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Dice RolePlays?


Local Ceraunophile
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I've been curious for a while, but I'm just now getting around to asking the question: exactly what are dice RolePlays? They seem to be ehh. . . kind of popular? I'm not sure. The only thing I can compare what they seem like to is the game thing that Cry and his friends did for a while on their stream, 'The Truth, the Eye, and the Beholder.' Is that pretty much what it is, for those who know what I'm talking about? I'm kind of interested, but I'd like to know what it is and how it works before I attempt to join one and have no idea what I'm getting into.
Dungeons and Dragons, World of Darkness, Scion, Exalted and Warhammer 4k are all examples of dice roleplaying games.

How they differ from freeform RPs is that instead of everything being completely in your head, you have a GM (game master, or DM for Dungeon Master) to builds and runs the world, as well as stats and rules to guide your character and dice to give a measure of chance to add tension, as well as a greater feeling of victory when you triumph over whatever problem or puzzle your game master sets before you.
So. . . I pretty much knew all of that already. I now feel like this question was unneeded .-.
It never hurts to ask again, just to check and see that knowledge you think you have is correct or not. If you have any specific questions, I'd be happy to answer. I pretty much only do dice games these days.
Mmkay, I have a question: How do I join one? Or. . . any non 1x1 RolePlay in general really? It's never really worked out for me. . .
We actually have dedicated forums for joining Dice games on the site, simply pick one that looks interesting to you and see if it's possible to join. It's pretty much the same as joining a non-dice, non-1x1 game, you just need to have a rulebook on hand.
But. . . none of them really interest me. That's my problem .-. Plus, I don't know what most of those things are >.<
If you don't know what most of the things are, how can you say that they don't interest you?

I'd suggest to thoroughly look around the dice recruitment forums again, and see if any of the game owners would be willing to teach you how to play. Just simply message them and tell them that you're interested in learning. If you don't like it? That's fine. You get to walk away with a new handful of experience If you do? That's even better! Keep playing and keep learning on how the mechanics work.
But what if none of them want to teach me? Besides, most of them are 'D&D' RolePlays, and THAT'S what I don't know what it is.
You're not going to know if you don't ask. ( :) ) You have nothing to loose.
I know what dice RolePlays are and how to play; I've seen people do them in streams and stuff (I mentioned it in my original question). I just don't know what D&D is. Like, is is a legit game, or is it just a world/template type thing? I've tried looking it up, but I don't understand .-. If it's the former, I probably won't like most of them because I don't do fandom RolePlays, even ones that are just based off of fandoms, and that's what most of them are :/
I'm not sure what you mean by "a legit game". Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop roleplaying system. The stories told through the system are entirely dependent upon the Dungeon Master (DM)'s or Game Masters (GM)'s imagination and what they choose to do with it. It's a very robust system (one of the earliest around, and it's evolved over the years.)

Read more through google searches: http://dnd.wizards.com/dungeons-and-dragons/what-is-dd in particular; they also have a starter set, with partial downloads.

And Musician is right - you won't know if you don't try. BUT you may need to do some research.

D&D is a system used for the mechanics of a fantasy game. If you want to try it, contact the DM for one of the games you're interested in or post in the Roleplay Discussion board to ask for a mentor/guide. Keep in mind that there is more than one version of D&D - so know which one you need to look into. Also the GM/DM may have their own "house rules" in any game. I don't know if I'd recommend D&D as the best system to start with if you have never done a tabletop/dice system before and you're not willing to do some research on your own. But if you find a GM willing to assist with character creation, it can be workable.

Also - keep in mind that we have a HUGE site, and if dice games aren't your thing, that's fine. There are plenty of free form games to participate in as well.

I hope this helps.

P.S. Most of the dice games are NOT fandom games. The system may have a setting with particular rules, but the story is the GM's creation. There are exceptions, of course. (A Firefly tabletop RPG is a fandom setting, for example. And yes, there is one.) But most of the systems used on this site are free-form from a story perspective - with character classes, races, and possible settings provided to help you create the character you want to play and help the GM create a story within the setting.
I was just saying that they WOULD mostly be fandom, if D&D were a video game (which is what I meant by legit). Since it's not, they're not.
Actually, D&D does have several video games out there. Neverwinter Nights comes to mind first, though technically Neverwinter is in a particular setting of D&D - one of many. I wouldn't say that makes D&D fandom, though - rather, it's the video games that are fandom, since the tabletop came first...by some decades.

I don't understand how having been a video game makes something "legit," though. Odd turn of phrase.

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