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Realistic or Modern Forest Grove









More About This Girl...





+Horror Movies



+Judgmental people

+Drama makers




+Being Alone


+The dark


*Chewing her lower lip when nervous*

*Cracking her knuckles*

*Running her fingers through her hair*

Going to attend college to be a journalist.






+Hanging out with her friends

+Listening to music

Quebec, Canada





+Standing up for others/herself


+Story telling

+English/Language Arts






None atm.

The Past Is The Past...
Liana is a very Intelligent, goofy and kind girl. She would put anyone before herself, sacrifice. Her smartness embarrasses herself sometimes, Guess' you could say it makes her feel like more of a geek than what she already is. She has a sense of humor and if she really wanted to, could be a class clown.Her goofiness can turn into stupidity but still cause laughter from both herself and others. She comes from a family of a Mother and Father, both on her ass about her grades and schooling. They taught her right from wrong very well, maybe too well. She is very hesitant to try new, fun things and you might have to encourage her. Her school years weren't the worse, being bullied here and there for having braces or glasses...being very smart and using is socially. Her 5 best friends are the only people she feels comfortable communicating with...and that was completely fine with her.

Cred to: @Asylumnated
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Beau Vinciprova

Nicknames: Vince or Prova


  • DOB:

    1 January 1997




    Exceedingly Male




    -Vince is often caught shaking his leg when feeling tense.

    -He has a nasty habit of brooding when left alone.

    -Vince is also known to chew on a silver chain around his neck when in deep thought.

    Physical Description:

    Vince stands at 6'4" and has a bit of muscle definition from playing basketball for so long. His hair is silky brown and he mostly keeps it short. He rarely ever styles it, but somehow, it works for him. He isn't the smartest individual, but many people overlook it because of his looks; "many people" being the girls that constantly prey on him. Vince has dark brown eyes and dimples in his cheeks when he smiles, which is pretty often.

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[QUOTE="Banana Panda]


Beau Vinciprova


Vince or Prova


1 January 1997




Exceedingly Male





-Good Food



-Making people smile





-His first name

-People who mistreat Blue


-Enclosed Spaces

-Being a Failure

-Being Alone


-Vince is often caught shaking his leg when feeling tense.

-He has a nasty habit of brooding when left alone.

-Vince is also known to chew on a silver chain around his neck when in deep thought.

Personality & Background:

Vince is many things, but complicated is not one of them. Vince is usually a pretty straightforward guy who knows what he wants and goes for it; as of late, however, that ideology has been put to the test. For him, high school has come to an end and he does not know about what he wants to do with his life quite yet, whether it is to pursue a career in sports or to take after his father in the family business. Nevertheless, Vince remains a very positive person and takes his problems one step at a time. He is known by his friends to be very friendly and flirtatious, unless someone calls him by his first name. Vince is super touchy about it and has gone by “Vince” since he was a kid. In terms of his background, Vince comes from a family of 8, with his mother, father, three older sisters, and his two younger siblings, the twins. It is because of his large family that Vince is so sociable, but he sticks to his five friends because he can trust them not to judge him based on his less-than-fortunate economic situation.


Vince works part-time at his father’s car garage. Unsure about college.


-Hanging out with his friends

-Working on “Blue,” AKA, the ’70 Chevelle he’d practically resurrected



Place of Birth:

Sorrento, Italy


-Allergic to Strawberries



-Making friends

-Talking to others

-Physical fitness


-School in general

-“Roughing” it (in other words, he’s a city boy)

-Being on his own




You are most certainly accepted!!! :3
Asylumnated said:

Jackson Reid


Start Of The Path

Name: Jackson Reid

Jackie Boy, Jack, Reid

Date of Birth:
July 6th


Male (Cisgender)


Fork In The Road
Left Or Right Pathway?
Those I Met Along The Way

Accepteddddd my dear!!!!
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Looks like an interesting rp. Will join just like your preference on two characters idea of mine: Secretly terminally ill guy/girl or a trangender character or something more tame?
You played a really good ill boy last RP, ill give you that one. But, You are an amazing RPer and I think you could pull either or. Its up to you hun.

