[Come on, Baby, Light My Fire] Interview with the Vampire (Lorelei's Visitation)


Seven Thousand Club
Esbilon: The Cathedral of Saint Bartholomew looks spectacular in the clear, moonlit night, and the cameras make sure to get some excellent b-roll of it.

Inside, MTV Germany reporter, certainly not 'journalist,' Maximilian Sonne has extraordinarily been allowed to film an interview with the upcoming pop-rock-goth phenomenon "Sanguine Voice."

How he managed to convince the conservative bishop of that is beyond Lorelei's imagination, but here she is, sitting in front of the altar, in full Voice getup and a myriad of lamps pointed at her.

Maximilian is standing before her, dressed as a victorian gentleman, compete with tailcoat, cane and pocket watch. Naturally, he has taken off his tophat, this is a church after all.

Esbilon: He finishes the intro and one of the aides holds up a sign with "applause," they'll add the actual applause in post.

"Thank you for granting us this rare audience," he says after sitting down opposite her, "we are here to talk about you, your music, and of course your nature."

He is, on reflection, an extraordinarily handsome man, one might even be tempted to call him 'beautiful.' His golden hair hangs down in soft curls to just above his shoulders, but his frame and poise belies any thoughts of that making him effiminate. His eyes are a piercing dark blue and his smile one of the most winning on television.

Sanguine Voice: She raises her head and looks majestically off into the distance, gracing the camera with her visage. After a moment she turns her head to Maximilian and speaks in a tone both refined and alluring "It is a pleasure to have you here Maximilian, Doubtlessly you have many questions about my latest tour"

Esbilon: "I do," he confirms, giving a slight, but gracious bow, "however, if it please you, perhaps for a start, you would be so good as to introduce yourself to our viewers."

Sanguine Voice: A sliver of a smile graces the porcelain perfection of her face and a lone hand moves a long strand of raven black hair behind her shoulders as she begins to talk "Greetings Mortals, I am Sanguine Voice, Mistress of the Night and Queen of the Damned. I have walked the shadows of this world for centuries. Learning, observing and perfecting my art and I have recently returned to share my gift with the world."

Esbilon: "The gift of your music," Sonne takes over as if it were scripted, "which is, as befits a Queen such as yourself, quite extraordinary. It has been described by critics as 'gothic rock,' 'pop goth', 'black pop metal,' and perhaps most elaborately as 'goth Satanic nü-metal with a twist of melancholic Enya.' How do you describe it?"

Sanguine Voice: Her composure befits a monarch and her face is as serene as the moon, not betraying the humor she found in that last line "My music is not defined by the narrow genres of mortal musicians. It speaks to the darkness, energy and potential that lies in every human heart"

Esbilon: He nods gravely, "do you then find it offending that most music stores then label your records 'rock?'"

Sanguine Voice: "No, those stores are wrestling with something at the edges of their comprehension and placing it into the familiar and catch all category of rock eases their minds. My fans know of my music and how it speaks to them, that is all that matters"

Esbilon: "Most gracious of you," he says sincerely, "have you had formal training in music? I imagine that there are many human artists who would have given anything for the opportunity to play with Mozart or Wagner."

Sanguine Voice: "I have spent centuries travelling the world and I played alongside Bach, Handel, Vivaldi and Mozart.Oh the nights of the 18th century where a magical time in Germany. I miss them soo"

Esbilon: "Can you tell us why you chose now to reveal yourself to humanity, rather than in those years?"

Sanguine Voice: "When you have centuries to refine your craft you become a perfectionist. The tools and music weren't ready at the time. In the past century new instruments were invented and more experimentation occurred in music. Technology advanced and all of humanity has gathered together in one global community that is constantly in contact with each other. I have recently perfected my sound and with the internet it can be shared with the whole of Humanity"

Esbilon: "Yes," he says smiling, "you have a rather exceptional stance on the sharing of your music directly between fans. You encourage it rather than fight it tooth and nail like most professional musicians. Let me say that I quite admire that, it is nice to be reminded that despite the glamour of it all, this business is still about the music."

"Are you inspired by any contemporary human musicians?"

"Or," he adds, "any non-human ones?"

