling Jedi Padawan , destroying the very last living Jedi in all the Galaxy.

However , several Rebel Ships found a small hole in the orbital screen , and the most skilled Rebel Pilots managed to slip through the Imperial’s trap and unanimously agreed to travel to Dxun. Dxun and it’s planet , Onderon , had been occupied by the Separatists for the majority of the Clone Wars but had remained largely untouched by the Galactic Civil War , despite famed Rebel renegades Saw Guerrera hailing from Onderon. As such , Dxun had been entirely ignored by the Empire during the war , and very poorly held and maintained. On Dxun they quickly gained the support of the vastly spread Mandalorian Clans and stored the vehicles they’d escaped with in very well-hidden bunkers , gaining a steady stream of supplies from both their own smugglers and smugglers with immense ships hired by the Mandalorians. The poorly equipped , lax nature of the garrison on Dxun meant that the leadership there hadn’t noticed the Rebels’ presence until a few months into their occupation , and that leader was summarily replaced with a more observant - though still not very skilled - brigadier General.

Dxun has been used as a testbed for a second war for over 5 years now , the Rebels and the First Droid Battalion shifting their forces to develop an edge against the Empire. The Empire , meanwhile , has been lulled into a false sense of security , believing the Droids are the remnants of the Separatist Occupation Forces that had unexplainably disappeared over a quarter century prior and the Rebels a mere remnant force on it’s very last legs. A fourth force outfitted with advanced war droids and Vehicles of all types and classifications painted in various shades of green and dark gray have been found , but neither the Rebels , the Empire , nor even the First Droid Battalion are of yet aware what their allegiances are. After half a decade the Empire’s best efforts seem to be having little effect , Droid Forces still roaming across the jungle and Rebel Camps still being discovered all across the deepest parts of the jungle. However , a recent discovery by a Storm Commando Lieutenant seems to suggest that it is not simply tenacity that has allowed the Rebels to continue on - in an underground bunker deep into the jungle , she discovered 2 A-Wings , 5 MBC-3s , 2 AAT-1s painted in Rebel Colors , a TX-130S , 3 Stolen 74-Zs , an AT-RT , and several crates of supplies ranging from blaster power packs to rations and medical tools. This seems to suggest the war on Dxun is not simply spillover from earlier conflicts , but a conflict of it’s own right. Very few outside Dxun have been notified of this as of yet , save for the leadership of the Imperial Military.
Appendix Alpha - Imperial Soldiers across the Galaxy

Various types of Imperial Soldiers exist across various planets and sectors of the Galaxy , most tailored for uncommon environments such as ice planets , irradiated worlds , or even outer space itself. However , there are a small amount that are garrisoned on specific worlds that have specialized unit markings , or stationed on specific capital ships such as Super Star Destroyers.

Imperial Royal Guards are the elite , Force Pike-carrying soldiers that are tasked with guarding the Emperor himself. The Royal Guards are taken from the most elite members of the Stormtrooper Corps , Scout Trooper Corps , or Imperial Navy Commandos. From there batches of 100-150 recruits are taken to the desolate world of Yinchorr and given some of the most brutal , indoctrinating training the Empire can offer , slowly eliminating them through various lethal exercises , sometimes with the Emperor’s own oversight or the oversight of already trained Royal Guards. They train in pairs to prepare for their duties , and when only 2 pairs - four guards - are left alive and in the program they are ordered to fight to the death before the Emperor himself , with the victor of each pair becoming the next two Imperial Royal Guards. They are entirely apart from any command structure of the Imperial Military , and do not talk to any other Imperial soldiers except by the Emperor’s own orders nor do they operate alongside them , though they do indeed perform a great many combat duties , where they have skills said to be parallel to the Scarifs and melee prowess equal to that of even the extinct Jedi Knights of the Old Republic. They have fanatical loyalties to the Emperor and the Emperor alone , protecting him with their very lives from any threats , including those from any members of the Empire itself regardless of their standing or influence. The Royal Guards use SE-3C holdout blasters and Controller-FP Force Pikes , but can utilize any weapon and commonly favor DLT-19 or DLT-21 SAWs and E-15 rifles when on combat missions. They are trained to be adept pilots of specially modified TIE Interceptors equipped with shields and Hyperdrives painted in all red , flying cover for the Emperor’s own personal Lambda Shuttle. Although they primarily accompany the Emperor , they can be seen accompanying Grand Moff Tarkin, Grand Admiral Thrawn , Grand General Veers , or Director of Intelligence Ysanne Isard on very rare occasions. No rebels are known to have ever killed a Royal Guard , and thusly the Royal Guards are greatly feared by any who dare oppose the Emperor.

