Crystal Crusaders!

I understand that but the rubies traces embedded in the material act as a motion sensors.... do I add it to armor?


Can you tell me how I did with my character?
I glanced over it and it looks good. I'll reread it in better detail when I'm more awake
I need to be careful whenever I edit my entry or it glitches up. I don't know why but every time I click preview a million ' [/b] ' pop up at random to mess with things.
Hopefully. I just have to go back in the code every time to forcefully remove the issue. Still it is worth the effort to make it neat.

I wanted to roll some questions out there. There are likely many Kruos scattered throughout the world. I'd imagine there are certain concentrations of gem types in certain areas, but that isn't what I'm getting at. Are there groups that form together in different cities of the world? What stops some Kruos that could group together to cause chaos?
In truth, there aren't many Kruos left. Many were wiped out fighting and sealing the metals away. There are maybe 100 left? scattered among billions of humans. Not to mention most existing Kruos are incarnations or rebirths of gems who had to spend most of their life fighting. So most have an inherent avoidance to fighting and chaos.
I wonder if some of the ancient Kruos think if it was worth to sacrifice most of their race for humanity to run rampant. Where would are character being located at?
I would like to suggest a plot for the beginning (which also gives some suggestions for a location).

Our Kruos are the outcasts of the Kruos community, each for their own reasons. The are not welcome in the crystal city (once a glorious city for Kruos, but now a delapidated refuge for the last remaining Kruos) and wonder in the human world overground. A mysterious power called them all to the same area (suggestion for area in next post), though the caracters were not aware of this force and do not know that the others are there too. Our story begins when a meteor crashes to our planet (more accurately in our area, which could bring some characters together at the crashsite) and brings a Metal to our world. When the Metal discovers that his kin are imprisoned he sets out to free them. Our characters have to stop him (though it would be better for the story if they don't succeed).

How do you like it so far?

Area suggestion: The Red Desert

  • General Information

    The Red Desert is a big wasteland of red sand and a few rockformations. The rockformations are a rich source of minerals and gems, but it's dangerous to get to them. Still a lot of people cannot withstand the temptation of riches. The desert is littered with debris of old cities, destroyed by their predecessors. A legend says that the desert got the red colour by the blood of the fallen, killed by the thousands in the numerous battles for the riches. That's why the dessert is often called The Sea of Blood.

    Nowadays the most mines have been depleted. The remaining mines are rare, which only increased their value. The businessmen are very rich and live luxureous in the city of glass. The miners, mostly nomads are poor. They are forced to live in the desert. Their lives are harsh. The days are soring hot and the nights freezing cold. Whole groups have been anialated by sandstorms, sudden floodings and attacks of the Plagues and Sandraiders.

    Gemstones and Metals

    In order of rarity (from plenty to scarce):

    • Quartz
    • Amethist
    • Geodes
    • Tourmaline
    • Copper
    • Lapis Lazuli
    • Fluorite
    • Malachite
    • Topaz
    • Gold
    • Opal
    • Diamond

I like the concept but I have to ask why there are creatures like spirits and enlarged organisms present?
I have an idea for plot and such as well as locations to live.

The Kruos didn't so much protect the earth it just happened to be their battle ground. The destructive nature of the Metals made the humans see the Crystals as some sort of guardians and ally them self with them against the Metals.

I want there to be a main base and a group still at that base to have access to utilities and items to further the plot. The only reason a group would be cast out is of they were too much of a danger to other Gems. If you want to be part of a cast out group you can. Interactuons will just be difficult

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I figured that in a world with magic and Kruos there would be other mystical things too.
I'll be putting up setting information in a little but I'm currently away from my comouter

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I don't think our ideas have to collide. I could drop the outcast thing and I think the Ancient City and the rich Veins could be a perfect place for a basecamp. The vast amount of gems there can be very helpful and there could be a healing spring nearby.
The out cast thing doesn't need to be 100% dropped. There was mention of a few people wanting to be on their own. That's fine. When the Metals start appearing again they could work togethet. It might be better to have 2 bases

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