Sanguine Voice: "Wealth is immaterial for the undead. A few centuries of compound interest has left me with more than enough funds to continue my work. Anyone interested in my work can pay what they like, art is for enjoyment not profit."

"As for inspiration, I was always found Madonna to be fascinating, how she always reinvented herself into new forms to keep her sound and image fresh. And for non-human artists I wish the Count would return to the limelight he has such a beautiful singing voice. I don't much care for the sound Lady GaGa, she says its popular on the planet she is from, but I do like the relationship between her and her fans. Her little monsters are quite adorable"

Esbilon: Sonne raises an eyebrow at that, "Lady GaGa is an extraterrestrial? No disrespect, but how do you know? I take it there is no general connection between vampires and visitors from outer space."

Sanguine Voice: She smiles and takes a moment to gaze into his deep blue eyes "My apologies, this century's humor still eludes me. The line about Lady GaGa was mean't to be a joke. There is very little contact between visitors and vampires generally. We have very different interests in Humanity"

Esbilon: "It is I who must apologize," he says, lowering his gaze as befits a commoner, "I realize now that you never mentioned that her planet was not Earth, and she is indeed popular."

"While I most certainly share your fascination with Madonna, I cannot say that I find much resemblance in your musical styles. Are there no others you find worthy of mention?"

Sanguine Voice: "Oh I simply did not want to bore you with details. If you really must know Nine Inch Nails, Evanescence and Within Temptation are able to hold my attention. There are many other honorable mentions but it would take hours to list them all and their merits."

Esbilon: "I do not think anyone could find it boring to listen to you," he says throwing her his best smile yet, "but the time you have granted us is limited, and we must make the best possible use of it."

"You are going on a tour next month, covering in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France. Is this to unveil a new album, or promotion for your established tracks?"

Sanguine Voice: "I am releasing a new album in a few months and each one of these venues will be treated to a new song from that album. Interested viewers should watch each performance if they want to hear the entire album before its released."

Esbilon: "That sounds amazing, I think I may have to call in sick all next month." He looks at the camera, and looks back with a mock-dejected expression, "oops."

"Since that possibility has tragically been removed by my own foolishness, perhaps you can tell us something about the new directions you are taking your music in."

Sanguine Voice: Sanguine Voice maintains her regal demeanor "The new album is titled 'In the teeth of madness" it is about the passions and desires that linger at the edge of consciousness and drive you towards creative yet destructive acts. It is dark and energetic, containing tales of beautiful insanity"

Esbilon: "At the risk of being too familiar, can I ask if this is based on personal experience, or a more academic study?"

Sanguine Voice: "Experience borne from my short life, and long unlife."

Esbilon: "Do you find those society labels 'insane' to be a source of inspiration?"

Sanguine Voice: "The unfortunate answer is it all depends, society paints a broad bush with that term. Some labeled with it are geniuses who the world is not ready to recognize while others have serious mental issues that need help. Those with the passion to create and share the fruits of their imagination are a true inspiration to me"

Esbilon: "Can you give us an example of the former class. Perhaps even someone current society does not recognize?"

Sanguine Voice: "There was a math teacher in Denmark in the mid 90's who was working on a solution to the Ebsen-Haartz equation. They said it was unsolvable and he was mad for pursuing it he was tormented by his colleagues. Once he found the solution no one would believe 'crazy Ivan', he ended up taking his won life and the story only came to light 2 years ago when one of his students posthumously submitted his proof. There are other famous thinkers such as Alan Turing who were labeled insane or degenerate by society and in every town there is some creator either an artist or a tinkerer who endures derision yet continues their creative endeavors. Those are the people that inspire me"

Esbilon: He nods, "it is a great tragedy that such great spirits are not recognized by their contemporaries." He hesitates for a moment, then speaks, "were you recognized in your mortal years?"

Sanguine Voice: Lorelei takes a moment to compose herself and keep her passions from overwhelming the mask she wears for Sanguine Voice. "In my mortal days, I was practically invisible. There wasn't much opportunity for young girls in the 14th century besides marrying well and avoiding the plague. My mother always complimented my needlework and my husband enjoyed my talent with the flute"

Esbilon: "Of course. And those who tried to accomplish more met with ill fates, and we are very grateful that such did not befall you."

