• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy Brightwick Academy - General Rules (CLOSED)


Captain's Minion
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Interest check: Brightwick Academy [Magic school, etc. Open]
Lore: Fantasy - Brightwick Academy (Lore)
Fantasy - Brightwick Academy [Character Sheets]

Hey everyone, so here's just some basic rules and things if you're going to be joining the Brightwick Academy RP.
  • First, I strongly suggest getting discord. I think the RP will mostly take place there.
  • Post length doesn't matter, as long as you don't write just one sentence. Your posts may be as long or as short as you want.
  • Do not write RP posts in text speak. If you're in an OOC chat, then go ahead but if you're RP'ing, please write out everything. You can still use contractions but you can't do plz, wtf, etc.
  • Don't use stars ** although on discord the use of stars changes to italics and if you're using them to show what your character is thinking, then go ahead.
  • Please be generally nice to each other. If there's an issue, contact me.
  • Don't even think about going OP. I will call you out for it.
  • You may only join the discord if you have posted a character and I've accepted you. Only then will I give you the server link.
That should be about it unless I think of something else. I'll probably get the character sheets up soon. But yeah, other than that, please have fun with this!
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