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Realistic or Modern The Wealthy and the Paupers

Soul Eu Min

Five Thousand Club
At Tetsugaya High, popularity is practically everything. Status, wealth, and contacts foretell where your position in the school will be. It goes from Monarchs, who are the richest, smartest, and also the ones with the contacts of a million to infinite, then to the Nobles, who may not be as rich as the Monarchs but are also incredibly intelligent and also have their share of contacts which is not as extensive as the Monarchs but still a decent amount, then to the Paupers, who aren't incredibly wealthy and are considered as middle class in the rich world and although some are intelligent, their scores do not amount up to the those of the Monarchs or the Nobles sometimes, they have little to no contacts, finally there is the group which is the lowest of ranking the Untouchables, they are the students who managed to only get in due to a slip of paper and have no connections whatsoever, they are deemed as pathetic and useless and if found to be in a friendship with anyone of higher ranking, both would be forced to pay.

After joining the school as one of the Untouchables and caught in a web of lies, * Blank * finds herself/himself hanging out with some of the most popular students in the whole school, especially becoming close to one group of friends that consists of more than just one ranking, this group being known as the ' Hierarchy of Tetsugaya ' which is a name given to them by the school. However, while * Blank * is becoming closer to the group, his/her secret has become harder to hide and it only gets worse when his/her's best friend, * Best Friend's Name * transfer to the school as another Untouchable and begins to feel betrayed.

Now caught between telling the truth and becoming a total outcast and, even worse, completely annihilated from Tetsugaya High or feeling on edge that his/her secret could be released at any second whether it by guilt or by his/her's best friend. Or will * Blank * come out in the and beat the ranks, reuniting the Monarchs and Nobles with the Paupers and the Untouchables once and for all?

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