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Fandom Descendants: Rewind


...the Story Teller
King Adam and Queen Belle marry and unite all the kingdoms into the United States of Auradon, where they are elected the leaders of the new idyllic kingdom. All of the villains, sidekicks, and accomplices are forced after their defeat to live imprisoned on the Isle of the Lost, a forbidden island surrounded by a magical barrier that inhibits magic and escape.

In present-day Auradon, Prince/Princess (Name), the teenage son/daughter of King Beast and Queen Belle, is about to ascend the throne. His/her first official proclamation offers a chance for selected trouble-making teenage children of villains from the Isle of the Lost to live among them in Auradon and attend Auradon Prep. The children are descended from all kinds of villains and include: Cruella De Vil. Jafar, The Evil Queen and Maleficent. Adam is at first unwilling to go with it, because their parents committed unspeakable crimes. These villainous descendants are given news of this by Maleficent, that they are invited into Auradon to attend a prep school alongside the teenage children of iconic heroes.

How will the story unfold? Will the villain children keep to their ways or will they change Auradon for the better or worse? It all depends on what you chose. Welcome to Auradon.

This was it. The day at least half the kids leave the isle and hopefully start a new life. At least that is what Damien hopes for. He wanted to have a new beginning for everyone. He hoped that even the villains would have a change of heart and get along with everyone. He didn't know how far away that dream was but he was willing to wait as long as it took. After all, even villains have their reasons, right? Surely they can be redeemed. Damian stood at the front of the school and watched as the magic bridge slowly appeared as the lionize drove over the clear waters from the Isle of the Lost. He was anxious to meet the new students and help them convert to good and become one with the outside world. He was so naïve to believe that they could just snap into the setting without hesitation. He had no idea of their backgrounds, their upbringing, their personalities, their living situations nor their family situations. All he knew were their parentage and his belief that they could just be what he expected them to be. He never anticipated trouble from both sides. His bright blue eyes stared straight ahead and waited for those new VKs. His almost snowy white hair perfectly combed and still wet as usual. The large white snow owl on his shoulder as it nearly always was.

Serenity sat in the back seat with the other VKs but said not a single word the entire ride. Even among the VKs she was a bit of an outcast. She didn't really fit in anywhere but everywhere. Her long hair was blue for the time being. She didn't want people to mistake her for just a normal girl and try to take advantage of her. She never let her guard down and she had to be even more on guard right now with so many more people and those snobby HKs are bound to try and push her buttons. She knows about teens and their delight in bullying, but they won't do that with her or she'll do far worse to them. She may be docile if people leave her alone, but she is still Ursula's kid and as such can have quite a mean streak. She looked at the other VKs and saw that they were just as nervous as her and just as guarded. She decided to stay quiet and listen to any conversations and get a better handle on the situation everyone was in. It may come in handy later.

Fray Dracoheart Fray Dracoheart General_warNpeace General_warNpeace Blake Kyknos Blake Kyknos Elite_Galaxy Elite_Galaxy Becca's Bliss Becca's Bliss
Aailish sat shuffling her cards, her father's voice echoing in her mind as she did so. She couldn't wait to get off the island but she knew the HK's would never treat her as an equal no matter what she did to fit in. She got so wound up that she dropped a card onto the floor face down, snapping her out of the trance she was in and quickly picked it up before looking around at the other VK's. She seemed to know a few but they weren't close, most kept to them selves but in the new school she knew that they would stick together to survive and do what they do best, adapt to a new way of life.

Aailish stayed silent as many did until she couldn't take it anymore. "Any body else agree its nice to get of that hunk of junk we call home? And our parents are off our backs aswell... Well kinda..."

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