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Fandom [ carnelian&findingnemos ] Яₑᵥₑᵣₛₑ


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[ A private Persona 5 roleplay between findingnemos findingnemos & Carnelian Carnelian ]



Nayu Fubuki

How many months had it been now, and people were still talking about either where the Phantom Thieves had gone or how weird it was for Shido to suddenly come to confess all his crimes rather than revel in his apparent political victory? Quite a few, that was for sure. Yet people still spoke with little intent to hide such, since, after all, it was public knowledge now. That didn't make it any less repetitive. Not that she could say anything about it. No, really. She literally couldn't. All the young woman could do was sigh quietly as she passed a duo of elderly friends on the crosswalk. At least once she got home she'd be able to forget out it by spacing out with a book until she got hungry. That was one thing she could get away with whilst her parents were off on a business trip until late.

Or at least she'd thought that much.

When she'd turned the corner into her street her eyes chanced over an odd figure slumped against the gates to the street's trash bin corral. Oh...? Were they hurt? Or was it one of the local elders who'd stumbled on one their daily strolls? Unable to call out to them she could only hurry her steps to their side and set her bags to the floor before hesitantly reaching out a hand to touch the person's shoulder. If they were a local they'd figure out who she was once they got a look at her, but if they weren't... Mgh. Free hand started rummaging about in her jacket pocket for her trusty notepad and pen. Two things she never left the house with. Just in case.

Once she'd retracted the hand that had called for the person's attention she made quick work on jotting down a short note that she'd hand over once they hopefully turned around.

'Sorry for disturbing you. I just noticed you slumping here and wondered if you needed any assistance? If you don't I'm sorry again! (〃>_<;〃)'


Kurusu Akira

So what Mishima had frantically called him to talk about really was true. Right there on his phone screen staring back at him was the old PhanSite. But... Mishima had deleted it once everything was over. They'd all even tried for old times sake during one of their oft meetups. It was gone. Or had been gone. Yet there it was in all it's red and block glory exactly as it'd been left when shutdown. With cellphone alone there was little he could do in the name of research- That was more Futaba's area anyway. Alas, his younger relative was off at school for the day, and that wasn't something Akira planned on interrupting now Futaba had her youth back.

With it not quite being the hour for Le Blanc to be open to the public just yet, he continued to scroll through the reborn website with a raised brow. Any smart person, or member of the disbanded Phantom Thieves, would know this was an outright scam. The public however... The thought alone made him grimace. Did they really want to go through the public hype of this again? Especially when it wasn't even certain if it was real? Or was this another Maruki situation? He sure as hell wasn't going to figure this out by himself.

Sound of wristwatch alarm suddenly drew him from his pondering. Huh. Was it that time already? He'd been thinking over the PhanSite for longer than he'd thought. Better to head down and open up than get nowhere sitting around. Even a minute late and Soujiro would find out and have his head somehow.

With apron tied tightly around his waist and everything where it should be the time came to finally flip the closed sign over to open and- Oh? There was someone outside? The hours were noted on the sign beside the door so.. Or maybe they were just using the place as a meeting point for something. Iit never hurt to ask.

"We don't really open until around this time. Sorry if you were waiting." A short nod of his head to acknowledged them, and a pause in case they were to question him before he headed back inside.​
Had it been another lifetime, perhaps his reaction would be a bit softer; more charming even. But that version of himself seemed to be long gone, destoryed even, and it's place was who he felt now: Frustrated. No, exhausted.

Currently, Akechi had been trying to find his breath, against the cans he managed to stumble towards. At the time, his legs had betrayed him and refused to allow him to even stand properly, no matter how much he tried to stand. He couldn't even manage to support himself against the wall, as he tried to watch.

Though, he long suspected that it had something to do with the piercing ache in his side.

But that didn't matter, especially since someone had decided to approach. Beggars could not be chooser, and Akechi was tired of begging. Still, his eyes slowly reached up to meet hers, his expression a bit too serious and admittedly unpleasant.

"No need to apologize; just help me."

"Ah, sorry!"

