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College Haunts [Closed]


Kyle didn't hesitste to let his defensive nature kick in. "Exactly. It's too dangerous, sorry for bothering you, we'll be on our way now!" Kyle smiled, not a particularly nice one but a smile nonetheless, at Valerian. He grabbed Serena by the arm and half dragged her back to the car, not wanting to take the risk with his sister, not again. "No wait!" Serena urged, nigh on screaming. "Smoke! If there are people in there!" She grasped out of his reach and yelled over to her classmate. "Hey! Twilight dude! Every break in needs a getaway car right?!"


Fire. No, this was just déjà vu all over again! The fire, the screaming...the burning. She could not subject another group of people, vampire or not, to that torture. She didn't care that they probably were at to handle it, but she couldn't just stand there and do nothing! She had yelled over to Valerian, her sarcastic defence mechanism kicking in once again. She jangled the keys in front of her, indicating what she wanted to do, and shot Kyle a glare, a silent warning to just shut up and get in the car. It was a five seater, so plenty of enough room for the lot of them. "Well?!"
Get away car? No, they wouldn’t run from something, that wasn’t what was required. What was required was weapons, probably. “NO!” But Valerian didn’t wait to see if his word would be heeded. He turned and ran into the cemetery to find the source of the fire, knowing how absolutely stupid it was.

Indeed, Valerian froze several feet away from the church, and was unable to will himself closer. He was terrified of fire, so much so he couldn’t take one step to help his sister, and his father. He could hear them, too. He could hear the unearthly shrieks of other creatures, as well. He could hear beams falling. He watched the roof start to cave and fall. ‘Please…please….’

No matter how much he tried, he couldn’t take one step closer as the fire raged before his eyes.


The flight instinct got Damia near the stairs, but once there a draugr barred her path. Weaponless, she was able to dodge its claws, but she didn’t dare get near it. She backstepped, but halted as she realized she was only getting closer to the fire. A litany of curses cycled in her mind as she tried to consider how to get out of this mess, without dying.

She wasn’t as quick as she wanted to be—not with only one meal in her, after a week or so of starvation.

The draugr, of course, wasn’t starved. They’d been growing stronger on the blood of fresh corpses. When it realized it wouldn’t get Damia to back into the fire, it lunged at her. She was taken down of course, and had to push against it to ensure its teeth and claws wouldn’t rake her flesh, but it was a futile effort. The claws found flesh, and the precious blood she’d been able to ingest poured out of her.

The curses started to escape her lips in fluid Latin, and she worked out a plan in her head. She managed to get her legs up and under the creature, and then with what strength she had, she kicked it off her, and back towards the fire. It was engulfed before Damia got to her feet, and she ran again for the stairs.

The door to the stairs was flung open then by Vergil, who smashed the head of the first draugr that got anywhere near him. He reached for Damia and pulled her into the staircase, just as the beams up top started to splinter and break. He shut the door and they ran back to the main floor, as it all came tumbling down.

"SCREW THAT!" She almost yelled, slamming the door and sliding the key into the ignition in one fluid movement. "Kyle!" She yelled again, and he joined her in the passenger seat. "I know this is just like last time, but you have to let this one go! Serena, just listen to me!" He was trying to remain calm, but failing miserably. "I am not having another death on my conscious!" Serena barked, revving the engine and starting hurriedly towards the burning building. "THAT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT!" Kyle literally yelled this time, making her control of the car waver slightly. "...yes it was." It came out as a whisper, just as a single tear stroked down the side of her face, now illuminated by the blaze. "We have to get them out!" Serena urged, slamming on the brakes and skidding to a neat stop just outside the door. Kyle shook his head as they got out, but finally he gave in, nodding in agreement.


An unlit beam had fallen in front of the now dissipated church door. "Serena! The beam! They won't get out unless it's moved!" She nodded and rushed forward, throwing her full weight against it. Nothing happened until Kyle joined her, pushing his far greater weight against it. A horrifying creak as the beam steadily moved, only for them to find out it was holding up another part of the burning building...that was now completely dislodged. "DON'T MOVE!" Kyle yelled, an ice cold panic creeping up and over him. If he dropped the beam, anyone in there would be burnt alive. "SERENA! GET THEM OUT! HURRY!" It was a change of demeanour, yes, but he wasn't going to let them die if he now has a chance to save them. Serena would've done the same. Without any hesitation, Serena dashed in, coughing and sputtering as she searched for the two vampires. "HELLO?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" She yelled out, trying to get their attention. "WE HAVE TO HURR-" Her sentence was never finished due to another coughing fit, but suddenly her eyes fixed on two silhouettes against the burning building. "OVER--HERE!" She yelled between coughs, running towards them.
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Valerian heard the arguments from afar. He soon saw the car come skidding into the cemetery, but he couldn’t get his muscles to move. ‘They’re already….’ If they were alive, it’d be a miracle. Vampires weren’t like humans. They couldn’t withstand fire to any part of themselves for longer than a second or two. They lit up like gasoline-covered newspapers.

