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Realistic or Modern Into the Hills

Valor Green

The Seer of Heart and the Queen of Hipsters

(Thread under construction. Please refrain from posting here until the RP begins)

November 20th, 2018

August, Wisconsin


A small upstate college town, August has always been quiet and serene. Even the local Carlin College is not well known for its parties. The town sits nestled in the green Penokee Hills now painted red and gold - soon to be worn bare by the encroaching winter. Roads wind and twist through the terrain, connecting August to larger nearby towns, but thick woods blanket the land and shade every road from above, making the sense of isolation all too real.

A month ago, a disease began spreading among the population. It struck swiftly, and its symptoms were dire. What spread faster than any contagion, however, was panic. The National Guard commandeered the college campus for triage and evacuation, but between civil unrest and the plague's relentless advance, the town had to be abandoned.

Many were left behind. Loved ones were lost, and families were torn apart. Fires still burn while tarps and roadblocks collect falling leaves and morning frost. Those who remain flee into the wooded hills as winter sets upon them. Where the evacuees were taken, few really know. The exact scope and scale of the infection is down to speculation. There may yet be civilization within reach, or there may be nothing left but ash.​

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