Imperial Shadow Guards are members of the regular Imperial Royal Guards found to be Force-sensitive and trained in the ways of the Dark Side. During the Great Jedi Purge they often tracked down Jedi , Rogue Force users , or those of other orders working against the Empire and attempted to kill them , but after the extinction of the Jedi and nearly every other order of Force Sensitives Not aligned with the Emperor they were retasked to being the most deadly guards of the Emperor and his own personal assassin corps. Shadow Guards often exude an unsettling aura around other , non-sensitive personnel due to their ties to the Dark Side and ceaseless watchfulness , but like their lesser comrades practically never interact with any other personnel unless by the orders of the Emperor himself. Shadow Guards are trained in the powers of the Dark Side and utilize red-crystaled Saber Pikes , alongside SE-3Cs or silenced SE-14r blaster pistols , along with a host of other more conventional weaponry as required. They are trained to cloak themselves with the Force until they strike at their target , but are very skilled at utilizing their saber pike and various other weapons once they are required to strike at their targets. Their existence is widely unknown to the Galaxy , even Imperial Personnel or Rebel operatives , as they and their missions are shrouded in secrecy. Even those that know of them rarely know what they truly are , beyond that they are trained in the dark , arcane arts of the Emperor himself , Darth Vader , and Lord Vaylin.

Imperial Soverign Protectors are the most skilled members of the Royal guard , typically considered to be the closest they have to officers or leaders outside of the Emperor himself. They are highly adept , aggressive , calculating Warriors , and a few of their number are very slightly Force Sensitive - not enough to be trained as Shadow Guards , but more than the average Imperial personnel. Soverign Protectors are commonly seen as the captains of the Royal Guard contingents and are rarely , if ever , seen alongside one another due to their higher prowess and valuability , instead appearing among groups of six Royal Guards or more. They typically speak more and interact more than other members of the Royal Guards when any Interacting is required on the behalf of their Emperor , but have an extremely condescending aura about them when they interact with lesser personnel. Soverign Protectors use the same Force Pikes and holdout blasters as the regular Royal Guards , but typically also carry heavier pistols as they may desire , and regularly utilize ELT-17 SAWs when or if they are assigned to missions separate from protecting the Emperor. Their robes and armor are in the reverse color scheme of the standard Royal Guard , with additional accents of bright red across the helmet and portions of the armor underneath.

Imperial Inquisitors are users of the Dark Side specially trained to hunt down and capture or eliminate Force Sensitives throughout the Empire. When they were first formed their members consisted of former Jedi turned to the Dark Side , and hunted those Jedi that had fled into exile following the execution of Order 66. They initially trained in the arts of the Dark Side under Darth Vader , though later any new recruits trained under the Grand Inquisitor instead , leaving Vader to train his own apprentice Lord Vaylin. Inquisitors typically operate alone or in pairs , usually one being a seeker and the other being more of a brute. They refer to each other as ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ , and forgo actual names in place of droid-like designations such as ‘seventh sister’ or ‘fifth brother’. They utilize a variety of equipment to help with their tasks , but they fly TIE Advanced Starfighters and utilize dual-bladed lightsabers designed to rapidly spin with the press of a button. Inquisitors wear armors of various designs , but all have similar features such as black armor , red accents , and prominently displayed Imperial symbols on their shoulders. The Inquisitorious , unlike every other Imperial Military branches , are composed of primarily nonhuman species of various types , in great part due to their requirement of having at least decently strong and skilled Force Sensitives to compose it. Given the ever consistent birth of new Force Sensitives and how easy it is for them to go unnoticed the Inquisitors rarely run out of missions , though after the Great Jedi Purge was complete their missions became less dangerous even when they were dealing with Rebels. The exact numbers , Operations , and nature of the Inquisitorious is unknown to most non-Sensitive Imperial Officials of even very high ranks.

