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Fantasy ✘ c υ я s є [acc]

Von Winston

New Member
Any character can be added, just make them original. There is one role that needs to be filled and it's below. Changes may be made but their relations should be kept. Please use model/real people images.


- The Classic Gentleman: Pure blood. Can sire humans to vampires. Took over the clan after Lord Farren's death. Deathly allergic to garlic.

So fill in the character sheet accordingly:

[size=2][color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][color=color][b][size=7]N[/size][/b][size=7]ame [b]N[/b]ame[/size][/color][/size]
[size=2][color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color]Title[color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color] Age[color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color]blood type[color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color]gender[color=white]xxxxxxxxxx[/color]user[/size]
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRenee Valin

xxxxxxxxxxThe Fool Storytellerxxxxxxxxxx 254xxxxxxxxxxpure bloodxxxxxxxxxxfemalexxxxxxxxxxVon Winston

  • xxxxxxxxxxPlease, call me Ren. To put my methods bluntly: I drink from the spinal cord of my victim. My teeth are enlongated so I can pierce the bone...but don't fret too much about it. I have a love for the humans that my kin rarely know. In truth, I study them and try to live along their side which has lead to me to write a few books under the pen name: Winston Gillie. Maybe you've heard of my work? Killing the Undead is my bestseller. It explains how to kill a vampire...mostly. Really they're just fable methods I've made up such as using garlic as a weapon. Garlic, right? May as well have some fun while I'm alive.?
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