Valerian knew he ought to move to help, and yet, he didn’t. He just watched as mere humans did what he should have found the courage to do, helpless before the flames.

Vergil had found a pew to put between himself and the fire. Damia had ducked under as well, staying close. The fiery debris fell around them, and they both knew it was going to burn through the pew in time as well. The smoke was too heavy for either of them to see through. At least they didn’t need to breathe, so they had ceased that.

Of course, that meant they couldn’t talk, either. Airflow was a requirement for conversation.

Yet they listened, for the direction of the fire mostly. What they heard was more than that. The foolish humans hadn’t just run off. They’d come to help. Vergil grunted, a sound caught between surprise and amusement. The silhouette of the woman manifested, and Damia glanced up. She added her hand to the pew, and with a mental countdown, they both threw it off in the opposite direction.

Vergil stepped forward to meet the running one. He didn’t try to inhale or try to talk. He reached for her hand, and reached one back for Damia, so they could be led out the way the woman had come.
A cold hand gripped Serena's own, and she could just make out the figure of the older vampire clutching at her, while he reached back for the other woman. She would've breathed a little sigh of relief then, but there was no time. "Quick." She coughed, tearing off in the direction they'd come. Her eyes were firmly focused on Ky, fearing that if she broke eye contact she might not find him again through the smog. A little more, a little more... She chanted in her head, motivating her to keep going. The exit could be seen just ahead, along with an exhausted looking Ky who was still valiantly holding up the beam...but he really looked like he'd reached his limit...nope. It wasn't enough, one of the secondary beams gave in for good, hurtling to the ground in front of them...


He heard the creek before he saw the collapsed beam. But they were so close! Only an arms reach! He had to make a decision, and fast. Due to the beam he was supporting was still lodged against a wall, he reckoned he'd have a couple of seconds before everything caved in and they'd be trapped. In one hero-like movement, he reached out, grasped Serena's wrist in an iron grip and yanked them all through the disintergrated door, landing flat on his back. Breathless.
Salvation was within reach. It was taken, too. The boy was strong, impressively so, and he reached in to pull the girl, and by proxy, the vampires out. Vergil maintained his footing as he came through the door. Damia collided with him, and he wrapped one hand around her, doing his utmost now that he was out of the fire and breathing, to ignore the scent of her blood.

He knew he had to keep a grip on her, or she’d end up attacking one of the humans. Damia knew it, too. She turned her head against the side of Vergil and his peacoat, taking in the scent of smoke caught on the fabric and exhaling it, ignoring the living. Oh, she hated to drink human blood, but she’d just lost quite a bit. At that moment, like and dislike weren’t even being considered. Survival was.

Vergil found Valerian, several feet away. He saw a car, and then the humans, “Thank you,” he said, maintaining his aloof disposition before approaching Valerian and pulling Damia along with him. “You’ll want to get up quickly and away from that building.” He’d offer his hand to the fallen Kyle, but didn’t think it would be accepted.

He did not hold any anger towards Valerian for staying back. “What the hell happened?”

“Draugr happened,” Vergil answered.
Kyle caught serena as she was dragged through, wrapping his arms around her protectively as she fell through towards him. "I gotcha." He breathed, trying to calm her down, as she was shaking like a leaf. A nod of recognition was all the response he got before they both made a move to stand. Serena still stood nearer Kyle, as the female vampire didn't exactly look in terribly good shape at the moment.

When the older, male vamp thanked them, they both had to admit that it was a bit of a surprise. They weren't really expecting anything back after this, considering the conversation they'd had previously. "...now I don't know about you guys... But I kinds reckon that if we stay here much longer we're going to get charged for Arsen." Serena suggested cautiously, ignoring their reference to the...droug? Drag? Drug? She didn't know, and neither did Kyle. "Did you want us to take you back, or?"
Traveling with humans—actually, with anyone, was not advisable at this time. Vergil knew it was only so long before Damia snapped. She wouldn’t bite him. If she tried, he at least had the advantage of strength. He wasn’t too concerned with an arson charge, but he also didn’t want to deal with the hassle. “Please take Valerian home,” he requested, “We’ll be following in our own vehicle.” He didn’t explain that it wasn’t safe for Valerian to travel along.

It went unspoken, as Valerian nodded his consent to this idea.

Vergil turned away from the group then and walked off, though he did dig out a cell phone. He dialed the emergency number, and reported, “Stoll Cemetery. A fire has caught in the church and is spreading.” Before he hung up, dropped the phone, and crushed it under his foot.

