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Body Snatched! : Characters


amateur sleuth
You are currently playing as: Lalita Rowan

You're a girl of mixed race, half-Indian and half-Caucasian, who lives with her rich father in a big city house. He frequently goes abroad and leaves you alone in the house with only the servants- this means you have learnt how to spend a lot of your time outside of the house with your friends. You frequently spend time with your close group of friends, in fact. You currently have no idea where you are or what is going on. 

Other characters mentioned:

Francesca ???? 

A girl Lalita knows almost nothing about. She prefers to go by Frances.

Unknown Girl 

The room Lalita woke up in had photos of this girl stuck up on the wall. She was referred to as being Frances' friend. 

Unknown Child

A child who seemed to live/stay in the same house Lalita woke up in. Fluent in Spanish. Referred to Lalita as Frances and mentioned that they shared a mother with Frances.
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