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Don't Fear the Reaper.


Senior Member

Francine "Frankie" Belmont





Daemon Orin Havock.


Son of the reaper.
It was late and the hospital was all but empty, at least in this wing. The only sound to be heard was the rhythmic beeping from the heart monitor accompanied with the sound of the oxygen machine pumping. If you listened very closely you could hear all the heart monitors and oxygen machines in all the other rooms as well. It was a sort of morbid symphony but Frankie hardly noticed the sound anymore. She had grown so used to it now that when there were moments of complete silence it was almost enough to drive her crazy. As long as the sound continued she knew her mother was still alive.

Her mother had been ill for years. Lung cancer it was, caused by years of inhaling second hand smoke at the bar she worked at. Even after she was diagnosed her mother refused to quit her job in order to just be able to keep paying the bills. Now look where they were, with thousands in medical debt that neither of them were ever going to be able to pay off, even if her mother did some how miraculously survive this. Somewhere deep down Frankie knew her mother wasn't going to make it out of this one, it was only a matter of time.

The most Frankie could do was just remain by her mothers side and try to make her as comfortable as possible, and she did. She practically lived at the hospital only going home for sort periods at a time to shower,get a change of clothes, along with anything else he mother wanted. She even slept at the hospital- when she did sleep. These day she was hardly getting any sleep at all. She was to afraid that if she even dozed off for a second she might miss something important. Her mother could need something, or worse... But having not slept more than an hour or two combined for the past three days was getting to her, and she was finding it really difficult to fight off sleep now. She had her chair pulled up to her mothers bed, her body bent forward with her head resting on the bed and her arms sprawled out over the woman's leg. Her eyes would close for a few seconds at a time before she'd force them open again. The woman beside her resembling more of a skeleton than an actual human being. There was no hair left on her head, all of her golden locks having fallen out long ago. She was so thin that her bones jutted out at ghastly angles, her skin ashen. It was not a pretty sight to say the least and Frankie hated seeing her mother that way but there was nothing she could do.

She couldn't count how many times she had pleaded with the doctors just to do something, anything, to help her mother. It didn't matter what it was or how much it would cost. She was even willing to let them try what ever experimental treatments were out there. Just as long it had a chance of helping her mother but they always told her the same thing. They had done all they could and there was nothing else they could do for her except make the process as comfortable for her as possible. Her body was to weak to withstand any more surgery or extensive procedures. There was just nothing else that could be done but Frankie didn't want to believe that. She she hated the doctors for not trying harder. They should have done more before it got this bad but now it was to late. She hated it. She hated not being able to do anything. She felt so useless. Especially when she was just lying there half falling asleep when the last thing she wanted to do was sleep despite being exhausted.
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