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One x One Love @ First: Dating in the Modern World (closed)


But first, tea

Here's the thread! Please take a look at the Character Sign-Up and tell me what you think. If there are any topics/questions/categories you'd like me to add, let me know! I used a combination of what I found from various dating app profiles, so I think I've captured the general idea.

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That looks great! I was honestly expecting some kind of really vague profile thing, but that legit looks like it could belong to an actual dating site.

And I like the name, too- again, seems like it could legit be some site somewhere.

So, how are we going to do this?
I am now officially watching this thread. Goodness gracious. Weird that I wasn't automatically watching it after I made it though, right?

Anyway - thanks! I was going for a site name/feel that seems like it could be real (but of course isn't). I'm glad I succeeded!

I'll work on a character profile today and tomorrow. Once both of our characters are up, I'll go ahead and start us off. (Unless you'd like to?) I've no objections either way!
Okay, I've posted up my character; sorry the pictures are a bit dodgy/unaligned. Turns out it's a lot harder to find pictures than I thought it would be!
No worries about the pictures - the profile turned out great! I was actually thinking of creating one or two more characters so we could really mix and match based on who we'd think might really hit it off (or tank, 'cause that could be fun too).

And logistically, should we say the site pairs people up? Or do they have the freedom to choose whom to date?
Well, this is annoying- it doesn't alert me to when you reply. Hm.

You can create a couple more if you want! Weren't we going to start off with just these two so we could ease into the idea, though, or am I assuming that completely wrong?

Maybe both? It provides suggestions, and they decide if they want to meet or not?
Weird. I guess the thread is a little buggy? I had to click the "watch thread" button to make sure I got alerts.

And you're absolutely right. We're still doing the siblings thing. But (and this is not a criticism at all - your chracter is just fine) I realized that while reading through your character's profile, he wasn't quite my chatacer's type. So, maybe the site automatically sets up pairs and they're given the chance to read each other's profiles and go on a date or pass. If this is the case, then I can definitely see each trying to give the other a shot (even if they don't seem like each other's type). How does that sound?
I've done that, and yet...nothing.

Very odd.

Sure, that could work! I mean,obviously as we go through this, we'll develop characters that could be similar, but for now, I think it's kind of best that they don't match too much precisely.

Maybe there's some system where people's profiles are suggested, and they can read the profile, ignore it, or just click a button to say they'll meet, without having to look at the profile? We could then assume that these two clicked that last button, as a sort of 'I'm bored, I'm on here, what the hell'.
Exactly, it'll be like a trust-the-system type deal. We can assume that at some point during signing up they took some sort of compatibility test that the site uses to suggest smart matches. I agree though, I don't want super compatible couples. Plus, maybe part of the idea behind this site is that it tries I get people out of their comfort zones. Are you always dating the career-minded social climber? Why not try the carefree rockclimber with a sense of humor? :)
Definitely, I agree!

I'm looking forward to this, I have to say!

Just to double check- are you okay with the fact I roleplay in first person past tense?
That's perfectly fine. I'll match your tense so the RP is consistent. :) And I'm sorry for the delay. I had hoped to get an actual post up yesterday. I'll definitely be working on it today. If I like it, I'll have it up tonight.
Okay, great!

And no worries- I took a while to get round to posting my character, and the alert thing's been messing up too.

I'll look forward to it, though!
Hey Burton, I haven't started writing yet but I'm already stumbling over how this particular "test couple" will play out. It almost seems to me like it'll be a two-post per person story, and that's it. Like, to avoid clutter, we'll have one post each pre-date, and then the reaction post when they each realize that they've been set up with their sibling (ew). And maybe another post to sum up the traumatic event and allow each character to go their separate ways. Is that really it? I'm cool if it is - not all dates are equal, after all. I've just never wrapped up a character in so few posts before. It's a little strange to think in a very short time I'll be moving on to someone else.
Well, we could do that, but- and bear with me here- what if they don't realise they're siblings? They might not look all that alike, they certainly don't seem alike, so why don't we make it that they don't recognise each other as siblings? Maybe they have a first date, they have a good time, they have a second date, talk about family, and as they talk, they realise they share either a parent, or parents.

I'm not suggesting incest or anything, just that maybe they don't realise it for a little while?
Oh, so like siblings who weren't raised together? That makes a lot more sense. Sure! Lets go with that. Perhaps they're half-siblings. Their father left your character's mother (or maybe she left him) just before or after your character was born. He then met another woman with whom he had my character. And then maybe he died. If our characters are only left with each other's mothers, it's unlikely they would've ever visited each other. Maybe they vaguely know of each other's existence, but beyond that everything is blank. What about that?

And that sounds good to me. That way, they'll have been told stories of their father, so when one of them's like 'oh yeah, my father's name was Harry, and my mum told me he was a pilot' or something, the other one's like 'oh hey, my mum said the same thing....oh'.

So we can get a few posts out of these two, I think. Worst comes to the worst, we can always bring them back for other people.
Sounds like a plan!

Thanks again for your patience. I've definitely been dragging my feet on this post. BUT I have most of it written now. I'll be wrapping it up as my character enters the -- where shall we have them meet? Nice restaurant? Casual restaurant? Bar? Cafe? Something not food-related? Maybe the site also suggests date options, things it thinks the couple will enjoy. So rather than it being any one person's responsibility to choose an activity, they can just agree to do what the site says.

For these two, I'm thinking adult mini golf (you know, the kind of course where they serve alcohol). They can relax a little, get to know each other while not having to be completely focused on one another the whole night (like they would if it were a restaurant). Given their profiles, I feel like an activity-date would be a pretty good match for these two. Thoughts?
It's perfectly fine- I've been busy doing other stuff (mostly enjoying my last day/s of freedom before the job starts!).

That sounds pretty good to me! Should we have them wearing something distinctive so they recognise each other?

IF so, he'll be wearing a bright pink/slightly darker pink tie with Animal from The Muppets on.

If not, feel free to ignore the above sentence.

Also, this is still not alerting me to anything. It's kind of annoying now,
Hahaha! I've already posted, but if you want your character to wear that tie, go for it.


Did you get the tag notification? My alerts are working just fine, so maybe there's something in your settings you can adjust? That is annoying though. If the issue continues, definitely get a staff member on the case.

Well, for now I'll just tag you every time I reply. Also, just FYI, I've updated the Overview section. It'll keep a running log of all the couples we've tried out, and I'll be sure to add in information about what each couples' status is, too. So make sure to watch that thread!
Will do!

Alright, so it turns out I turned off the 'watch thread' notifications, because I watched the intro thread for some randomer by accident, and it was flooding me with alerts.

Weirdly, though, it seems like I'm not watching any of this, despite it telling me at the top of this page that I am.

This site. I swear to God.
Loved your post. Again with the dialogue, I can very clearly hear your character in my head. Fun schtuff! I'm compelled to respond right away! :)

(I didn't tag you this time. Did you get the notification? Another RP partner of mine is also having notification issues. Must be a site thing.)
At the risk of sounding completely obtuse, are you hinting that the Muppets story is the key identifier of our characters' shared father? I can't quite tell if this is a good place to start wrapping up or if it should go on a little longer. They are a trial couple, after all. Since nothing will ever actually happen between them, I'm not too torn up about ending sooner rather than drawing the story out. Still, it's hard to tell at this point whether the Kal and Grace are worth pursuing. We haven't said a whole lot yet, have we?

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