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Fantasy Bloodlines (OPEN)


Dazed And Confused

Something strange is happening all around the world......

Main | Characters | OOC | Setting

[font=Meddon;]Delacroix Academia[/font]

Are you an outcast? Being bullied or shunned for things that you can do that others cannot? Been feeling strange lately? Acting out of character?
Come to Delacroix Academy for the Talented. You may have unlocked your true potential - something that only happens to a select few! Here at the Academy we will nurture your talents and help you master and utilize your potential until it blossoms into something that may be very useful in the future. Each student will be evaluated and placed in a Class and given a customized course load based on said class. Hope to see you soon!


Operation Descendants

In the past couple of years, more and more people have been causing trouble all over the world, but not just your normal trouble. These people were different, they were capable of incredible and terrifying things.....some of them weren't even human. Officials were thrown for a loop as to what was causing these strange meta humans to suddenly appear and the only thing that connected them was their ages - they were all between 15-18. Oh and their blood, after a closer look from genealogists.
Operation Descendants is the reasoning behind Delacroix Academy. The freak occurrences that have been popping up all over the world like little red flags have the government on edge, which led to a team of scientists and genealogists spending a little over a year tracing and retracing bloodlines and ancestry until they managed to create a list of eligible candidates from all over to come to Delacroix to be 'taught' about whats going on with them. What the Academy really is is a way to surveil these kids and prevent any sort of uprising or leaking of national secrets about events and tings that have previously been covered up or dismissed by the government.

[the Prophecy]

This Prophecy that was found in a vault that hasn't been opened for at least a hundred years is what has the government freaking out and is the reasoning behind Operation Descendants

View attachment 302566


[Plymouth Rock - 1620]

The Native Americans the pilgrims encountered were a bit more 'savage' than we read about in books - they were shifters. "Body Jumpers" was the term back then; they were a magical race that was very in tune with the earth and Mother Nature as were many of the nonhumans.

[Meeting of 'World' Leaders - 1670]

More and more strange species began popping up, whole societies and kingdoms, some of which were from other countries and trying to expand their territory. Obviously, it was a shit show right from the start, until a meeting was called that flocked every chief, clan leader, king, queen and pharaoh to a single location to meet for the very first time. This meeting lasted an entire month; threats were made, wars were almost began, but in the end somehow a treaty was made that everyone -begrudgingly so- agreed on. Obviously, the treaty was broken later on and genocide of everything paranormal ensued.

[Salem Witch Trials - Feb. 1692 - March 1693]

What they didn't tell you was that they weren't just hunting witches - they were hunting everything paranormal. Vampires, werewolves, demons, succubi/incubi, sprites, faeries - everything. Things between humans and non-humans had gotten out of hands and the balance of powers was causing any sort of co-inhabitation to be unbearable. This caused all paranormal races to go into hiding and eventually die out.

[Rules & Disclaimers]


1. This roleplay has little to no historical validity - I am aware. It's called fiction for a reason.
2. I apologize in advance if my terminology or dates are off. Don't bite my head off for it.


1. Rpnations rules apply
2. No drama outside the rp
3. No God Modding - even if you're characters a Demi-God
4. Having multiple characters is preferred.
5. Please be detailed and use all the correct spelling, punctuations and capitalization.
6. I hold the right to kick anyone out of this rp at any given moment. (Not that I would, I'm super nice :) )

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In case you can't see everything with the coding, heres everythinf without the coding
Delacroix Academia

Are you an outcast? Being bullied or shunned for things that you can do that others cannot? Been feeling strange lately? Acting out of character?
Come to Delacroix Academy for the Talented. You may have unlocked your true potential - something that only happens to a select few! Here at the Academy we will nurture your talents and help you master and utilize your potential until it blossoms into something that may be very useful in the future. Each student will be evaluated and placed in a Class and given a customized course load based on said class. Hope to see you soon!

Operation Descendants

In the past couple of years, more and more people have been causing trouble all over the world, but not just your normal trouble. These people were different, they were capable of incredible and terrifying things.....some of them weren't even human. Officials were thrown for a loop as to what was causing these strange meta humans to suddenly appear and the only thing that connected them was their ages - they were all between 15-18. Oh and their blood, after a closer look from genealogists.
Operation Descendants is the reasoning behind Delacroix Academy. The freak occurrences that have been popping up all over the world like little red flags have the government on edge, which led to a team of scientists and genealogists spending a little over a year tracing and retracing bloodlines and ancestry until they managed to create a list of eligible candidates from all over to come to Delacroix to be 'taught' about whats going on with them. What the Academy really is is a way to surveil these kids and prevent any sort of uprising or leaking of national secrets about events and tings that have previously been covered up or dismissed by the government.

The Prophecy

This Prophecy that was found in a vault that hasn't been opened for at least a hundred years is what has the government freaking out and is the reasoning behind Operation Descendants


Classified Events

[Plymouth Rock - 1620]

The Native Americans the pilgrims encountered were a bit more 'savage' than we read about in books - they were shifters. "Body Jumpers" was the term back then; they were a magical race that was very in tune with the earth and Mother Nature as were many of the nonhumans.

[Meeting of 'World' Leaders - 1670]

More and more strange species began popping up, whole societies and kingdoms, some of which were from other countries and trying to expand their territory. Obviously, it was a shit show right from the start, until a meeting was called that flocked every chief, clan leader, king, queen and pharaoh to a single location to meet for the very first time. This meeting lasted an entire month; threats were made, wars were almost began, but in the end somehow a treaty was made that everyone -begrudgingly so- agreed on. Obviously, the treaty was broken later on and genocide of everything paranormal ensued.

[Salem Witch Trials - Feb. 1692 - March 1693]

What they didn't tell you was that they weren't just hunting witches - they were hunting everything paranormal. Vampires, werewolves, demons, succubi/incubi, sprites, faeries - everything. Things between humans and non-humans had gotten out of hands and the balance of powers was causing any sort of co-inhabitation to be unbearable. This caused all paranormal races to go into hiding and eventually die out.'

Rules & Disclaimer


1. This roleplay has little to no historical validity - I am aware. It's called fiction for a reason.
2. I apologize in advance if my terminology or dates are off. Don't bite my head off for it.


1. Rpnations rules apply
2. No drama outside the rp
3. No God Modding - even if you're characters a Demi-God
4. Having multiple characters is preferred.
5. Please be detailed and use all the correct spelling, punctuations and capitalization.
6. I hold the right to kick anyone out of this rp at any given moment. (Not that I would, I'm super nice :) )

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