Inquisitorious Airborne Stormtroopers are an elite corps originally composed of the very last Kaminoan Clones produced from Jango Fett’s genome. They deploy from parachutes into the battlefield typically , but are highly adept soldiers in any field of combat , far more so than typical Stormtroopers. Inquisitorious Airborne Stormtroopers are trained to operate alongside Inquisitors and fight against Force Sensitives , but very commonly operate alone as Paratroopers. They utilize a wide variety of weapons , though defaukt to E-15 blaster rifles and ELT-17 SAWs , and very occasionally MH-09 Medium Repeating Blasters when heavier emplacement weapons are needed. Other equipment commonly utilized includes blood test kits designed to detect potential Jedi , slugthrowers , and a variety of stun and sonic grenades designed to disorient potential Force Sensitives. While they were at first composed of only Fett Clones , as the war went on they began to pull from other paratrooper units to fill out their ranks. Inquisitorious Airborne Stormtroopers wear black armor with red accents and visors , with sergeants wearing black pauldrons a Lieutenants wearing red pauldrons , and while they are rare Captains have variant armor. They are not garrisoned on any specific Imperial-held planet , moon , Capital ship , or facility , and do not answer to any one Inquisitor in particular except as missions require.

Coruscant Guard Stormtroopers are standard Stormtroopers specially trained in urban warfare and planetary defense permanently assigned to Coruscant , and asides from emergency reinforcements or units sent there as part of frequent military parades are the only standard Stormtroopers on Coruscant. They were one of the first units to receive the Stormtrooper armor at the end of the Clone Wars , having been formed from the original Grand Army of the Republic’s Coruscant Guard at the very end of the Clone Wars , and have continued to be one of the very first units to receive new equipment , weapons , and vehicles throughout the rule of the Empire. They have specialized red markings on their armor to distinguish them from standard Stormtroopers , one of an extreme few battalions allowed to have personalized unit markings following the end of the Clone Wars. Coruscant Guard Stormtroopers are more skilled than average Stormtroopers , especially in defending their home base of Coruscant. They utilize only the most advanced Imperial weaponry as their standard weaponry , utilizing the E-15 as their standard rifle , the DLT-21 as their standard SAW , T-22s as their standard light repeater , MH-09s as their standard medium repeater , and MH-14s as their standard heavy repeater. Many sergeants and above assigned to the Coruscant Guard utilize DLT-20 or RT-97c Blaster Rifles instead of standard E-15s , though they have backup pistols for closer engagements should they choose to utilize one of the long-range rifles.

Lehon Guard Stormtroopers are specially trained Stormtroopers permanently stationed on the planet Lehon , specially skilled in patrolling and defending tropical island chains such as their home base of Lehon. They were formed when the Scarif Training Base was established on the world , taking some of the best Stormtroopers from worlds similar to Lehon to form the core of the new Lehon Guard Legion. Similar to the Coruscant Guard , they are more skilled and adept than standard Stormtroopers and have access to the most advanced equipment and weaponry available , utilizing E-15s , DLT-21s , T-22s , MH-09s , and MH-14s. They have blue markings on their armor , distinguishing them from regular Stormtroopers and helping continue the overall blue color scheme of Lehon-based (or originating) units.

