Poetry Brutality at Its Finest


Magic Eight Ball
Humanity is all but a loss
Lethargic and pathetic, humans have come & gone to clash
Get their fingers dirty and their noses clean
All their eyes portray is green
Greedy, ruthless, cruel, atrocious humanity
Sickening, repulsive, shitty society
All filled with hate, up to its brim
Not a soul can win
Mankind fight for nothing
Terribly amusing that it's all very ludicrous
Take that cap and screw it back on the lid of your mouth
For societal norms tell you to
In the eyes of mankind, you feel worthless, small, and inadequate
Because you are worthless, small, and inadequate
Look upon the pigs, feed them their slop
It's all over the media
May prayers fall upon deaf ears
I cannot pray that this idiocy may pass

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