"I was wondering if you could tell us a little more about your family."

Sanguine Voice: "My father was a knight in the service of Ludwig III, Elector Count of Bavaria. He was an unusually kind man for one who lived the life of a warrior. He was often out on campaign leaving me in the care of my stern mother. I married at the age of 20, very late for the age because marriage negotiations dragged on. My husband was also a knight and we lived well for a time, until the plague hit our village and took him away from me."

Esbilon: "I am sorry to hear about your husband," he says giving every sign of meaning it. "Have you re-married since?"

Sanguine Voice: "I have come close, fallen in love several times. Count Dracula almost had me at the altar until I discovered he had two other wives at the time. I didn't take that well and gave Hellsing a few tips."

Esbilon: "Anyone in recent times?" He asks with an inviting sparkle in his eye. He really is *very* handsome.

Sanguine Voice: "There was this lovely man I met in Rome, we were together for a blissful 6 months. He was my brilliant artist and I was his Dark Muse. It ended about two months back" She looks at him with knowing eyes *calm down tiger*

Esbilon: He winks at her, before turning a bit more sober. "Now, I'd like to return to your father, if that is acceptable."

"Are you actually certain your mother's wife was also your sire?"

Sanguine Voice: "Certainly, my mother was a respectable woman"

Esbilon: "Oh? I have heard another tale," he says, and... somehow, his words ring true.

"The story goes that on a cloudless full moon night, a stranger came to her door."

"He was neither young nor handsome, an old man with a grey beard, and missing an eye no less."

"He knocked on her door nine times before he was let in."

His words carry a weight Lorelei would never have expected from a man like Sonne, they have the gravitas of truth and history.

"Nine times he came to her door, and nine times she let him into her bed."

Esbilon: "She could not say what it was about him that so compelled her, but his power and his majesty were undeniable."

He looks different now, older, though his physical appearance is unchanged, his back is straighter, and he no longer seems amused."

Sanguine Voice: She takes a moment to look around the room and figure out what the hell is going on here

Esbilon: "This part will not be broadcast," he adds, "the world is willing to let vampires into their homes, but not ones such as you or I."

He casually raises his hand and moves his hair back behind his ear. His pointed ear.

Sanguine Voice: "what do you mean 'ones such as you or I'?"

Esbilon: "Who do you think your father was?"

Sanguine Voice: "A German businessman, but your words had something weighty to them that I just cant drive out of my head. Who and what are you?"

Esbilon: He rises and drops to one knee before her, "Great Sun, of the Ljosalfar. At your service, Lorelei Odinsdottir."

((scratch, he'll translate it. Odinsdaugther))

Sanguine Voice: Lorelei's head spins for a moment as she tries to make sense of everything "Wait, wait wait. Elves are real?!?"

Esbilon: He rises with an amused grin on his face, "we really do prefer Ljosalfar, but we as well as the Dokkalfar, dark elves, and Svartalfar, black elves, are quite real."

Sanguine Voice: she smiles and tries to breathe calmly, trying not to faint from this world shattering revelation "So Great Sun what else is there besides the Alfar and the Aesir?"

Esbilon: "Oh, quite a few things. I could hardly keep track if I tried, and I don't, sadly." He thoughtfully puts his finger on his cheek, "well, there are the other gods, naturally, Olympians, Pesedjet, Tuatha, though we haven't heard from them in ages, and so on."

"And the Titans of course, mighty creatures that forged the World, but care nothing for Humanity and hates the gods who have taken stewardship of it."

"They're trapped for now, but the prison isn't what it used to be, and it really would be best if they stayed that way."

"Dwarves, fenrir, pegasi, unicorns, sphinxes. Most things that have been passed down in 'mythology'," he says making the air quotes explicit, "I could hardly list them all here."

"I don't think there are actually any vampires," he says with a smile, "in hindsight, I really should have checked that before tonight, but alas."

Sanguine Voice: Lorelei tries to pretend she is calm but she is not succeeding well, her speech becomes rapid and pressured as the realization that magic is real and that the world is abound with supernatural critters shocks her "This is a lot to take in at once, that gods, spirits and creatures are real and no one has seen them in ages. Are there any monsters that are under children's beds?"

