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Fandom Star Wars: The Ebony Sky


Senior Member


It's been thirty years since the death of the Emperor, and only a month after Starkiller Base was destroyed. The Resistance, lead by General Leia Organa, is stronger than ever despite the death of Han Solo.

Despite his passing, the Resistance continues their fight against the tyrannical First Order with an even stronger passion than ever before. Kylo Ren and the First Order are still recovering from the gigantic blow that was the destruction of their base, however news of an ancient Sith artifact have begun circulating around the galaxy.

Said to have the ability to predict the outcome of a battle, the Resistance has tracked it to somewhere on the planet of Tatooine. A race has begun to acquire the artifact, with thousands of people rushing to the planet to get their hands on it.

The blazing winds of Tatooine brushed against Connor's armor as he looked through a set of electrobinoculars. Lying in a prone position on the ledge of a plateau, he stared at the entrance to a rather unremarkable cave. To most, it would seem like a pretty unremarkable land formation, but from what the young Mandalorian had heard, it served as the entrance to a long forgotten Sith tomb. The idea was clever: hide one of your temples on one of the Outer Rim planets. Nobody would think to search for it on such a backwater planet, and on top of that, nobody would even know that it exists either since most people thought the dark side had been eradicated. The HUD on Connor's visor showed no signs of life in a 30 meter radius, and so after putting his tools, he began his approach towards the temple.

It only took roughly a minute of walking before Connor found what he was looking for. A solid, flat wall marked the entrance to the temple. On it were distinct markings that were obviously written in the Sith language, though it would be difficult to translate anything. A quick glance offered no suggestions on how to actually enter, though, as there was no sort of doorway or button that would signify an entrance. The young man bit his lip in thought as he searched for a way to enter.
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Serena smiled as she slashed her lightsaber, and the womp rat was separated into two. However, there were more of the beasts after that. This was the reason brought dewbacks, but of course she had decided to go without one. Tatooine didn't seem that dangerous a place at first.

Another womp rat fell dead from a deep slash, and Serena then just shot the last one. Now that the pests were dead, she could continue.

Her holomap told her that the ancient ruin was close. Hopefully, it would hold something that Serena could make use of.

She returned to a brisk walk, heading straight for the temple.
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Ysanne waited impatiently in her ship inside the the Mos Easley spaceport. She had come in with a couple of Resistance members searching for some sort of artifact here. They told her to wait behind the ship for a quick gateway and an alternate meeting point outside the town. She expecting some sort of a quick seedy deal was involved she agreed keeping the engine warm and insuring everything in her baby was in order. However it was taking to long for a deal that well or went badly enough requiring a gateway, she was getting worried and the sooner she left this hutt infested planet the better.

She sighed grappling with thought to just leave or go after them. She cursed herself as the latter won out, the resistance agents were good people who she worked with before and such were hard to find in the galaxy. She rushed out of the ship towards the meeting point her hand close to her blaster.
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"Come join the resistance if you're looking for honor, glory, a good battle, and to make a name for yourself." Zac mumbled. "This backwater..... no not even backwater.... back dust ball of a world. I hate desert planets they suck so much." He said this as he rode a speeder bike towards the search zone he was provided with by the Resistance his helmet HUD showed he was not too far from. From the looks of it he would be running around the area for a good long while. Maybe he'll find some collectables on this assignment.
"Stupid thing!" Trojan exclaimed shortly before kicking the shuttle she crashed in. Her pilot was trying to take her to the spaceport but lost control whilst entering Tatooines atmosphere dying after slamming his head into the controls. Originally she planned to land in Mos Eisley to cash in a Rancors head for credits though it ended up landing miles away during the fall.

Her eyes darted around before spotting the Anchorhead settlement. Trojans feet trudged in the sand for quite the time before appearing outside the gates waving her hands up to the guard. A representative of Czerka Corporation appeared in between the large gap of the opened pathway leading to the settlement. The fact that Czerka continued mining operations on Tatooine was a surprise, there wasn't much resources of interest to Czerka.

Explaining was a pain in her ass as the Czerka representative droned on about only those with hunting licenses and the proper authority were allowed beyond the gate before allowing Trojan to tell her side of the story. Eventually the representative had to let her through when Trojan threatened to blast the representative in the skull, it was an idle threat but if was effective.

Anchorhead was a very small settlement with few shops and a cantina, she had been in this cantina before. The doors creaked as Trojan walked through, moving past the shady crowd and towards a hutt located in the back. "You have returned, they always return, sadly business has been slow and all bounties are occupied" he spoke in his native tongue. Rajeer was a slimey hutt who ran the bounty office in Anchorhead, the hours were never great and business for him was always slow. Trojan was taken back by the news, "I need a way off this rock Rajeer.... And I need credits... How do you expect me to get them?" she said to the Hutt. "No bounties for you, occupied, there is rare artifact far from Mos Eisley! Sith artifact, First Order and Resistance search for artifact tirelessly. Rajeer will pay for artifact if artifact is given to Rajeer" said the Hutt.

