All for One, One for All (jaajxclockwork)


Junior Member
August Winterheim;

Character’s full name: August Winterheim

Character’s nickname: N/A

Birth date: May 2nd, 2392.

Age: 17

How old does he appear: 18

Weight: 9stone 7lbs

Height: 6'3

Body build: Muscular

Shape of face: Defined Jawline

Eye color: Brown

Glasses or contacts: None

Skin tone: Tanned

Distinguishing marks: None

Hair color: Brown

Voice: Deep, yet soft

Overall attractiveness: 6/10

Physical disabilities: None

Usual fashion of dress: Stereotypical Lumberjack outfit

Favorite outfit: Same as above

Jewelry or accessories: None

Personality Traits; Friendly, Outgoing, Sympathetic, Dishonest, Resentful

Mood character is most often in: Neutral

Sense of humor: Very good

Character’s greatest joy in life: Ensuring the happiness of others around him

Character’s greatest fear: Abandonment

What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Death of a family member.

Character is most at ease when: Socialising with friends or people he knows.

Most ill at ease when: Alone, locked away.

Enraged when: Called a liar and being rejected.

Depressed or sad when: Someone close to him dies

Priorities: Family and friends

If granted one wish, it would be: Eternal happiness for friends and family

Character’s soft spot: Family

Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes

Greatest strength: Sociable, makes friends easier.

Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Easily becoming attached to things

Type of childhood: Average verging bad.

Pets: None

Most important childhood memory: Meeting new people and realising how much he liked poeple.

Childhood hero: His Father

Finances: Average compared to rest of District Seven

Poor to Capitol

Mother: Diana

Relationship with her: Close, loving.

Father: Dwayne

Relationship with him: Argue lots, but always make up

Siblings: Sister, Lucy

Relationship with her: Friends
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