Transgender one seems more suspenseful :3
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Any of the two you guys prefer?
Aye, I'm up for either one, but seeing as there are already two votes for trans, I'll go ahead and throw my point over there too. :) Whichever one you think you'll have the most fun with, go for it!


Name: Alejandro Ortega

Nicknames: Alex

DOB: 22 November


Sex:Female still though outwardly male

Sexuality: in terms of a female homosexual


  • Dancing
  • Video games
  • Boxing
  • Red
  • Humor/pranks


  • Being mentioned as female
  • Insects
  • Taking things way to seriously
  • Mondays


  • Spiders
  • Not being accepted


Personality & Background: Christened Alejandra Ortega, Alex was born in Cuba but was raised prodominately in the US, though his family tried it's best to get him involved in Cuban culture. As cuban immigrants life was hard at first for Alex but due to luck and skill achieved the American dream, however for Alex there were different problems. He had always felt different, like something about him wasn't right and became more pronounced as she grew up. He was always a Tomboy, fending comfort dressing and acting as a man and found and intrest in other women. It soon became clear to hid that she should have been a man. However such thoughts were not accepted in a Catholic family, so kept these feelings secret to both family. His hif her discomfort and fear lack of acceptance in a quite but confident and cheeky manner with only hints to his friends of his true feeling. It was only on his 18th birthday that he started taking steps to change taking several jobs for reassignment, only earning enough for a mastectomy a couple of months before the camping trip. He missed several days at school because of it only ready to show his true self to his friends in the camping trip.

Occupation: Part time dancing instructor


  • Singing
  • Dancing

Place of Birth:Havana, Cuba

Allergies/Sicknesses: Still suffering side effects of the mastectomy.



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ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:


Name: Alejandro Ortega

Nicknames: Alex

DOB: 22 November


Sex:Female still though outwardly male

Sexuality: in terms of a female homosexual


  • Dancing
  • Video games
  • Boxing
  • Red
  • Humor/pranks


  • Being mentioned as female
  • Insects
  • Taking things way to seriously
  • Mondays


  • Spiders
  • Not being accepted


Personality & Background:


Hobbies: Singing, dancing

Place of Birth:Havana, Cuba




Accepted definitely!!

All of you guys, I thank you for your corporation. I know it's taking time for people to sign up for this RP, and i'm thankful you are being patient and working with me here!!! All of your Character Sheets are beautiful



Name: Penelope Eve Rye

Nicknames: Pepper

"I'll answer to just about anything!"

DOB: March 11, 1999

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

"Uh...let's not go into details here. I'm a girl, and I like girls and boys and everyone in-between, okay?"

Likes: flat shoes, family, large crowds, rainy days, laughing, only having to pay for children's tickets at the movies, jumping on tall friends' backs, shy people, animals, nature in all its many forms, board games, hiking, running, bike riding, photography, sweets, avoiding responsibilities, little kids

Dislikes: being seen as an adult, being alone, sad movies, tall shelves, high heels, having her morals questioned, homophobic people, labels, dating, science, talking much about her personal life

Fears: Her mother dating, religion, ending up alone

Habits: laughing at anything and everything, staring at herself in the mirror, falling in love too quickly, saying the word: totally.

Personality & Background: Pepper was born (two months premature) into a single-parent house, as her father left her mother as soon she was born. It seems many parents can't handle having a child whom is "problematic". She dodged the her possible fate, however, and just took a longer time to develop. Ever since day one, Pepper and her mother have been best friends. Penelope is a extremely outgoing person and she has never let her differences hold her back from making a name for herself. She is quite popular around school, but only her closest friends know the small details of her life. Strangers know of her dramatic conversations and flirtatious hand placements. The female is always laughing and finding the good side of things, but she also keeps her private life secret in order to do so.

Pepper's relationship with her father only exists because he wants it to, and Penelope doesn't feel its her right to deny her old man the right to see his oldest daughter. She sees him once a month, missing school sometimes to fly out to his large home in Beverly Hills, California. Her dad is married now and has "blessed" Pepper's life with three little sisters whom all have her matching blue eyes. She is seen as a free babysitter, so actual time spent with her father is rare to come by. Although this frustrates her, it's hard for Pepper not to love it at his home, which is much grander than hers. Her own residence is a rented, two-bedroom apartment full of as much character as she and her mother can force upon it with handmade art and pieces of memories.