"I'll be back... And you'll give me those credits when I get the artifact..." Trojan swore before stealing a lone speeder in front of the cantina. The two suns were glowing brightly and the temperature was especially hot as she drove her speeder just left to Mos Eisley. Hours passed before a large cavern of some sort appeared, it was worn and gave off an ominous vibe as rocks broke off the edges in moderate quantities. Sand had buried the floor and stacked up upon itself, Trojan got off her speeder and made her way into the entrance of this foreboding cave. It was still very vast on the inside as she climbed the cavern walls and pressed forward.
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The Tatooine sun burned, Juth didn't wanted to be here, he just wanted to be in his ship far away from this ball of sand. The day was hot, like always. Juth hated it.. It was totally not like Korvass II. With the spear on his back he walked trought the streets of Anchorhead. His masters had given him the task to receive an ancient relic from the Sith. Juth was looking forward to the time in the tomb, it would certainly be less hot.

Anchorhead had been a republic settlement for ages, but know the Hutts were in control of it. Juth had bought a small speeder, he didn't wanted to wait for going to the tomb.

Arriving at the cave, he saw a Chiss and a Mandalorian, both who weren't seeing each other yet. Juth had been prepared for his mission, he could read some Sith so he could discover the most secrets of the tomb. Juth walked behind the Mandalorian, crouching a bit and made a high whistle sound

Serena felt...well powerful would be an exaggeration, but there was an energising feeling as she came near the temple. Finally. Problem was, some people had beaten her to the prize.

Maybe she could talk it out with them...nah, that would be boring. Serena reached for her Saber, but stopped once she realised the people in front weren't aligned with eachother. A few didn't even seem to realise they were not alone. It was too funny, Serena just had to laugh as she unholstered her blaster. This would be fun.
A few more minutes passed as Connor looked over the writings on the wall, before he heard a high-pitched whistling sound. His eyes shot up towards his HUD, and sure enough there were 3 bio signatures detected within a 30 feet radius. He furrowed his brow in disappointment for not noticing them sooner, but slowly turned his body towards the direction from where the whistling came. The first person he saw was a male Zabrak, probably mid-twenties, crouching a bit and looking directly at him. Behind the Zabrak was a human who looked young enough to be around his age, standing with her blaster unholstered. Connor bit his lip in thought as to what to do, hoping that things could end on peaceful terms. He didn't have long to think, and so he decided to say something before anything started. "I don't think weapons are necessary, we're all here for the same thing." He kept his hand close to his blaster, just in case. "I've been trying to figure out how to open this door for a few minutes now. Either of you know how to help?"
Ysanne groaned arriving to the marked area and seeing none of her companions about. She had a bad a feeling about all of this and years of experience told her to trust it and wondered what to do about it. She took out and took out her communicator and tried to contact Zac." Come on you...you mand'alor wanna be, answer or i swear i will turnish all your mandalorian antique crap of yours." She moaned at the communicator.
Zac was riding into the search zone as he heard his comrade already chewing him out for being late. "Hey that's refurbished antique crap that literally works as good as new." Zac said defending his pride in his equipment. Using the helmet buit in computer he marked the location the transmission came from and gunned the speeder full throttle kicking up a large amount of dust in his wake. He gradually slowed the speeder as he arrvied at the marker.

Once his speeder stop he didn't dismount but rather stood up on the speeder. He began a long range scan of the area to see if he can find anything out there that could be clue. "I am scanning the area, so any clues on your end?" He asked while scanning. His scanner seemed to lock onto something a little far to the east outer rim of his provided searching area. A zoom in showed at least two individuals and something around them blocking the scanner mostly.
Juth looked at the Mando'ade and followed his look to behind him to human, Juth simply nodded.

The Zabrak looked back to the Mando'ade and spoke in mando'a, but with a very dominant accent "I come here alone, for my boss, and will leave alone, with the artifact for my boss" he tried to intimidate the Mando'ade by speaking the native tongue of him. It would work, because it was a hard language. The Matukai noticed the hand of the Mando'ade at his blaster and smiled, continueing to talk in basic "Put your blaster away, keep it in your Iron Skin. Tell me, Child of Mand'alor, who is your Aliit?"

