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Fantasy The Smash Brotherhood


Two Thousand Club
This is a role-play dealing with colorful characters that look for treasure and help others

Jewel: The fairy that supplies information and intends to get rid of the stereotype made by Navi

Slackjaw: A zombie monkey that died in the circus but maintains his friendly personality and is even more acrobatic with the ability to detach limbs.

Skipper: A magical penguin with icy powers and very friendly to everyone he comes across.

and much more
Nazu: a cool cat with powers that enlarges him to become a cool cat tank

He got the powers when he drank milk with spilled experiment in it
Umm yah sure

Scar: Nazis best friend that freezes everyone with his hideous and scary glare that freezes everyone from their tracks

Now let's create a villain
not what i meant

Evie was lurking in the shadows nearest one of the supply ships by the docks. She had heard that they were bringing some shiny looking treasures that came from a different world and she wanted to steal it. She ACTIVATED her eagle senses and looked around, checking if the coast is clear.

"It's clear," she whispered to herself as the shadows engulfing her figure flickered like a flame.


Skye had been patrolling around one of the pirate ships that had just hit land. He was told that some important people were to arrive and that he might want to help them in their quest. He perched on a street light overlooking the sea and watched for some suspicious looking people.

there that was the start of our role-play
okay now anyone can respond

* A big pirate ship appeared on the harbor seeming to be a hybrid of many different ships *

* it was a ghost ship, regular ship, and a hint of magic essence floating around it *

hello?! xD

where'd did you guys gooooo?!


(Sorry I'm getting ready for my flight to Japan tomorrow haha)

Evie cocked a brow as the supernatural essence of the ship filled her senses. She watched as it stopped near the ports. Then she heard a crow cackle a laughter.

Was that Skye? The international spy that everyone hires?

She thought to herself as she wondered off in his direction.


Skye sat on the lamp and watched as the ship ported.

Patience is a virtue Sgt
Hi didn't u start already

In the meanwhile Nazu and Scar were on the way to the port to gather fresh sold goods there when they found Evie spying on something unusual they followed and spied on her wherever she was going. Try realized that Evie was also spying on someone. Scar and Nazu jumped on the head of Evie and asked who is the guy she's been following

Scar And Nazu (two neko brothers)
Evie jumped back, startled as the two brothers came out of no where. Her flames had disappeared as she activated her Eagle Senses.

Hmm, they're both colored white. Guess they aren't enemies...

She thought as she saw Skye fly away towards the ship. "Dang it. What do you two want?" she stroked her tail and growled softly.
We want u to tell us who u are spying ,can we join you can we can we??

Scar and Nazu were so eager to join evie for they were good in spying but is very hot headed. Scar was also a little admired by Evie because of her body and and attitude for scar likes women with bad attitude even if they just met. Nazu and scar desperately asks Evie if who she is spying and were very eager to join and help her. They also asked her if what her abilities were and asked her what shes doing here

(Nazu and scar are also shape shifters that transforms into neko and human)

Did u know? Nazu is the smart and the brains of the brothers but hot headed

Scar is the cool and the powers of the brothers but also is interested with girls and a girl flirter
Evie rolled her eyes as she scratched her ears in front of them both. "I don't need two troublesome brothers to join me. It's bad enough that the cops are on to me. I don't need two other bodies to look after besides mine," she scowled as she watched the crow fly away.

Skye knew he was being followed and he wanted to lose them as soon as possible. He flew into one of the inns and began watching from afar. Any shiny glint of silver will catch his eye, although he was more of a spy than a thief, he still had an interest for money which is why he chose a job that has a high pay.
"Oh come on Evie let us join you we won't be trouble here" nazu said. *I transform into a neko or a human 5 times larger than me and my brother here scar can freeze enemies on their tracks by his glare just like the medusa" said scar. The two brothers begs to join her on her quest and shows her their talents. " come on Evie let us join you plsss". Does a double cute neko faces to let Evie accept their request. Evie we won't be trouble I promise u don't have to watch us we brothers are shape shifters that transforms into anything oh come on pls.

Begging for evies accept
She growled again, "First thing's first. How do you know my name? Secondly, I work alone. Thirdly, those petty faces of yours won't get me to budge. Lastly, my job requires sacrifice: If you are willing to sacrifice your brother's life for your own or mine, then I might think about it..." she trailed off as she watched the ghost ship arrive at port. A glint of silver shone on her eyes as she heard the little gold coins call for her attention from the pockets of these pirates.
Scar Shouts to Evie "your name is found on your vest or shirt and we are willing to sacrifice our lives to anyone especially you my girl" . Spies Evie as she trailed off still looking for a chance to join her team. Nazu and scar still is eager to join her and spies quietly shapeshifting into anything to lose her attention. Nazu and scar was also after the gold Evie was looking for and are also good at stealing almost anything due to scar and nazus power. Still following Evie the two then realized that Evie was spotted by Skye which the they knew who Evie was spying on earlier. They didn't tell her about it and just kept following her and keeping an eye on Skye to keep Evie from harm
Evie sighed again then looked back at the two kids following her, "Will you stop following me if I gave you orders to do?" then she heard Scar mention 'my girl', that just kind of pissed her off. "Listen, what part of 'I work alone' do you two not understand? Besides, you're not my type Scar. I prefer loners and dangerous ones over those who stand protective over me." she scowled as she found Skye shapeshifting into a human and walked over to her.

"Hey my favorite client in the world, are these two bugging you?" Skye chuckled as he knelt down and patted Evie on the head. She growled at Skye as a response. But Skye then eyed the two boys following her. Skye and Evie had been partners in numerous thefts for years and they've grown to be quite close to each other. "You also seem to be having a hard time shrugging them off, funny cause you always ignored me.." he laughed out loud.

She growled again as she shapeshifted into her human self and pointed her bow and arrow at the two brothers with a malicious aura in her eyes.

"Stop following me..." she warned them.

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