Penelope is open about her sexuality, if one asks her, but she isn't one for relationships. Sure, she crushes on dozens of people, but, her first relationship caused her to fear the thought dating. She merely falls in love in secret and remains slutty in public. The relationship can be summed up quite quickly: Freshman year, Pepper fell hard for a girl in her class, and they were dating within weeks; however, when things got heated up quickly, Penelope was met with heartbreak. Typical high school relationship, right? Not to Pepper. She went into a spell of depression, starving herself in hopes to win back the girl's love. Luckily, her friends and mother stepped in before it got to serious, but, now, Penelope refuses to get to deeply involved. She often has "hook-ups", but she never lets them last. A lot of times, she is just a big tease; while other times, she does whatever she can to please her bed partner.

Penelope's financial situation isn't the best, but she never complains, especially when her mother is involved. The girl thinks of her mother as a saint, and she doesn't understand why other people aren't best friends with their own parent. The girl's mother hardly bats an eye when she brings people home every night, as long as she keeps her grades up and tells her the truth. Pepper's favorite trait her mother passed down to her is her height. Although, being short troubles many people, the girl adores being five feet tall; she finds the fact quite cute; plus, she always has a reason to talk to someone

"Hi! Could you reach that book for me?"


Occupation: Part time job at Starbucks, but she limits her hours enough, so she can still have free time.

Hobbies: Photography/Picture editing, Running (cross-country), Shopping online, Acting in school plays

Place of Birth: Houston, Texas

Allergies/Sicknesses: Depression controlled by antidepressants, Allergic to certain red dyes, sunburns extremely easily

Strengths: Crowds, keeping secrets, cheering people up, art in general, seducing others

Weaknesses: Being alone, tall people with gentle hearts, acting mature

Relationships: N/A (Open for ideas.)

Chexxx said:



Name: Penelope Eve Rye

Nicknames: Pepper

"I'll answer to just about anything!"

DOB: March 11, 1999

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

"Uh...let's not go into details here. I'm a girl, and I like girls and boys and everyone in-between, okay?"

Likes: flat shoes, family, large crowds, rainy days, laughing, only having to pay for children's tickets at the movies, jumping on tall friends' backs, shy people, animals, nature in all its many forms, board games, hiking, running, bike riding, photography, sweets, avoiding responsibilities, little kids

Dislikes: being seen as an adult, being alone, sad movies, tall shelves, high heels, having her morals questioned, homophobic people, labels, dating, science, talking much about her personal life

Fears: Her mother dating, religion, ending up alone

Habits: laughing at anything and everything, staring at herself in the mirror, falling in love too quickly, saying the word: totally.

Personality & Background: Pepper was born (two months premature) into a single-parent house, as her father left her mother as soon she was born. It seems many parents can't handle having a child whom is "problematic". She dodged the her possible fate, however, and just took a longer time to develop. Ever since day one, Pepper and her mother have been best friends. Penelope is a extremely outgoing person and she has never let her differences hold her back from making a name for herself. She is quite popular around school, but only her closest friends know the small details of her life. Strangers know of her dramatic conversations and flirtatious hand placements. The female is always laughing and finding the good side of things, but she also keeps her private life secret in order to do so.

Pepper's relationship with her father only exists because he wants it to, and Penelope doesn't feel its her right to deny her old man the right to see his oldest daughter. She sees him once a month, missing school sometimes to fly out to his large home in Beverly Hills, California. Her dad is married now and has "blessed" Pepper's life with three little sisters whom all have her matching blue eyes. She is seen as a free babysitter, so actual time spent with her father is rare to come by. Although this frustrates her, it's hard for Pepper not to love it at his home, which is much grander than hers. Her own residence is a rented, two-bedroom apartment full of as much character as she and her mother can force upon it with handmade art and pieces of memories.

