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Distortion of Reality


One Thousand Club

Back story


You have always lived in a large, busy city on the coasts of America. It was a noisy city, one that never held a dull day yet for it's size it was oddly safe as rarely would crimes occur. You had three murders the year before, all months apart so there wasn't much concern over the public seeing as all was relatively safe. You never truly worried about it either, though death still was common in the city as the streets were busy and sickness was common, yet no murderous intent lingers. At least this was the case a weak ago. Suddenly, a new crime spree arose at the hands of a unknown murderer with figure prints and DNA outside of the database. No one knew who she was, though in the past seven days three bodies have been found all staked upon a wall somewhere within the alley system. It was a frightening event, yet the chances of you out of nearly eight million people getting targeted, it was slim so you didn't much fret over it.

Yet today, upon this early spring morning you were heading off from home towards your school, and without much thought you chose to enter the alleyways to take a small shortcut. For a few minutes all seemed fine, until an abnormal sound caught your attention. A loud clanging of metal upon metal, you were curious so you decided to follow it. However, upon finding the true source of the noise you where quickly surprised to find a young girl around your age standing below a body much large than her own, that of a middle aged man who seemed as if he would be the bouncer at some sort of bar. He was huge, and yet... she was now forcing a metallic stake into his right shoulder, the man dead and dangling from the brick wall hanging by a stake inserted into his forehead, and another in his neck. She paused in her work, looking over her shoulder to view you... she was quiet a moment before a sick smirk lined her face and fully she turned to face you. "Oh, who might you be?" She spoke in an amused voice, her eyes locked upon you. What will you do?

~Write at whatever size you are comfortable with, I'll adjust.

~No Mr. Perfect.

~Follow the site rules.

~Have fun!

My Cs

Scarlet Cross

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Scarlet when in public if often a quiet person, one who goes unnoticed and often keeps to herself, though she is a rather observant person. Often this is what she does whenever she feels bored, which is rather often seeing as she has nothing better to do. Though when she finds herself wishing to kill, she can quickly turn into much more of a twisted haunting person who commonly shows no mercy.


Height~ 5'3

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Alright, would you like to reserve the spot? I just need to finish my character than it will be done and ready to use.
The character has been completed, simply copy and paste then delete my text to create your own following the style, unless you would like for me to give you an already blank format. You can create it whenever :P
Name: Norman Kimball

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Personality: Always the investigative type, Norman chose to pursue criminal justice in college, where he now studies. Normally a somewhat reserved man, he was always the type to get people to open up and talk with him if they took the chance to speak up first. Despite this, he is always known to be eccentric, shunning normal dressing habits to wear longcoats and ties, even during high school. He had been curiously looking into some of the murders but never came to any real conclusions until he came very close to being the next victim.


Height~ 5'11 
Would you kindly?

Abyssin said:
Name: Norman Kimball
Age: 21

Gender: Male

Personality: Always the investigative type, Norman chose to pursue criminal justice in college, where he now studies. Normally a somewhat reserved man, he was always the type to get people to open up and talk with him if they took the chance to speak up first. Despite this, he is always known to be eccentric, shunning normal dressing habits to wear longcoats and ties, even during high school. He had been curiously looking into some of the murders but never came to any real conclusions until he came very close to being the next victim.