She lowered her head, in almost shame, before hesitantly stepping into the cafe. Leblanc was not her usual spot - That was a shop that her mother insisted was the spot to be seen in - but Ari was determined to get out as far as possible, and this seemed like the perfect spot to hide out it. Especially, with how quiet it already was.

Settling on a table, Ari had sat down and took a second to look around, though her eyes kept traveling towards the front. She had seen him on the subway before, even spoke to him once, but she doubt he would recognize her. When she had met him, her hair was long and straight; it was even dyed black to suit her school's standards even more than her natural brown...

Now, she probably looked way less approachable than she once did.

Not that she wanted to be approachable-- That was too much of a hassle, but it wouldn't hurt to try; even just once.

"Hey!" Her voice was softer than what it normally was, "Is it usually this empty at opening?"

Nayu Fubuki
Ah.. Perhaps she shouldn't have? Being mostly mute as she was, expression and tone meant a lot more to her than what it did to most 'normal' people. A scowl could mean many things, but coupled with a voice she could only take as a mixture of irritation and frustration.. Perhaps he was in pain? Or lost? Maybe both. Regardless, she quickly drew her notebook back, scribbling down she was going to assist him by heaving one arm over her shoulder, and there there was a bench on one of the nearby streets. Given the time of day it shouldn't be occupied nor too busy. Then there was the problem of her things.. Mmmn... The neighbours would probably be able to puzzle it out by the contents, or if the local police picked it up she could go collect it later. Not like it was anything crazily expensive or important that couldn't be replaced.

Finally stowing away her notebook and pen back into her pocket, she set about what she'd claimed to go ahead and do. Shuffling under his closest arm, she then tugged it about her shoulders. Okay, this was a bit awkward given she was now finding out he was probably that slight bit taller than her, but she'd make it work somehow. Her other arm pulled around his back, fingers gingerly gripping his side just in case he were to stumble. And heave ho-- With a little struggle she straightened them both up as best she could before taking a slow pace around the corner and toward one of the duet of benches she recalled being there.

Once she'd sat him down, crouching down infront of him she couldn't help the feeling the looked somewhat familiar. Had he been on TV recently or something? She seemed to be thinking, idly chewing on her lower lip until a name came to mind.

...Nah. Couldn't be. Such a person of somewhat high status wouldn't be skulking around back in a residential area, detective or not. Especially not looking like they'd been homeless for a week or more. Though there was that saying that everyone had a perfect doppelganger somewhere in the world. She could touch on that later though.

Returning her attention back to the actual problem, and having given him a few moments to catch his breath, she watched until their eyes met, then tilted her head in questioning. With a bit of luck he'd understand her questioning his wellbeing.


Kurusu Akira
It wasn't like he had any reason to complain. Not like the customer had started banging on the door or glaring through the window. Though that rarely happened in any case to start with. He followed the young woman in, pausing near the entryway to pick up a few menus that had been tidied away the day before. One was carefully propped between salt and pepper pots on each table, though he came to pause upon reaching the customer's table. Menu was handed over personally, not that there was too much of a choice; coffees, teas, a short selection of sandwiches, and not to mention the curry.

"Take as much time as you need. It usually is quiet in the weekday mornings. A lot of the regulars seem to stop by in the afternoon." A half amical smile once she took the menu, going back to setting the rest down and returning behind the bar. Truth be told, he'd much rather stay in bed a little longer knowing he'd just be spending time over the daily newspaper crossword or eyeing the random sales that happened to be shown on the TV in the corner whilst no customers showed up. But if he even dared... Once again, the thought of Soujiro finding out had him quickly shaking his head. Focus on the job, Akira! Even if there were other things that demanded his attention!

Right- The curry! Best to turn that on, and start the coffee up too, since he knew those were two of the key orders that would come in when things got busy- and when Futaba returned from school. Thankfully the base curry ingredients were already prepared in the fridge and all he had to do was set them to cook, leaving him with little to do than sit around after all.

"Excuse me," Since it had been several minutes since he'd stepped away it wouldn't hurt to ask, "Have you decided on a drink yet, Miss?"

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