Esbilon: "Yes, but not many. The monsters, or Titanspawn as they are generally just that, do not,a s a rule, have the patience for lurking peacefully beneath children's beds."

Sanguine Voice: *leans back in her seat and breathes for a moment*

Esbilon: He smiles and picks up a bottle of water, offering it to her.

Sanguine Voice: "I apologize if I appear a wreck, its alot to take in"

Esbilon: "Oh, you're doing fine."

Sanguine Voice: *takes the bottle gratefully* "Thank you"

Esbilon: "No friendly deaths, is the criterion for a successful Eye-Opening Moment, or Visitation as it's generally called."

Sanguine Voice: "Do you do this often?"

Esbilon: "No, but we share stories."

"One guy used his new found powers to sequentially humiliate everyone who had ever bullied him in school."

"His father approved, of course, Loki is like that."

Sanguine Voice: "New powers?"

Esbilon: "Ah? I forgot to mention the perks? Silly me!"

He shakes his head.

"This is more than just a weird family and some new enemies who want you dead, you get the very power of the gods at your disposal."

"You'll be faster, smarter, prettier, and savvier than mere mortals could hope to be. You'll command the stars, move the heavens and call upon the magic of the runes."

"And as you grow, so will your powers."

"Oh, and should you evade the ills that so often haunt young Scions, that's children of the gods, you will live forever."

Sanguine Voice: "Did Odin ever say why he chose my mother, why he didnt contact me as a child?"

Esbilon: "You don't get your powers until a certain point, so there was no point in contacting you as a child. It would just take his attention away from working to prevent the end of the world."

"As for your mother's merits... I honestly don't know, but if he had a clue as to what you would end up as, and he might, he's good with the future, I can understand why he did it.

Sanguine Voice: "so are there many others like me?"

Esbilon: "Some. Not many, and they quickly end up rather busy."

"I don't have solid numbers, but no more than a thousand in Germany."

Sanguine Voice: "That sounds like a lot to me. Soo Great Sun, what happens to me now?"

Esbilon: "Well, that's up to you," he says with a smile. "Though I can make some recommendations," he adds with a wink.

"There is of course this whole end of the world thing, and we'd really love to have your help."

"But probably no one on our side's going to force you into it."

"There's no particular reason to cancel your tour, or other public commitments, and you'll be able to do more with less effort, so you may even have more time on your hands for a while."

"Favors may be asked and given when something you would help with pops up."

Sanguine Voice: "I will help out all I can. I can't have concerts if the world ends after all"

Esbilon: "That's the spirit," he says with a grin.

He offers his hand, "other than the divine cosmic powers, your father also left you a few other gifts. They're in the dressing room. Or choir, or whatever they call it in a place like this."

Sanguine Voice: She takes his hand and follows him to the dressing room

Esbilon: In front of the mirror where her make up was finished before going into the impromptu studio, there now is a mannequin dressed in a black corset.

"It doesn't look like much, but it was forged by dwarves, yes they sew, and reinforced in ways quite beyond those of mortal men."

"It is both more stylish and more protective than a bulletproof vest."

"And it serves as a focus for some of your magic."

Sanguine Voice: "its nice to know the dwarves care for my bust." She takes time to look the corset over "but I do appreciate it. I love corsets if you couldnt tell. What type of magic does it harness?"

Esbilon: "Chaos," he says, walking up behind her, "which may be a reference to the looks you'll draw in it now."

He reaches up around her neck and unfurls an elaborate silver necklace, more of a choker really, and pins it around her neck.

"This will give let you access the power of the stars, of movement and of, well, magic."

"In this sense, Magic is very special," he takes his hands down again, "I don't know how familiar you are with the Legends told of Odin, but where the other kinds came naturally to him, and to other gods as appropriate, for this he had to hang himself from the World Tree for nine days and nine nights."

Sanguine Voice: She loses focus for a second as she gazes at the gorgeous choker around her neck 'Its lovely!" when he finishes she replies "the power of the runes?"

Esbilon: "Yes," he says smiling, "it really is."

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