Height~ 5'11
Would you kindly?
Scarlet in a haze of silence had been hanging up her latest kill; A man she rather disliked. She knew of his biography, his past, and all of his personal connections, yet she had seen him do quite a few terrible things, and soon it lead to this point. Now with fresh blood staining her arms and hands, she was once again hanging another corpse to be discovered with grotesque sounds of cracking bones and splattering blood. Yet, she was interrupted about halfway through this process as she came to notice the presence of another and turning herself she found a man standing a few yards away from her. A small smirk crossed her face, it seems she had a witness. "Oh, who might you be?" She spoke with both amusement and taunt, hoping to frighten the man before her.
Norman had intended to perhaps get enough research on the serial killings to write up a good paper or play a pivotal role in the capture of the serial killer from behind a desk; he had never intended to be face to face with her, especially now that he could be problematic to her killing spree. He took a step back as he made eye contact with her. He was clearly unnerved, if not frightened, but he was neither screaming nor running. It seemed the man was fighting to keep cool under such pressure and didn't want to make any sudden moves. "I...am Norman. Norman...um...White. I-I was just passing through and now that I've seen that you're...b-busy... I suppose I will take my leave and let you go back to your, uh, work." He said nervously before attempting to take another step back, his eyes rapidly looking around the area for any weapons or items he might be able to use in a pinch.
She smiled, his stuttering was rather entertaining for her. It seemed he was attempting to act tough even in the presence of herself, so she chose to simply scare him a bit more, her eyes falling down to his feet as she noticed him moving back. They where still only a couple yards away, and that was something Scarlet could easily cover in the passing of a few seconds, so she was quick to do such as she moved herself across the small distance with a stake in one hand. She reached for his wrist, grabbing it and taking it into a rather tight hold seeing as she didn't look to be one with such strength within her. She could break the bone with a certain movement, though she now only held a grip as she didn't quite feel like going as far as to break a bone yet. Being sure he could see the bloodied stake within her hand she spoke in the same tone as before, "Now, what's the rush? I'm not that busy."
He had continued to slowly move backward, slowly but surely, as she was looking at him and contemplating the next step. He had located a small piece of metal near the side of the ally wall that he could use to fight back against her if he had to. He chose to go ahead and try to reach for it but before he could; he felt his wrist caught and moved back, the man letting out a short groan of pain as he was forced into an uncomfortable position. He wasn't entirely without combat prowess, he knew a way he could break this hold by stepping sharply toward her and bucking his elbow, but that would likely anger her and from his perspective right now; she had a weapon and he didn't. As appealing as it sounded to not be in this position, he had no intention of fighting an armed serial killer without a single means of self-protection other than a few years of martial arts. "Ah, I..see, I figured you were...rather occupied...b-but unfortunately; I am late for...ah..um..tea, so I really should be going."
"Tea?" She repeated this with a bit of confusion, before suddenly she increased her gripping on his wrist, moving even a bit closer to him as he forced him to look into her yes which now held a rather disturbing look, that of a madman or sorts. They seemed twisted, madness lingering withing these violet hues. She rose her weapon a tad, poking him in the center of his chest with the sharpened end, taunting him as he knew if she where to stab it within that area, it would be enough to kill any person as long as it hit it's target. She was toying with him as at current she had no real intent to kill, even if her appearance was to make it to the public she knew it would only be an artist drawing based upon what this man would tell him, and with even a small cutting of her air and a couple colored contacts she could make herself looks like a completely different person. "You know, I do like tea. Why not bring me along to this little gathering?"
Norman nodded, nervous but hoping his excuse would work before her grip increased, causing the man to let out a grunt of pain as he was suddenly forced into a different position in which he had no choice but to look her into the eyes. He tried to avoid for a moment, the words of Neitzche ringing in his head Stare too long into the Abyss and the Abyss will stare back into you though he couldn't help noting that the shade of violent folding on itself was interestingly pretty. He gasped lightly as he felt the weapon touching his chest, limiting his breathing so as not to push himself any furhter against the blade. He raised an eyebrow as she asked to be taken along. He wasn't sure how to respond to that, he just wanted to put as much distance between himself and this serial killer as possible. "Ah..w-well, it's sort of an..invitation only thing...I-I'm sorry"
"Oh, is it that fancy?" She released her grip upon his wrist only to swiftly switch the positioning to around his neck, holding it with the same tight and now suffocating grip. Her eyes narrowed quite a bit, and though she still was playing in a sense she didn't plan to keep this up until he died, she would release before that occurred though she doubted that he knew this, and that was just what she wished. She wanted to scare him rather badly, and maybe scare him out of even speaking of this event to the police if she ended up being lucky, but so far she held no ill will towards this man as she had the dead man hanging from the wall behind them. "Now, do you think I can't get in simply because I don't have an invitation? I didn't have and invite to kill that man over there, in fact he begged me not to, yet I still did it. Didn't I?"

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