• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom The Last shadowhunter(open)


Back in the states
CS format (as always, you can add what you want, but these are required.) for now the max character allowance is two. There is also an allowance for two semi-experienced hunters, but everyone else must be new or close to new to the family, no one who's been here longer than 1 year besides those other two.

[picture goes here](realistic preferred, although anime is allowed)

(Quote here, but it's optional)


Age:(8-15)(14-19 for the experienced kids)

Appearance:(height, weight, etc.)

Personality:(optional, but suggested)

Background:(reference to an orphanage is required)

Weapons of choice:(allowance of three besides a seraph blade)

Vehicle:(if over 16)

Scars/markings/tattoos: (older than twelve have the shadowhunter rune tattooed somewhere)


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