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Futuristic Days of War



Years at war...599


For several thousand years many wars have broken out across the galaxy, and with peace seemingly out of reach for all, there is no end in sight. It has been over a thousand years since the Earth was destroyed, and the last of the human race has joined forces with a race called the Acadians for survival, joining their troops in an effort to conquer any and all planets left in existence. Now they fight all i Nguyen side the Acadians on Gardania.

The Gardanians are what the humans would call Barbarians. They are a simple race, one that is considered uncivilized and quite dumb but in reality they are greatly under estimated. Their planet was covered in lush forests with creatures unknown to the Acadians and Humans, but most of that had been cleared out long ago for food and shelter, and there are many ruins of what seems to be Ancient Civilizations much like what had been on Earth long ago.

And now, coming into the 600th year of war, the Acadians and Humans seem to be winning. They have taken over most of the planet and enslaved many of the Gardanians, but a rebel group still thrives in the ruins of the planet, eager to take their home back. Who will come out on top?

Race descriptions:

Acadians...Acadians are a race of large brute soldiers, even their females are large in stature and quite intimidating to the eyes. Their skins are covered in rough black scales and they were heavy armor to protect themselves. Their weapons are medieval in a way, large terrifying metal clubs and axes, and guns that were supplies by the humans.

Gardanians...This race of barbarian warriors are much smaller in size compared to the Acadians. They have smaller bodies and are much like chameleons, able to change their skin color to match their environment or moods. Their eyes also have this ability. Their weapons are all handmade. Spears, bows, arrows, knives and whatever else they make. They do have some metal and steel workers but most have already been captured by the Acadians.

You can be whatever you wish. A human, Acadians, Gardanian, you pick. You can be evil, good, fight with the humans and Acadians to conquer the galaxy, or be a rebel and fight along with the Gardanians to take back their home.

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