Penelope is open about her sexuality, if one asks her, but she isn't one for relationships. Sure, she crushes on dozens of people, but, her first relationship caused her to fear the thought dating. She merely falls in love in secret and remains slutty in public. The relationship can be summed up quite quickly: Freshman year, Pepper fell hard for a girl in her class, and they were dating within weeks; however, when things got heated up quickly, Penelope was met with heartbreak. Typical high school relationship, right? Not to Pepper. She went into a spell of depression, starving herself in hopes to win back the girl's love. Luckily, her friends and mother stepped in before it got to serious, but, now, Penelope refuses to get to deeply involved. She often has "hook-ups", but she never lets them last. A lot of times, she is just a big tease; while other times, she does whatever she can to please her bed partner.

Penelope's financial situation isn't the best, but she never complains, especially when her mother is involved. The girl thinks of her mother as a saint, and she doesn't understand why other people aren't best friends with their own parent. The girl's mother hardly bats an eye when she brings people home every night, as long as she keeps her grades up and tells her the truth. Pepper's favorite trait her mother passed down to her is her height. Although, being short troubles many people, the girl adores being five feet tall; she finds the fact quite cute; plus, she always has a reason to talk to someone

"Hi! Could you reach that book for me?"


Occupation: Part time job at Starbucks, but she limits her hours enough, so she can still have free time.

Hobbies: Photography/Picture editing, Running (cross-country), Shopping online, Acting in school plays

Place of Birth: Houston, Texas

Allergies/Sicknesses: Depression controlled by antidepressants, Allergic to certain red dyes, sunburns extremely easily

Strengths: Crowds, keeping secrets, cheering people up, art in general, seducing others

Weaknesses: Being alone, tall people with gentle hearts, acting mature

Relationships: N/A (Open for ideas.)

You are accepted love! ^w^
Thank you ^-^ Excited to roleplay again; I've been taking a break since school started!
@Asylumnated What are you doing.... O.o

And thanks! @Shawna We can bold over our struggles! I started college this year, and I'm already having to drop a class....
Ros kept trudging forward and suddenly, her foot was caught in something that 'squished' and she went falling forward. Her chest collided with the stone ground and she couldn't breathe for several long moments. She gasped like a fish out of water and fought to regain her breath and finally did. Her hands reached for her phone and once she had a tight grip on it, she shone it at her foot. The rotting chest she saw was not what she had expected and she was soon shrieking, kicking the flesh from her foot along with the maggots.

She sat frozen in fear for several long moments. Her eyes were latched onto the open jawed, decomposing head of what she could only assume was Marie or Shauna. It was hard to tell. She wasn't an expert on dead bodies or anything. She was frightened to move and so she just turned slightly, flashlight coming to rest on several other bodies. What the fuck was this?


But, on the plus side, DREDDIE IS GOING TO SURVIVE *Triumphant shout*
Chexxx said:
That sounds hella interesting xD @Asylumnated
What is the roleplay about?
It's a knock-off of the game Until Dawn. We took a completely different direction and have already planned our spin-off, which will be open to new members, if anyone is interested. *isn't meaning to advertise but totally is*
@Asylumnated MY NAME IS IN THEREEEE!!!!!! but..... that rp is cool as shit and like.... Creepy. I cant even.

@Chexxx Oman! I have faith in you though, just keep swimming (Corny line buuut meh xD )
@Shawna Thanks, lol ^-^ My other message was meant to say *bond* btw, not bold. It's Japanese so I don't feel too terrible for giving up >.<

@Asylumnated Dammit! I don't know video games except Sims and Pokemon. Could I possibly look into joining anyways? I could play a character whom dies xD
Chexxx said:
@Shawna Thanks, lol ^-^ My other message was meant to say *bond* btw, not bold. It's Japanese so I don't feel too terrible for giving up >.<
@Asylumnated Dammit! I don't know video games except Sims and Pokemon. Could I possibly look into joining anyways? I could play a character whom dies xD
At the moment, Until Dawn is filled. But, when the spin-off comes around I'll be sure to let you know. It's a Detailed RP and the CS is the exact same as this one.

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