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Fandom Diary of a Wimpy Kid Fandom Roleplay (Open)



I like to roleplay and use my imagination!
This is a roleplay taking place in the world of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. Instead of roleplaying as the main and secondary characters, come up with your original Diary of a Wimpy Kid character to roleplay as.
Anyone is welcome to join, but before you begin roleplay, head over to the Character Thread, fill out some basic information about your character that is listed there, and then post that info in that thread. After that, you are welcome to begin roleplaying

As there a bunch of books in the series, this roleplay will take place after the most recent book at the time you are roleplaying, so you are welcome to roleplay/interact with and explore any of the locations, book characters and other aspects of the series. You may also interact with the characters, even in situations featured in the book, as long as they remain within places/locations that are in the books.
-Anything featured in the movies and online series* that is not also featured in the books, is not allowed in this roleplay.
-Characters may only travel and explore within places/locations mentioned in the books. The only exception is your characteres place of residence, as long as they live within a location mentioned in the books. Your character will need a place to live, but as non of our original characters are mentioned in the books, they cannot live with another book character.

*The online series was a series, very similar to first Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. It was published online by author Jeff Kinney on Funbrain ahead of the first books publication to see if there was interest in the book series.
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