Elite Imperial Navy Commandos serve aboard the most important Imperial Navy Capital ships or facilities , such as Super Star Destroyers , superlaser-equipped Imperial Star Destroyers , ground squadron Hangars on Coruscant , or the Chief orbital shipyards of Kuat Drive Yards orbiting Kuat and Fondor. Elite Imperial Navy Commandos are more skilled and disciplined than their standard peers , and have dark grey markings and a red symbol on their chest plate to signify their elite skillset. They utilize more high-quality weaponry , such as E-15 blaster rifles and ELT-17 SAWs , but rarely utilize medium or heavy repeating blasters due to the danger of destroying their starship’s systems from the inside and crippling their own vessel. Elite Navy Commandos typically accompany the higher officials of their vessel if they should need to depart , and commonly perform Guard duties for officers even away from their assigned capital ships or facilities.

Coruscant Scarifs are among the most defensively skilled urban combatants of the Scarif Trooper ranks , handpicked to serve on the Imperial Capital World or Coruscant. Many of these Scarif Troopers find the task honorable , but boring , and typically find ways to express their bloodlust in the lawless underlevels under the guise of ‘restoring Imperial Order’. Coruscant Scarifs , despite the name , do exist on other worlds in far smaller groups (typically a single squad or even one single trooper) , most notably Lehon itself. They are typically some of the very few permitted to utilize the experimental and highly volatile E-22 rifles , and consider it a mark of their highly adept skills to be allowed to utilize the weapons over even their own ‘lesser’ comrades. They have blue markings on their armor to distinguish them from other units , more than even standard squad leaders.

Snowtroopers , or more formally Cold Assault Stormtroopers , are the Imperial Combat Personnel specially trained and outfitted for icy environments. They have specialized training to survive in the typically wild expanses of the worlds they operate on and are , typically (though not in all cases) more skilled than average Stormtroopers of similar stations. Snowtroopers use the same weaponry as standard Stormtroopers , though due to requiring a backpack to moderate the fine temperature controls built into their armor and various other systems , they often have to find different ways to equip backpack generators or sacrifice their temperature controlling backpacks. Due to their heavy involvement in the decimation of the Rebels on Hoth , Snowtroopers have a fearsome reputation and a more menacing persona in Imperial propaganda. They are conditioned for frigid environments and deal with cold better than many other types of Imperial personnel , and have an edge over enemies that may not be as familiar with the environments they are trained to fight in - if not as adept as actual species native to ice planets. Any icy or frigid worlds under Imperial control is garrisoned with Snowtroopers in the place of standard troopers , and on worlds with frigid ice caps numerous Snowtroopers garrison alongside more standard Imperial personnel. In addition , many legions of Snowtroopers exist outside of planetary facilities to be moved to reinforce other personnel that might need immediate reinforcements , and any icy battlefields that may exist across the Galaxy.

Seatroopers - formally known as Aquatic Assault Stormtroopers - are specialized combat troops equipped with diving equipment and trained to operate in deep ocean waters , either on worlds that have oceans or oceanic worlds entirely. Their advanced armor allows them to resist deep ocean pressures and prevent any adverse effects from rapid surfacing , though they cannot travel as deeply as true submersible Vehicles. Seatroopers are specially trained for aquatic combat and equipped with sonic rifles , plasma cannons , and sometimes harpoons in the place of standard blasters and blaster rifles. They can quickly change air-tanks while still submerged , and are fast swimmers , being specially selected for the duty. Many of them are from aquatic worlds originally and feel more at home in the water to begin with , lending them an edge over enemies that may not always be as familiar with the methods of oceanic combat as they are , if still disadvantaged against aquatic species like the Mon Calamari. Any aquatic or oceanic worlds are garrisoned with Seatroopers , and worlds that have large oceans have a large amount of Seatroopers in their garrisons. Seatroopers comprise many full legions of Imperial Personnel unassigned to any planetary garrisons , available to reinforce other Imperial forces elsewhere or travel to any aquatic battle zones across the Galaxy.