Juth walked over to the door and tried to decrypt it, it was hard, but with work he could manage

@Redrobinwing (please say what is on the door :) )
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Yasanne groaned rolling her eyes at what he said."just get here."She said crossing her arms and waited for him to come to her on his speeder. She shrugged at the question. "Not alone, I am not one to search for these artifacts must smuggle them out with the occasional blasting and space battle. However a recent communication from our friends say it might be underground."
Serena smiled cruelly at both the Zabrak and Mando, amused. Though she didn't know what was said, she got the gist of it. Both wanted whatever was inside, and it wasn't to be shared. Good thing Sereba didn't plan to.

She put on her sweetest smile, holstered her blaster, and spoke.

"I'm guessing you two are doing this for money, well I'm not. I just want to learn from whatever artifacts is inside. Besides, you may need a force-user to get inside."

It wasnt even a lie. Quite a number of tombs needed the force to open, at least the ones she had found, and all Serena wanted was to learn from an artifacts. Though she didn't mention that she would fight for it.
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Everyone seemed aware of one anothers presence at this point because they engaged in chatter. The other had a lightsaber on hand with her blaster aimed to him. "Fool" Trojan thought to herself, for she had the true upper hand as she placed the thermal detonators alongside the wall. The explosion had the capacity to level the cavern.

Trojan could force them to hand over the artifact while blocking their way to the caverns exit and trap them insode, allowing her to escape with said artifact. She could also block them off from the artifact and threaten to level the cavern with all of them inside. The one with the lightsaber may have connection to the force and if that was true she could possibly block her exit with the force. She concluded it'd be safer to block them off from the artifact even though she didn't like it personally.

Without another thought she threw caution to the wind and flung herself right behind the red armored mandalorian. Trojan hit the ground with a thud before scrambling to her feet and running down the narrow hall towards the artifact, she stopped halfway down and held out the trigger to the explosives. Trojan believed there natural instinct would be to follow, she was in a good position.
Juth looked amused to the Lady "Sith Tombs are my speciality. However, I might need your alter abilities. If you haven't recognized me yet, I'm a Matukai, surely more skilled in fighting then you"

That was true, even Jedi Council Masters didn't want to fight against a Matukai. Their acrobatics and speed are simply a level higher "But," he looks at the saber "I want to ask you a question, how would you discribe your rank if you were a Jedi?" She wasn't a Jedi, because of her laugh, and even no Sith, because of the One Sith Rule.

Juth turned around and saw the detonators and the Chiss running "Fool! You will awake the spirit and we all be doomed. No need to use your detonators, I guess this Tomb is secured against it"
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Connor's attention immediately turned to the Chiss that dropped behind him and ran towards the entrance of the tomb. Several more dots came onto his HUD map, revealing explosives lining the cave walls. He jumped to the side and whipped out both of his blaster pistols, aiming one towards the Chiss and leaving the other one on the ready. The Zabrak and human didn't seem dangerous quite yet, but the situation had gone from zero to a hundred much more quickly than he'd expected. He looked at the Chiss. "The tomb's not open, so if you blow the entrance to the cave, we're stuck down here, and there's a good chance that everyone here won't be too happy that you tried to kill them." Connor turned his attention back to the group. "I say we work together to figure out how to get in, and maybe, if we're all willing, we can figure out a way for all of us to benefit from the artifact. Deal?"
Serena giggled.

"Hey, I just want knowledge. I have no care for that artifacts after. Of course I'm ok with a team up. Oh so exciting."

She turned to the Zabrak and grinned.

"If I had to scale my powers, then about padawan. Maybe knight. Not sure, but I'm good."

Serena felt joyful. Her reason: the promise of a fight. The Chiss just made things more interesting. Oh how fun this would be.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Yasanne groaned rolling her eyes at what he said."just get here."She said crossing her arms and waited for him to come to her on his speeder. She shrugged at the question. "Not alone, I am not one to search for these artifacts must smuggle them out with the occasional blasting and space battle. However a recent communication from our friends say it might be underground."
"If that's true then I suggest you hop on because I think I have found something." he said. A collection signals appeared in the area he was scanning, they were definitely active thermal detonators. Once she mounted he quickly gunned his speeder in that direction. As he got closer his HUD displayed several individuals, a structure, and thermal detonators active within. He stopped the speeder behind a large boulder to hid it from view. He motioned Yasanne to dismount and that he planned to go into investigate the structure and situation.
She drew out one of her two blaster pistols before turning around and aiming it at them. "I guess this tomb is secured against it." Shouted a man, Trojan was only partially right about them quickly following. They walked down the cavern in no rush, she turned her head to the young matukai "Maybe... But you won't." stated the Chiss woman. The blast would most likely travel down the cavern and incinerate the whole bunch of them.