Valerian managed a half smile at the two he was left with. He thought about telling them off for interfering, but couldn’t. Vergil and Damia might not have made it out if it weren’t for their efforts. They might have, also, but Valerian couldn’t bet on it. “Well, uh…let’s get out of here.”
"Er...yeah, cool, um...yeah." Serena murmured through, standing up whilst the it gets made up their minds. "Okay..." Serena gently tugged her brothers sleeve as they left the older man to his...phone smashing. The two siblings shared an awkward look as they led Valerian back to the car. Naturally, Serena slid in the driver's side with Kyle in the passenger seat. "So...? Where are we going...? School? Home, or whatever?" Serena cleared her throat, slightly nervous she had a vampire in the back of her car.

(Sorry, really late here. :/ so...sleepy. xD sorry, goodnight.)
The Bentley was far enough away to be a nuisance, but Damia was managing well. When they reached the car, he opened the door for her, and she got in without fuss, without trying to find an escape to find food. She buckled herself in, and took a deep breath.

Questions would be asked when Damia was in the right state. Vergil slid into the driver’s seat and took the keys from her. He started the car, put it into gear, and followed the rules of the road to get back to their apartment complex. This would be the tricky part, ensuring she wasn’t seen. He found a parking spot, and quickly moved out and helped her out of the vehicle.

It was late enough, that there weren’t many people out. The couple in the parking lot paid them no mind, and they were able to get to the elevator. There was a pin-code to enter to access their floor, and Vergil pinned it in.

The elevator shot right up, and opened right into their apartment. Damia was out quick as lightning to the kitchen. She nearly ripped the door off the hinges and took a bottle from it, opened it, and downed it. Vergil walked in a bit more calmly and leaned against the kitchen counter as Damia downed the cold liquid she hated.


Valerian followed in silence, feeling about as awkward as the others. He glanced at the phone and rolled his eyes. It wasn’t even in Vergil’s name. It wouldn’t be tracked to him. Even so, his father remained paranoid about the many things he didn’t understand.

He was asked where to go, and he considered saying campus, but he was more concerned with the draugr. “Head to 6th and Green,” he said. “The apartment complex there, Green Leaves. It’s building 6002.” That was where they would have gone, after all. There he could get more information on just what the heck had happened. It wasn’t like them to resort to fire.
(sorry for the massive delay in response! I'm so sorry!)

Serena gulped and shoved the key in the ignition. Once again she found sarcasm was a half-decent response right now. "It's not a dark, gloomy castle with a most and dungeons is it...? 'Cause I hate spiders." She said rather quietly, looking through the back window to reverse out. "Oh, and you're gonna have to direct us, 'cause I still don't know my way around...here." She finished just as she pulled out onto the highway.

Kyle caught her gaze out of the corner of her eye, and shot her a worried glance. He wasn't happy about any of this, but there's nothing he could do about it, because whatever was going on and whatever...this whole thing was, they were kinda involved now. He shook his head and returned his stern gaze to the window, but Serena knew what that meant. Her fists clenched around the wheel, and she shut her mouth.
Valerian had already said it was an apartment complex, so he didn’t bother to answer the sarcasm. Last he knew, apartment complexes were never castles with moats. “I can do that,” he said, and provided directions to assist Serena through the town as necessary, until they arrived at the pristine white buildings. “It’s the first one on the left,” he informed her when they pulled into the lot.

The lights were on at the top floor, which told Valerian that the two of them were already back home. That was good.


With the disgusting cold blood drunk, Damia washed off her hands, her mouth, and with a glance towards Vergil, was given silent permission to go clean herself up.

She returned once she’d changed. The wounds were already healed, thanks to the excess blood drunk. “I suppose you’re upset.” It wasn’t really a question, but Vergil nodded anyway.

“You burned an entire building down. You destroyed evidence.”

“There were thirty draugr, at least.” Vergil’s eyes widened at the sheer number. “So you see, I didn’t have much choice.”
"Do you want us to come in with you?" Serena asked over her shoulder, looking up at the light on the top floor. Her question only got her a forceful hit from Kyle but no objections...yet.

Yep, she's lost it. Kyle thought to himself as she asked Valerian if they could accompany him. It was true Kyle didn't exactly feel find of the vampires, but then again they had just tried to kill him.
Valerian wouldn’t blame Kyle at all. Though Valerian had never had a human sister, he understood the interaction. “No, you’ve done enough. Thanks,” now he had to hope that when he departed, Kyle would be able to talk sense into Serena so that they didn’t follow any of this up.

Valerian opened his door and exited the car, and started to walk for the door of the apartment building. He wasn’t here all that often, but he knew how to get to the room and the pincode to enter so that there were no issues.


Vergil let the information sink in. Then, he asked, “Did you see anything noteworthy?” Besides the multiple draugr.

“Yes,” her back hit the fridge as she leaned back against it. “Our friend, Kendall, was a draugr.” Everyone knew vampire could become draugr. One had to be a vampire to become a draugr. The mystery was how a vampire became a draugr. That, not even Damia or Vergil had the answer to. They were pretty sure it wasn’t contagious, since they’d both been bitten and scratched up by draugr before.

“That explains his silence,” quite well.

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