Swamptroopers are a variant of Stormtroopers outfitted with special armor designed to operate better in swampy environments , with specialized helmet filters designed to protect them from the noxious air found in swampy environments , and quickly purge any solid particles such as swamp water or mud that gets into their helmet. Their armor is a camouflage green color and is finished to be more resistant to rust and muck than most Trooper armors , in addition to having lights to illuminate their often dark and murky surroundings should they wish to. They are also better trained to effectively travel and fight through the murky and thick terrain they were formed for. Swamptroopers commonly utilize hard-wearing , reliable , easy to maintain weapons that can be used effectively by a single user , and eschew crew-served weapons except when required to use them by their superiors. There are far fewer troopers of this type than other environment specific types , but never the less did have key roles in the defeat of the Rebellion as they helped in the tracking and murders of Luke Skywalker and Jedi Master Yoda on Dagobah. Any swamp planets held by the Empire are garrisoned by Swamptroopers , and planets with large swathes of swampy terrain typically have Swamptroopers garrisoned alongside their more standard comrades. There are far fewer individual units of Swamptroopers not attached to planetary garrisons than other environmentally specific troopers , but those that exist are available to reinforce other Imperial forces or be sent to swamp battlefields across the Galaxy as needed.

Light Spacetroopers are variants of standard Stormtroopers equipped with special gear to survive in the vacuum of space. They are trained to be able to effectively move and fight with little or no gravity and typically serve on the outermost regions of orbital facilities or capital ships , or planets and moons with low gravity and little to no atmosphere. Light spacetroopers utilize long range blaster rifles or light repeaters with standard ammunition packs equipped , typically RT-97c rifles or T-22 Light Repeating Blasters. A few units of Light Spacetroopers exist to reinforce other capital-ship based or space facility based troopers , and be sent in low gravity , low atmosphere battlefields across the Galaxy.

Radtroopers - or , formally , Radiation Zone Assault Stormtroopers - are Stormtroopers equipped with specially designed armor that provides them shielding from radiation in the environment. Their armor is very expensive to produce and only given to very skilled troopers , but is highly efficient at protecting the Trooper inside from most forms of radiation. Radtroopers are dispatched to irradiate environments , most often as a second-wave force to check the area for any survivors of the initial attack. They use most of the same weapons as standard Stormtroopers , Snow Troopers , and other primary combat personnel , but most often utilize E-11 or E-15 rifles and DLT-19 or DLT-21 SAWs. A handful of all-Radtrooper units exist , some garrisoned on irradiated planets and some available to reinforce other units or be sent to irradiated battlefields across the Galaxy.

Zero-G ‘Heavy’ Spacetroopers - or more formally Zero-G Space Assault Stormtroopers - are immensely heavy , powerful suits of armor controlled by a single specially trained Stormtrooper. They are designed to board the small corvettes that are commonly used by the Rebellion , more akin to small starfighters than they are to actual standard combat troopers. Zero-G ‘Heavy’ Spacetrooper armor has maneuvering jets built into the rear of it , a mortar launcher in the shoulder , a cutting laser in one forearm and a light blaster cannon in the other , and the hands are hydraulically powered claws capable of rending the hulls of starfighters and corvettes. Their armor is capable of resisting most small arms fire , making them a very frightening threat for Rebel pilots or those aboard any enemy vessels opposing the Empire. Zero-G ‘Heavy’ Spacetroopers Are typically garrisoned in small groups aboard Star Destroyers or Imperial Facilites in space such as Skyhooks or Orbital Shipyards , where they often lead the way for larger boarding parties of more standard troopers. They typically comprise units alongside Light Spacetroopers , and in this form can reinforce other units and be sent to space battles across the Galaxy as needed.
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