
Madi... You and I can get through this togeather K so if there is anything you want to talk about sweetheart then you just say alrigh darling.
My sister is dealing with a girl who had been trying to bully her. It doesn't really bother her, but the fact that this other little girl bashed a young girls head into a locker just last year giving her a serious concussion worries me as her big brother. No amount of simple slaps on the wrists or words will stop a bully. I know, I dealt with it in high school as well. I ended up getting jumped in my own yard early in the morning during homecoming by two guys who constantly bullied me at school. I never fought at school because my education was my main priority. I am a very calm and peaceful individual, I never started trouble with anyone. But when bullying goes that far theres a problem and it's not just them. The school system never did anything to help me out no matter what I told them, they just lectured the kids which made things worse on me. Their parents didn't care. The law enforcement system did nothing to them.
We are forgetting an aspect of bullying, when we state that "Those who bully know what they are doing is wrong", and that is that "Many who are bully have been or are being bullied by someone themselves." Now this is where it gets touchy, on a day to day basis where is the bully being bullied?

Something to think about.
Yes I know I've been on both sides but mainly on the bullied side, I just put the origanal post up to see what everybody though about it and I have to say it's more than I expected from everyone, now the next step in my plan was to get everyone to geather so as a whole maybe we might haveva chance at stopping the problem little by little but it will never stop if we just do nothing.
Our school is putting together a video and we will be interviewing people in our school and in our town, if I'm not bring to rude by asking then, I would like you to maybe film your self answering these question, and Emailing it to me with the email I posted above, also could you give us your name and state and country so we can let everybody know.

The questions are.

What is bulling?

Have you ever been bullied?

Do you know some one who is getting bullied?

Do you have any experiences that you want to share?

What do you think should be done about it?
I was bullied back in school. Almost in every grade I had a bully. By a boy and girl. They all had there flaws. Idiots they were back in elementary and junior high. But as I entered high school. It was a whole new game then. It got more physical then verbal. My bullying in high school was based on(And I mean to NOT affend anyone. This is the truth and speaking from the heart. I am sorry if I am about to affend.) It was based on my color of my skin white. I couldn't fight them I wasn't brought up to fight, never learned how to defend myself. I had plenty of bullies to be honest, I used to have a lot of rage pent up. Thinking about it. Thinking about how I could really hurt them, I even had thoughts about what would happen if I saw them today. Would my heart unleash such hate upon them? In such horrible ways you wouldn't even think. I used to think about it. But the rage, is gone. I would look at my life and realize I was blessed to be

Bulling is bad, the worst thing that happened to me. Was I was in the gym in junior high, I was cleaning out the bleechers for the coach. Next thing I know, the guys sitting on top, had a belt. And some how, wrapped it on my neck. Choking me. Choking me so hard lifting me up from the ground with the belt. I told my mom and begged her to do nothing. I was scarred. Nothing was done about it. Nothing was done with any bullys in my life. I moved on in life.

Everytime I read or hear on the news that someone committed suicide because of texting bulling or something. It just makes me a little angry. My nephews friend he committed suicide because he was being texted bulling from his so called "Friends" in school. This boy toke his own life because of a bunch of brats talked crazy toward him. And his emotions couldn't take no more. He was pushed. Is this really possible for this to happen? Yes Bulling happens not only I school. But even in the work place.

I think there should be a law against bulling. Least for school kids. If any kid is bullied. Let the bully be kicked out of that school for ever. Or...before school starts the parents must sign some type of contract saying; Your son/daughter will not bully another student if he/she does. He/she will be sent to...(Some type of real push it to the max. Screaming yelling bootcamp for one year-three years. No contact with any family member for any reason. Crap food. Nothing no T.V. no chairs, no tables, no beds, just ONE room with bright lights, that never go out. Hard cold concrete floors. Being woke up different random times at night. Not even a shower or bath. Completely cut off.)
That's a bit extreme but my school system kinda has something like that. Bullying is rare where I live because of this program. You go there for 12 hours go to school for 4 and then get to go home. So basically what you said although not as extreme.

