Creative Process?


Don't Tread On Me
Hey there! I'm back again!

Though this time, I have a more complicated question...

I want to make a REALLY detailed rp, like, this time, I'm going to try to shoot for the stars.

The problem is... I don't know exactly how to cook up that much detail to fill an entire page that would get everyone starry-eyed.

Any suggestions to how I should do this process?
I think it depends on the setting and story you want to tell. Sometimes, detail is needed to immerse the users into the setting and set up the rules of the universe.
Usually it's good to do a bit of brainstorming and just writing down any idea you think of, even if it's absurd and crazy, because it will boost creative thoughts and you'll encourage yourself to continue coming up with ideas. Start with something very open like "What would I like to have in this roleplay?"

Eventually you'll have a mixed bag of good and bad ideas, but you can separate the sheep from the goats now and you'll be left with a good amount of things to work with.

You can then start reading up on these things a little more, maybe start writing a bit, and you may find that some of the ideas suit you better than others. Just stick with the ones you like and if you feel like you're running out then you can always brainstorm anew and add unto what's already there, just remember that this brainstorm has to be as crazy and free as the previous one, at least until the next step of the process.

And if you're having trouble getting the brainstorm going you can try doodling on a piece of paper for a few minutes. That usually helps me.
I remember my first time trying to think up a scenario. I'd say try to draw inspiration from RPs you've been involved in that you enjoyed. If their premises could last a long time, so can yours. Start with something simple, a little cliche you happen to like. It could be quest to find some artefact. It could be simply saving the world. Then work off of that, try to differentiate it, add a little seasoning in the form of whatever makes you happy as a Roleplayer.

remember it doesn't HAVE to be something different or spectacular as long as the premise is enough to fuel a story and give players freedom to develop in a fun setting, so dont push yourself too hard to make it flashier or more grand than the last thing you saw, otherwise you get the "dragonball syndrome" where every RP ends up exponentially more grandiose than the last.
Music is my muse. No pun intended. Okay, maybe a little pun, its punny after all.

I find a song that really speaks to the mood I want to set for my role play.

Next, pictures. I give myself a visual aid, even if its a little off target. Then I think and scribble. Work to look at my story from every angle. Then once I have rewritten all I can write, I take a break.

I also find working out does wonders for thinking. I will be mid work out on the treadmill listening to music thinking about my role play. When something hits me, I grab my phone and rip open that google docs app and scribble down words.

After all that is done, I compile my scribbles and polish them up into a story. Then I give it to my friends to rip it apart and poke holes in it. I cry in the corner over my work for a minute then start the process over with the same material. It sounds sort of nuts, but it seems to assist me.

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