Charms [New Dawn in the North]


Ten Thousand Club
I thought that instead of posting all kinds of different ideas for charms under different topics that we could just post them all under here.
Ideas for new Rightous Devil Style, tell me what ya think before I post on Lore 5.

Arbiter's Pounding Hammer

Cost: 4m per attack and 1W(single activation cost) or 3m per attack

Type: Extra Action

Duration: Instant

Min. Martial Arts: 5

Min. Essence: 3

Pre-Requisite Charms: Howling Magma Sprites, Phantom Flamebolt Prana

System: May exceed normalfiring limits of a firewand and may make as many attacks as perm. ess. rating.

Rightousness's True Fondation

Cost: 5m

Duration: Scene

Simple or Supplemental

Min. Martial Arts: 5

Min. Essence: 3

Pre-Requisite Charms: Rightous Devil Form, Phoenix Flies on Golden Wings Attack

System: After activating, all ranged attacks are at a difficulty equal to permenet essence rating. (I thought of uping the Ess to 4 and making it all attacks aginst the exalt. This is based on their knowledge of ranged weapons and the connection to their users. Yes I saw Equilibrium.)

[Edited for format 'cause I'm anal about details like that    --flaccavento]
For the first (Arbiter's Pounding Hammers):

*Good name, for starters.  I'd keep it.  "Arbiter" is -er, not -or, though.  Aheh.  As I said: anal about details.

*As for the cost, the simpler Extra Action charms tend to have a motes-per-attack cost and a cap = Essence.  The more advanced/ unusual ones have a higher flat-rate cost and have a different cap - often, the relevant combat Ability.  If you choose to make this Charm the latter, I'd advise making the mote cost higher (say, 6 motes), keeping the Willpower, and saying you can make as many attacks that turn as your Martial Arts.

*Also: why build another Extra Action when there's already Dance of the Howling Magma Sprites?

For the second:

*I dunno, comrade.  "Based on their understanding of ranged attacks" doesn't explain how it works - know what I mean?  It's a justification, not a reason.  So he understands ranged attacks... so what?  So he learns to spot the enemy's 'draw' motion and moves before he does? tracks the arrow's trajectory and swats it out of the way? manipulates the air currents to push it off track? blasts it out of the air with his firewand?  If it's scene-length, your explanation needs to be air-tight and comprehensive; it has to cover not just a single act, but a way of thinking, a battle method.  Make sense?
First, thank you for the editing help. You know i always need that. Second to the charms. I didn't have a lot of time yesterday so i was just tring to get a general feel across for them. For more detail....

Arbiter's Pounding Hammer is ment to be an upgrade to Howling Magma Sprites. With Magma Sprites to be able to hit with your next attack you must hit with the one before it, this is ment to bypass this flaw and thus the weakness in this style with multi attacks. I was debating with going with the gereral theme of Rightous Devil, the higher charms are all 4m/1w (sept for 1,000 hells=7m/1w), or like you said something like Trance with each attack costing X amount of motes. I am still in debate over that thus the asking for input. (BTW thanks for the staight up asking of WHY? always nice.)

As for True Foundation. Since a rightous devil style uses a firewand which is a  ranged weapon with a martial art  phylosophy behind it, thus begins the understanding of the charm, let me expound. Like wind flowing down a hallway there are only so many paths that it can take. This is understood by a human through feel and instinct. We do not know that the wind is going to travel in a cretian direction, but through intuition we can assume what direction it will be going next (air current). A ranged weapon can only take so many different courses of flight (even by an exalt, though varied). So through the practice of a kata that is used to reduce the chance of getting hit by such an attack does the exalt have a better chance of avoiding being hit. This is done by the shift of a foot here, the turn of a shoulder there, or a low bow, hands brushing the floor. It is a constant dance that is performed and changed due to the change in your opponents stance and position (trajectory). If you understand your own weapon and its strenght and weaknesses then you can understand your oppoents as well.

I hope that i have made the charms more clear. Also, I have not yeet had a chance to make them into storys or put them in a literary fasion. I was tring to get a good system down first. Tell me if there is any other input or holes in my charms, or if i still didn't explain them well enough. As always comrades your honesty is all I ask for.
Hey, man, I'm just glad my poor brain-meats are of use.

If you want Arbiter's Pounding Hammers to be an upgrade to Howling Magma Sprites, I'd suggest going for the high-cost, Ability-based Extra Action shit.  If Caress of 1,000 Hells costs 7 and a Will, go with that, but make the number of attacks equal to his Martial Arts.

Question: is it called "pounding hammers" because the Devil is pounding the firewand's hammers to fire real fast?  If so, I'd include an audio/ sonic description in the Charm, describing the deafening thunder of his guns slamming shot after shot into his enemies... aheh.

Now, see, your description of Righteousness' True Foundation is a LOT more convincing with that explanation/ rationale/ etc.  Describing it as a kata REALLY helped me get a handle on it.  You could even say that it's like Equilibrium: he's drilled every possible spread of shots so many times that avoiding them is second nature.  I'd say instead of adding diff to hit him, though, that he gains a number of autosuccesses equal to his M.A. to avoid all ranged attacks against him - similar to Fire Dragon Form.
Tell me what ya think before i post it on Lore5:

Monkey Snatches the Fruit

Cost: 6m/1w, Pre-Req: MA: 5 Ess: 3, Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm

Type: Supplemental Duration: Instant

System: When the user of this charm attacks he is certain that his attack will succeed, the question is how far. After the Martial Artist attacks both he and his opponent roll their Valor, if the attacker wins then the fruit is snatched (often resulting in the Sterile flaw) and damage is rolled in permanent essence rating in dice, if the target of the charm wins the roll then dice in permanent essence are rolled (halved rounded down).

Description: With the understanding of the Four Gates, the practitioner of Celestial Monkey style seeks to halt the correct flow of energy in the Root of Valor with this charm. Instead of making an attack against the gate, the Celestial Monkey finds it more suitable to attack the physical counterpart of this gate. It is one of the most feared of the charms of the Celestial Monkey style. Few Dragon Blooded during the Usurpation wished to go against one of the masters of this style, not wishing to end their legacy even if they survived the encounter.

I was thinking of making it so you could only avoid it with a perfect soak, dodge, or block...what ya think?

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