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Hunnyhelp said:
That's a bit extreme but my school system kinda has something like that. Bullying is rare where I live because of this program. You go there for 12 hours go to school for 4 and then get to go home. So basically what you said although not as extreme.
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See? Bullying is rare where you live. It may be extreme. But still these bullies need to learn they are not in charge. Perhaps depending on how bad the situation is. Maybe they can go there for a month or two.
[QUOTE="Plays With Squirrels]See? Bullying is rare where you live. It may be extreme. But still these bullies need to learn they are not in charge. Perhaps depending on how bad the situation is. Maybe they can go there for a month or two.

What do you mean this goes on for 30 days.

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Hunnyhelp said:
What do you mean this goes on for 30 days.
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Like depending on how bad the bulling was. If they had a gang/friends with them. A weapon. How bad the threat was(Like if the threaten to kill them or somewhat) hope I put it better?
It's not just bullying that gets you sent there but bullying is the fastest way. And no matter what you do if you go there you go there for 30 days

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Skys54 said:
I just read over you post and you think just like me, I've tried suicide before, I'm currently taking depression tablets and my arms are littered with scars as well as my chest and legs. All of that is due to many things a huge one being bullying. And as you said Im getting sick of it that's why I posted the original post because I believe it's up to the students to stop bulling and I wanted to see other peoples side of view and rally then to join us.
I have a friend like that, cut herself and cried all day, until i got her boyfriend and some of the other guys together, we walked right up to the girls who hurt her, pinned the other girls against a wall while my friend beat the absolute living CRAP out of her tormentor.

she never touched a razor again, never contemplated suicide again, and now she is the assistant manager to a huge electronics store in town, and she has her first baby on the way, and every year, I get a card from her that she also sends to all the other guys, i open it and all it says is "thank you"

Kids need to fight, to get hurt and dirty, to get sick and all that, however these days tv ads are telling parents "dont let your kid play outside, dont let your kid touch bugs, dont let your kids out of your sight" and all that, and what is happening? the kids cant do anything so they just sit around playing on their DS and watching tv.
I think what also needs to be realised here is that bullying came come from anywhere, anyone. It's great that people are trying to do something about bullying in schools and such, and yeah, that is the main area for bullying, but people also need to acknowledge the fact that bullying can come from home as well, and for older people it can come from work.

People always seem to just focus on bullying in schools - which really something does need to be done - but a lot of kids can also be getting bullied at home by their siblings and in a lot of cases even their parents.

I'm glad that you guys are talking about it though and that your school is trying to do something about it, most schools won't do anything if you tell them that you're being bullied.

I really agree with bettsyboy, I was bullied throughout primary school and high school, and I never even so much as touched my bullies. But I so wish I had. I never stood up for myself because I never had the courage, and I never had anyone else who could stand up for me, but now I know that if I ever saw someone getting bullied, or if I found out my little sister was being bullied, I would not hesitate to march over to the victim and get those bullies the hell away from them.

You need to stand up for yourself, it's the only way, teachers don't do anything about bullying.
There can never be a school without bullying. Bullying can be through Verbal, emotional, or through actions.
Every bodies points are valid, but other than bulling there are factors at home that people may not take into account. Anyway here in Australia it's very easy to get your 'revenge' so to speek, just prove to your local police that you are being bullied at school, work, park or bar and they can receive a minimum sentence of a fine of $10,000 AUD and seven years in prison. But even with that underlying threat people still do it, but what we have found is that bullying in the work place has taken a backseat and cyberbulling and school bulling have risen. Bulling is something that can only be solved by education the more we educate the people younger than your self about the wrongs of bulling the more changes we have in not solving the problem but lessening the problem.
I dnno about all of you but when I gave that kid his first wedgy....a tear came to my eye ... and his!

*grins and spins*

I'm just kidding y'all, I'm sweet as sugar :)

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