The man who donned the Crimson Mandalorian armor spoke quickly and on to the point she was aware that they would be trapped even if they survived the blast, Trojan didn't know how much profit the artifact carried but if it was enough to get her out and satisfy the others than she was alright. She quickly responded to the man "I want off this rock... And when I want to get off this rock, I get off this rock." She holstered her blaster pistol before looking back up to the bunch.

Trojan kept a firm grip on the trigger, "Just one click... Try any funny business and we all suffer the consequences." She said before stepping to the side to allow them access to the artifact eyeing down every individual as they passed by her. She would let them evaluate and assess how to retrieve the artifact then they'll all profit afterwards and Trojan could leave Tatooine. "Hurry up, the First Order is not far behind." Trojan said half jokingly.
[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari]"If that's true then I suggest you hop on because I think I have found something." he said. A collection signals appeared in the area he was scanning, they were definitely active thermal detonators. Once she mounted he quickly gunned his speeder in that direction. As he got closer his HUD displayed several individuals, a structure, and thermal detonators active within. He stopped the speeder behind a large boulder to hid it from view. He motioned Yasanne to dismount and that he planned to go into investigate the structure and situation.

Yasanne nodded and climbed on to the speeder and held on to Zac as he shot off onto the desert. Despite her complaints about Zac's mandolorian gear she was jealous of his hud visor able to track items and such. She made a mental note to hate one as she hated being out of the loup while someone else knew more than here. When they arrive, she stepped of the speeder and drew her blaster as she hid behind the boulder peeking out to see who else was there. "Looks like we are not alone. Who do you think? First order?"
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Yasanne nodded and climbed on to the speeder and held on to Zac as he shot off onto the desert. Despite her complaints about Zac's mandolorian gear she was jealous of his hud visor able to track items and such. She made a mental note to hate one as she hated being out of the loup while someone else knew more than here. When they arrive, she stepped of the speeder and drew her blaster as she hid behind the boulder peeking out to see who else was there. "Looks like we are not alone. Who do you think? First order?"
"First Order would have brought was more forces my guess they may be bounty hunters searching for the reward from the Resistance. You would have to be stupid to try and turn it over to the First Order they'd just kill person and take the artifact." Zac explained. "I think we should say hello since we all should have the same agenda. Sure beats fighting them and then talking." Zac moved away from the boulder and walked towards the opening on the tomb. He began to descend the stairs at a steady pace letting the noise warn those inside of his presence. "Let's skip the drawing of the blasters and threats and squabbling over the artifiact shall we. We have not the time for it considering and just know we all after the same thing." He said announcing himself.

@Redrobinwing @Reznor @Rathalosa @Savagai
Raikou Kaminari]"First Order would have brought was more forces my guess they may be bounty hunters searching for the reward from the Resistance. You would have to be stupid to try and turn it over to the First Order they'd just kill person and take the artifact." Zac explained. "I think we should say hello since we all should have the same agenda. Sure beats fighting them and then talking." Zac moved away from the boulder and walked towards the opening on the tomb. He began to descend the stairs at a steady pace letting the noise warn those inside of his presence. "Let's skip the drawing of the blasters and threats and squabbling over the artifiact shall we. We have not the time for it considering and just know we all after the same thing." He said announcing himself. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16578-redrobinwing/ said:
"Yeah you are right." Ysanne said agreeing with them not being part of the first order but wasn't so confident about introducing themselves. Than again avoiding a fight would be nice and what was wrong about hoping for the best if your prepare for the worst. She followed him down into the cave, blaster kept low but still at the ready for any trouble before smirking at Zac introduction. "And the sooner we get the artifect the sooner we can all go home pack to our friends, family and treasured possessions." She added.
Damn it is hot. You would think I would have gotten used to the heat after so many years and yet... Suhriishk walked through the desert, sand caking against his brown fur. After a few more minutes of walking Suhriishk finally came to what looked like the entrance to the ruins, Red Wolf should be in there. I owe my life to him. I have a need to protect him now... Suhriishk walked forward towards the cave, and heard the commotion of everyone inside. Suhriishk walked forward into the cave and noticed everyone standing around talking, and he also noticed Red Wolf as he knew to call him. Feeling the need not to just get the attention of him but also alert everyone else to his presence. To most of them it would sound like just a loud yell, at the very least one of them would understand, Suhriishk roared, "HELLO!"

@Everybody in here
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Serena drew her lightsaber, and the purple light sprung up from the hilt. Her smile died as she realised how many people were here. This was going to get messy, she could sense it. The wookie just made things worse.

"Oi!" Serena shouted. "Why are there so many people here?! I'm going to ask you people to stand back now, otherwise someone will lose a limb!"

She took a stance, prepared if someone decided to start a fight.

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